
Few words about Crown-V_i-Rus

Nov 16th, 2021
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  1. Later communist party made natural trick, what they do, integrating their scientists that are BE-ON imagination scared knowing what Soviets can and will do, and how large is their influence and power in ALL sections of world (as they not from this human world) then whit out exeption all of the other labs they go to work for, in cases they have to play with Western soft heart to get accepted, they have to keep working, will it be 20, 30 years or as their kids, kids-kids, they all will stay in similar system and mindset that WILL be controlled and organized with out issue, as fear and knowledge they have, what can be done and what is in a world, is enough to keep control,
  3. Paraphrased same  paragraph: 
  5. "Later, the communist party played a natural trick: they integrated their scientists, who were afraid of what the Soviets could and would do, and how large their influence and power are in ALL sections of the world (as they are not from this human world), then all of the other labs they go to work for, in cases where they have to play with a Western soft heart to get accepted, they must keep working."
  7. at last so much that NONE of them or their labs would talk about it ever in media, and if they or someone Do happen to mention word "communist" its usually, hidden as "AH, something to do with China" .. but in fact, it is little to do with china, it is all to do With West them self who is the actual communist internationalists, as China communists, and in fact most country communists, are organized to do their own things separate from others, in a way kind of like nationalists (who they have to imitate from Church to "Republican party" according to old Central power of soviet orders, and also according to Soviet leader Stalin own publicized words in Nationalism and Colonial Question book, where he told: at times we MUST make fake nationalist party (or infiltrate and take over, over time the present ones) for the reason ,that country humans would not be able to do their own.. and also to access their affairs more deeply 
  9. But that is just really basic and elementary information related to the time of 2020. 
  11. I would not assume them to be the only force in it, and it just might be that the Bill G of America, is as it seems, is the one who prepared for the coming war and countered it with some preparation. It is forced to have a voice about vaccines as they are also influential in the field and their words have to be taken seriously. This is also the reason the communists have initiated massive campaigns against Bill, as the source of all bad related to vaccines, but they will not tell a word about, none of the fanatics, about the ACTUAL TRUE bio weaponeers that were MADE for the worst possible reasons, and by these same institutes that produce vaccines as well. 
  13. Good people in Gov are not allowed to talk about it in main media and they would not be let as even Royal house in England was unable to get voice in their own land when they wanted to expose and stop huge under sea weapons that UK build to make huge vaves with series of explosions under sea (or something like that), all was removed ,stopped and extreme crude way some of the royal near ones tortured, and send material to royals to show "what they did": and as royals are heart humans they was expected to retreat. Besides many other things was used , was told by one of the royal humans in UK who as woman, all her teeth was also removed from mouth... besides other things they did..Cameron was one of the ones whit mafia in this time. My article from this time where i let my self marked in time, is located in https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-london-20129580
  14. (also interesting device : https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-37109169 Vaino is also considered one of the top man in Russia that only top elite knows about )
  16. The doctors' obedience to medical law has little hope of saving any morals here. 
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