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- local Library = {};
- local Camera = workspace.CurrentCamera;
- local ToScreen = Camera.WorldToViewportPoint;
- local RS = game:GetService("RunService");
- local nVector3 =;
- local nVector2 =;
- local nDrawing =;
- local nColor = Color3.fromRGB;
- local nCFrame =;
- local nCFAngles = CFrame.Angles;
- local rad = math.rad;
- local pi = math.pi;
- local round = math.round;
- local Insert = table.insert;
- local Char = string.char;
- local Random = math.random;
- local Seed = math.randomseed;
- local Time = os.time;
- local charset = {};
- for i = 48, 57 do Insert(charset, Char(i)) end;
- for i = 65, 90 do Insert(charset, Char(i)) end;
- for i = 97, 122 do Insert(charset, Char(i)) end;
- local function random_string(length)
- Seed(Time());
- if length > 0 then
- return random_string(length - 1) .. charset[Random(1, #charset)];
- else
- return "";
- end;
- end;
- local function checkCamView(pos)
- return ((pos - Camera.CFrame.Position).Unit):Dot(Camera.CFrame.LookVector) > 0;
- end
- function Library:New3DLine()
- local _line = {
- Visible = false;
- ZIndex = 1;
- Transparency = 1;
- Color = nColor(255, 255, 255);
- Thickness = 1;
- From = nVector3(0,0,0);
- To = nVector3(0,0,0);
- };
- local _defaults = _line;
- _line.line = nDrawing("Line");
- -- Update Step Function --
- function _line:Update()
- if not _line.Visible then
- _line.line.Visible = false;
- else
- _line.line.Visible = _line.Visible or _defaults.Visible;
- _line.line.ZIndex = _line.ZIndex or _defaults.ZIndex;
- _line.line.Transparency = _line.Transparency or _defaults.Transparency;
- _line.line.Color = _line.Color or _defaults.Color;
- _line.line.Thickness = _line.Thickness or _defaults.Thickness;
- local _from, v1 = ToScreen(Camera, _line.From);
- local _to, v2 = ToScreen(Camera, _line.To);
- if (v1 and v2) or (checkCamView(_line.From) and checkCamView(_line.To)) then
- _line.line.From = nVector2(_from.x, _from.y);
- _line.line.To = nVector2(_to.x, _to.y);
- else
- _line.line.Visible = false;
- end;
- end
- end;
- --------------------------
- local step_Id = "3D_Line"..random_string(10);
- RS:BindToRenderStep(step_Id, 1, _line.Update);
- -- Remove Line --
- function _line:Remove()
- RS:UnbindFromRenderStep(step_Id);
- self.line:Remove();
- end;
- -----------------
- return _line;
- end;
- function Library:New3DCube()
- local _cube = {
- Visible = false;
- ZIndex = 1;
- Transparency = 1;
- Color = nColor(255, 255, 255);
- Thickness = 1;
- Filled = true;
- Position = nVector3(0,0,0);
- Size = nVector3(0,0,0);
- Rotation = nVector3(0,0,0);
- };
- local _defaults = _cube;
- for f = 1, 6 do
- _cube["face"..tostring(f)] = nDrawing("Quad");
- end;
- -- Update Step Function --
- function _cube:Update()
- if not _cube.Visible then
- for f = 1, 6 do
- _cube["face"..tostring(f)].Visible = false;
- end;
- else
- for f = 1, 6 do
- f = "face"..tostring(f)
- _cube[f].Visible = _cube.Visible or _defaults.Visible;
- _cube[f].ZIndex = _cube.ZIndex or _defaults.ZIndex;
- _cube[f].Transparency = _cube.Transparency or _defaults.Transparency;
- _cube[f].Color = _cube.Color or _defaults.Color;
- _cube[f].Thickness = _cube.Thickness or _defaults.Thickness;
- _cube[f].Filled = _cube.Filled or _defaults.Filled;
- end;
- local rot = _cube.Rotation or _defaults.Rotation;
- local pos = _cube.Position or _defaults.Position;
- local _rotCFrame = nCFrame(pos) * nCFAngles(rad(rot.X), rad(rot.Y), rad(rot.Z));
- local _size = _cube.Size or _defaults.Size;
- local _points = {
- [1] = (_rotCFrame * nCFrame(_size.X, _size.Y, _size.Z)).p;
- [2] = (_rotCFrame * nCFrame(_size.X, _size.Y, -_size.Z)).p;
- [3] = (_rotCFrame * nCFrame(_size.X, -_size.Y, _size.Z)).p;
- [4] = (_rotCFrame * nCFrame(_size.X, -_size.Y, -_size.Z)).p;
- [5] = (_rotCFrame * nCFrame(-_size.X, _size.Y, _size.Z)).p;
- [6] = (_rotCFrame * nCFrame(-_size.X, _size.Y, -_size.Z)).p;
- [7] = (_rotCFrame * nCFrame(-_size.X, -_size.Y, _size.Z)).p;
- [8] = (_rotCFrame * nCFrame(-_size.X, -_size.Y, -_size.Z)).p;
- };
- local _vis = true;
- for p = 1, #_points do
- local _p, v = ToScreen(Camera, _points[p]);
- local _stored = _points[p];
- _points[p] = nVector2(_p.x, _p.y);
- if not v and not checkCamView(_stored) then
- _vis = false;
- break;
- end;
- end;
- if _vis then
- _cube.face1.PointA = _points[1]; -- Side
- _cube.face1.PointB = _points[2];
- _cube.face1.PointC = _points[4];
- _cube.face1.PointD = _points[3];
- _cube.face2.PointA = _points[5]; -- Side
- _cube.face2.PointB = _points[6];
- _cube.face2.PointC = _points[8];
- _cube.face2.PointD = _points[7];
- _cube.face3.PointA = _points[1]; -- Side
- _cube.face3.PointB = _points[5];
- _cube.face3.PointC = _points[7];
- _cube.face3.PointD = _points[3];
- _cube.face4.PointA = _points[2]; -- Side
- _cube.face4.PointB = _points[4];
- _cube.face4.PointC = _points[8];
- _cube.face4.PointD = _points[6];
- _cube.face5.PointA = _points[1]; -- Top
- _cube.face5.PointB = _points[2];
- _cube.face5.PointC = _points[6];
- _cube.face5.PointD = _points[5];
- _cube.face6.PointA = _points[3]; -- Bottom
- _cube.face6.PointB = _points[4];
- _cube.face6.PointC = _points[8];
- _cube.face6.PointD = _points[7];
- else
- for f = 1, 6 do
- _cube["face"..tostring(f)].Visible = false;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- --------------------------
- local step_Id = "3D_Cube"..random_string(10);
- RS:BindToRenderStep(step_Id, 1, _cube.Update);
- -- Remove Cube --
- function _cube:Remove()
- RS:UnbindFromRenderStep(step_Id);
- for f = 1, 6 do
- self["face"..tostring(f)]:Remove();
- end;
- end;
- -----------------
- return _cube;
- end;
- function Library:New3DSquare()
- local _square = {
- Visible = false;
- ZIndex = 1;
- Transparency = 1;
- Color = nColor(255, 255, 255);
- Thickness = 1;
- Filled = true;
- Position = nVector3(0,0,0);
- Size = nVector2(0,0);
- Rotation = nVector3(0,0,0);
- }
- local _defaults = _square;
- _square.square = nDrawing("Quad");
- -- Update Step Function --
- function _square:Update()
- if not _square.Visible then
- _square.square.Visible = false;
- else
- _square.square.Visible = _square.Visible or _defaults.Visible;
- _square.square.ZIndex = _square.ZIndex or _defaults.ZIndex;
- _square.square.Transparency = _square.Transparency or _defaults.Transparency;
- _square.square.Color = _square.Color or _defaults.Color;
- _square.square.Thickness = _square.Thickness or _defaults.Thickness;
- _square.square.Filled = _square.Filled or _defaults.Filled;
- local rot = _square.Rotation or _defaults.Rotation;
- local pos = _square.Position or _defaults.Position;
- local _rotCFrame = nCFrame(pos) * nCFAngles(rad(rot.X), rad(rot.Y), rad(rot.Z));
- local _size = _square.Size or _defaults.Size;
- local _points = {
- [1] = (_rotCFrame * nCFrame(_size.X, 0, _size.Y)).p;
- [2] = (_rotCFrame * nCFrame(_size.X, 0, -_size.Y)).p;
- [3] = (_rotCFrame * nCFrame(-_size.X, 0, _size.Y)).p;
- [4] = (_rotCFrame * nCFrame(-_size.X, 0, -_size.Y)).p;
- };
- local _vis = true;
- for p = 1, #_points do
- local _p, v = ToScreen(Camera, _points[p]);
- local _stored = _points[p];
- _points[p] = nVector2(_p.x, _p.y);
- if not v and not checkCamView(_stored) then
- _vis = false;
- break;
- end;
- end;
- if _vis then
- _square.square.PointA = _points[1];
- _square.square.PointB = _points[2];
- _square.square.PointC = _points[4];
- _square.square.PointD = _points[3];
- else
- _square.square.Visible = false;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- --------------------------
- local step_Id = "3D_Square"..random_string(10);
- RS:BindToRenderStep(step_Id, 1, _square.Update);
- -- Remove Square --
- function _square:Remove()
- RS:UnbindFromRenderStep(step_Id);
- _square.square:Remove();
- end;
- -----------------
- return _square;
- end;
- function Library:New3DCircle()
- local _circle = {
- Visible = false;
- ZIndex = 1;
- Transparency = 1;
- Color = nColor(255, 255, 255);
- Thickness = 1;
- Position = nVector3(0,0,0);
- Radius = 10;
- Rotation = nVector2(0,0);
- };
- local _defaults = _circle;
- local _lines = {};
- local function makeNewLines(r)
- for l = 1, #_lines do
- _lines[l]:Remove();
- end;
- _lines = {};
- for l = 1, 1.5*r*pi do
- _lines[l] = nDrawing("Line");
- end;
- end;
- -- Update Step Function --
- local previousR = _circle.Radius or _defaults.Radius;
- makeNewLines(previousR);
- function _circle:Update()
- local rot = _circle.Rotation or _defaults.Rotation;
- local pos = _circle.Position or _defaults.Position;
- local _rotCFrame = nCFrame(pos) * nCFAngles(rad(rot.X), 0, rad(rot.Y));
- local _radius = _circle.Radius or _defaults.Radius;
- if previousR ~= _radius then makeNewLines(_radius) end;
- local _increm = 360/#_lines;
- if not _circle.Visible then
- for ln = 1, #_lines do
- _lines[ln].Visible = false;
- end;
- else
- for l = 1, #_lines do
- if _lines[l] and rawget(_lines[l], "__OBJECT_EXISTS") then
- _lines[l].Visible = _circle.Visible or _defaults.Visible;
- _lines[l].ZIndex = _circle.ZIndex or _defaults.ZIndex;
- _lines[l].Transparency = _circle.Transparency or _defaults.Transparency;
- _lines[l].Color = _circle.Color or _defaults.Color;
- _lines[l].Thickness = _circle.Thickness or _defaults.Thickness;
- local p1 = (_rotCFrame * nCFrame(0, 0, -_radius)).p;
- local _previousPosition, v1 = ToScreen(Camera, p1);
- _rotCFrame = _rotCFrame * nCFAngles(0, rad(_increm), 0);
- local p2 = (_rotCFrame * nCFrame(0, 0, -_radius)).p;
- local _nextPosition, v2 = ToScreen(Camera, p2);
- if (v1 and v2) or (checkCamView(p1) and checkCamView(p2)) then
- _lines[l].From = nVector2(_previousPosition.x, _previousPosition.y);
- _lines[l].To = nVector2(_nextPosition.x, _nextPosition.y);
- else
- _lines[l].Visible = false;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- previousR = _circle.Radius or _defaults.Radius;
- end;
- --------------------------
- local step_Id = "3D_Circle"..random_string(10);
- RS:BindToRenderStep(step_Id, 1, _circle.Update);
- -- Remove Circle --
- function _circle:Remove()
- RS:UnbindFromRenderStep(step_Id)
- for ln = 1, #_lines do
- _lines[ln]:Remove();
- end;
- end;
- -----------------
- return _circle;
- end;
- return Library;
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