
22 Modules about Hacking

Jan 10th, 2022
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  1. ## 22 modules about Aadvanced Ethical Hacker ##
  2. #################################
  3. ➢ 01 Networking
  4. ➢ 02 *NIX Basics
  5. ➢ 03 Programming for Hacking
  6. ➢ 04 Information Gathering
  7. ➢ 05 Scanning
  8. ➢ 06 Password Hacking
  9. ➢ 07 WebSite Hacking
  10. ➢ 08 Wireless
  11. ➢ 09 SDR Hacking
  12. ➢ 10 Exploitation
  13. ➢ 11 Windows Hacking
  14. ➢ 12 MacOS Hacking
  15. ➢ 13 Linux Hacking
  16. ➢ 14 Android Hacking
  17. ➢ 15 IOS Hacking
  18. ➢ 16 Advanced Phishing
  19. ➢ 17 IoT Hacking
  20. ➢ 18 ICS Hacking
  21. ➢ 19 Mobile Network Hacking
  22. ➢ 20 Hardware Hacking
  23. ➢ 21 Car Hacking
  24. ➢ 22 Artificial Intelligence for Hacking
  25. #################################
  26. # 01 Networking #
  27. # Learn networking is essential for everyone who want to become a professional hacker!
  28. ➢ Network Basics
  29. ➢ IPv4
  30. ➢ IPv6
  31. ➢ OSI vs TCP Models
  32. ➢ UDP
  33. ➢ SCTP
  34. ➢ FTP
  35. ➢ SSH
  36. ➢ HTTP
  37. ➢ ISP (Internet Service Provider)
  38. ➢ Routers
  39. ➢ Switchs
  40. ➢ VLAN's
  41. ➢ Cisco
  42. ➢ Ubiquiti
  43. ➢ Mikrotik
  44. #################################
  45. # 02 *NIX Basics #
  46. # You need to know how the operating system works to hack it… more than 80% of the entire internet is Linux and if you don’t know about it… sorry you are not a hacker!
  47. ➢ Linux Structure
  48. ➢ Linux users
  49. ➢ Linux groups
  50. ➢ Linux permissions
  51. ➢ Linux passwords
  52. ➢ Shell
  53. ➢ Limited shell
  54. ➢ Basic commands
  55. ➢ Shell Scripting
  56. ➢ Important files
  57. #################################
  58. # 03 Programming for Hacking #
  59. # Know how to code in the major languages is a thing that a professional need to know, don't trust in anyone who says the opposite!
  60. ➢ C
  61. ➢ C++
  62. ➢ Python
  63. ➢ Go
  64. ➢ Ruby
  65. ➢ PHP
  66. ➢ Java
  67. ➢ Kotlin
  68. ➢ Perl
  69. ➢ JavaScript
  70. #################################
  71. # 04 Information Gathering #
  72. # Information Gathering is the first and one of the most important phase in the Penetration Testing, you need be a expert in this phase to get better options to conclude your hack!
  73. ➢ OSINT
  74. ➢ Passive Information Gathering
  75. ➢ Whois
  76. ➢ DNS Recon
  77. ➢ Subdomain enumeration
  78. ➢ Theharvester
  79. ➢ Shodan
  80. ➢ Active Information Gathering
  81. ➢ DNS brute force
  82. ➢ Subdomain bruteforce
  83. ➢ Amass
  84. ➢ ReconDOG
  85. ➢ Raccoon
  86. ➢ X-RAY
  87. #################################
  88. # 05 Scanning #
  89. # Scanning allow us discover daemons and services running in the targets machines. Is a crucial phase to perform a good test.
  90. ➢ Passive Scanning
  91. ➢ Shodan scan
  92. ➢ Syn Stealth scan
  93. ➢ Nmap evasion
  94. ➢ 0trace
  95. ➢ Smtp scan
  96. ➢ Snmp scan
  97. ➢ Ssh Scan
  98. ➢ Active Scan
  99. ➢ Nmap TCP scan
  100. ➢ Nmap UDP Scan
  101. ➢ Nmap NSE (Nmap Script Engine)
  102. ➢ Masscan for big network
  103. ➢ NBTScan
  104. #################################
  105. # 06 Password Hacking #
  106. # Learn how to break passwords and bypass authentication methods using mixed attacks.
  107. ➢ Crunch / Wordlists
  108. ➢ Rainbow Tables
  109. ➢ Authentication Protocols
  110. ➢ How to avoid brute force protections
  111. ➢ How to bypass 2fa
  112. #################################
  113. # 07 Web Site Hacking #
  114. # In this module you will learn more about Web Site Hacking the most good paid type of test and one of the best to hijack a company
  115. ➢ Information Disclosure
  116. ➢ Insecure Admin Access
  117. ➢ Directory Listing
  118. ➢ Directory Traversal
  119. ➢ Abuse Of Functionality
  120. ➢ Arbitrary File Creation
  121. ➢ File Inclusion
  122. ➢ Unauthenticated File Upload
  123. ➢ Authentication Bypass
  124. ➢ Default Credentials
  125. ➢ Dev Files
  126. ➢ Http Parameter Pollution
  127. ➢ Http Response Splitting
  128. ➢ CSRF
  129. ➢ SSRF
  130. ➢ XFS
  131. ➢ XSS
  132. ➢ XXE
  133. ➢ Xpath Injection
  134. ➢ Crlf Injection
  135. ➢ Ldap Injection
  136. ➢ Sql Injection
  137. ➢ Code Execution
  138. ➢ Configuration
  139. ➢ Error Handling
  140. ➢ Session Fixation
  141. ➢ Source Code Disclosure
  142. ➢ Url Redirection
  143. ➢ W3 Total Cache
  144. ➢ Weak Credentials
  145. #################################
  146. # 08 Wireless Hacking #
  147. # Learn how to Hacking Wireless technologies, nowadays wireless things are in everywhere and we can use this to improve our success rates!
  148. ➢ Enable monitor mode on non-native devices
  149. ➢ Create EVIL-TWIN AP
  150. ➢ Hack WEP
  151. ➢ Hack WPA2
  152. ➢ Hack WPA3
  153. ➢ Hack WPA Enterprise Edition (All versions)
  154. ➢ Hack routers users
  155. ➢ BlueZ Bluetooth Stack Hacking
  156. #################################
  157. # 09 SDR Hacking #
  158. # SDR (Software Defined Radio) is pretty good when used by a professional, with SDR we can make a lot of connections type and we can hack practically everything who use Radio signals.
  159. ➢ How to setup Kernel Drivers
  160. ➢ Cables
  161. ➢ SDR Basic
  162. ➢ HackRF
  163. #################################
  164. # 10 Exploitation #
  165. # Exploitation is more than just run metasploit, pro hackers don't use metasploit, in this module you will learn how to make exploits by hands using your own tools!
  166. ➢ Assembly x86
  167. ➢ Assembly x86_64
  168. ➢ Assembly ARM
  169. ➢ Assembly MIPS
  170. ➢ Shellcoding
  171. ➢ Buffer Overflow
  172. ➢ Format String Bugs
  173. ➢ Fuzzing
  174. #################################
  175. # 11 Windows Hacking #
  176. # Learn how to hack Windows motherfucker machines by many ways, dumbs use Windows and 90% of people in the earth are dumb so we need know how to hack this!
  177. ➢ Bypass windows security systems
  178. ➢ How to exploit SMB
  179. ➢ How to make 100% undetectable malwares
  180. ➢ Write malicious patchs
  181. ➢ Hack via Windows OTA like
  182. ➢ Bypass Windows defender
  183. ➢ Break Windows firewall
  184. ➢ Elevate privileges
  185. #################################
  186. # 12 MacOS Hacking #
  187. # MacOS is the operating system used by dumbs who think they are smart, many business guy use it so is useful know how to hack it!
  188. ➢ Exploit MacOS Updates
  189. ➢ Exploit Safari
  190. ➢ Bypass MacOS encryption
  191. ➢ Write malwares for MacOS
  192. ➢ Hook functions in MacOS Kernel
  193. ➢ Pivoting
  194. ➢ Privilege Escalation
  195. #################################
  196. # 13 Linux Hacking #
  197. # Nowadays everything is Linux, if you know how to hack Linux machines you are able to hack anything like: Servers, Routers, Desktop, Mobile...
  198. ➢ Bypass Firewalls
  199. ➢ Bypass IDS
  200. ➢ Bypass IPS
  201. ➢ Try break distro packages repository
  202. ➢ Write malwares for Linux
  203. ➢ Privilege Escalation
  204. ➢ Pivoting
  205. #################################
  206. # 14 Android Hacking #
  207. # Android is the most used Operating System on smartphones, is extremely essential to us know how to hack Android devices!
  208. ➢ How to exploit Android WebView
  209. ➢ Hijack users applications
  210. ➢ Exploit Apps API
  211. ➢ Build Android malwares
  212. ➢ RAT on Android
  213. ➢ Bypass Android permissions!
  214. #################################
  215. # 15 IOS Hacking #
  216. # IOS is the Apple Operating System for they smartphones, dumbs think that Iphone is secure but this is a big mistake!
  217. ➢ Hack IOS by SWIFT
  218. ➢ Write malwares for IOS
  219. ➢ Remote control IOS devices
  220. ➢ The same things who work for MacOS Hacking work for IOS tool
  221. #################################
  222. # 16 Advanced Phishing #
  223. # In this module you will learn the next level of phishing campaigns, many dumbs on youtube think that shellphish and hiddeneye is "advanced" phishing tool... come on... only others dumbs will caught in this!
  224. ➢ Create and manage phishing campaign in Gophish
  225. ➢ Bypass 2FA using EvilGINX2
  226. ➢ How to make EvilGINX2 phishlet
  227. ➢ Advanced reverse proxy to hack HTTPS and 2FA using modlishka
  228. ➢ Write modlishka configuration files
  229. #################################
  230. # 17 IoT Hacking #
  231. # IoT (Internet of Things) grow up every single day with more "smart" devices in the market, cultures like "maker" culture create a false perspective of the IoT, we are downgrading our security every day, nowadays a lot of homes are 100% automated by IoT... so, know how to hack it is more than a need!
  232. ➢ Determine the device
  233. ➢ Hack IoT protocols
  234. ➢ Exploit IoT credentials
  235. ➢ Find vulnerabilities in devices
  236. ➢ Hijack connections
  237. #################################
  238. # 18 ICS Hacking #
  239. # ICS (Industrial Control System) Hacking is a topic less widespread in the Penetration Testing but is so important to Advanced Hackers, ICS are in everywhere, if you can hack industrial machines you can hack anything, this is the last door to open!
  240. ➢ Find PLC devices
  241. ➢ Exploit PLC flows
  242. ➢ Hack LLC
  243. ➢ Hack TCP/IP S7comm
  244. ➢ Hack by modbus
  245. ➢ Exploit SIXNET RTU's
  246. ➢ Hijack PLC sessions
  247. ➢ Lateral write
  248. #################################
  249. # 19 Mobile Network Hacking #
  250. # Mobile network technologies is essential in our world nowadays, mobile networks are pretty hard to hack but when you do that, you get a big power in your hands. In this module we will learn about mobile network Penetration Testing.
  251. ➢ Build a femtocell
  252. ➢ Hack 3G from Android
  253. ➢ Hack 4G LTE from Android
  254. ➢ Bypass HSS/HLR
  255. ➢ Build a NodeB
  256. ➢ Build a E-NodeB
  257. ➢ Setup your own Cell Phone Operator
  258. ➢ Free CALLS
  259. ➢ Free SMS
  260. ➢ Free Internet
  261. ➢ Intercept calls
  262. ➢ Clone cellphone ID
  263. ➢ Clone / Bypass cellphone number
  264. #################################
  265. # 20 Hardware Hacking #
  266. # In this module you will learn how to build your own hardware tools and how to hack non-managed devices to improve features or bypass something.
  267. ➢ Analog eletronic
  268. ➢ Digital eletronic
  269. ➢ Protocol for hardware communication
  270. ➢ EPROM Hacking
  271. ➢ EEPROM Hacking
  272. #################################
  273. # 21 Car BMW & Tesla Hacking #
  274. # Learn how to hack Cars with advanced techniques and cracking the best auto technologies.
  275. ➢ Hardwares for hacking Car's
  276. ➢ Cables
  277. ➢ BUS Protocols
  278. ➢ OBD-II Hacking
  279. ➢ CAN Hacking
  280. ➢ ECU Hacking
  281. ➢ Hacking Car by Bluetooth (BlueZ STACK)
  282. #################################
  283. # 22 Artificial Intelligence for Hacking #
  284. # In Ethical Hacking Artificial Intelligence systems are used by professionals to work together with your skills and perform ways to hack that a human can't do very well. In this module you will learn about AI for Penetration Testing.:
  285. ➢ Supervised Learning
  286. ➢ Unsupervised Learning
  287. ➢ AI controller from C
  288. ➢ AI controller from Python
  289. ➢ Classification of data
  290. ➢ Attack result learning
  291. ➢ Attack result classification
  292. ➢ Action by data
  293. #################################
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