

Dec 27th, 2024
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  1. add_parser: BINANCE_FUTURES
  2. add_parser: BITMART_SPOT
  3. add_parser: MEXC_SPOT
  4. /home/ubuntu/keys/bitmart_spot/test_1.account
  5. /home/ubuntu/keys/mexc_spot/test_1.account
  6. shared_parser: BITMART_SPOT
  8. has: BITMART_SPOT
  9. has: MEXC_SPOT
  10. [New Thread 0x7fffe6200640 (LWP 2893961)]
  11. run forever balance 0x55555567d870
  12. {"type": "SPOT", "maker_commission": 0, "taker_commission": 0, "balances": [{"asset": "ZIK", "free": 400, "locked": 0, "update_time": 0}, {"asset": "LAI", "free": 5585, "locked": 0, "update_time": 0}, {"asset": "USDT", "free": 75.4058, "locked": 0, "update_time": 0}, {"asset": "BTC", "free": 5e-05, "locked": 0, "update_time": 0}, {"asset": "ALGO", "free": 0.000221, "locked": 0, "update_time": 0}]}
  13. [New Thread 0x7fffe5e00640 (LWP 2893979)]
  14. get balance indicator 0x55555567d998
  15. shared_parser: MEXC_SPOT
  17. has: BITMART_SPOT
  18. has: MEXC_SPOT
  19. {"type": "SPOT", "maker_commission": 0, "taker_commission": 0, "balances": [{"asset": "ZIK", "free": 400, "locked": 0, "update_time": 0}, {"asset": "LAI", "free": 5585, "locked": 0, "update_time": 0}, {"asset": "USDT", "free": 75.4058, "locked": 0, "update_time": 0}, {"asset": "BTC", "free": 5e-05, "locked": 0, "update_time": 0}, {"asset": "ALGO", "free": 0.000221, "locked": 0, "update_time": 0}]}
  20. {"asset": "ZIK", "free": 400, "locked": 0, "update_time": 0}
  21. {"asset": "LAI", "free": 5585, "locked": 0, "update_time": 0}
  22. {"asset": "USDT", "free": 75.4058, "locked": 0, "update_time": 0}
  23. {"asset": "BTC", "free": 5e-05, "locked": 0, "update_time": 0}
  24. {"asset": "ALGO", "free": 0.000221, "locked": 0, "update_time": 0}
  25. run forever balance 0x55555573bcb0
  26. {"type": "SPOT", "maker_commission": 0, "taker_commission": 0, "balances": [{"asset": "PNK", "free": 0.02, "locked": 0, "update_time": 0}, {"asset": "ORDITT", "free": 288.29, "locked": 0, "update_time": 0}, {"asset": "LAI", "free": 7061.78, "locked": 0, "update_time": 0}, {"asset": "MCC", "free": 54153.6, "locked": 0, "update_time": 0}, {"asset": "LOTT", "free": 15681, "locked": 0, "update_time": 0}, {"asset": "ABDS", "free": 110, "locked": 0, "update_time": 0}, {"asset": "USDT", "free": 22.5976, "locked": 0, "update_time": 0}]}
  27. [New Thread 0x7fffe5400640 (LWP 2893980)]
  28. Initializing orderbook
  29. {"type": "SPOT", "maker_commission": 0, "taker_commission": 0, "balances": [{"asset": "PNK", "free": 0.02, "locked": 0, "update_time": 0}, {"asset": "ORDITT", "free": 288.29, "locked": 0, "update_time": 0}, {"asset": "LAI", "free": 7061.78, "locked": 0, "update_time": 0}, {"asset": "MCC", "free": 54153.6, "locked": 0, "update_time": 0}, {"asset": "LOTT", "free": 15681, "locked": 0, "update_time": 0}, {"asset": "ABDS", "free": 110, "locked": 0, "update_time": 0}, {"asset": "USDT", "free": 22.5976, "locked": 0, "update_time": 0}]}
  30. {"asset": "PNK", "free": 0.02, "locked": 0, "update_time": 0}
  31. {"asset": "ORDITT", "free": 288.29, "locked": 0, "update_time": 0}
  32. {"asset": "LAI", "free": 7061.78, "locked": 0, "update_time": 0}
  33. {"asset": "MCC", "free": 54153.6, "locked": 0, "update_time": 0}
  34. {"asset": "LOTT", "free": 15681, "locked": 0, "update_time": 0}
  35. {"asset": "ABDS", "free": 110, "locked": 0, "update_time": 0}
  36. {"asset": "USDT", "free": 22.5976, "locked": 0, "update_time": 0}
  37. [New Thread 0x7fffe4a00640 (LWP 2893981)]
  38. Initializing orderbook
  39. [New Thread 0x7fffdbe00640 (LWP 2893982)]
  40. {"symbol": "LAIUSDT", "market": "MEXC_SPOT", "account": "TEST_1"}
  41. {"symbol": "LAI_USDT", "market": "BITMART_SPOT", "account": "TEST_1"}
  42. {"name": "VANILLA", "separate": "0", "labels": ["50"], "symbols": [{"account": "TEST_1", "market": "MEXC_SPOT", "symbol": "LAIUSDT"}, {"account": "TEST_1", "market": "BITMART_SPOT", "symbol": "LAI_USDT"}]}
  43. [New Thread 0x7fffdb400640 (LWP 2893983)]
  44. [New Thread 0x7fffdaa00640 (LWP 2893984)]
  45. [New Thread 0x7fffda000640 (LWP 2893985)]
  46. [New Thread 0x7fffd9c00640 (LWP 2893986)]
  47. get balance indicator 0x55555573bdd8
  48. subscription_public: {"args": ["spot/depth50:LAI_USDT", "spot/depth50:LAI_USDT"], "op": "subscribe"}
  49. subscription_private: {"op": "subscribe", "args": ["spot/user/balance:BALANCE_UPDATE", "spot/user/order:LAI_USDT"]}
  50. {"ok": "1"}
  51. PrivateReconnect: {"ok": "1"}
  52. PublicReconnect: {"ok": "1"}
  53. NO STREAM: {"event": "subscribe", "topic": "spot/depth50:LAI_USDT"}
  54. NO STREAM: {"event": "subscribe", "errorCode": "90008", "topic": "spot/depth50:LAI_USDT", "errorMessage": "Duplicate subscription"}
  55. NO STREAM: {"event": "login"}
  56. NO STREAM: {"event": "subscribe", "topic": "spot/user/balance:BALANCE_UPDATE"}
  57. NO STREAM: {"event": "subscribe", "topic": "spot/user/order:LAI_USDT"}
  58. [ 2024-12-27-17-27-08 ] MESSAGE: sell exchange: MEXC_SPOT
  59. buy exchange: BITMART_SPOT
  60. arbitrage: first_exch_bests.bid_price > second_exch_bests.ask_price
  61. [ 2024-12-27-17-27-08 ] DEBUG buy book: {"ask_price": 0.012632, "ask_quantity": 912, "bid_price": 0.012306, "bid_quantity": 121322, "update_time": 1735320425732000}
  62. [ 2024-12-27-17-27-08 ] DEBUG sell book: {"ask_price": 0.012536, "ask_quantity": 5660.6, "bid_price": 0.012503, "bid_quantity": 6596, "update_time": 1735320425569}
  63. [ 2024-12-27-17-27-08 ] MESSAGE: arbitrage quantity = 395.820139
  64. [ 2024-12-27-17-27-08 ] INFO validate_balances_and_quantity -> buy exchange: BITMART_SPOT: {"asset": "USDT", "free": 75.4058, "locked": 0, "update_time": 0}
  65. [ 2024-12-27-17-27-08 ] INFO validate_balances_and_quantity -> sell exchange: MEXC_SPOT: {"asset": "LAI", "free": 7061.78, "locked": 0, "update_time": 0}
  66. [ 2024-12-27-17-27-08 ] INFO arbitrage res: OrderEvent: symbol="LAI_USDT", type="LIMIT_GRID", asks: [], bids: [(0.012632, 395.82); ]
  67. [ 2024-12-27-17-27-08 ] INFO arbitrage res: OrderEvent: symbol="LAIUSDT", type="LIMIT_GRID", asks: [(0.012503, 395.82); ], bids: []
  68. [ 2024-12-27-17-27-08 ] INFO execution order event process: OrderEvent: symbol="LAI_USDT", type="LIMIT_GRID", asks: [], bids: [(0.012632, 395.82); ]
  69. [ 2024-12-27-17-27-08 ] DEBUG bid in _process_limit_grid: 0.012632
  70. [ 2024-12-27-17-27-08 ] DEBUG bid in _process_limit_grid: 395.82
  71. [ 2024-12-27-17-27-08 ] DEBUG @#*&* price: 12632
  72. [ 2024-12-27-17-27-08 ] DEBUG @#*&* quantity: -3958
  73. [New Thread 0x7fffd9800640 (LWP 2894013)]
  74. [ 2024-12-27-17-27-08 ] DEBUG csize: 0
  75. [ 2024-12-27-17-27-08 ] INFO execution order event process: OrderEvent: symbol="LAIUSDT", type="LIMIT_GRID", asks: [(0.012503, 395.82); ], bids: []
  76. [ 2024-12-27-17-27-08 ] DEBUG ask in _process_limit_grid: 0.012503
  77. [ 2024-12-27-17-27-08 ] DEBUG ask in _process_limit_grid: 395.82
  78. [ 2024-12-27-17-27-08 ] DEBUG @#*&* price: 12503
  79. [ 2024-12-27-17-27-08 ] DEBUG @#*&* quantity: 39582
  80. [New Thread 0x7fffd8e00640 (LWP 2894014)]
  81. [ 2024-12-27-17-27-08 ] DEBUG csize: 0
  82. $ tlm_LAI
  83. [ 2024-12-27-17-27-08 ] INFO : WebSocketEvent: , event_time=1735320428878", type="ACCOUNT_ORDER", event: {"stream": ACCOUNT_ORDER, "event_time": 0, "order": {"symbol": "LAIUSDT", "coid": 283210297136230, "order_id": "", "type": "LIMIT", "side": "SELL", "status": "FILLED", "price": 0.012503, "quantity": 395.82, "filled_quantity": 395.82, "update_time": 0}}
  84. [ 2024-12-27-17-27-08 ] INFO : WebSocketEvent: , event_time=1735320428899", type="ACCOUNT_TRADE", event: {"stream": ACCOUNT_TRADE, "event_time": 0, "is_maker": false, "is_self_trade": false, "client_order_id": 283210297136230, "commission": {"asset": "USDT", "fee": 0.00247506}, "trade": {"symbol": "LAIUSDT", "price": 0.012506, "quantity": 395.82, "trade_side": SELL, "trade_time": 1735320428876}}
  85. $ tlm_USDT
  86. {"trace": "fcdac853a8bf462c9878b8c575570ca6.67.17353204288586869", "data": {}, "code": "51011", "message": "param not match : size * price >=5"}
  87. [Thread 0x7fffd9800640 (LWP 2894013) exited]
  88. [Thread 0x7fffd8e00640 (LWP 2894014) exited]
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