
streamer announcer

Jun 24th, 2018
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  1. command /streamer [<Message>] [<link>]
  2. permission: streamer.announce
  3. trigger:
  4. if arg-1 is not set
  5. send "/streamer (Message) (link)"
  6. stop
  7. if arg-2 is not set
  8. send "/streamer (Message) (link)"
  9. stop
  10. if arg-1 is set
  11. if arg-2 is set
  12. make console execute command "/tellraw @p ["",{"text":"%arg-1%","color":"dark_blue","bold":true,"clickEvent":{"action":"run_command","value":""}},{"text":"Click Here To Join Stream!","color":"dark_green","bold":true,"clickEvent":{"action":"open_url","value":"%arg-2%"}}]"
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