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- --//Datastore
- local DataStoreService = game:GetService("DataStoreService")
- local dataStore = DataStoreService:GetDataStore("stats")
- --//Tools
- local rs = game.ReplicatedStorage
- local tools = rs:WaitForChild("Tools")
- local swordtool = tools:WaitForChild("ClassicSword")
- local flashlighttool = tools:WaitForChild("FlashLight")
- local keycardtool = tools:WaitForChild("SCP Card Level 4")
- --//save data
- local function saveData(player) --Function that saves data
- local tableToSave = { --Creates a table to save values
- player.leaderstats.Cash.Value;
- player.Tools["Classic Sword"].Value;
- player.Tools["Flash Light"].Value;
- player.Tools["Keycard"].Value;
- }
- local success, errorMessage = pcall(dataStore.SetAsync, dataStore, player.UserId, tableToSave) --SetAsync saves the data
- if success then
- print("Data has been saved")
- else
- print("Data has not been saved!")
- end
- end
- --//leaderstats
- game.Players.PlayerAdded:Connect(function(player) --When player joins the game
- player.CharacterAdded:Wait()
- local leaderstats ="Folder", player) --Creates new folder and puts it under the player
- leaderstats.Name = "leaderstats" --Names the folder "leaderstats"
- local cash ="IntValue", leaderstats) --Creates new Intvalue and puts it under the leaderstats folder
- cash.Name = "Cash" --Names the IntValue "Cash" <- You can change Cash to any currency you like
- cash.Value = 1600 --Gives the player 100 starting "Cash"
- local toolfolder ="Folder", player) --Creates new folder for tools, puts it under the player
- toolfolder.Name = "Tools"
- local sword ="BoolValue", toolfolder) --Creates new Bookvalue and puts it under the toolfolder
- sword.Name = "Classic Sword" --Names the boolvalue (Make sure this is the same as your table in ToolHandler)
- sword.Value = false --Sets Boolvalue to be false
- local flashlight ="BoolValue", toolfolder)
- flashlight.Name = "Flash Light"
- flashlight.Value = false
- local keycard ="BoolValue", toolfolder)
- keycard.Name = "Keycard"
- keycard.Value = false
- local data = nil
- local success, errorMessage = pcall(function()
- data = dataStore:GetAsync(player.UserId)
- end)
- if success and data then --Get Async retrieves data from the data store, and loads them from the table
- cash.Value = data[1]
- sword.Value = data[2]
- flashlight.Value = data[3]
- keycard.Value = data[4]
- else
- print("The Player has no data!")
- warn(errorMessage)
- end
- if sword.Value == true then --This if statements check for the bookvalues and gives tools to players
- local newtool = swordtool:Clone()
- newtool.Parent = player.Backpack
- end
- if flashlight.Value == true then
- local newtool = flashlighttool:Clone()
- newtool.Parent = player.Backpack
- end
- if keycard.Value == true then
- local newtool = keycardtool:Clone()
- newtool.Parent = player.Backpack
- end
- end)
- game.Players.PlayerRemoving:Connect(function(player) --When player leaves the game, save data
- saveData(player)
- end)
- game:BindToClose(function() --When the game's server shuts down, save all player's data
- for _, player in ipairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do
- task.spawn(saveData, player)
- end
- end)
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