

Oct 20th, 2022
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  1. What's the Dark Web? First it's the Dark Net, so not "named", but web accessable somehow.
  2. Typically I don't care for that phrasing "named" since to users, it's another route look up; but
  3. Dark means 1st, NO DNS serves that address; so, hackers can take you Dark. And, do you know
  4. you're Dark?
  5. So, while conservatives at your place are like gossip game gossip game, gossip game,
  6. but don't ever network game or irc the '90's and earkly 2k: But, those internets things would block a user
  7. if it couldn't lookup name for number so that's just an interesting detail, and somewhat ironic that beliefs
  8. hold over 'til today, to be taught.
  10. Yeah, hackers can take you Dark, if they take down your DNS.
  11. So, is it the same hackers that then take over your DNS, or now you're part of the Dark Web?
  13. ===========================================================
  14. rowdy row delete @abcnews
  15. ---
  16. we've got 1 service desk, dan
  17. ... we can't see the wall from you account
  19. =============================================================
  21. =============================
  22. five dollars and seventy five cents
  23. And, some pitiful savings bonds services most nations' debt.
  25. So, if I've got a friend, and I realize I am about to completely forget
  26. that at an event, I owed five dollars and 75 cents, but I got 15.75
  27. So, I track him down, and I'm prepared to make him take the 5 , let's say.
  28. But he'll just let me give him the seventy five cents, and that's my perefence,
  29. at the time, because before, I commited to finding out where he was to hookup
  30. with 'him, etc, etc, that how I was feeling about it.
  32. Ok So, let's say I'm right about that.
  34. What's happens to the friendship if ever pay the five. I think the phrase
  35. is, it diminishes. It's never really the same after that, people want to know
  36. why, and so forth. And, so that's five dollars I owe...
  37. =================
  38. So what are the morals of letting the world owe us money?
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