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- --
- --
- --
- -- Автор: qwertyMAN
- -- Версия: 0.1 бета
- local term = require("term")
- local event = require("event")
- local component = require("component")
- local gpu = component.gpu
- local display = {gpu.getResolution()}
- local players = {} -- свойства игроков
- local players_vector = {} -- направления игроков
- local area = {} -- игровое поле
- local turn = {} -- таблица поворота
- local target = {} -- координаты цели
- local border = {0,0} -- неиспользуемый отступ от края экрана
- local t = 1/8 -- скорость игры
- local exit_game = false -- для выхода из игры ( Q )
- local size = {math.modf((display[1]-border[1])/2), math.modf(display[2]-border[2])} -- размер игрового поля
- math.randomseed(os.time())
- turn[1]={0,-1}
- turn[2]={0,1}
- turn[3]={-1,0}
- turn[4]={1,0}
- local command={} -- управление:
- command[200]=function(nick) -- вверх
- if players_vector[nick] ~= 2 then
- players_vector[nick] = 1
- end
- end
- command[208]=function(nick) -- вниз
- if players_vector[nick] ~= 1 then
- players_vector[nick] = 2
- end
- end
- command[203]=function(nick) -- влево
- if players_vector[nick] ~= 4 then
- players_vector[nick] = 3
- end
- end
- command[205]=function(nick) -- вправо
- if players_vector[nick] ~= 3 then
- players_vector[nick] = 4
- end
- end
- -- генерация поля
- for i=1, size[1] do
- area[i]={}
- for j=1, size[2] do
- area[i][j]=false
- end
- end
- local function conv_cord(sx,sy)
- return sx*2-1+border[1], sy+border[2]
- end
- local function gen_target()
- while true do
- local x,y = math.random(1,size[1]), math.random(1,size[2])
- if not area[x][y] then
- target = {x,y}
- gpu.setBackground(0x0000ff)
- local rezerv = {conv_cord(x,y)}
- gpu.set(rezerv[1], rezerv[2], " ")
- gpu.setBackground(0x000000)
- break
- end
- end
- end
- local function keyboard(_,_,_,key,nick)
- local swich = true
- for i=1, #players do
- if nick==players[i].name then
- swich = false
- end
- end
- if swich and (key==200 or key == 203 or key == 205 or key == 208) then
- -- если игрока нет в списке
- players[#players+1]={name=nick,number=5,cord={5,5}}
- area[players[#players].cord[1]][players[#players].cord[2]]=players[#players].number
- end
- if key == 16 then -- выход
- exit_game = true
- elseif command[key] then
- command[key](nick)
- end
- end
- local function update()
- -- проверка есть ли препятствие
- for i=#players, 1, -1 do
- local cord = turn[players_vector[players[i].name]]
- local cord_2 = {players[i].cord[1]+cord[1],players[i].cord[2]+cord[2]}
- gpu.setBackground(0xffffff)
- local rezerv = {conv_cord(players[i].cord[1], players[i].cord[2])}
- gpu.set(rezerv[1], rezerv[2], " ")
- gpu.setBackground(0x000000)
- if cord_2[1]>size[1] then
- cord_2[1] = 1
- elseif cord_2[1] < 1 then
- cord_2[1] = size[1]
- elseif cord_2[2]>size[2] then
- cord_2[2] = 1
- elseif cord_2[2] < 1 then
- cord_2[2] = size[2]
- end
- if not area[cord_2[1]][cord_2[2]] then
- players[i].cord[1]=cord_2[1]
- players[i].cord[2]=cord_2[2]
- area[players[i].cord[1]][players[i].cord[2]]=players[i].number
- gpu.setBackground(0x00ff00)
- gpu.setForeground(0x000000)
- local rezerv = {conv_cord(players[i].cord[1], players[i].cord[2])}
- gpu.set(rezerv[1], rezerv[2], string.sub(players[i].name,1,2))
- if target[1]==players[i].cord[1] and target[2]==players[i].cord[2] then
- players[i].number = players[i].number+1
- gen_target()
- end
- else
- table.remove(players,i)
- end
- gpu.setBackground(0x000000)
- gpu.setForeground(0xffffff)
- end
- -- обновление и добавление ячеек
- for i=1, size[1] do
- for j=1, size[2] do
- if area[i][j] then
- if area[i][j]>0 then
- area[i][j]=area[i][j]-1
- else
- area[i][j]=false
- gpu.setBackground(0x000000)
- local rezerv = {conv_cord(i,j)}
- gpu.set(rezerv[1], rezerv[2], " ")
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- -- очищаем экран
- gpu.setBackground(0x000000)
- gpu.setForeground(0xffffff)
- term.clear()
- event.listen("key_down", keyboard)
- gen_target()
- -- тело игры
- while true do
- os.sleep(t)
- if exit_game then
- term.clear()
- print("Exit game")
- os.sleep(2)
- term.clear()
- return
- end
- update()
- end
- term.clear()
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