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- slide 9.............
- Here is the Search menu where we can find different types of books and select them to read or borrow from library
- Slide 10............
- Let's talk about the developing model that we followed. We followed Agile model to develop the application.Because this model reduces risk, has better project control and higher quality producti.
- Slide 11............
- We have included ER Diagrams, activity Diagrams, Use case Diagrams, Data flow Diagrams to the upcoming slides
- Slide 12............
- This is the Entitiy Relationship or ER diagram of our project. Here publisher and book has many to many relationship, Borrower and Book has one to many relationship because a borrower can boroow multiple books
- Slide 13............
- Here is or activity Diagram, that shows a user must register to our application to create an account and then he can login to the system,
- After logging innto the sytem he can see the hom epage where he can search for books, boorrow them or return them etc.
- Slide 14............
- This is the Use case Diagram which shows us the role that played by borrower, Librarian and Database Administrator.
- Borrower can login into the account, serach, return book and get penalty report if he is fined for any due returning.
- The libraian can monitor almost everythin like add publication, article, books, isssuing book, add user, remove user etc.
- an the DB(Database) Administrator will lhandle the database
- Slide 15............
- And the Last one is the Data Flow Diagram that shows which role has which attribute or data field.
- Borrower has Name, ID, and can use login, searcing book, and logout functionality etc,
- Librairan has name, id, can also use login functionality, add book, add user, remove user functionality etc
- And Book has name, issbn code.
- That's all,
- Thank you.
- Assalamuwalaikum,
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