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- // pow approximation for little-endian IEEE-754 binary64
- template <bool T_improved_precision = true>
- [[nodiscard]] constexpr inline
- double pow_approximation(double base, const double exponent)
- {
- static_assert(
- std::numeric_limits<float>::is_iec559
- && std::numeric_limits<double>::is_iec559
- && std::numeric_limits<long double>::is_iec559,
- "fgl::pow_approximation() from " __FILE__
- " requires IEC-559 aka IEEE-754 floating point representations."
- " The target platform and/or vendor implementation is incompatible."
- );
- #pragma GCC diagnostic push
- #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wfloat-equal"
- if (exponent == 0) return 1;
- else if (exponent == 1) return base;
- #pragma GCC diagnostic pop
- using half_t = uint_least32_t;
- static_assert(sizeof(half_t) == sizeof(decltype(base)) / 2);
- using array_t = std::array<half_t, 2>;
- auto intrep{ std::bit_cast<array_t>(base) };
- intrep[0] = 0;
- constexpr uint_fast32_t magic{ 1072632447 };
- // TODO could be generic for any floating point type; need to
- // find magic cconstants for float and long double, and selectively pick
- // half_t conditionally (16 for float, 32 for double, 64 for long double)
- if constexpr (T_improved_precision)
- {
- // is this still the case? should test
- // stolen comments from the code i adapted:
- // exponentiation by squaring with the exponent's integer part
- // double r = u.d makes everything much slower, not sure why
- uint_fast32_t exp_i{ static_cast<uint_fast32_t>(exponent) };
- intrep[1] = static_cast<half_t>(
- (exponent - exp_i) * (intrep[1] - magic) + magic
- );
- double r{ 1.0 };
- while (exp_i)
- {
- if (exp_i & 1)
- {
- r *= base;
- }
- base *= base;
- exp_i >>= 1;
- }
- return r * std::bit_cast<double>(intrep);
- }
- else
- {
- intrep[1] = static_cast<half_t>(exponent * (intrep[1] - magic) + magic);
- return std::bit_cast<double>(intrep);
- }
- }
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