
Carl edits to AILevelData.ini

Jul 5th, 2022
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  1. ; Global values. If something isn't defined under a map layer, it will use these global values as default. Map layers set options override for that map layer
  2. ; Please note that this file is edited from Improved Gameplay by khaosmaou (nexus: readyornot/mods/170)
  3. [Global]
  4. ASTimeBetweenTargetingCivilians = 15.0 ; Time Between targeting civilians in Active Shooter (After killing the first civilian)
  5. ASTimeBeforeTargetingFirstCivilian = 90.0 ; Time Before targeting first civilian in Active Shooter
  6. BTTimeUntilBombExplodes = 720 ; Time Until Bomb Threat Explodes
  7. BTMaxBombs = 2 ; Max Bombs in Bomb Threat
  8. BTMaxDistanceFromSelectedBombs = 2500.0 ; Max Distance that AI can spawn from each bomb that is selected in Bomb Threat
  9. HRMaxDistanceFromSelectedSpawner = 2000.0 ; Max Distance that AI can spawn from the first selecte spawn point in Hostage Rescue
  10. HRMaxRoamers = 5 ; Max Roamers (AI that can go anywhere) in Hostage Rescue Only
  11. SuspectHealth = 150.0 ; Suspect Health
  12. SwatHealth = 200.0 ; Swat Health
  13. CivilianHealth = 100.0 ; Civilian Health
  14. UnalertedSightRange = 2500 ; Unalerted Sight Range (Unalerted = Hasn't heard any noise/Hasn't spotted a swat officer)
  15. AlertedSightRange = 5000 ; Alerted Sight Range
  16. UnalertedPerceptionHalfAngle = 80 ; Unalerted Half Angle (90 Half Angle = 180 Degrees Vision)
  17. AlertedPerceptionHalfAngle = 150 ; Alerted Half Angle (160 Half Angle = 320 Degrees Vision)
  18. MinCivilians = 3 ; Min Civilians
  19. MaxCivilians = 6 ; Max Civilians
  20. MinSuspects = 8 ; Min Suspects
  21. MaxSuspects = 16 ; Max Suspects
  22. MaxRoamers = 8 ; Max Roamers (In All Game Modes)
  23. MaxExplosiveVestSuspects = 0 ; Max suspects with explosive vests
  24. MaxExplosiveVestCivilians = 0 ; Max civilians with explosive vests
  25. SuspectExplosiveVestAccuracy = 5.0 ; Suspect explosive vest inaccuracy multiplier, higher values are more inaccurate when using explosive vests
  26. TimeBetweenIdleLines = 45.0; time between playing idle conversation lines
  27. SuspectAccuracy = 2.25 ; Suspect Accuracy in Degrees (0.0f = Perfectly Accurate, 5+ = Can't really hit anything beyond 10m)
  28. SuspectDefaultFireRate = 1.0 ; Default Fire Rate if we don't find it in the weapon look up
  29. SuspectRifleFireRate = 0.175
  30. SuspectRifleFireRateDeviation = (X=-0.25,Y=0.5)
  31. SuspectSMGFireRate = 0.1
  32. SuspectSMGFireRateDeviation = (X=0.1,Y=0.5)
  33. SuspectPistolFireRate = 0.2
  34. SuspectPistolFireRateDeviation = (X=0.0,Y=2.0)
  35. SuspectShotgunFireRate = 1.00
  36. SuspectShotgunFireRateDeviation = (X=0.0,Y=0.5)
  37. SuspectAccuracyLostPerMeter = 0.01 ; Value of 0.1 will lose 1 degree of accuracy every 10m (which is a lot).. don't tune this higher than ~0.1.
  38. SuspectAccuracyLostPerMeterSecond = 0.1 ; how much speed the AI will lose per meter second of movement speed (avg speed when shooing is around ~2.3 M/S)
  39. SuspectTimeWithWeaponUpBeforeFiring = 0.3 ; A value in seconds
  40. SuspectCoverEvaluationCooldown = 5.0 ; How long between cover evaluations in Seconds
  41. SuspectTrackLastKnownPositionTime = 120.0 ; How long too watch and monitor the targets last known position after losing sight of them
  42. RequiredTimeSpentOnTarget = 0.1 ; How long we must be targetting an enemy before we can shoot (ie if we change targets we must taret them for 0.3 seconds before we can shoot even if we're already aiming at them)
  43. SuspectMoraleMediumReload = 0.6 ;If morale goes below this use the medium reload speed
  44. SuspectMoraleLowReload = 0.2 ;If morale goes below this use te slow reload speed
  45. SuspectKnifeFakeForwardChance = 0.2; Chance to fake when player gets closing and is facing us (with knife)
  46. MaxMeleeSuspects = 0 ; Max amount of melee suspects that will  spawn in the level
  47. AIStunDuration = 10.0 ; How long the AI is stunned for (in seconds)
  48. BeanbagStunDuration = 3.0 ; How long the AI is stunned for by beanbags (In seconds)
  49. MinMorale = 0.4 ; A value from 0.0 to 1.0
  50. MaxMorale = 1.0 ; A value from 0.0 to 1.0
  51. SuspectMinMorale = 0.4 ; A value from 0.0 to 1.0
  52. SuspectMaxMorale = 1.0 ; A value from 0.0 to 1.0
  53. KickDoorMorale = -0.3 ; Amount of morale lost when door is kicked in
  54. KillEnemyMorale = -0.2 ; Amount of morale lost when a suspect is killed in front of another
  55. GrenadeDetonateMorale = -0.5 ; Amount of morale lost when a grenade detonates
  56. BeanbagShotgunMorale = -0.2 ; Amount of morale lost when hit with a beanbag
  57. PepperballMorale = -0.1 ; Amount of morale lost when hit with a CS pepperball
  58. PeppersprayMorale = -0.5 ; Amount of morale lost per second of spraying
  59. TaserMorale = -1.0 ; Amount of morale lost when shocked by the taser
  60. BashMorale = -1.0 ; Amount of morale lost when bashed with a weapon
  61. C2Morale = -0.5 ; Amount of morale lost when C2 door breach charge is used
  62. StunHealth = 100 ; Stun Damage ; must do X *damage* until they are stunned
  63. GrenadeStunDamage = 100
  64. BeanbagShotgunStunDamage = 100
  65. PepperballStunDamage = 25
  66. TaserStunDamage = 100
  67. NineBangerAccuracyPenalty = 0.05 ; Accuracy penalty percentage applied per ninebanger bang, up to 4x
  68. AccuracyPenaltyRecovery = 0.02 ; Accuracy penalty percentage recovery per second
  69. MinFlees = 0 ; Flee Settings
  70. MaxFlees = 1
  71. MaxTraps = 3 ; Max traps that should exist in a level, pre-placed and suspect-placed included
  72. MaxTrapsPrePlaced = 0 ; Max amount of traps pre-placed before game start
  73. MaxTrapsPlaceable = 4 ; Max amount of traps suspects can place in total
  74. MaxTrapsSuspectCanPlace = 1 ; Max amount of traps a single suspect can place during gameplay
  75. MaxLockedDoorsPercentage = 0.3 ; Percentage of locked doors in the level (0.225 = 22.5%)
  76. PrePlaceTrapsNearAISpawns = 1 ; Should pre-placed traps spawn closer to AI spawns, 0 or 1
  77. PrePlaceTrapsNearAISpawnChance = 0.5 ; When spawning near AI, chance for given door to get a trap for randomness. 0.0-1.0
  78. TrapType = "Explosive, Flashbang, Alarm" ; What trap types are allowed, comma seperated
  79. MaxLockedDoorsPercentage = 0.15 ; Percentage of locked doors in the level (0.225 = 22.5%)
  80. MaxKeycards = 2 ; Maximum number of keycards allowed to spawn
  81. HesitationChanceToSurrender = 0.15 ; Chance that the AI should surrender if they are in a no exit state state
  82. HesitationChanceToFakeSurrender = 0.15 ; Chance that the AI should fake surrender if they are in a no exit state state
  83. HesitationChanceToGoArmedAndDangerous = 1.0; Chance that the AI should go armed and dangerous if they are in a no exit state state (Suspect Only)
  84. HesitationTimeToHesitateSuspectArmed = 15.0 ; Usually we don't want any kind of hesitation if a suspect as armed, this may change in the future
  85. HesitationTimeToHesitateUnarmed = 60.0 ; This should be a relatively high value otherwise the hesitation anim may 'pop'
  86. HesitationChanceForArmedSuspectToHesitate = 0.5
  87. SuspectChanceToSpawnWithNoWeapon = 0.0 ; If suspect has no weapon then weapon will be drawn after fleeing and breaking LOS or by fake surrendering
  88. TimeToFireAtDoorAfterKick = 5.0 ; How long to target a door after we're away of the door being kicked
  89. SwatAccuracy = 0.6 ; Swat accuracy in degrees
  90. SwatTimeWithWeaponUpBeforeFiring = 0.1 ; A value in seconds
  91. SwatRifleFireRate = 0.175
  92. SwatRifleFireRateDeviation = (X=-0.25,Y=0.5)
  93. SwatSMGFireRate = 0.1
  94. SwatSMGFireRateDeviation = (X=0.0,Y=0.5)
  95. SwatPistolFireRate = 0.2
  96. SwatPistolFireRateDeviation = (X=0.0,Y=2.0)
  97. SwatShotgunFireRate = 0.5
  98. SwatShotgunFireRateDeviation = (X=0.0,Y=0.5)
  99. SwatLessLethalFireRate = 1.0
  100. SwatLessLethalFireRateDeviation = (X=0.0,Y=0.5)
  101. SwatAccuracyLostPerMeter = 0.0
  102. SwatCoverEvaluationCooldown = 2.0
  103. SwatTrackLastKnownPositionTime = 5.0
  104. SwatDoorLockpickDistance = 70.0
  105. SwatDoorKickDistance = 50.0
  106. SwatDoorShotgunDistance = 50.0
  107. SwatDoorC2PlaceDistance = 80.0
  108. SwatDoorTrapDisarmDistance = 70.0
  109. SwatDoorMirrorDistance = 70.0
  110. SwatDoorWedgeDistance = 50.0
  111. SwatDoorOpenDistance = 25.0 ; For Open/Close Door command
  112. MaxDoorInteractionDistance = 1000.0
  113. CoverSearchExtent = 1500.0 ; The extent of the cover search area (how far to look for cover)
  114. CoverSearchExclusionRadiusAroundInstigator = 1100.0 ; Exclude all cover points found within the instigator's range
  115. CoverLandmarkSearchExtent = 1000.0 ; The extent of the cover search area (how far to look for cover landmarks)
  116. BoneTargetZones = "upperarm_RI, upperarm_LE, thigh_LE, thigh_RI" ; Zone 1
  117. BoneTargetZones = "spine_2, spine_1" ; Zone 2
  118. BoneTargetZones = "head, spine_3" ; Zone 3
  119. BoneRetargetingRate = 1.0 ; The amount of time in seconds until retargeting to another bone in the current zone
  120. EngagementTimeUntilReachedLastBoneZone = 1.0 ; The amount of time in seconds it takes to reach the last bone target zone while engaging on an enemy
  121. MoraleGainPerShot = 0.25 ; Amount of morale gained per shot of firing a weapon
  122. FlashlightPerceptionRange = 3000.0 ; Distance in centimeters. Max range to perceive flashlights. If flashlight goes beyond the specified range, forget the flashlight. Default 20m
  123. FlashlightSeenReactionTime = 0.75 ; The amount of time in seconds until reacting to the percieved flashlight. Default 0.25 seconds = Average human reaction time
  124. FlashlightForgetTime = 5.0 ; The amount of time in seconds to forget the flashlight after not seeing it. Default 0.5 seconds
  125. GrenadePerceptionRange = 4500 ; Distance in centimeters. Default 15m
  126. GrenadeSeenReactionTime = 0.25 ; The amount of time in seconds until reacting to seeing a thrown grenade. Default 0.25 seconds = Average human reaction time
  127. GrenadeHeardReactionTime = 0.25 ; The amount of time in seconds until reacting to hearing a thrown grenade hit. Default 0.25 seconds = Average human reaction time
  128. GrenadeDetonateReactionTime = 0.25 ; The amount of time in seconds until reacting to a grenade detonation. Default 0.25 seconds = Average human reaction time
  129. GrenadeForgetTime = 1.0 ; The amount of time in seconds till we forget the grenade after not sensing it anymore. Default 0.5 seconds
  130. GeneralExplosionReactionTime = 0.15 ; The amount of time in seconds until reacting to an explosion of any kind (excluding grenade detonations). Default 0.25 seconds = Average human reaction time
  131. GunShotHearingRange = 2500.0 ; Distance in centimeters. Default 7m
  132. GunShotReactionTime = 0.25 ; Suspect reaction time to gunshots
  133. GunShotForgetTime = 120.0 ; Suspect forgets gunshots after this amount of time
  134. DoorStimulusReactionTIme = 0.25 ; Suspect reaction time to door activity
  136. ; Lobby where you select missions and can practice
  138. [Lobby_V2]
  139. HesitationChanceToSurrender = 0.0
  140. HesitationChanceToFakeSurrender = 0.0
  141. HesitationChanceToGoArmedAndDangerous = 0.0
  142. MaxMorale = 1.0
  143. CivilianMaxMorale = 1.0
  144. CivilianMinMorale = 1.0
  145. MaxExplosiveVestSuspects = 0 ; Max suspects with explosive vests
  146. MaxExplosiveVestCivilians = 0 ; Max civilians with explosive vests
  148. ; STABLE MAPS
  150. ; 4U Gas Station
  152. [RoN_Gas_Core_BarricadedSuspects]
  153. MinCivilians = 2 ; Min Civilians
  154. MaxCivilians = 4 ; Max Civilians
  155. MinSuspects = 4 ; Min Suspects
  156. MaxSuspects = 8 ; Max Suspects
  157. MaxRoamers = 3 ; Max Roamers (In All Game Modes)
  158. MaxLockedDoorsPercentage = 0.80 ; Percentage of locked doors in the level (0.225 = 22.5%)
  159. MaxOpenDoorsPercentage = 0 ; Percentage of open doors in the level (0.075 = 7.5%)
  160. HesitationChanceToSurrender = 0.2
  161. HesitationChanceToFakeSurrender = 0.4
  163. [RoN_Gas_Core_Raid]
  164. MinCivilians = 3 ; Min Civilians
  165. MaxCivilians = 6 ; Max Civilians
  166. MinSuspects = 5 ; Min Suspects
  167. MaxSuspects = 10 ; Max Suspects
  168. MaxRoamers = 4 ; Max Roamers (In All Game Modes)
  169. MaxTraps = 4 ; Max traps that should exist in a level, pre-placed and suspect-placed included
  170. TrapType = "Alarm, Explosive, Flash" ; What trap types are allowed, comma seperated
  171. MaxLockedDoorsPercentage = 0.50 ; Percentage of locked doors in the level (0.225 = 22.5%)
  172. MaxOpenDoorsPercentage = 0.2 ; Percentage of open doors in the level (0.075 = 7.5%)
  173. SuspectAccuracy = 2.0 ; Suspect Accuracy in Degrees (0.0f = Perfectly Accurate, 5+ = Can't really hit anything beyond 10m)
  175. [RoN_Gas_Core_ActiveShooter]
  176. MinCivilians = 8 ; Min Civilians
  177. MaxCivilians = 16 ; Max Civilians
  178. MinSuspects = 1 ; Min Suspects
  179. MaxSuspects = 4 ; Max Suspects
  180. MaxRoamers = 2 ; Max Roamers (In All Game Modes)
  181. SuspectAccuracy = 3.0 ; Suspect Accuracy in Degrees (0.0f = Perfectly Accurate, 5+ = Can't really hit anything beyond 10m)
  182. MaxExplosiveVestCivilians = 0 ; Max civilians with explosive vests
  184. [RoN_Gas_Core_BombThreat]
  185. MinCivilians = 3 ; Min Civilians
  186. MaxCivilians = 6 ; Max Civilians
  187. MinSuspects = 3 ; Min Suspects
  188. MaxSuspects = 6 ; Max Suspects
  189. MaxRoamers = 2 ; Max Roamers (In All Game Modes)
  190. MaxTraps = 4 ; Max traps that should exist in a level, pre-placed and suspect-placed included
  191. TrapType = "Alarm, Explosive" ; What trap types are allowed, comma seperated
  192. BTTimeUntilBombExplodes = 360 ; Time Until Bomb Threat Explodes
  194. [RoN_Gas_Core_HostageRescue]
  195. MinCivilians = 2 ; Min Civilians
  196. MaxCivilians = 6 ; Max Civilians
  197. MinSuspects = 4 ; Min Suspects
  198. MaxSuspects = 8 ; Max Suspects
  199. MaxRoamers = 3 ; Max Roamers (In All Game Modes)
  200. MaxTraps = 4 ; Max traps that should exist in a level, pre-placed and suspect-placed included
  201. TrapType = "Alarm, Explosive" ; What trap types are allowed, comma seperated
  202. UnalertedSightRange = 1500 ; Unalerted Sight Range (Unalerted = Hasn't heard any noise/Hasn't spotted a swat officer)
  204. ; Wenderly Hills Hotel
  206. [RoN_Hotel_Core_BarricadedSuspects]
  207. MinCivilians = 6 ; Min Civilians
  208. MaxCivilians = 12 ; Max Civilians
  209. MinSuspects = 8 ; Min Suspects
  210. MaxSuspects = 14 ; Max Suspects
  211. MaxRoamers = 4 ; Max Roamers (In All Game Modes)
  212. MaxTraps = 4 ; Max traps that should exist in a level, pre-placed and suspect-placed included
  213. TrapType = "Alarm, Explosive" ; What trap types are allowed, comma seperated
  214. MaxLockedDoorsPercentage = 0.80 ; Percentage of locked doors in the level (0.225 = 22.5%)
  215. MaxOpenDoorsPercentage = 0 ; Percentage of open doors in the level (0.075 = 7.5%)
  216. MaxExplosiveVestSuspects = 2 ; Max suspects with explosive vests
  217. MaxExplosiveVestCivilians = 2 ; Max civilians with explosive vests
  219. [RoN_Hotel_Core_Raid]
  220. MinCivilians = 4 ; Min Civilians
  221. MaxCivilians = 8 ; Max Civilians
  222. MinSuspects = 10 ; Min Suspects
  223. MaxSuspects = 20 ; Max Suspects
  224. MaxRoamers = 3 ; Max Roamers (In All Game Modes)
  225. MaxTraps = 3 ; Max traps that should exist in a level, pre-placed and suspect-placed included
  226. TrapType = "Alarm, Flashbang, Explosive" ; What trap types are allowed, comma seperated
  227. MaxLockedDoorsPercentage = 0.50 ; Percentage of locked doors in the level (0.225 = 22.5%)
  228. MaxOpenDoorsPercentage = 0.2 ; Percentage of open doors in the level (0.075 = 7.5%)
  229. SuspectAccuracy = 2.0 ; Suspect Accuracy in Degrees (0.0f = Perfectly Accurate, 5+ = Can't really hit anything beyond 10m)
  230. MaxExplosiveVestSuspects = 2 ; Max suspects with explosive vests
  231. MaxExplosiveVestCivilians = 1 ; Max civilians with explosive vests
  233. [RoN_Hotel_Core_ActiveShooter]
  234. MinCivilians = 8 ; Min Civilians
  235. MaxCivilians = 16 ; Max Civilians
  236. MinSuspects = 2 ; Min Suspects
  237. MaxSuspects = 6 ; Max Suspects
  238. MaxRoamers = 2 ; Max Roamers (In All Game Modes)
  239. MaxTraps = 0 ; Max traps that should exist in a level, pre-placed and suspect-placed included
  240. SuspectAccuracy = 3.0 ; Suspect Accuracy in Degrees (0.0f = Perfectly Accurate, 5+ = Can't really hit anything beyond 10m)
  241. ASTimeBeforeTargetingFirstCivilian = 120.0 ; Time Before targeting first civilian in Active Shooter
  242. MaxExplosiveVestSuspects = 1 ; Max suspects with explosive vests
  243. MaxExplosiveVestCivilians = 0 ; Max civilians with explosive vests
  245. [RoN_Hotel_Core_BombThreat]
  246. MinCivilians = 4 ; Min Civilians
  247. MaxCivilians = 8 ; Max Civilians
  248. MinSuspects = 7; Min Suspects
  249. MaxSuspects = 14 ; Max Suspects
  250. MaxRoamers = 2 ; Max Roamers (In All Game Modes)
  251. MaxTraps = 4 ; Max traps that should exist in a level, pre-placed and suspect-placed included
  252. TrapType = "Alarm, Explosive" ; What trap types are allowed, comma seperated
  253. BTTimeUntilBombExplodes = 600 ; Time Until Bomb Threat Explodes
  255. [RoN_Hotel_Core_HostageRescue]
  256. MinCivilians = 6 ; Min Civilians
  257. MaxCivilians = 12 ; Max Civilians
  258. MinSuspects = 8 ; Min Suspects
  259. MaxSuspects = 16 ; Max Suspects
  260. MaxRoamers = 4 ; Max Roamers (In All Game Modes)
  261. MaxTraps = 3 ; Max traps that should exist in a level, pre-placed and suspect-placed included
  262. TrapType = "Alarm, Explosive" ; What trap types are allowed, comma seperated
  263. UnalertedSightRange = 1500 ; Unalerted Sight Range (Unalerted = Hasn't heard any noise/Hasn't spotted a swat officer)
  265. ; 213 Park Homes
  267. [RoN_Meth_Core_BarricadedSuspects]
  268. MinCivilians = 7 ; Min Civilians
  269. MaxCivilians = 14 ; Max Civilians
  270. MinSuspects = 9 ; Min Suspects
  271. MaxSuspects = 18 ; Max Suspects
  272. MaxRoamers = 4 ; Max Roamers (In All Game Modes)
  273. MaxTraps = 3 ; Max traps that should exist in a level, pre-placed and suspect-placed included
  274. TrapType = "Alarm, Explosive" ; What trap types are allowed, comma seperated
  275. MaxLockedDoorsPercentage = 0.80 ; Percentage of locked doors in the level (0.225 = 22.5%)
  276. MaxOpenDoorsPercentage = 0 ; Percentage of open doors in the level (0.075 = 7.5%)
  277. MaxExplosiveVestSuspects = 0 ; Max suspects with explosive vests
  278. MaxExplosiveVestCivilians = 0 ; Max civilians with explosive vests
  280. [RoN_Meth_Core_Raid]
  281. MinCivilians = 7 ; Min Civilians
  282. MaxCivilians = 14 ; Max Civilians
  283. MinSuspects = 10 ; Min Suspects
  284. MaxSuspects = 20 ; Max Suspects
  285. MaxRoamers = 5 ; Max Roamers (In All Game Modes)
  286. MaxTraps = 4 ; Max traps that should exist in a level, pre-placed and suspect-placed included
  287. TrapType = "Alarm, Flashbang, Explosive" ; What trap types are allowed, comma seperated
  288. MaxLockedDoorsPercentage = 0.50 ; Percentage of locked doors in the level (0.225 = 22.5%)
  289. MaxOpenDoorsPercentage = 0.2 ; Percentage of open doors in the level (0.075 = 7.5%)
  290. SuspectAccuracy = 2.0 ; Suspect Accuracy in Degrees (0.0f = Perfectly Accurate, 5+ = Can't really hit anything beyond 10m)
  292. ; Caesar's Cars Dealership
  294. [RoN_Dealer_Core_BarricadedSuspects]
  295. MaxCivilians = 6 ; Max Civilians
  296. MinSuspects = 9 ; Min Suspects
  297. MaxSuspects = 18 ; Max Suspects
  298. MaxRoamers = 3 ; Max Roamers (In All Game Modes)
  299. MaxTraps = 3 ; Max traps that should exist in a level, pre-placed and suspect-placed included
  300. TrapType = "Alarm, Explosive" ; What trap types are allowed, comma seperated
  301. MaxLockedDoorsPercentage = 0.80 ; Percentage of locked doors in the level (0.225 = 22.5%)
  302. MaxOpenDoorsPercentage = 0 ; Percentage of open doors in the level (0.075 = 7.5%)
  303. MaxExplosiveVestSuspects = 3 ; Max suspects with explosive vests
  304. MaxExplosiveVestCivilians = 2 ; Max civilians with explosive vests
  306. [RoN_Dealer_Core_BombThreat]
  307. MinCivilians = 4 ; Min Civilians
  308. MaxCivilians = 8 ; Max Civilians
  309. MinSuspects = 6 ; Min Suspects
  310. MaxSuspects = 12 ; Max Suspects
  311. MaxRoamers = 3 ; Max Roamers (In All Game Modes)
  312. MaxTraps = 3 ; Max traps that should exist in a level, pre-placed and suspect-placed included
  313. TrapType = "Alarm, Explosive" ; What trap types are allowed, comma seperated
  314. BTTimeUntilBombExplodes = 720 ; Time Until Bomb Threat Explodes
  316. ; Port Hokan
  318. [RoN_Port_Core_BarricadedSuspects]
  319. MinCivilians = 6 ; Min Civilians
  320. MaxCivilians = 9 ; Max Civilians
  321. MinSuspects = 12 ; Min Suspects
  322. MaxSuspects = 18 ; Max Suspects
  323. MaxRoamers = 2 ; Max Roamers (In All Game Modes)
  324. MaxTraps = 3 ; Max traps that should exist in a level, pre-placed and suspect-placed included
  325. TrapType = "Alarm, Explosive" ; What trap types are allowed, comma seperated
  326. MaxLockedDoorsPercentage = 0.80 ; Percentage of locked doors in the level (0.225 = 22.5%)
  327. MaxOpenDoorsPercentage = 0 ; Percentage of open doors in the level (0.075 = 7.5%)
  328. MaxExplosiveVestSuspects = 0 ; Max suspects with explosive vests
  329. MaxExplosiveVestCivilians = 0 ; Max civilians with explosive vests
  331. [RoN_Port_Core_Raid]
  332. MinCivilians = 9 ; Min Civilians
  333. MaxCivilians = 12 ; Max Civilians
  334. MinSuspects = 15 ; Min Suspects
  335. MaxSuspects = 20 ; Max Suspects
  336. MaxRoamers = 4 ; Max Roamers (In All Game Modes)
  337. MaxTraps = 3 ; Max traps that should exist in a level, pre-placed and suspect-placed included
  338. TrapType = "Alarm, Flashbang, Explosive" ; What trap types are allowed, comma seperated
  339. MaxLockedDoorsPercentage = 0.50 ; Percentage of locked doors in the level (0.225 = 22.5%)
  340. MaxOpenDoorsPercentage = 0.2 ; Percentage of open doors in the level (0.075 = 7.5%)
  341. SuspectAccuracy = 2.0 ; Suspect Accuracy in Degrees (0.0f = Perfectly Accurate, 5+ = Can't really hit anything beyond 10m)
  342. MaxExplosiveVestSuspects = 2 ; Max suspects with explosive vests
  343. MaxExplosiveVestCivilians = 0 ; Max civilians with explosive vests
  345. [RoN_Port_Core_BombThreat]
  346. MinCivilians = 4 ; Min Civilians
  347. MaxCivilians = 8 ; Max Civilians
  348. MinSuspects = 7 ; Min Suspects
  349. MaxSuspects = 14 ; Max Suspects
  350. MaxRoamers = 3 ; Max Roamers (In All Game Modes)
  351. MaxTraps = 3 ; Max traps that should exist in a level, pre-placed and suspect-placed included
  352. TrapType = "Alarm, Explosive" ; What trap types are allowed, comma seperated
  353. BTTimeUntilBombExplodes = 720 ; Time Until Bomb Threat Explodes
  355. [RoN_Port_Core_HostageRescue]
  356. MinCivilians = 4 ; Min Civilians
  357. MaxCivilians = 8 ; Max Civilians
  358. MinSuspects = 7 ; Min Suspects
  359. MaxSuspects = 14 ; Max Suspects
  360. MaxRoamers = 3 ; Max Roamers (In All Game Modes)
  361. MaxTraps = 2 ; Max traps that should exist in a level, pre-placed and suspect-placed included
  362. TrapType = "Alarm, Explosive" ; What trap types are allowed, comma seperated
  363. UnalertedSightRange = 1500 ; Unalerted Sight Range (Unalerted = Hasn't heard any noise/Hasn't spotted a swat officer)
  365. ; Cherryessa Farm
  367. [RoN_Farm_Core_BarricadedSuspects]
  368. MaxCivilians = 5 ; Max Civilians
  369. MinSuspects = 15 ; Min Suspects
  370. MaxSuspects = 20 ; Max Suspects
  371. MaxRoamers = 5 ; Max Roamers (In All Game Modes)
  372. MaxTraps = 3 ; Max traps that should exist in a level, pre-placed and suspect-placed included
  373. TrapType = "Alarm, Explosive" ; What trap types are allowed, comma seperated
  374. MaxLockedDoorsPercentage = 0.80 ; Percentage of locked doors in the level (0.225 = 22.5%)
  375. MaxOpenDoorsPercentage = 0 ; Percentage of open doors in the level (0.075 = 7.5%)
  376. MaxExplosiveVestSuspects = 4 ; Max suspects with explosive vests
  377. MaxExplosiveVestCivilians = 2 ; Max civilians with explosive vests
  379. [RoN_Farm_Core_Raid]
  380. MaxCivilians = 5 ; Max Civilians
  381. MinSuspects = 14 ; Min Suspects
  382. MaxSuspects = 28 ; Max Suspects
  383. MaxRoamers = 4 ; Max Roamers (In All Game Modes)
  384. MaxTraps = 4 ; Max traps that should exist in a level, pre-placed and suspect-placed included
  385. TrapType = "Alarm, Flashbang, Explosive" ; What trap types are allowed, comma seperated
  386. MaxLockedDoorsPercentage = 0.50 ; Percentage of locked doors in the level (0.225 = 22.5%)
  387. MaxOpenDoorsPercentage = 0.2 ; Percentage of open doors in the level (0.075 = 7.5%)
  388. SuspectAccuracy = 2.0 ; Suspect Accuracy in Degrees (0.0f = Perfectly Accurate, 5+ = Can't really hit anything beyond 10m)
  389. MaxExplosiveVestSuspects = 0 ; Max suspects with explosive vests
  390. MaxExplosiveVestCivilians = 0 ; Max civilians with explosive vests
  392. ; Voll Health House
  394. [RoN_Valley_Core_BarricadedSuspects]
  395. MinCivilians = 6 ; Min Civilians
  396. MaxCivilians = 9 ; Max Civilians
  397. MinSuspects = 14 ; Min Suspects
  398. MaxSuspects = 22 ; Max Suspects
  399. MaxRoamers = 4 ; Max Roamers (In All Game Modes)
  400. MaxTraps = 3 ; Max traps that should exist in a level, pre-placed and suspect-placed included
  401. TrapType = "Alarm, Explosive" ; What trap types are allowed, comma seperated
  402. MaxLockedDoorsPercentage = 0.80 ; Percentage of locked doors in the level (0.225 = 22.5%)
  403. MaxOpenDoorsPercentage = 0 ; Percentage of open doors in the level (0.075 = 7.5%)
  404. MaxExplosiveVestSuspects = 0 ; Max suspects with explosive vests
  405. MaxExplosiveVestCivilians = 0 ; Max civilians with explosive vests
  407. ; Brisa Cove
  409. [RoN_Penthouse_Core_BarricadedSuspects]
  410. MinCivilians = 5 ; Min Civilians
  411. MaxCivilians = 7 ; Max Civilians
  412. MinSuspects = 12 ; Min Suspects
  413. MaxSuspects = 18 ; Max Suspects
  414. MaxRoamers = 6 ; Max Roamers (In All Game Modes)
  415. MaxTraps = 3 ; Max traps that should exist in a level, pre-placed and suspect-placed included
  416. TrapType = "Alarm, Explosive" ; What trap types are allowed, comma seperated
  417. MaxLockedDoorsPercentage = 0.80 ; Percentage of locked doors in the level (0.225 = 22.5%)
  418. MaxOpenDoorsPercentage = 0 ; Percentage of open doors in the level (0.075 = 7.5%)
  419. MaxExplosiveVestSuspects = 0 ; Max suspects with explosive vests
  420. MaxExplosiveVestCivilians = 0 ; Max civilians with explosive vests
  422. ; Neon Nightclub
  424. [RoN_Club_Core_BarricadedSuspects]
  425. MinCivilians = 10 ; Min Civilians
  426. MaxCivilians = 12 ; Max Civilians
  427. MinSuspects = 14 ; Min Suspects
  428. MaxSuspects = 20 ; Max Suspects
  429. MaxRoamers = 6 ; Max Roamers (In All Game Modes)
  430. MaxTraps = 3 ; Max traps that should exist in a level, pre-placed and suspect-placed included
  431. TrapType = "Alarm" ; What trap types are allowed, comma seperated
  432. MaxLockedDoorsPercentage = 0.80 ; Percentage of locked doors in the level (0.225 = 22.5%)
  433. MaxOpenDoorsPercentage = 0 ; Percentage of open doors in the level (0.075 = 7.5%)
  434. MaxExplosiveVestSuspects = 4 ; Max suspects with explosive vests
  435. MaxExplosiveVestCivilians = 1 ; Max civilians with explosive vests
  439. ; Ridgeline
  441. [RoN_Ridgeline_Core_BarricadedSuspects]
  442. MinCivilians = 3 ; Min Civilians
  443. MaxCivilians = 6 ; Max Civilians
  444. MinSuspects = 3 ; Min Suspects
  445. MaxSuspects = 6 ; Max Suspects
  446. MaxRoamers = 2 ; Max Roamers (In All Game Modes)
  447. MaxTraps = 2 ; Max traps that should exist in a level, pre-placed and suspect-placed included
  448. TrapType = "Alarm" ; What trap types are allowed, comma seperated
  449. MaxLockedDoorsPercentage = 0.80 ; Percentage of locked doors in the level (0.225 = 22.5%)
  450. MaxOpenDoorsPercentage = 0 ; Percentage of open doors in the level (0.075 = 7.5%)
  451. MaxExplosiveVestSuspects = 0 ; Max suspects with explosive vests
  452. MaxExplosiveVestCivilians = 0 ; Max civilians with explosive vests
  454. ; Agency
  456. [RoN_Agency_Core_HostageRescue]
  457. MinCivilians = 7 ; Min Civilians
  458. MaxCivilians = 9 ; Max Civilians
  459. MinSuspects = 7 ; Min Suspects
  460. MaxSuspects = 12 ; Max Suspects
  461. MaxRoamers = 0 ; Max Roamers (In All Game Modes)
  462. MaxTraps = 2 ; Max traps that should exist in a level, pre-placed and suspect-placed included
  463. TrapType = "Alarm, Explosive" ; What trap types are allowed, comma seperated
  464. UnalertedSightRange = 1500 ; Unalerted Sight Range (Unalerted = Hasn't heard any noise/Hasn't spotted a swat officer)
  466. ; Fast Food
  468. [RoN_FastFood_Core_BarricadedSuspects]
  469. MinCivilians = 5 ; Min Civilians
  470. MaxCivilians = 7 ; Max Civilians
  471. MinSuspects = 4 ; Min Suspects
  472. MaxSuspects = 7 ; Max Suspects
  473. MaxRoamers = 1 ; Max Roamers (In All Game Modes)
  474. MaxTraps = 2 ; Max traps that should exist in a level, pre-placed and suspect-placed included
  475. TrapType = "Alarm" ; What trap types are allowed, comma seperated
  476. MaxLockedDoorsPercentage = 0.80 ; Percentage of locked doors in the level (0.225 = 22.5%)
  477. MaxOpenDoorsPercentage = 0 ; Percentage of open doors in the level (0.075 = 7.5%)
  478. MaxExplosiveVestSuspects = 0 ; Max suspects with explosive vests
  479. MaxExplosiveVestCivilians = 0 ; Max civilians with explosive vests
  481. [RoN_FastFood_Core_Raid]
  482. MinCivilians = 5 ; Min Civilians
  483. MaxCivilians = 7 ; Max Civilians
  484. MinSuspects = 6 ; Min Suspects
  485. MaxSuspects = 9 ; Max Suspects
  486. MaxRoamers = 2 ; Max Roamers (In All Game Modes)
  487. MaxTraps = 3 ; Max traps that should exist in a level, pre-placed and suspect-placed included
  488. TrapType = "Alarm" ; What trap types are allowed, comma seperated
  489. MaxLockedDoorsPercentage = 0.50 ; Percentage of locked doors in the level (0.225 = 22.5%)
  490. MaxOpenDoorsPercentage = 0.2 ; Percentage of open doors in the level (0.075 = 7.5%)
  491. SuspectAccuracy = 2.0 ; Suspect Accuracy in Degrees (0.0f = Perfectly Accurate, 5+ = Can't really hit anything beyond 10m)
  492. MaxExplosiveVestSuspects = 0 ; Max suspects with explosive vests
  493. MaxExplosiveVestCivilians = 0 ; Max civilians with explosive vests
  495. [RoN_FastFood_Core_ActiveShooter]
  496. MinCivilians = 7 ; Min Civilians
  497. MaxCivilians = 9 ; Max Civilians
  498. MinSuspects = 1 ; Min Suspects
  499. MaxSuspects = 3 ; Max Suspects
  500. MaxRoamers = 0 ; Max Roamers (In All Game Modes)
  501. MaxTraps = 0 ; Max traps that should exist in a level, pre-placed and suspect-placed included
  502. SuspectAccuracy = 3.0 ; Suspect Accuracy in Degrees (0.0f = Perfectly Accurate, 5+ = Can't really hit anything beyond 10m)
  503. MaxExplosiveVestSuspects = 0 ; Max suspects with explosive vests
  504. MaxExplosiveVestCivilians = 0 ; Max civilians with explosive vests
  506. ; Hospital
  508. [RoN_Hospital_Core_BarricadedSuspects]
  509. MinCivilians = 6 ; Min Civilians
  510. MaxCivilians = 12 ; Max Civilians
  511. MinSuspects = 12 ; Min Suspects
  512. MaxSuspects = 18 ; Max Suspects
  513. MaxRoamers = 4 ; Max Roamers (In All Game Modes)
  514. MaxTraps = 4 ; Max traps that should exist in a level, pre-placed and suspect-placed included
  515. TrapType = "Explosive" ; What trap types are allowed, comma seperated
  516. MaxLockedDoorsPercentage = 0.80 ; Percentage of locked doors in the level (0.225 = 22.5%)
  517. MaxOpenDoorsPercentage = 0 ; Percentage of open doors in the level (0.075 = 7.5%)
  518. SuspectKnifeFakeForwardChance = 0.4; Chance to fake when player gets closing and is facing us (with knife)
  519. MaxExplosiveVestSuspects = 2 ; Max suspects with explosive vests
  520. MaxExplosiveVestCivilians = 1 ; Max civilians with explosive vests
  523. [RoN_Hospital_Core_Raid]
  524. MinCivilians = 7 ; Min Civilians
  525. MaxCivilians = 9 ; Max Civilians
  526. MinSuspects = 16 ; Min Suspects
  527. MaxSuspects = 24 ; Max Suspects
  528. MaxRoamers = 3 ; Max Roamers (In All Game Modes)
  529. MaxTraps = 3 ; Max traps that should exist in a level, pre-placed and suspect-placed included
  530. TrapType = "Explosive" ; What trap types are allowed, comma seperated
  531. MaxLockedDoorsPercentage = 0.50 ; Percentage of locked doors in the level (0.225 = 22.5%)
  532. MaxOpenDoorsPercentage = 0.2 ; Percentage of open doors in the level (0.075 = 7.5%)
  533. SuspectAccuracy = 2.0 ; Suspect Accuracy in Degrees (0.0f = Perfectly Accurate, 5+ = Can't really hit anything beyond 10m)
  534. SuspectKnifeFakeForwardChance = 0.4; Chance to fake when player gets closing and is facing us (with knife)
  535. MaxExplosiveVestSuspects = 2 ; Max suspects with explosive vests
  536. MaxExplosiveVestCivilians = 1 ; Max civilians with explosive vests
  538. [RoN_Hospital_Core_ActiveShooter]
  539. MinCivilians = 6 ; Min Civilians
  540. MaxCivilians = 12 ; Max Civilians
  541. MinSuspects = 4 ; Min Suspects
  542. MaxSuspects = 6 ; Max Suspects
  543. MaxRoamers = 2 ; Max Roamers (In All Game Modes)
  544. MaxTraps = 2 ; Max traps that should exist in a level, pre-placed and suspect-placed included
  545. TrapType = "Explosive" ; What trap types are allowed, comma seperated
  546. SuspectAccuracy = 3.0 ; Suspect Accuracy in Degrees (0.0f = Perfectly Accurate, 5+ = Can't really hit anything beyond 10m)
  547. ASTimeBeforeTargetingFirstCivilian = 120.0 ; Time Before targeting first civilian in Active Shooter
  548. SuspectKnifeFakeForwardChance = 0.4; Chance to fake when player gets closing and is facing us (with knife)
  549. MaxExplosiveVestSuspects = 2 ; Max suspects with explosive vests
  550. MaxExplosiveVestCivilians = 1 ; Max civilians with explosive vests
  552. [RoN_Hospital_Core_BombThreat]
  553. MinCivilians = 6 ; Min Civilians
  554. MaxCivilians = 12 ; Max Civilians
  555. MinSuspects = 4 ; Min Suspects
  556. MaxSuspects = 6 ; Max Suspects
  557. MaxRoamers = 2 ; Max Roamers (In All Game Modes)
  558. MaxTraps = 3 ; Max traps that should exist in a level, pre-placed and suspect-placed included
  559. TrapType = "Alarm, Explosive" ; What trap types are allowed, comma seperated
  560. BTTimeUntilBombExplodes = 720 ; Time Until Bomb Threat Explodes
  561. SuspectKnifeFakeForwardChance = 0.4; Chance to fake when player gets closing and is facing us (with knife)
  563. [RoN_Hospital_Core_HostageRescue]
  564. MinCivilians = 7 ; Min Civilians
  565. MaxCivilians = 9 ; Max Civilians
  566. MinSuspects = 7 ; Min Suspects
  567. MaxSuspects = 12 ; Max Suspects
  568. MaxRoamers = 0 ; Max Roamers (In All Game Modes)
  569. MaxTraps = 2 ; Max traps that should exist in a level, pre-placed and suspect-placed included
  570. TrapType = "Alarm, Explosive" ; What trap types are allowed, comma seperated
  571. UnalertedSightRange = 1500 ; Unalerted Sight Range (Unalerted = Hasn't heard any noise/Hasn't spotted a swat officer)
  572. SuspectKnifeFakeForwardChance = 0.4; Chance to fake when player gets closing and is facing us (with knife)
  574. ; Data Center (Default Test Map)
  576. [RoN_DataCenter_Core_BarricadedSuspects]
  577. MinCivilians = 7 ; Min Civilians
  578. MaxCivilians = 9 ; Max Civilians
  579. MinSuspects = 11 ; Min Suspects
  580. MaxSuspects = 16 ; Max Suspects
  581. MaxRoamers = 2 ; Max Roamers (In All Game Modes)
  582. MaxTraps = 2 ; Max traps that should exist in a level, pre-placed and suspect-placed included
  583. TrapType = "Explosive" ; What trap types are allowed, comma seperated
  584. MaxLockedDoorsPercentage = 0.80 ; Percentage of locked doors in the level (0.225 = 22.5%)
  585. MaxOpenDoorsPercentage = 0 ; Percentage of open doors in the level (0.075 = 7.5%)
  586. MaxExplosiveVestSuspects = 0 ; Max suspects with explosive vests
  587. MaxExplosiveVestCivilians = 0 ; Max civilians with explosive vests
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