

Nov 20th, 2024
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text 18.57 KB | None | 0 0
  1. ubuntu@ip-172-31-31-23:~/dmm_strat/solutions/test$ ./test support/launch.config
  2. {}
  3. C++ 1ffd161f95a641469ef6fb6b7b5cbac3
  4. 2024/11/20 09:10:58 init Nonce: 231
  5. 2024/11/20 09:10:58 bind contract 0x6b965968fbc6ff0d2ed7cb1cb38c1c1bbe0327b4
  6. 2024/11/20 09:10:58 bind contract 0x1a9f5fd1b36f8d1e03f0ff6eabbbb268f053033e
  7. 2024/11/20 09:10:58 bind contract 0x6fcb55c09671bd0d28b5a0e9d303793ac005f19c
  8. 2024/11/20 09:10:58 bind contract 0x762d3d096b9a74f4d3adf2b0824456ef8fce5daa
  9. 2024/11/20 09:10:58 bind contract 0x8f3cf7ad23cd3cadbd9735aff958023239c6a063
  10. 2024/11/20 09:10:58 bind contract 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000001010
  11. {"type": "FORCE_DEX", "txIndex": "0", "name": "HC/DAI", "baseAsset": "0x762d3d096b9a74f4d3adf2b0824456ef8fce5daa", "baseAssetDecimals": "18", "quoteAssetDecimals": "18", "chainId": "matic", "createdAt": "0001-01-01T00:00:00.000Z", "deployedBlock": "59522571", "updatedAt": "2024-11-20T09:10:55.498Z", "txHash": "0x306571d8352b418b85a88243349ea726074e68360603982196c46eeff8dbc9e0", "address": "0x6b965968fbc6ff0d2ed7cb1cb38c1c1bbe0327b4", "lastSyncedBlock": "64509027", "id": "1100ce7d-7e16-4a40-9aba-1ecc883b1f7e", "quoteAsset": "0x8f3cf7ad23cd3cadbd9735aff958023239c6a063", "symbol": "HCDAI"}
  12. {"userId": "1245312", "error": "ok"}
  13. user_id: 1245312
  14. authentification was completed
  15. API 0x5f2c8344e050
  16. get balance indicator 0x5f2c8344e1f0
  17. trader {"symbol": "HCDAI", "account": "MFS_1", "market": "MFS_DEX", "logger": {"severity_level": "DEBUG"}, "execution": {"print_ws_events": "1", "delay_between_cancel_and_new": "100", "cancel_on_start": "0", "timeout": "8000"}, "data": {"print_ws_events": "0", "use_part_depth": "true", "events": ["ORDER_BOOK", "TICK"]}}
  18. >:)
  19. auth token: eyJhbG
  20. get_open_orders_wrapper::request_filler
  21. auth token: eyJhbG
  22. Execution was constructed
  23. Trader was created
  24. subscription stream: PART_DEPTH
  25. subscription stream: TICK
  26. mfs api run ws: tick
  27. subscription stream: ACCOUNT_ORDER
  28. subscription stream: ACCOUNT_TRADE
  29. {"payload": {"query": "subscription onMyForceDexOrdersUpdated($userId: BigInt!, $pairId: UUID!) { onMyForceDexOrdersUpdated(userId: $userId, pairId: $pairId) { createdAt direction orderNumber id initialQuantity pairId price quantity status type userId }}", "operationName": "onMyForceDexOrdersUpdated", "extensions": {}, "variables": {"userId": "1245312", "pairId": "1100ce7d-7e16-4a40-9aba-1ecc883b1f7e"}}, "type": "subscribe", "id": "1732093863485002"}
  30. {"payload": {"extensions": {}, "variables": {}}, "type": "subscribe", "id": "1732093863485001"}
  31. {"payload": {"query": "subscription onForceDexOrdersBookUpdated($pairId: UUID!) { onForceDexOrdersBookUpdated(pairId: $pairId) { lines { direction quantity price __typename } __typename }}", "operationName": "onForceDexOrdersBookUpdated", "extensions": {}, "variables": {"pairId": "1100ce7d-7e16-4a40-9aba-1ecc883b1f7e"}}, "type": "subscribe", "id": "1732093863485000"}
  32."type").s() != ping{"type": "connection_ack"}
  33."type").s() != ping{"type": "connection_ack"}
  34."type").s() != ping{"payload": [{"locations": [{"column": "35", "line": "1"}], "message": "The request is missing the \u0060query\u0060 property and the \u0060id\u0060 property."}], "type": "error", "id": "1732093863485001"}
  35."type").s() != ping{"type": "connection_ack"}
  37. 1732093868915 stream = onForceDexOrdersBookUpdated
  39. [ 2024-11-20-09-11-08 ] MESSAGE: Orderbook event
  40. ask price = 8.84 ask quantity = 487.988
  41. ask price = 8.85 ask quantity = 0
  42. ask price = 8.86 ask quantity = 132.398
  43. ask price = 8.87 ask quantity = 1000
  44. ask price = 8.88 ask quantity = 77
  45. ask price = 8.89 ask quantity = 0
  46. ask price = 8.9 ask quantity = 1242.66
  47. ask price = 8.91 ask quantity = 481.557
  48. ask price = 8.92 ask quantity = 0
  49. ask price = 8.93 ask quantity = 0
  50. bid price = 8.83 bid quantity = 2.82
  51. bid price = 8.82 bid quantity = 0
  52. bid price = 8.81 bid quantity = 0
  53. bid price = 8.8 bid quantity = 0
  54. bid price = 8.79 bid quantity = 0
  55. bid price = 8.78 bid quantity = 28.0874
  56. bid price = 8.77 bid quantity = 18.8141
  57. bid price = 8.76 bid quantity = 83.3878
  58. bid price = 8.75 bid quantity = 51.3222
  59. bid price = 8.74 bid quantity = 376.501
  60. 1732093878858 we get ping message: {"type":"ping"}
  61. 1732093878872 we get ping message: {"type":"ping"}
  62. 1732093878895 we get ping message: {"type":"ping"}
  64. 1732093881284 stream = onForceDexOrdersBookUpdated
  66. [ 2024-11-20-09-11-21 ] MESSAGE: Orderbook event
  67. ask price = 8.84 ask quantity = 487.988
  68. ask price = 8.85 ask quantity = 0
  69. ask price = 8.86 ask quantity = 132.398
  70. ask price = 8.87 ask quantity = 1000
  71. ask price = 8.88 ask quantity = 77
  72. ask price = 8.89 ask quantity = 0
  73. ask price = 8.9 ask quantity = 1242.66
  74. ask price = 8.91 ask quantity = 481.557
  75. ask price = 8.92 ask quantity = 0
  76. ask price = 8.93 ask quantity = 0
  77. bid price = 8.83 bid quantity = 2.82
  78. bid price = 8.82 bid quantity = 0
  79. bid price = 8.81 bid quantity = 0
  80. bid price = 8.8 bid quantity = 0
  81. bid price = 8.79 bid quantity = 0
  82. bid price = 8.78 bid quantity = 50.707
  83. bid price = 8.77 bid quantity = 18.8141
  84. bid price = 8.76 bid quantity = 83.3878
  85. bid price = 8.75 bid quantity = 51.3222
  86. bid price = 8.74 bid quantity = 376.501
  87. 1732093883857 we get ping message: {"type":"ping"}
  88. 1732093883869 we get ping message: {"type":"ping"}
  89. 1732093883896 we get ping message: {"type":"ping"}
  90. ^C
  91. ubuntu@ip-172-31-31-23:~/dmm_strat/solutions/test$ ./test support/launch.config
  92. {}
  93. C++ 1ffd161f95a641469ef6fb6b7b5cbac3
  94. 2024/11/20 09:11:27 init Nonce: 231
  95. 2024/11/20 09:11:27 bind contract 0x6b965968fbc6ff0d2ed7cb1cb38c1c1bbe0327b4
  96. 2024/11/20 09:11:27 bind contract 0x1a9f5fd1b36f8d1e03f0ff6eabbbb268f053033e
  97. 2024/11/20 09:11:27 bind contract 0x6fcb55c09671bd0d28b5a0e9d303793ac005f19c
  98. 2024/11/20 09:11:27 bind contract 0x762d3d096b9a74f4d3adf2b0824456ef8fce5daa
  99. 2024/11/20 09:11:27 bind contract 0x8f3cf7ad23cd3cadbd9735aff958023239c6a063
  100. 2024/11/20 09:11:27 bind contract 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000001010
  101. {"type": "FORCE_DEX", "txIndex": "0", "name": "HC/DAI", "baseAsset": "0x762d3d096b9a74f4d3adf2b0824456ef8fce5daa", "baseAssetDecimals": "18", "quoteAssetDecimals": "18", "chainId": "matic", "createdAt": "0001-01-01T00:00:00.000Z", "deployedBlock": "59522571", "updatedAt": "2024-11-20T09:11:26.511Z", "txHash": "0x306571d8352b418b85a88243349ea726074e68360603982196c46eeff8dbc9e0", "address": "0x6b965968fbc6ff0d2ed7cb1cb38c1c1bbe0327b4", "lastSyncedBlock": "64509037", "id": "1100ce7d-7e16-4a40-9aba-1ecc883b1f7e", "quoteAsset": "0x8f3cf7ad23cd3cadbd9735aff958023239c6a063", "symbol": "HCDAI"}
  102. {"userId": "1245312", "error": "ok"}
  103. user_id: 1245312
  104. authentification was completed
  105. API 0x55f85a06f050
  106. get balance indicator 0x55f85a06f1f0
  107. trader {"symbol": "HCDAI", "account": "MFS_1", "market": "MFS_DEX", "logger": {"severity_level": "DEBUG"}, "execution": {"print_ws_events": "1", "delay_between_cancel_and_new": "100", "cancel_on_start": "0", "timeout": "8000"}, "data": {"print_ws_events": "0", "use_part_depth": "true", "events": ["ORDER_BOOK", "TICK"]}}
  108. >:)
  109. auth token: eyJhbG
  110. get_open_orders_wrapper::request_filler
  111. auth token: eyJhbG
  112. Execution was constructed
  113. Trader was created
  114. subscription stream: PART_DEPTH
  115. subscription stream: TICK
  116. mfs api run ws: tick
  117. subscription stream: ACCOUNT_ORDER
  118. subscription stream: ACCOUNT_TRADE
  119. {"payload": {"extensions": {}, "variables": {}}, "type": "subscribe", "id": "1732093891418001"}
  120. {"payload": {"query": "subscription onForceDexOrdersBookUpdated($pairId: UUID!) { onForceDexOrdersBookUpdated(pairId: $pairId) { lines { direction quantity price __typename } __typename }}", "operationName": "onForceDexOrdersBookUpdated", "extensions": {}, "variables": {"pairId": "1100ce7d-7e16-4a40-9aba-1ecc883b1f7e"}}, "type": "subscribe", "id": "1732093891418000"}
  121. {"payload": {"query": "subscription onMyForceDexOrdersUpdated($userId: BigInt!, $pairId: UUID!) { onMyForceDexOrdersUpdated(userId: $userId, pairId: $pairId) { createdAt direction orderNumber id initialQuantity pairId price quantity status type userId }}", "operationName": "onMyForceDexOrdersUpdated", "extensions": {}, "variables": {"userId": "1245312", "pairId": "1100ce7d-7e16-4a40-9aba-1ecc883b1f7e"}}, "type": "subscribe", "id": "1732093891418002"}
  122."type").s() != ping{"type": "connection_ack"}
  123."type").s() != ping{"payload": [{"locations": [{"column": "35", "line": "1"}], "message": "The request is missing the \u0060query\u0060 property and the \u0060id\u0060 property."}], "type": "error", "id": "1732093891418001"}
  124."type").s() != ping{"type": "connection_ack"}
  125."type").s() != ping{"type": "connection_ack"}
  127. 1732093904246 stream = onForceDexOrdersBookUpdated
  129. [ 2024-11-20-09-11-44 ] MESSAGE: Orderbook event
  130. ask price = 8.84 ask quantity = 442.739
  131. ask price = 8.85 ask quantity = 0
  132. ask price = 8.86 ask quantity = 132.398
  133. ask price = 8.87 ask quantity = 1000
  134. ask price = 8.88 ask quantity = 77
  135. ask price = 8.89 ask quantity = 0
  136. ask price = 8.9 ask quantity = 1242.66
  137. ask price = 8.91 ask quantity = 481.557
  138. ask price = 8.92 ask quantity = 0
  139. ask price = 8.93 ask quantity = 0
  140. bid price = 8.83 bid quantity = 2.82
  141. bid price = 8.82 bid quantity = 0
  142. bid price = 8.81 bid quantity = 0
  143. bid price = 8.8 bid quantity = 0
  144. bid price = 8.79 bid quantity = 0
  145. bid price = 8.78 bid quantity = 50.707
  146. bid price = 8.77 bid quantity = 18.8141
  147. bid price = 8.76 bid quantity = 83.3878
  148. bid price = 8.75 bid quantity = 51.3222
  149. bid price = 8.74 bid quantity = 376.501
  150. 1732093906792 we get ping message: {"type":"ping"}
  151. 1732093906807 we get ping message: {"type":"ping"}
  152. 1732093906851 we get ping message: {"type":"ping"}
  154. 1732093910957 stream = onForceDexOrdersBookUpdated
  156. [ 2024-11-20-09-11-50 ] MESSAGE: Orderbook event
  157. ask price = 8.84 ask quantity = 442.739
  158. ask price = 8.85 ask quantity = 0
  159. ask price = 8.86 ask quantity = 132.398
  160. ask price = 8.87 ask quantity = 0
  161. ask price = 8.88 ask quantity = 77
  162. ask price = 8.89 ask quantity = 0
  163. ask price = 8.9 ask quantity = 1242.66
  164. ask price = 8.91 ask quantity = 481.557
  165. ask price = 8.92 ask quantity = 0
  166. ask price = 8.93 ask quantity = 0
  167. bid price = 8.83 bid quantity = 2.82
  168. bid price = 8.82 bid quantity = 0
  169. bid price = 8.81 bid quantity = 0
  170. bid price = 8.8 bid quantity = 0
  171. bid price = 8.79 bid quantity = 0
  172. bid price = 8.78 bid quantity = 50.707
  173. bid price = 8.77 bid quantity = 18.8141
  174. bid price = 8.76 bid quantity = 83.3878
  175. bid price = 8.75 bid quantity = 51.3222
  176. bid price = 8.74 bid quantity = 376.501
  177. 1732093911799 we get ping message: {"type":"ping"}
  178. 1732093911806 we get ping message: {"type":"ping"}
  179. 1732093911844 we get ping message: {"type":"ping"}
  180. ^V^C
  181. ubuntu@ip-172-31-31-23:~/dmm_strat/solutions/test$ ./test support/launch.config
  182. {}
  183. C++ 1ffd161f95a641469ef6fb6b7b5cbac3
  184. 2024/11/20 09:12:41 init Nonce: 231
  185. 2024/11/20 09:12:41 bind contract 0x6b965968fbc6ff0d2ed7cb1cb38c1c1bbe0327b4
  186. 2024/11/20 09:12:41 bind contract 0x1a9f5fd1b36f8d1e03f0ff6eabbbb268f053033e
  187. 2024/11/20 09:12:41 bind contract 0x6fcb55c09671bd0d28b5a0e9d303793ac005f19c
  188. 2024/11/20 09:12:41 bind contract 0x762d3d096b9a74f4d3adf2b0824456ef8fce5daa
  189. 2024/11/20 09:12:41 bind contract 0x8f3cf7ad23cd3cadbd9735aff958023239c6a063
  190. 2024/11/20 09:12:41 bind contract 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000001010
  191. {"type": "FORCE_DEX", "txIndex": "0", "name": "HC/DAI", "baseAsset": "0x762d3d096b9a74f4d3adf2b0824456ef8fce5daa", "baseAssetDecimals": "18", "quoteAssetDecimals": "18", "chainId": "matic", "createdAt": "0001-01-01T00:00:00.000Z", "deployedBlock": "59522571", "updatedAt": "2024-11-20T09:12:40.379Z", "txHash": "0x306571d8352b418b85a88243349ea726074e68360603982196c46eeff8dbc9e0", "address": "0x6b965968fbc6ff0d2ed7cb1cb38c1c1bbe0327b4", "lastSyncedBlock": "64509069", "id": "1100ce7d-7e16-4a40-9aba-1ecc883b1f7e", "quoteAsset": "0x8f3cf7ad23cd3cadbd9735aff958023239c6a063", "symbol": "HCDAI"}
  192. {"userId": "1245312", "error": "ok"}
  193. user_id: 1245312
  194. authentification was completed
  195. API 0x62e387cd2050
  196. get balance indicator 0x62e387cd21f0
  197. trader {"symbol": "HCDAI", "account": "MFS_1", "market": "MFS_DEX", "logger": {"severity_level": "DEBUG"}, "execution": {"print_ws_events": "1", "delay_between_cancel_and_new": "100", "cancel_on_start": "0", "timeout": "8000"}, "data": {"print_ws_events": "0", "use_part_depth": "true", "events": ["ORDER_BOOK", "TICK"]}}
  198. >:)
  199. auth token: eyJhbG
  200. get_open_orders_wrapper::request_filler
  201. auth token: eyJhbG
  202. Execution was constructed
  203. Trader was created
  204. subscription stream: PART_DEPTH
  205. subscription stream: TICK
  206. mfs api run ws: tick
  207. subscription stream: ACCOUNT_ORDER
  208. subscription stream: ACCOUNT_TRADE
  209. {"payload": {"query": "subscription onMyForceDexOrdersUpdated($userId: BigInt!, $pairId: UUID!) { onMyForceDexOrdersUpdated(userId: $userId, pairId: $pairId) { createdAt direction orderNumber id initialQuantity pairId price quantity status type userId }}", "operationName": "onMyForceDexOrdersUpdated", "extensions": {}, "variables": {"userId": "1245312", "pairId": "1100ce7d-7e16-4a40-9aba-1ecc883b1f7e"}}, "type": "subscribe", "id": "1732093965115002"}
  210. {"payload": {"query": "subscription onForceDexOrdersBookUpdated($pairId: UUID!) { onForceDexOrdersBookUpdated(pairId: $pairId) { lines { direction quantity price __typename } __typename }}", "operationName": "onForceDexOrdersBookUpdated", "extensions": {}, "variables": {"pairId": "1100ce7d-7e16-4a40-9aba-1ecc883b1f7e"}}, "type": "subscribe", "id": "1732093965115000"}
  211. {"payload": {"extensions": {}, "variables": {}}, "type": "subscribe", "id": "1732093965115001"}
  212."type").s() != ping{"type": "connection_ack"}
  213."type").s() != ping{"type": "connection_ack"}
  214."type").s() != ping{"type": "connection_ack"}
  215."type").s() != ping{"payload": [{"locations": [{"column": "35", "line": "1"}], "message": "The request is missing the \u0060query\u0060 property and the \u0060id\u0060 property."}], "type": "error", "id": "1732093965115001"}
  216. [ 2024-11-20-09-12-46 ] DEBUG best book: {"ask_price": 8.84, "ask_quantity": 396.32, "bid_price": 8.78, "bid_quantity": 20.1448}
  217. [ 2024-11-20-09-12-46 ] DEBUG strat res: OrderEvent: delta=1.73199e+11, symbol="HCDAI", type="LIMIT_GRID", priority=default, asks: [], bids: [(8.77, 1); ]
  218. [ 2024-11-20-09-12-46 ] INFO portfolio: OrderEvent: delta=1.73199e+11, symbol="HCDAI", type="LIMIT_GRID", priority=default, asks: [], bids: [(8.77, 1); ]
  219. [ 2024-11-20-09-12-46 ] INFO execution order event process: OrderEvent: delta=1.73199e+11, symbol="HCDAI", type="LIMIT_GRID", priority=default, asks: [], bids: [(8.77, 1); ]
  220. [ 2024-11-20-09-12-46 ] MESSAGE: LIMIT GRID
  221. [ 2024-11-20-09-12-46 ] DEBUG in _process_limit_grid: 8.77
  222. [ 2024-11-20-09-12-46 ] DEBUG in _process_limit_grid: 1
  223. [ 2024-11-20-09-12-46 ] DEBUG @#*&* : {"symbol": "HCDAI", "price": 8.770000, "quantity": 1.000000, "type": "LIMIT", "side": "BUY"}
  224. [ 2024-11-20-09-12-46 ] MESSAGE: csize: 0
  225. index_order_id 8770000000000000000/1000000000000000000/BUY 15754089629752225132
  226. [ 2024-11-20-09-12-46 ] DEBUG ! new: {"symbol": "HCDAI", "price": 8.770000, "quantity": 1.000000, "client_order_id": 15754089629752225132, "type": "LIMIT", "side": "BUY"}
  227. ! new api API 0x62e387cd2050
  228. order_request_t {"symbol": "HCDAI", "price": 8.770000, "quantity": 1.000000, "client_order_id": 15754089629752225132, "type": "LIMIT", "side": "BUY"}
  229. quantity 10000
  230. new_order_wrapper::execute
  231. {"ext_params": {"timeout": "8000", "priority": "0"}, "params": {"quantity": "1000000000000000000", "price": "8770000000000000000", "orderType": "0", "isBid": "true"}, "function_name": "createOrder", "address": "0x6B965968FBc6ff0D2eD7CB1Cb38C1C1bbE0327B4"}
  232. 2024/11/20 09:12:46 extends args: {"timeout": "8000", "priority": "0"}
  233. 2024/11/20 09:12:46 args: {"quantity": "1000000000000000000", "price": "8770000000000000000", "orderType": "0", "isBid": "true"}
  234. 2024/11/20 09:12:46 waiting time: 0 ; net timeout after waiting = 8000 ms
  235. 2024/11/20 09:12:46 nonce: 231
  236. 2024/11/20 09:12:46 gas price = 164495211153
  237. 2024/11/20 09:12:46 TX Hash: 0xce677dac8b3c0b6b073e08cff8ff24b7481bc1fcd69c84528b4af2b16d65eff8 ; Nonce: 231
  239. 1732093968539 stream = onForceDexOrdersBookUpdated
  241. [ 2024-11-20-09-12-48 ] MESSAGE: Orderbook event
  242. ask price = 8.84 ask quantity = 378.221
  243. ask price = 8.85 ask quantity = 0
  244. ask price = 8.86 ask quantity = 132.398
  245. ask price = 8.87 ask quantity = 0
  246. ask price = 8.88 ask quantity = 77
  247. ask price = 8.89 ask quantity = 0
  248. ask price = 8.9 ask quantity = 1242.66
  249. ask price = 8.91 ask quantity = 481.557
  250. ask price = 8.92 ask quantity = 0
  251. ask price = 8.93 ask quantity = 0
  252. bid price = 8.78 bid quantity = 20.1448
  253. bid price = 8.77 bid quantity = 118.814
  254. bid price = 8.76 bid quantity = 83.3878
  255. bid price = 8.75 bid quantity = 552.322
  256. bid price = 8.74 bid quantity = 376.501
  257. bid price = 8.73 bid quantity = 182.215
  258. bid price = 8.72 bid quantity = 248.726
  259. bid price = 8.71 bid quantity = 110.934
  260. bid price = 8.7 bid quantity = 78.4441
  261. bid price = 8.69 bid quantity = 90.7084
  262. 2024/11/20 09:12:51 timeout_metric -> complete: tx: 0xce677dac8b3c0b6b073e08cff8ff24b7481bc1fcd69c84528b4af2b16d65eff8 ; exec_time: 4.180690s ; attempt = 0 ; first tx 0xce677dac8b3c0b6b073e08cff8ff24b7481bc1fcd69c84528b4af2b16d65eff8
  263. 2024/11/20 09:12:51 golang tx log: {
  264. tx = 0xce677dac8b3c0b6b073e08cff8ff24b7481bc1fcd69c84528b4af2b16d65eff8 ok;
  265. nonce = 231
  266. status = 1
  267. block = 64509087
  268. usedGas = 368091
  269. exec_time = 4.180732s
  270. }
  271. C++ new_order_wrapper response: {"tx_hash": "0xce677dac8b3c0b6b073e08cff8ff24b7481bc1fcd69c84528b4af2b16d65eff8", "used_gas": "368091", "block": "64509087", "error": "ok"}
  272. [ 2024-11-20-09-12-51 ] MESSAGE: new order delta: 4894
  274. 1732093974135 stream = onForceDexOrdersBookUpdated
  276. [ 2024-11-20-09-12-54 ] MESSAGE: Orderbook event
  277. ask price = 8.84 ask quantity = 319.214
  278. ask price = 8.85 ask quantity = 0
  279. ask price = 8.86 ask quantity = 132.398
  280. ask price = 8.87 ask quantity = 0
  281. ask price = 8.88 ask quantity = 77
  282. ask price = 8.89 ask quantity = 0
  283. ask price = 8.9 ask quantity = 1242.66
  284. ask price = 8.91 ask quantity = 481.557
  285. ask price = 8.92 ask quantity = 0
  286. ask price = 8.93 ask quantity = 0
  287. bid price = 8.78 bid quantity = 14.8185
  288. bid price = 8.77 bid quantity = 118.814
  289. bid price = 8.76 bid quantity = 83.3878
  290. bid price = 8.75 bid quantity = 552.322
  291. bid price = 8.74 bid quantity = 376.501
  292. bid price = 8.73 bid quantity = 182.215
  293. bid price = 8.72 bid quantity = 248.726
  294. bid price = 8.71 bid quantity = 110.934
  295. bid price = 8.7 bid quantity = 78.4441
  296. bid price = 8.69 bid quantity = 90.7084
  297. 1732093980490 we get ping message: {"type":"ping"}
  298. 1732093980514 we get ping message: {"type":"ping"}
  299. 1732093980523 we get ping message: {"type":"ping"}
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