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- local GUI = require('gui')
- local paths = require('paths')
- local system = require('system')
- local event = require('event')
- local image = require('image')
- local fs = require('filesystem')
- local lc = system.getCurrentScriptLocalization()
- local cr1, cr2,cr3 = 0x989898, 0x505050,0x000000
- treemode = 'screen'
- game = {scripts = {},window = {abn = true,type = 'window',width=80,heigth=40,title = 'test',color = cr2,titleColor = cr2},screen = {},storage={}}
- wk,win,menu = system.addWindow(GUI.filledWindow(0,0,160,50,0x989898))
- local exit = win:addChild(GUI.button(160,1,1,1,0xFF0000,0xAA0000,0xFF0000,0xAA0000,'X'))
- exit.onTouch = function()
- win:remove()
- end
- local function changePosition(where,fromposition,toposition)
- if where[toposition] and where[fromposition] then
- tmp = where[toposition]
- tmp2 = where[fromposition]
- where[toposition] = tmp2
- where[fromposition] = tmp
- end
- end
- local title = win:addChild(GUI.text(1,1,0x505050,'Editor 0.2'))
- local screen = win:addChild(GUI.container(2,3,160,50))
- local params = win:addChild(GUI.filledWindow(102,24,40,20,0x989898))
- local obj = win:addChild(GUI.filledWindow(102,2,36,20,0x989898))
- function hts(...)
- return ("0x%06X"):format(...)
- end
- function it(...)
- return params:addChild(GUI.input(...))
- end
- function bn(...)
- return params:addChild(GUI.button(...))
- end
- function tt(...)
- return params:addChild(GUI.text(...))
- end
- function bx(...)
- return params:addChild(GUI.comboBox(...))
- end
- function del() for i = 1,#game.screen do if what == game.screen[i] then table.remove(game.screen,i) break end end draw() drawtree() drawparams(game.screen[1]) end
- function drawparams(whatt)
- what = whatt
- params:removeChildren()
- if not what then return end
- params:addChild(GUI.panel(1,1,40,25,cr1))
- tt(1,1,0x505050,'Params')
- if what.type == 'text' then
- tt(1,2,cr2,lc.type..' | '..what.type)
- tt(1,3,cr2,
- tt(1,4,cr2,'X')
- tt(1,5,cr2,'Y')
- tt(1,6,cr2,lc.text)
- tt(1,7,cr2,lc.color)
- tt(1,8,cr2,lc.visible)
- tt(1,9,cr2,lc.delete)
- tt(1,10,cr2,lc.up)
- tt(1,11,cr2,lc.down)
- local tmp = bn(15,10,6,1,cr1,cr2,cr1,cr2,lc.up)
- tmp.onTouch = function()
- for i = 1,#game.screen do
- if game.screen[i] == what then
- changePosition(game.screen,i,i-1)
- draw()
- drawtree()
- break
- end
- end
- end
- local tmp = bn(15,11,6,1,cr1,cr2,cr1,cr2,lc.down)
- tmp.onTouch = function()
- for i = 1,#game.screen do
- if game.screen[i] == what then
- changePosition(game.screen,i,i+1)
- draw()
- drawtree()
- break
- end
- end
- end
- local tmp = bn(15,9,6,1,cr1,cr2,cr1,cr2,lc.delete)
- tmp.onTouch = del
- local tmp = bx(15, 8, 20, 1, cr1, cr2, cr1, cr2)
- if what.visible == true then
- tmp:addItem(lc.truee).onTouch = function()
- what.visible = true
- draw()
- end
- tmp:addItem(lc.falsee).onTouch = function()
- what.visible = false
- draw()
- end
- else
- tmp:addItem(lc.falsee).onTouch = function()
- what.visible = false
- draw()
- end
- tmp:addItem(lc.truee).onTouch = function()
- what.visible = true
- draw()
- end
- end
- local xx = it(15, 4, 5, 1, cr1, cr2, cr3, cr1, cr2, what.x, "X")
- xx.onInputFinished = function()
- what.x = xx.text
- draw()
- end
- local yy = it(15, 5, 5, 1, cr1, cr2, cr3, cr1, cr2, what.y, "Y")
- yy.onInputFinished = function()
- what.y = yy.text
- draw()
- end
- local Text = it(15, 6, 20, 1, cr1, cr2, cr3, cr1, cr2, what.text, "T")
- Text.onInputFinished = function()
- what.text = Text.text
- draw()
- end
- local color = it(15, 7, 20,1, cr1, cr2, cr3, cr1, cr2, hts(what.color), "C")
- color.onInputFinished = function()
- what.color = tonumber(color.text)
- draw()
- end
- local name = it(15, 3, 20,1, cr1, cr2, cr3, cr1, cr2,, "N")
- name.onInputFinished = function()
- = name.text
- drawtree()
- end
- elseif what.type == 'button' then
- tt(1,2,cr2,lc.type..': '..what.type)
- tt(1,3,cr2,
- tt(1,4,cr2,'X')
- tt(1,5,cr2,'Y')
- tt(1,6,cr2,lc.heigth)
- tt(1,7,cr2,lc.widht)
- tt(1,8,cr2,lc.text)
- tt(1,9,cr2,lc.colorbg)
- tt(1,10,cr2,lc.colorgbp)
- tt(1,11,cr2,lc.colorfg)
- tt(1,12,cr2,lc.colorfgp)
- tt(1,13,cr2,lc.onTouch)
- tt(1,14,cr2,lc.visible)
- tt(1,15,cr2,lc.delete)
- tt(1,16,cr2,lc.up)
- tt(1,17,cr2,lc.down)
- local tmp = bn(15,16,6,1,cr1,cr2,cr1,cr2,lc.up)
- tmp.onTouch = function()
- for i = 1,#game.screen do
- if game.screen[i] == what then
- changePosition(game.screen,i,i-1)
- draw()
- drawtree()
- break
- end
- end
- end
- local tmp = bn(15,17,6,1,cr1,cr2,cr1,cr2,lc.down)
- tmp.onTouch = function()
- for i = 1,#game.screen do
- if game.screen[i] == what then
- changePosition(game.screen,i,i+1)
- draw()
- drawtree()
- break
- end
- end
- end
- local tmp = bn(15,15,6,1,cr1,cr2,cr1,cr2,lc.delete)
- tmp.onTouch = del
- local tmp = bx(15, 14, 5, 1, cr1, cr2, cr1, cr2)
- if what.visible == true then
- tmp:addItem(lc.truee).onTouch = function()
- what.visible = true
- draw()
- end
- tmp:addItem(lc.falsee).onTouch = function()
- what.visible = false
- draw()
- end
- else
- tmp:addItem(lc.falsee).onTouch = function()
- what.visible = false
- draw()
- end
- tmp:addItem(lc.truee).onTouch = function()
- what.visible = true
- draw()
- end
- end
- local tmp = it(15, 4, 5, 1, cr1, cr2, cr3, cr1, cr2, what.x, "X")
- tmp.onInputFinished = function()
- what.x =tmp.text
- draw()
- end
- local tmp = it(15, 5, 5, 1, cr1, cr2, cr3, cr1, cr2, what.y, "Y")
- tmp.onInputFinished = function()
- what.y = tmp.text
- draw()
- end
- local tmp = it(15, 8, 20, 1, cr1, cr2, cr3, cr1, cr2, what.text, "T")
- tmp.onInputFinished = function()
- what.text = tmp.text
- draw()
- end
- local tmp = it(15, 9, 20,1, cr1, cr2, cr3, cr1, cr2, hts(what.colorbg), "BG")
- tmp.onInputFinished = function()
- what.colorbg = tonumber(tmp.text)
- draw()
- end
- local tmp = it(15, 10, 20,1, cr1, cr2, cr3, cr1, cr2, hts(what.colorbgp), "BGP")
- tmp.onInputFinished = function()
- what.colorbgp = tonumber(tmp.text)
- draw()
- end
- local tmp = it(15, 12, 20,1, cr1, cr2, cr3, cr1, cr2, hts(what.colorfgp), "FGP")
- tmp.onInputFinished = function()
- what.colorfgp = tonumber(tmp.text)
- draw()
- end
- local tmp = it(15, 11, 20,1, cr1, cr2, cr3, cr1, cr2, hts(what.colorfg), "FG")
- tmp.onInputFinished = function()
- what.colorfg = tonumber(tmp.text)
- draw()
- end
- local tmp = it(15, 6, 20,1,cr1, cr2, cr3, cr1, cr2, what.height, "H")
- tmp.onInputFinished = function()
- what.height = tonumber(tmp.text)
- draw()
- end
- local tmp = it(15, 7, 20,1, cr1, cr2, cr3, cr1, cr2, what.width, "W")
- tmp.onInputFinished = function()
- what.width = tonumber(tmp.text)
- draw()
- end
- local tmp = it(15, 13, 20,1, cr1, cr2, cr3, cr1, cr2, string.gsub(what.onTouch,'.lua',''), "oT")
- tmp.onInputFinished = function()
- what.onTouch = tmp.text .. '.lua'
- end
- local tmp = it(15, 3, 20,1,cr1, cr2, cr3, cr1, cr2,, "N")
- tmp.onInputFinished = function()
- = tmp.text
- drawtree()
- end
- elseif what.type == 'script' then
- tt(1,2,cr2,lc.type..': '..what.type)
- tt(1,3,cr2,
- tt(1,4,cr2,lc.path)
- tt(1,5,cr2,lc.autoload)
- tt(1,6,cr2,lc.delete)
- tt(1,7,cr2,lc.up)
- tt(1,8,cr2,lc.down)
- local tmp = bn(15,7,6,1,cr1,cr2,cr1,cr2,lc.up)
- tmp.onTouch = function()
- for i = 1,#game.screen do
- if game.screen[i] == what then
- changePosition(game.scripts,i,i-1)
- draw()
- drawtree()
- break
- end
- end
- end
- local tmp = bn(15,8,6,1,cr1,cr2,cr1,cr2,lc.down)
- tmp.onTouch = function()
- for i = 1,#game.screen do
- if game.screen[i] == what then
- changePosition(game.scripts,i,i+1)
- draw()
- drawtree()
- break
- end
- end
- end
- local tmp = bn(15,6,6,1,cr1,cr2,cr1,cr2,lc.delete)
- tmp.onTouch = function() for i = 1,#game.script do if what == game.script[i] then table.remove(game.script,i) break end end draw() drawtree() drawparams(game.script[1]) end
- local tmp = bx(15, 5, 5, 1, cr1, cr2, cr1, cr2)
- if what.autoload == true then
- tmp:addItem(lc.truee).onTouch = function()
- what.autoload = true
- draw()
- end
- tmp:addItem(lc.falsee).onTouch = function()
- what.autoload = false
- draw()
- end
- else
- tmp:addItem(lc.falsee).onTouch = function()
- what.autoload = false
- draw()
- end
- tmp:addItem(lc.truee).onTouch = function()
- what.autoload = true
- draw()
- end
- end
- local tmp = bn(15,4,#what.path,1,cr1,cr2,cr1,cr2,what.path)
- tmp.onTouch = function()
- system.execute(paths.system.applicationMineCodeIDE, what.path)
- end
- local tmp = it(15, 3, 20,1, cr1, cr2, cr3, cr1, cr2,, "N")
- tmp.onInputFinished = function()
- = tmp.text
- drawtree()
- end
- elseif what.type == 'image' then
- tt(1,2,cr2,lc.type..': '..what.type)
- tt(1,3,cr2,
- tt(1,4,cr2,'X')
- tt(1,5,cr2,'Y')
- tt(1,6,cr2,lc.path)
- tt(1,7,cr2,lc.image)
- tt(1,8,cr2,lc.visible)
- tt(1,9,cr2,lc.delete)
- tt(1,10,cr2,lc.up)
- tt(1,11,cr2,lc.down)
- local tmp = it(15, 7, 20,1, cr1, cr2, cr3, cr1, cr2, what.image, "I")
- tmp.onInputFinished = function()
- what.image = tmp.text
- draw()
- end
- local tmp = bn(15,10,6,1,cr1,cr2,cr1,cr2,lc.up)
- tmp.onTouch = function()
- for i = 1,#game.screen do
- if game.screen[i] == what then
- changePosition(game.screen,i,i-1)
- draw()
- drawtree()
- break
- end
- end
- end
- local tmp = bn(15,11,6,1,cr1,cr2,cr1,cr2,lc.down)
- tmp.onTouch = function()
- for i = 1,#game.screen do
- if game.screen[i] == what then
- changePosition(game.screen,i,i+1)
- draw()
- drawtree()
- break
- end
- end
- end
- local tmp = bn(15,9,6,1,cr1,cr2,cr1,cr2,lc.delete)
- tmp.onTouch = del
- local tmp = bx(15, 8, 5, 1, cr1, cr2, cr1, cr2)
- if what.visible == true then
- tmp:addItem(lc.truee).onTouch = function()
- what.visible = true
- draw()
- end
- tmp:addItem(lc.falsee).onTouch = function()
- what.visible = false
- draw()
- end
- else
- tmp:addItem(lc.falsee).onTouch = function()
- what.visible = false
- draw()
- end
- tmp:addItem(lc.truee).onTouch = function()
- what.visible = true
- draw()
- end
- end
- local tmp = it(15, 3, 20,1, cr1, cr2, cr3, cr1, cr2,, "N")
- tmp.onInputFinished = function()
- = tmp.text
- drawtree()
- end
- local tmp = it(15, 4, 5, 1, cr1, cr2, cr3, cr1, cr2, what.x, "X")
- tmp.onInputFinished = function()
- what.x =tonumber(tmp.text)
- draw()
- end
- local tmp = it(15, 5, 5, 1, cr1, cr2, cr3, cr1, cr2, what.y, "Y")
- tmp.onInputFinished = function()
- what.y = tonumber(tmp.text)
- draw()
- end
- local tmp = it(15, 6, 20,1, cr1, cr2, cr3, cr1, cr2, what.path, "P")
- tmp.onInputFinished = function()
- what.path = tmp.text
- draw()
- end
- elseif what.type == 'imageStorage' then
- tt(1,2,cr2,lc.type..': '..what.type)
- tt(1,3,cr2,
- tt(1,4,cr2,lc.path)
- tt(1,5,cr2,lc.delete)
- tt(1,6,cr2,lc.up)
- tt(1,7,cr2,lc.down)
- local tmp = bn(15,6,6,1,cr1,cr2,cr1,cr2,lc.up)
- tmp.onTouch = function()
- for i = 1,#game.screen do
- if game.screen[i] == what then
- changePosition(,i,i-1)
- draw()
- drawtree()
- break
- end
- end
- end
- local tmp = bn(15,7,6,1,cr1,cr2,cr1,cr2,lc.down)
- tmp.onTouch = function()
- for i = 1,#game.screen do
- if game.screen[i] == what then
- changePosition(,i,i+1)
- draw()
- drawtree()
- break
- end
- end
- end
- local tmp = bn(15,5,6,1,cr1,cr2,cr1,cr2,lc.delete)
- tmp.onTouch = function() for i = 1, do if what ==[i] then table.remove(,i) break end end draw() drawtree() drawparams([1]) end
- local tmp = it(15, 3, 20,1, cr1, cr2, cr3, cr1, cr2,, "N")
- tmp.onInputFinished = function()
- = tmp.text
- drawtree()
- end
- local tmp = params:addChild(GUI.filesystemChooser(15, 4, 10, 1,cr1, cr2, cr1, cr2, nil,, lc.close, string.gsub(what.path,'.pic',''), "/"))
- tmp.onSubmit = function(path)
- if fs.extension(path) ~= '.pic' then GUI.alert(lc.WaYP..' :discordSkull:') return end
- what.path = path
- draw()
- end
- elseif what.type == 'input' then
- tt(1,2,cr2,lc.type..': | '..what.type)
- tt(1,3,cr2,
- tt(1,4,cr2,'X')
- tt(1,5,cr2,'Y')
- tt(1,6,cr2,lc.heigth)
- tt(1,7,cr2,lc.width)
- tt(1,8,cr2,lc.text)
- tt(1,9,cr2,
- tt(1,10,cr2,lc.colorbg)
- tt(1,11,cr2,lc.colorbgp)
- tt(1,12,cr2,lc.colorfg)
- tt(1,13,cr2,lc.colorfgp)
- tt(1,14,cr2,lc.colorph)
- tt(1,15,cr2,lc.path)
- tt(1,16,cr2,lc.delete)
- tt(1,17,cr2,lc.visible)
- tt(1,18,cr2,lc.up)
- tt(1,19,cr2,lc.down)
- local tmp = bn(15,18,6,1,cr1,cr2,cr1,cr2,lc.up)
- tmp.onTouch = function()
- for i = 1,#game.screen do
- if game.screen[i] == what then
- changePosition(game.screen,i,i-1)
- draw()
- drawtree()
- break
- end
- end
- end
- local tmp = bn(15,19,6,1,cr1,cr2,cr1,cr2,lc.down)
- tmp.onTouch = function()
- for i = 1,#game.screen do
- if game.screen[i] == what then
- changePosition(game.screen,i,i+1)
- draw()
- drawtree()
- break
- end
- end
- end
- local tmp = bn(15,16,6,1,cr1,cr2,cr1,cr2,lc.delete)
- tmp.onTouch = del
- local tmp = bx(15, 17, 5, 1, cr1, cr2, cr1, cr2)
- if what.visible == true then
- tmp:addItem(lc.truee).onTouch = function()
- what.visible = true
- draw()
- end
- tmp:addItem(lc.falsee).onTouch = function()
- what.visible = false
- draw()
- end
- else
- tmp:addItem(lc.falsee).onTouch = function()
- what.visible = false
- draw()
- end
- tmp:addItem(lc.truee).onTouch = function()
- what.visible = true
- draw()
- end
- end
- local tmp = it(15, 14, 20, 1, cr1, cr2, cr3, cr1, cr2, hts(what.colorph), "PH")
- tmp.onInputFinished = function()
- what.colorph =tonumber(tmp.text)
- draw()
- end
- local tmp = it(15, 4, 5, 1, cr1, cr2, cr3, cr1, cr2, what.x, "X")
- tmp.onInputFinished = function()
- what.x =tmp.text
- draw()
- end
- local tmp = it(15, 5, 5, 1, cr1, cr2, cr3, cr1, cr2, what.y, "Y")
- tmp.onInputFinished = function()
- what.y = tmp.text
- draw()
- end
- local tmp = it(15, 8, 20, 1, cr1, cr2, cr3, cr1, cr2, what.text, "T")
- tmp.onInputFinished = function()
- what.text = tmp.text
- draw()
- end
- local tmp = it(15, 9, 20, 1, cr1, cr2, cr3, cr1, cr2, what.textph, "T")
- tmp.onInputFinished = function()
- what.textph = tmp.text
- draw()
- end
- local tmp = it(15, 10, 20,1, cr1, cr2, cr3, cr1, cr2, hts(what.colorbg), "BG")
- tmp.onInputFinished = function()
- what.colorbg = tonumber(tmp.text)
- draw()
- end
- local tmp = it(15, 11, 20,1, cr1, cr2, cr3, cr1, cr2, hts(what.colorbgp), "BGP")
- tmp.onInputFinished = function()
- what.colorbgp = tonumber(tmp.text)
- draw()
- end
- local tmp = it(15, 13, 20,1, cr1, cr2, cr3, cr1, cr2, hts(what.colorfgp), "FGP")
- tmp.onInputFinished = function()
- what.colorfgp = tonumber(tmp.text)
- draw()
- end
- local tmp = it(15, 12, 20,1, cr1, cr2, cr3, cr1, cr2, hts(what.colorfg), "FG")
- tmp.onInputFinished = function()
- what.colorfg = tonumber(tmp.text)
- draw()
- end
- local tmp = it(15, 6, 20,1, cr1, cr2, cr3, cr1, cr2, what.height, "H")
- tmp.onInputFinished = function()
- what.height = tonumber(tmp.text)
- draw()
- end
- local tmp = it(15, 7, 20,1, cr1, cr2, cr3, cr1, cr2, what.width, "W")
- tmp.onInputFinished = function()
- what.width = tonumber(tmp.text)
- draw()
- end
- local tmp = it(15, 15, 20,1, cr1, cr2, cr3, cr1, cr2, string.gsub(what.onInputEnded,'.lua',''), "oT")
- tmp.onInputFinished = function()
- what.onInputEnded = tmp.text .. '.lua'
- end
- local tmp = it(15, 3, 20,1, cr1, cr2, cr3, cr1, cr2,, "N")
- tmp.onInputFinished = function()
- = tmp.text
- drawtree()
- end
- elseif what.type == 'switch' then
- tt(1,2,cr2,lc.type..': '..what.type)
- tt(1,3,cr2,
- tt(1,4,cr2,'X')
- tt(1,5,cr2,'Y')
- tt(1,6,cr2,lc.width)
- tt(1,7,cr2,lc.colorp)
- tt(1,8,cr2,lc.colors)
- tt(1,9,cr2,lc.colorpp)
- tt(1,10,cr2,lc.path)
- tt(1,11,cr2,lc.state)
- tt(1,12,cr2,lc.visible)
- tt(1,13,cr2,lc.delete)
- tt(1,14,cr2,lc.up)
- tt(1,15,cr2,lc.down)
- local tmp = bn(15,14,6,1,cr1,cr2,cr1,cr2,lc.up)
- tmp.onTouch = function()
- for i = 1,#game.screen do
- if game.screen[i] == what then
- changePosition(game.screen,i,i-1)
- draw()
- drawtree()
- break
- end
- end
- end
- local tmp = bn(15,15,6,1,cr1,cr2,cr1,cr2,lc.down)
- tmp.onTouch = function()
- for i = 1,#game.screen do
- if game.screen[i] == what then
- changePosition(game.screen,i,i+1)
- draw()
- drawtree()
- break
- end
- end
- end
- local tmp = it(15, 3, 5,1, cr1, cr2, cr3, cr1, cr2,, "N")
- tmp.onInputFinished = function()
- = tmp.text
- drawtree()
- end
- local tmp = bn(15,13,6,1,cr1,cr2,cr1,cr2,'Delete')
- tmp.onTouch = del
- local tmp = bx(15, 12, 20, 1,cr1, cr2, cr1, cr2)
- if what.visible == true then
- tmp:addItem(lc.truee).onTouch = function()
- what.visible = true
- draw()
- end
- tmp:addItem(lc.falsee).onTouch = function()
- what.visible = false
- draw()
- end
- else
- tmp:addItem(lc.falsee).onTouch = function()
- what.visible = false
- draw()
- end
- tmp:addItem(lc.truee).onTouch = function()
- what.visible = true
- draw()
- end
- end
- local tmp = it(15, 7, 20,1, cr1, cr2, cr3, cr1, cr2, string.gsub(what.onStateChanged,'.lua',''), "oSC")
- tmp.onInputFinished = function()
- what.onStateChanged = tmp.text .. '.lua'
- draw()
- end
- local tmp = it(15, 7, 20,1, cr1, cr2, cr3, cr1, cr2, hts(what.colorp), "P")
- tmp.onInputFinished = function()
- what.colorp = tonumber(tmp.text)
- draw()
- end
- local tmp = it(15, 8, 20,1, cr1, cr2, cr3, cr1, cr2, hts(what.colors), "S")
- tmp.onInputFinished = function()
- what.colorbs = tonumber(tmp.text)
- draw()
- end
- local tmp = it(15, 9, 20,1, cr1, cr2, cr3, cr1, cr2, hts(what.colorpp), "PP")
- tmp.onInputFinished = function()
- what.colorpp = tonumber(tmp.text)
- draw()
- end
- local tmp = bx(15, 11, 20, 1,cr1, cr2, cr1,cr2)
- if what.state == true then
- tmp:addItem(lc.truee).onTouch = function()
- what.state = true
- draw()
- end
- tmp:addItem(lc.falsee).onTouch = function()
- what.state = false
- draw()
- end
- else
- tmp:addItem(lc.falsee).onTouch = function()
- what.state = false
- draw()
- end
- tmp:addItem(lc.truee).onTouch = function()
- what.state = true
- draw()
- end
- end
- local tmp = it(15, 4, 5, 1, cr1, cr2, cr3, cr1, cr2, what.x, "X")
- tmp.onInputFinished = function()
- what.x =tmp.text
- draw()
- end
- local tmp = it(15, 6, 20,1, cr1, cr2, cr3, cr1, cr2, what.width, "W")
- tmp.onInputFinished = function()
- what.width = tonumber(tmp.text)
- draw()
- end
- local tmp = it(15, 5, 5, 1, cr1, cr2, cr3, cr1, cr2, what.y, "Y")
- tmp.onInputFinished = function()
- what.y = tmp.text
- draw()
- end
- elseif what.type == 'window' then
- tt(1,2,cr2,lc.type..': '..what.type)
- tt(1,3,cr2,
- tt(1,3,cr2,lc.width)
- tt(1,4,cr2,lc.heigth)
- tt(1,5,cr2,lc.title)
- tt(1,6,cr2,lc.titleColor)
- tt(1,7,cr2,lc.color)
- tt(1,8,cr2,lc.actionbuttons)
- tt(1,9,cr2,lc.iconi)
- local tmp = it(15, 3, 20,1, cr1, cr2, cr3, cr1, cr2,, "N")
- tmp.onInputFinished = function()
- = tmp.text
- drawtree()
- end
- local tmp = it(15, 3, 20,1, cr1, cr2, cr3, cr1, cr2, what.width, "W")
- tmp.onInputFinished = function()
- what.width = tonumber(tmp.text)
- draw()
- drawtree()
- end
- local tmp = it(15, 4, 20,1, cr1, cr2, cr3, cr1, cr2, what.heigth, "H")
- tmp.onInputFinished = function()
- what.heigth = tonumber(tmp.text)
- draw()
- drawtree()
- end
- local tmp = it(15, 7, 20,1, cr1, cr2, cr3, cr1, cr2, hts(what.color), "C")
- tmp.onInputFinished = function()
- what.color = tonumber(tmp.text)
- draw()
- end
- local tmp = it(15, 6, 20,1, cr1, cr2, cr3, cr1, cr2, hts(what.titleColor), "CT")
- tmp.onInputFinished = function()
- what.titleColor = tonumber(tmp.text)
- draw()
- end
- local tmp = it(15, 5, 20,1, cr1, cr2, cr3, cr1, cr2, what.title, "T")
- tmp.onInputFinished = function()
- what.title = tmp.text
- draw()
- end
- local tmp = bx(15, 8, 5, 1,cr1, cr2, cr1, cr2)
- if what.abn == true then
- tmp:addItem(lc.truee).onTouch = function()
- what.abn = true
- draw()
- end
- tmp:addItem(lc.falsee).onTouch = function()
- what.abn = false
- draw()
- end
- else
- tmp:addItem(lc.falsee).onTouch = function()
- what.abn = false
- draw()
- end
- tmp:addItem(lc.truee).onTouch = function()
- what.abn = true
- draw()
- end
- end
- elseif what.type == 'colorSelector' then
- tt(1,2,cr2,lc.type..': '..what.type)
- tt(1,3,cr2,
- tt(1,4,cr2,'X')
- tt(1,5,cr2,'Y')
- tt(1,6,cr2,lc.width)
- tt(1,7,cr2,lc.heigth)
- tt(1,8,cr2,lc.color)
- tt(1,9,cr2,lc.text)
- tt(1,10,cr2,lc.path)
- tt(1,11,cr2,lc.visible)
- tt(1,12,cr2,lc.delete)
- tt(1,13,cr2,lc.up)
- tt(1,14,cr2,lc.down)
- local tmp = bn(15,13,6,1,cr1,cr2,cr1,cr2,lc.up)
- tmp.onTouch = function()
- for i = 1,#game.screen do
- if game.screen[i] == what then
- changePosition(game.screen,i,i-1)
- draw()
- drawtree()
- break
- end
- end
- end
- local tmp = bn(15,14,6,1,cr1,cr2,cr1,cr2,lc.down)
- tmp.onTouch = function()
- for i = 1,#game.screen do
- if game.screen[i] == what then
- changePosition(game.screen,i,i+1)
- draw()
- drawtree()
- break
- end
- end
- end
- local tmp = it(15, 9, 20,1, cr1, cr2, cr3, cr1, cr2, what.path, "P")
- tmp.onInputFinished = function()
- what.path = tmp.text
- draw()
- end
- local tmp = it(15, 9, 20,1, cr1, cr2, cr3, cr1, cr2, what.text, "T")
- tmp.onInputFinished = function()
- what.text = tmp.text
- draw()
- end
- local tmp = it(15, 8, 20,1, cr1, cr2, cr3, cr1, cr2, hts(what.color), "C")
- tmp.onInputFinished = function()
- what.color = tonumber(tmp.text)
- draw()
- end
- local tmp = it(15, 6, 20,1, cr1, cr2, cr3, cr1, cr2, what.width, "W")
- tmp.onInputFinished = function()
- what.width = tonumber(tmp.text)
- draw()
- end
- local tmp = it(15, 7, 20,1, cr1, cr2, cr3, cr1, cr2, what.height, "H")
- tmp.onInputFinished = function()
- what.height = tonumber(tmp.text)
- draw()
- end
- local tmp = it(15, 3, 20,1, cr1, cr2, cr3, cr1, cr2,, "N")
- tmp.onInputFinished = function()
- = tmp.text
- drawtree()
- end
- local tmp = it(15, 4, 5, 1, cr1, cr2, cr3, cr1, cr2, what.x, "X")
- tmp.onInputFinished = function()
- what.x =tmp.text
- draw()
- end
- local tmp = it(15, 5, 5, 1, cr1, cr2, cr3, cr1, cr2, what.y, "Y")
- tmp.onInputFinished = function()
- what.y = tmp.text
- draw()
- end
- local tmp = bn(15,12,6,1,cr1,cr2,cr1,cr2,'Delete')
- tmp.onTouch = del
- local tmp = bx(15,11, 5, 1,cr1, cr2, cr1, cr2)
- if what.visible == true then
- tmp:addItem(lc.truee).onTouch = function()
- what.visible = true
- draw()
- end
- tmp:addItem(lc.falsee).onTouch = function()
- what.visible = false
- draw()
- end
- else
- tmp:addItem(lc.falsee).onTouch = function()
- what.visible = false
- draw()
- end
- tmp:addItem(lc.truee).onTouch = function()
- what.visible = true
- draw()
- end
- end
- elseif what.type == 'progressBar' then
- tt(1,2,cr2,lc.type..': '..what.type)
- tt(1,3,cr2,
- tt(1,4,cr2,'X')
- tt(1,5,cr2,'Y')
- tt(1,6,cr2,lc.width)
- tt(1,7,cr2,lc.colorp)
- tt(1,8,cr2,lc.colors)
- tt(1,9,cr2,lc.colorv)
- tt(1,10,cr2,lc.value)
- tt(1,11,cr2,lc.visible)
- tt(1,12,cr2,lc.delete)
- tt(1,13,cr2,lc.up)
- tt(1,14,cr2,lc.down)
- local tmp = bn(15,13,6,1,cr1,cr2,cr1,cr2,lc.up)
- tmp.onTouch = function()
- for i = 1,#game.screen do
- if game.screen[i] == what then
- changePosition(game.screen,i,i-1)
- draw()
- drawtree()
- break
- end
- end
- end
- local tmp = bn(15,14,6,1,cr1,cr2,cr1,cr2,lc.down)
- tmp.onTouch = function()
- for i = 1,#game.screen do
- if game.screen[i] == what then
- changePosition(game.screen,i,i+1)
- draw()
- drawtree()
- break
- end
- end
- end
- local tmp = it(15, 10, 20,1, cr1, cr2, cr3, cr1, cr2, what.value, "V")
- tmp.onInputFinished = function()
- what.value = tonumber(tmp.text)
- draw()
- end
- local tmp = it(15, 7, 20,1, cr1, cr2, cr3, cr1, cr2, hts(what.colorp), "P")
- tmp.onInputFinished = function()
- what.colorp = tonumber(tmp.text)
- draw()
- end
- local tmp = it(15, 8, 20,1, cr1, cr2, cr3, cr1, cr2, hts(what.colors), "S")
- tmp.onInputFinished = function()
- what.colors = tonumber(tmp.text)
- draw()
- end
- local tmp = it(15, 9, 20,1, cr1, cr2, cr3, cr1, cr2, hts(what.colorv), "V")
- tmp.onInputFinished = function()
- what.colorv = tonumber(tmp.text)
- draw()
- end
- local tmp = it(15, 6, 20,1, cr1, cr2, cr3, cr1, cr2, what.width, "W")
- tmp.onInputFinished = function()
- what.width = tonumber(tmp.text)
- draw()
- end
- local tmp = it(15, 4, 5, 1, cr1, cr2, cr3, cr1, cr2, what.x, "X")
- tmp.onInputFinished = function()
- what.x =tmp.text
- draw()
- end
- local tmp = it(15, 5, 5, 1, cr1, cr2, cr3, cr1, cr2, what.y, "Y")
- tmp.onInputFinished = function()
- what.y = tmp.text
- draw()
- end
- local tmp = it(15, 3, 20,1, cr1, cr2, cr3, cr1, cr2,, "N")
- tmp.onInputFinished = function()
- = tmp.text
- drawtree()
- end
- local tmp = bn(15,12,6,1,cr1,cr2,cr1,cr2,'Delete')
- tmp.onTouch = del
- local tmp = bx(15, 11, 5, 1,cr1, cr2, cr1, cr2)
- if what.visible == true then
- tmp:addItem(lc.truee).onTouch = function()
- what.visible = true
- draw()
- end
- tmp:addItem(lc.falsee).onTouch = function()
- what.visible = false
- draw()
- end
- else
- tmp:addItem(lc.falsee).onTouch = function()
- what.visible = false
- draw()
- end
- tmp:addItem(lc.truee).onTouch = function()
- what.visible = true
- draw()
- end
- end
- elseif what.type == 'comboBox' then
- tt(1,2,cr2,lc.type..': '..what.type)
- tt(1,3,cr2,
- tt(1,4,cr2,'X')
- tt(1,5,cr2,'Y')
- tt(1,6,cr2,lc.width)
- tt(1,7,cr2,lc.elh)
- tt(1,8,cr2,lc.colorbg)
- tt(1,9,cr2,lc.colort)
- tt(1,10,cr2,lc.colorabg)
- tt(1,11,cr2,lc.colorat)
- tt(1,12,cr2,lc.items)
- tt(1,13,cr2,lc.visible)
- tt(1,14,cr2,lc.delete)
- tt(1,15,cr2,lc.up)
- tt(1,16,cr2,lc.down)
- local tmp = bn(15,15,6,1,cr1,cr2,cr1,cr2,lc.up)
- tmp.onTouch = function()
- for i = 1,#game.screen do
- if game.screen[i] == what then
- changePosition(game.screen,i,i-1)
- draw()
- drawtree()
- break
- end
- end
- end
- local tmp = bn(15,16,6,1,cr1,cr2,cr1,cr2,lc.down)
- tmp.onTouch = function()
- for i = 1,#game.screen do
- if game.screen[i] == what then
- changePosition(game.screen,i,i+1)
- draw()
- drawtree()
- break
- end
- end
- end
- local tmp = bn(15,12, 4,1, cr1, cr2, cr1, cr2,
- tmp.onTouch = function()
- choosed = what.items[1]
- local choose = win:addChild(GUI.filledWindow(1,1,45,12,cr1))
- local function update()
- local tmp1 = choose:addChild(GUI.comboBox(2,2,20,3,cr2,cr1,cr2,cr1))
- local tmp = choose:addChild(GUI.input(1,6, 20,1, cr1, cr2, cr3, cr1, cr2,, "N"))
- tmp.onInputFinished = function()
- = tmp.text
- draw()
- end
- local tmp = choose:addChild(GUI.comboBox(1, 10, 5, 1,cr1, cr2, cr1, cr2))
- if == false then
- tmp:addItem(lc.truee).onTouch = function()
- = false
- draw()
- end
- tmp:addItem(lc.falsee).onTouch = function()
- = true
- draw()
- end
- else
- tmp:addItem(lc.falsee).onTouch = function()
- =true
- draw()
- end
- tmp:addItem(lc.truee).onTouch = function()
- = false
- draw()
- end
- end
- local tmp = choose:addChild(GUI.button(30,8,#lc.close,1,cr1,cr2,cr1,cr2,lc.close))
- tmp.onTouch = function()
- choose:remove()
- draw()
- end
- local tmp = choose:addChild(GUI.input(1,8, 20, 1,cr1, cr2, cr3, cr1, cr2, choosed.path, "P"))
- tmp.onInputFinished = function()
- choosed.path = tonumber(tmp.text)
- end
- tmp1:addItem( = function()
- update()
- end
- for i = 1,#what.items do
- if what.items[i] ~= choosed then
- tmp1:addItem(what.items[i].name).onTouch = function()
- choosed = what.items[i]
- update()
- end
- end
- end
- local tmp = choose:addChild(GUI.button(30,2,#lc.add,1,cr1,cr2,cr1,cr2,lc.add))
- tmp.onTouch = function()
- table.insert(what.items,{name='Item',path='',active=false})
- choosed = what.items[#what.items]
- update()
- end
- local tmp = choose:addChild(GUI.button(30,4,#lc.remove,1,cr1,cr2,cr1,cr2,lc.remove))
- tmp.onTouch = function()
- for i = 1,#what.items do
- if what.items[i] == choosed then
- table.remove(what.items,i)
- end end
- choosed = what.items[#what.items]
- update()
- end
- end update() end
- local tmp = it(15, 8, 20,1, cr1, cr2, cr3, cr1, cr2, hts(what.colorbg), "BG")
- tmp.onInputFinished = function()
- what.colorbg = tonumber(tmp.text)
- draw()
- end
- local tmp = it(15, 9, 20,1, cr1, cr2, cr3, cr1, cr2, hts(what.colort), "T")
- tmp.onInputFinished = function()
- what.colort = tonumber(tmp.text)
- draw()
- end
- local tmp = it(15, 10, 20,1, cr1, cr2, cr3, cr1, cr2, hts(what.colorabg), "ABG")
- tmp.onInputFinished = function()
- what.colorabg = tonumber(tmp.text)
- draw()
- end
- local tmp = it(15, 11, 20,1, cr1, cr2, cr3, cr1, cr2, hts(what.colorat), "AT")
- tmp.onInputFinished = function()
- what.colorat = tonumber(tmp.text)
- draw()
- end
- local tmp = it(15, 7, 20,1, cr1, cr2, cr3, cr1, cr2, what.elh, "ELH")
- tmp.onInputFinished = function()
- what.elh = tonumber(tmp.text)
- draw()
- end
- local tmp = it(15, 6, 20,1, cr1, cr2, cr3, cr1, cr2, what.width, "W")
- tmp.onInputFinished = function()
- what.width = tonumber(tmp.text)
- draw()
- end
- local tmp = it(15, 4, 5, 1, cr1, cr2, cr3, cr1, cr2, what.x, "X")
- tmp.onInputFinished = function()
- what.x =tmp.text
- draw()
- end
- local tmp = it(15, 5, 5, 1, cr1, cr2, cr3, cr1, cr2, what.y, "Y")
- tmp.onInputFinished = function()
- what.y = tmp.text
- draw()
- end
- local tmp = it(15, 3, 20,1, cr1, cr2, cr3, cr1, cr2,, "N")
- tmp.onInputFinished = function()
- = tmp.text
- drawtree()
- end
- local tmp = bn(15,14,6,1,cr1,cr2,cr1,cr2,'Delete')
- tmp.onTouch = del
- local tmp = bx(10, 13, 5, 1,cr1, cr2, cr1, cr2)
- if what.visible == true then
- tmp:addItem(lc.truee).onTouch = function()
- what.visible = true
- draw()
- end
- tmp:addItem(lc.falsee).onTouch = function()
- what.visible = false
- draw()
- end
- else
- tmp:addItem(lc.falsee).onTouch = function()
- what.visible = false
- draw()
- end
- tmp:addItem(lc.truee).onTouch = function()
- what.visible = true
- draw()
- end
- end
- elseif what.type == 'slider' then
- tt(1,2,cr2,lc.type..': '..what.type)
- tt(1,3,cr2,
- tt(1,4,cr2,'X')
- tt(1,5,cr2,'Y')
- tt(1,6,cr2,lc.width)
- tt(1,7,cr2,lc.colorp)
- tt(1,8,cr2,lc.colorpp)
- tt(1,9,cr2,lc.colorv)
- tt(1,10,cr2,lc.minv)
- tt(1,11,cr2,lc.maxv)
- tt(1,12,cr2,lc.value)
- tt(1,13,cr2,lc.path)
- tt(1,14,cr2,lc.visble)
- tt(1,15,cr2,lc.delete)
- tt(1,16,cr2,lc.up)
- tt(1,17,cr2,lc.down)
- local tmp = bn(15,16,6,1,cr1,cr2,cr1,cr2,lc.up)
- tmp.onTouch = function()
- for i = 1,#game.screen do
- if game.screen[i] == what then
- changePosition(game.screen,i,i-1)
- draw()
- drawtree()
- break
- end
- end
- end
- local tmp = bn(15,17,6,1,cr1,cr2,cr1,cr2,lc.down)
- tmp.onTouch = function()
- for i = 1,#game.screen do
- if game.screen[i] == what then
- changePosition(game.screen,i,i+1)
- draw()
- drawtree()
- break
- end
- end
- end
- local tmp = it(15, 13, 20,1, cr1, cr2, cr3, cr1, cr2, what.path, "P")
- tmp.onInputFinished = function()
- what.path = tmp.text
- draw()
- end
- local tmp = it(15, 10, 20,1, cr1, cr2, cr3, cr1, cr2, what.minv, "MINV")
- tmp.onInputFinished = function()
- what.minv = tonumber(tmp.text)
- draw()
- end
- local tmp = it(15, 11, 20,1, cr1, cr2, cr3, cr1, cr2, what.maxv, "MAXV")
- tmp.onInputFinished = function()
- what.maxv = tonumber(tmp.text)
- draw()
- end
- local tmp = it(15, 12, 20,1, cr1, cr2, cr3, cr1, cr2, what.value, "V")
- tmp.onInputFinished = function()
- what.value = tonumber(tmp.text)
- draw()
- end
- local tmp = it(15, 7, 20,1, cr1, cr2, cr3, cr1, cr2, hts(what.colorp), "P")
- tmp.onInputFinished = function()
- what.colorp = tonumber(tmp.text)
- draw()
- end
- local tmp = it(15, 8, 20,1, cr1, cr2, cr3, cr1, cr2, hts(what.colorpp), "PP")
- tmp.onInputFinished = function()
- what.colorpp = tonumber(tmp.text)
- draw()
- end
- local tmp = it(15, 9, 20,1, cr1, cr2, cr3, cr1, cr2, hts(what.colorv), "V")
- tmp.onInputFinished = function()
- what.colorv = tonumber(tmp.text)
- draw()
- end
- local tmp = it(15, 6, 20,1, cr1, cr2, cr3, cr1, cr2, what.width, "W")
- tmp.onInputFinished = function()
- what.width = tonumber(tmp.text)
- draw()
- end
- local tmp = it(15, 4, 5, 1, cr1, cr2, cr3, cr1, cr2, what.x, "X")
- tmp.onInputFinished = function()
- what.x =tmp.text
- draw()
- end
- local tmp = it(15, 5, 5, 1, cr1, cr2, cr3, cr1, cr2, what.y, "Y")
- tmp.onInputFinished = function()
- what.y = tmp.text
- draw()
- end
- local tmp = it(15, 3, 20,1, cr1, cr2, cr3, cr1, cr2,, "N")
- tmp.onInputFinished = function()
- = tmp.text
- drawtree()
- end
- local tmp = bn(15,15,6,1,cr1,cr2,cr1,cr2,'Delete')
- tmp.onTouch = del
- local tmp = bx(10, 14, 5, 1,cr1, cr2, cr1, cr2)
- if what.visible == true then
- tmp:addItem(lc.truee).onTouch = function()
- what.visible = true
- draw()
- end
- tmp:addItem(lc.falsee).onTouch = function()
- what.visible = false
- draw()
- end
- else
- tmp:addItem(lc.falsee).onTouch = function()
- what.visible = false
- draw()
- end
- tmp:addItem(lc.truee).onTouch = function()
- what.visible = true
- draw()
- end
- end
- elseif what.type == 'progressIndicator' then
- tt(1,2,cr2,lc.type..': '..what.type)
- tt(1,3,cr2,
- tt(1,4,cr2,'X')
- tt(1,5,cr2,'Y')
- tt(1,6,cr2,lc.colorpa)
- tt(1,7,cr2,lc.colorp)
- tt(1,8,cr2,lc.colors)
- tt(1,9,cr2,lc.visible)
- tt(1,10,cr2,lc.delete)
- tt(1,11,cr2,lc.up)
- tt(1,12,cr2,lc.down)
- local tmp = bn(15,11,6,1,cr1,cr2,cr1,cr2,lc.up)
- tmp.onTouch = function()
- for i = 1,#game.screen do
- if game.screen[i] == what then
- changePosition(game.screen,i,i-1)
- draw()
- drawtree()
- break
- end
- end
- end
- local tmp = bn(15,12,6,1,cr1,cr2,cr1,cr2,lc.down)
- tmp.onTouch = function()
- for i = 1,#game.screen do
- if game.screen[i] == what then
- changePosition(game.screen,i,i+1)
- draw()
- drawtree()
- break
- end
- end
- end
- local tmp = it(15, 6, 20,1, cr1, cr2, cr3, cr1, cr2, hts(what.colorpa), "PA")
- tmp.onInputFinished = function()
- what.colorpa = tonumber(tmp.text)
- draw()
- end
- local tmp = it(15, 7, 20,1, cr1, cr2, cr3, cr1, cr2, hts(what.colorp), "P")
- tmp.onInputFinished = function()
- what.colorp = tonumber(tmp.text)
- draw()
- end
- local tmp = it(12, 8, 20,1, cr1, cr2, cr3, cr1, cr2, hts(what.colors), "S")
- tmp.onInputFinished = function()
- what.colors = tonumber(tmp.text)
- draw()
- end
- local tmp = it(15, 4, 5, 1, cr1, cr2, cr3, cr1, cr2, what.x, "X")
- tmp.onInputFinished = function()
- what.x = tonumber(tmp.text)
- draw()
- end
- local tmp = it(15, 5, 5, 1, cr1, cr2, cr3, cr1, cr2, what.y, "Y")
- tmp.onInputFinished = function()
- what.y = tonumber(tmp.text)
- draw()
- end
- local tmp = it(15, 3, 20,1, cr1, cr2, cr3, cr1, cr2,, "N")
- tmp.onInputFinished = function()
- = tmp.text
- drawtree()
- end
- local tmp = bn(15,10,6,1,cr1,cr2,cr1,cr2,'Delete')
- tmp.onTouch = del
- local tmp = bx(15, 9, 5, 1,cr1, cr2, cr1, cr2)
- if what.visible == true then
- tmp:addItem(lc.truee).onTouch = function()
- what.visible = true
- draw()
- end
- tmp:addItem(lc.falsee).onTouch = function()
- what.visible = false
- draw()
- end
- else
- tmp:addItem(lc.falsee).onTouch = function()
- what.visible = false
- draw()
- end
- tmp:addItem(lc.truee).onTouch = function()
- what.visible = true
- draw()
- end
- end
- elseif what.type == 'panel' then
- tt(1,2,cr2,lc.type..': '..what.type)
- tt(1,3,cr2,
- tt(1,4,cr2,'X')
- tt(1,5,cr2,'Y')
- tt(1,6,cr2,lc.width)
- tt(1,7,cr2,lc.heigth)
- tt(1,8,cr2,lc.color)
- tt(1,9,cr2,lc.visible)
- tt(1,10,cr2,lc.delete)
- tt(1,11,cr2,lc.up)
- tt(1,12,cr2,lc.down)
- local tmp = it(12, 8, 20,1, cr1, cr2, cr3, cr1, cr2, hts(what.color), "S")
- tmp.onInputFinished = function()
- what.color = tonumber(tmp.text)
- draw()
- end
- local tmp = it(15, 6, 20,1, cr1, cr2, cr3, cr1, cr2, what.width, "W")
- tmp.onInputFinished = function()
- what.width = tonumber(tmp.text)
- draw()
- end
- local tmp = it(15, 7, 20,1, cr1, cr2, cr3, cr1, cr2, what.heigth, "H")
- tmp.onInputFinished = function()
- what.heigth = tonumber(tmp.text)
- draw()
- end
- local tmp = bn(15,11,6,1,cr1,cr2,cr1,cr2,lc.up)
- tmp.onTouch = function()
- for i = 1,#game.screen do
- if game.screen[i] == what then
- changePosition(game.screen,i,i-1)
- draw()
- drawtree()
- break
- end
- end
- end
- local tmp = bn(15,12,6,1,cr1,cr2,cr1,cr2,lc.down)
- tmp.onTouch = function()
- for i = 1,#game.screen do
- if game.screen[i] == what then
- changePosition(game.screen,i,i+1)
- draw()
- drawtree()
- break
- end
- end
- end
- local tmp = it(15, 3, 20,1, cr1, cr2, cr3, cr1, cr2,, "N")
- tmp.onInputFinished = function()
- = tmp.text
- drawtree()
- end
- local tmp = it(15, 4, 5, 1, cr1, cr2, cr3, cr1, cr2, what.x, "X")
- tmp.onInputFinished = function()
- what.x = tonumber(tmp.text)
- draw()
- end
- local tmp = it(15, 5, 5, 1, cr1, cr2, cr3, cr1, cr2, what.y, "Y")
- tmp.onInputFinished = function()
- what.y = tonumber(tmp.text)
- draw()
- end
- local tmp = bn(15,10,6,1,cr1,cr2,cr1,cr2,'Delete')
- tmp.onTouch = del
- local tmp = bx(15, 9, 5, 1,cr1, cr2, cr1, cr2)
- if what.visible == true then
- tmp:addItem(lc.truee).onTouch = function()
- what.visible = true
- draw()
- end
- tmp:addItem(lc.falsee).onTouch = function()
- what.visible = false
- draw()
- end
- else
- tmp:addItem(lc.falsee).onTouch = function()
- what.visible = false
- draw()
- end
- tmp:addItem(lc.truee).onTouch = function()
- what.visible = true
- draw()
- end
- end
- else
- tt(1,1,cr2,lc.WYC)
- end
- end
- function objectmenu()
- choose = win:addChild(GUI.filledWindow(1,2,50,20,cr1))
- if treemode == 'screen' then
- local tmp = choose:addChild(GUI.button(6,14,#lc.panel,1,cr1,cr2,cr1,cr2,lc.panel))
- tmp.onTouch = function()
- choose:remove()
- new(game.screen,{visible = true,type = 'panel',x=1,y=1,color=cr1,width = 10,heigth= 10,name = 'Panel'})
- end
- local tmp = choose:addChild(GUI.button(6,4,#lc.text,1,cr1,cr2,cr1,cr2,lc.text))
- tmp.onTouch = function()
- choose:remove()
- new(game.screen,{visible = true,type = 'text',x=1,y=1,color=cr2,text='Text',name = 'Text'})
- end
- local tmp = choose:addChild(GUI.button(15,10,#lc.progressBar,1,cr1,cr2,cr1,cr2,lc.progressBar))
- tmp.onTouch = function()
- choose:remove()
- new(game.screen,{visible = true,width=20,colorp = cr1,colors=cr2,colorv=cr2,type = 'progressBar',x=1,y=1,color=cr1,value=50,name = 'ProgressBar'})
- end
- local tmp = choose:addChild(GUI.button(15,8,#lc.comboBox,1,cr1,cr2,cr1,cr2,lc.comboBox))
- tmp.onTouch = function()
- choose:remove()
- new(game.screen,{visible = true,type = 'comboBox',width=20,x=1,y=1,elh=3,items={{name='item',active = false,type='itemComboBox',path=''}},colorbg=cr1,colort=cr2,colorabg=cr2,colorat=cr2,name = 'ComboBox'})
- end
- local tmp = choose:addChild(GUI.button(15,6,#lc.slider,1,cr1,cr2,cr1,cr2,lc.slider))
- tmp.onTouch = function()
- choose:remove()
- new(game.screen,{visible = true,type = 'slider',x=1,y=1,width=20,colorp=cr1,colors=cr2,colorpp=cr1,colorv=cr2,minv=1,maxv=100,value=50,text='Text',name = 'Slider'})
- end
- local tmp = choose:addChild(GUI.button(15,4,#lc.progressIndicator,1,cr1,cr2,cr1,cr2,lc.progressIndicator))
- tmp.onTouch = function()
- choose:remove()
- new(game.screen,{visible = true,type = 'progressIndicator',x=1,y=1,active=false,rollStage=1,colorp=cr1,colors=cr2,colorpa=cr3,name = 'pI'})
- end
- local tmp = choose:addChild(GUI.button(15,2,#lc.collorSelector,1,cr1,cr2,cr1,cr2,lc.collorSelector))
- tmp.onTouch = function()
- choose:remove()
- new(game.screen,{visible = true,path='',type = 'colorSelector',color=0xFF00FF,x=1,y=1,width=20,height=3,text='Color',name = 'ColorSelector'})
- end
- local tmp = choose:addChild(GUI.button(6,10,#lc.input,1,cr1,cr2,cr1,cr2,lc.input))
- tmp.onTouch = function()
- choose:remove()
- new(game.screen,{visible = true,onInputEnded = '',width=20,height=3,colorbg = 0x989898,colorfg = 0x505050,colorfgp = 0x50505050,colorbgp = 0x989898,colorph=0x2D2D2D,type = 'input',x=1,y=1,name = 'Input',text = 'Input',textph = 'Text'})
- end
- local tmp = choose:addChild(GUI.button(6,12,#lc.switch,1,cr1,cr2,cr1,cr2,lc.switch))
- tmp.onTouch = function()
- choose:remove()
- new(game.screen,{visible = true,state=false,type = 'switch',x=1,y=1,width=8,colorp=0x505050,colors=0x505050,colorpp=0x989898,name = 'Switch'})
- end
- local tmp = choose:addChild(GUI.button(6,8,#lc.image,1,cr1,cr2,cr1,cr2,lc.image))
- tmp.onTouch = function()
- choose:remove()
- new(game.screen,{visible = true, type = 'image',x=1,y=1,image='imageStorage',name = 'image',path = 'Script'})
- end
- local tmp = choose:addChild(GUI.button(6,6,#lc.button,1,cr1,cr2,cr1,cr2,lc.button))
- tmp.onTouch = function()
- choose:remove()
- new(game.screen,{visible = true,onTouch = '', height = 5,width = 20, type = 'button',x=1,y=1,name = 'button',colorbg= cr1,colorfg = cr2,colorbgp = cr1,colorfgp=cr2,text='Button'})
- end
- elseif treemode == 'script' then
- local tmp = choose:addChild(GUI.button(6,3,#lc.scripts,1,cr1,cr2,cr1,cr2,lc.scripts))
- tmp.onTouch = function()
- choose:remove()
- fs.write('/Temporary/'..tostring(#game.scripts+1)..'.lua',lc.DFtS)
- new(game.scripts,{autoload = false,path = '/Temporary/'..tostring(#game.scripts+1)..'.lua',name = 'script',type = 'script'})
- end
- elseif treemode == 'storage' then
- local tmp = choose:addChild(GUI.button(6,3,#lc.imageStorage,1,cr1,cr2,cr1,cr2,lc.imageStorage))
- tmp.onTouch = function()
- choose:remove()
- new(,{path = '/MineOS/Icons/Script.pic',name = 'imageStorage',type = 'imageStorage'})
- end
- end
- end
- function new(where,what)
- table.insert(where,what)
- for i = 1,#where do
- if where[i].name == and where[i].type == what.type and where[i].x == what.x and where[i].y == what.y then
- drawparams(where[i])
- end
- end
- drawtree()
- draw()
- end
- function drawtree()
- obj:removeChildren()
- obj:addChild(GUI.panel(1,1,36,20,0x989898))
- local screenmode = obj:addChild(GUI.button(1,1,#lc.screen,1,cr1,cr2,cr1,cr2,lc.screen))
- screenmode.onTouch = function()
- treemode = 'screen'
- drawparams(game.screen[1])
- drawtree()
- end
- local storagemode = obj:addChild(GUI.button(19,1,,1,cr1,cr2,cr1,cr2,
- storagemode.onTouch = function()
- treemode = 'storage'
- drawparams([1])
- drawtree()
- end
- local scriptmode = obj:addChild(GUI.button(8,1,#lc.scripts,1,cr1,cr2,cr1,cr2,lc.scripts))
- scriptmode.onTouch = function()
- treemode = 'script'
- drawparams(game.scripts[1])
- drawtree()
- end
- if treemode == 'screen' then
- local tmp = obj:addChild(GUI.button(1,2,#lc.screen,1,cr1,cr2,cr1,cr2,lc.screen))
- tmp.onTouch = function()
- drawparams(game.window)
- end
- local addScreen = obj:addChild(GUI.button(#lc.screen,2,1,1,cr1,cr2,cr1,cr2,'+'))
- addScreen.onTouch = function()
- objectmenu()
- end
- y = 3
- for i = 1,#game.screen do
- tmp = obj:addChild(GUI.button(2,y,#game.screen[i].type,1,cr1,cr2,cr1,cr2, game.screen[i].name))
- tmp.onTouch = function()
- drawparams(game.screen[i])
- end
- y = y + 1
- end
- elseif treemode == 'script' then
- obj:addChild(GUI.text(1,2,0x505050,lc.scripts))
- local addScreen = obj:addChild(GUI.button(#lc.scripts,2,1,1,cr1,cr2,cr1,cr2,'+'))
- addScreen.onTouch = function()
- objectmenu()
- end
- y = 3
- for i = 1,#game.scripts do
- tmp = obj:addChild(GUI.button(2,y,#game.scripts[i].type,1,cr1,cr2,cr1,cr2, game.scripts[i].name))
- tmp.onTouch = function()
- drawparams(game.scripts[i])
- end
- y = y + 1
- end
- elseif treemode == 'storage' then
- obj:addChild(GUI.text(1,2,0x505050,
- local addScreen = obj:addChild(GUI.button(,2,1,1,cr1,cr2,cr1,cr2,'+'))
- addScreen.onTouch = function()
- objectmenu()
- end
- y = 3
- for i = 1, do
- tmp = obj:addChild(GUI.button(2,y,[i].type,1,cr1,cr2,cr1,cr2,[i].name))
- tmp.onTouch = function()
- drawparams([i])
- end
- y = y + 1
- end
- end
- end
- function draw()
- screen:removeChildren()
- gamee = game.screen
- screen:addChild(GUI.panel(1,1,game.window.width,game.window.heigth,game.window.color))
- screen:addChild(GUI.text(math.floor(game.window.width/2),1,game.window.titleColor,game.window.title))
- if game.window.abn == true then
- screen:addChild(GUI.actionButtons(1,1,false))
- end
- for i = 1,#gamee do
- if gamee[i].visible == true then
- if gamee[i].type == 'text' then
- screen:addChild(GUI.text(gamee[i].x,gamee[i].y,gamee[i].color,gamee[i].text))
- end
- if gamee[i].type == 'panel' then
- screen:addChild(GUI.panel(gamee[i].x,gamee[i].y,gamee[i].width,gamee[1].heigth,gamee[i].color))
- end
- if gamee[i].type == 'button' then
- screen:addChild(GUI.button(gamee[i].x,gamee[i].y,gamee[i].width,gamee[i].height,gamee[i].colorbg,gamee[i].colorfg,gamee[i].colorbgp,gamee[i].colorfgp,gamee[i].text))
- end
- if gamee[i].type == 'slider' then
- screen:addChild(GUI.slider(gamee[i].x,gamee[i].y,gamee[i].width,gamee[i].colorp,gamee[i].colors,gamee[i].colorpp,gamee[i].colorv,gamee[i].minv,gamee[i].maxv,gamee[i].value))
- end
- if gamee[i].type == 'progressIndicator' then
- screen:addChild(GUI.progressIndicator(gamee[i].x,gamee[i].y,gamee[i].colorpa,gamee[i].colorp,gamee[i].colors))
- end
- if gamee[i].type == 'progressBar' then
- screen:addChild(GUI.progressBar(gamee[i].x,gamee[i].y,gamee[i].width,gamee[i].colorp,gamee[i].colors,gamee[i].colorv,gamee[i].value))
- end
- if gamee[i].type == 'comboBox' then
- local tmp = screen:addChild(GUI.comboBox(gamee[i].x,gamee[i].y,gamee[i].width,gamee[i].elh,gamee[i].colorbg,gamee[i].colort,gamee[i].colorabg,gamee[i].colorat))
- for e = 1,#gamee[i].items do
- tmp:addItem(gamee[i].items[e].name,gamee[i].items[e].active)
- end
- end
- if gamee[i].type == 'colorSelector' then
- screen:addChild(GUI.colorSelector(gamee[i].x,gamee[i].y,gamee[i].width,gamee[i].height,gamee[i].color,gamee[i].text))
- end
- if gamee[i].type == 'input' then
- screen:addChild(GUI.input(gamee[i].x,gamee[i].y,gamee[i].width,gamee[i].height,gamee[i].colorbg,gamee[i].colorfg,gamee[i].colorph,gamee[i].colorfg,gamee[i].colorfgp,gamee[i].text,gamee[i].textph))
- end
- if gamee[i].type == 'switch' then
- screen:addChild(GUI.switch(gamee[i].x,gamee[i].y,gamee[i].width,gamee[i].colorp,gamee[i].colors,gamee[i].colorpp,gamee[i].state))
- end
- if gamee[i].type == 'image' then
- idk = nil
- for e = 1, do
- if[e].type == 'imageStorage' and[e].name == gamee[i].image then
- idk =[e].path
- end
- end
- if idk == nil then idk = '/MineOS/Icons/Script.pic' end
- screen:addChild(GUI.image(gamee[i].x,gamee[i].y,image.load(idk)))
- end
- end
- end
- end
- local tmp = win:addChild(GUI.filesystemChooser(14, 1, 10, 1, cr1, cr2, cr1, cr2, nil,, lc.close,, "/"))
- tmp.onSubmit = function(path)
- if fs.exists(path) then GUI.alert(lc.YNEF) return end
- if not fs.exists(path..'.proj') then fs.makeDirectory(path..'.proj') end
- fs.writeTable(path..'.proj/Game.dat',game)
- for i = 1, do
- fs.copy([i].path,path..'.proj/'[i].name..'.pic')
- end
- for i = 1,#game.scripts do
- fs.copy(game.scripts[i].path,path..'.proj/'[i].name..'.lua')
- end
- draw()
- drawtree()
- end
- local tmp = win:addChild(GUI.filesystemChooser(28, 1, 10, 1, cr1, cr2, cr1, cr2, nil,, lc.close,, "/"))
- tmp.onSubmit = function(path)
- if not fs.exists(path..'/Game.dat') then GUI.alert(lc.UFP) end
- game = fs.readTable(path..'/Game.dat')
- idk = fs.list(path)
- for i = 1,#idk do
- if fs.extension(idk[i]) == '.pic' then
- for e = 1, do
- if[e].name == string.gsub(idk[i],'.pic','') then
-[e].path = path..idk[i]
- end
- end
- end
- if fs.extension(idk[i]) == '.lua' then
- for e = 1, #game.scripts do
- if game.scripts[e].name == string.gsub(idk[i],'.lua','') then
- game.scripts[e].path = path..idk[i]
- end
- end
- end
- end
- draw()
- drawtree()
- end
- local filesystemChooser = win:addChild(GUI.filesystemChooser(50, 1, 10, 1, cr1, cr2, cr1, cr2, nil, lc.export, lc.close,, "/"))
- filesystemChooser:setMode(GUI.IO_MODE_SAVE, GUI.IO_MODE_FILE)
- filesystemChooser.onSubmit = function(path)
- if fs.exists(path) then GUI.alert(lc.EF) return end
- fs.makeDirectory(path..'.app')
- local towrite = ''
- towrite = towrite .. 'image = require("Image")\nfs = require("filesystem")\nevent = require("event")\nGUI = require("GUI")\n system = require("System")\nrequire("opengames")\nscriptpath = string.gsub(system.getCurrentScript(),"/Main.lua","")\ngame = fs.readTable(scriptpath.."/Game.dat")\nwk,win,menu = system.addWindow(GUI.filledWindow(1,1,game.window.width,game.window.heigth,0x989898))\n'
- fs.makeDirectory(path..'.app/Scripts')
- fs.makeDirectory(path..'.app/Assests')
- for i = 1, do
- fs.copy([i].path,path..'.app/Assests/'[i].name..'.pic')
- end
- for i = 1,#game.scripts do
- fs.copy(game.scripts[i].path,path..'.app/Scripts/'[i].name..'.lua')
- end
- for i = 1, do
-[i].path = path..'.app/Assests/'[i].name..'.pic'
- end
- for i = 1, #game.scripts do
- game.scripts[i].path = path..'.app/Scripts/'[i].name..'.lua'
- end
- fs.writeTable(path..'.app/Game.dat',game)
- towrite = towrite .. 'draw()\n for i = 1,#game.scripts do\n if game.scripts[i].autoload == true then\n system.execute(game.scripts[i].path)\n end\n end\n'
- fs.write(path..'.app/Main.lua',towrite)
- idk = nil
- for e = 1, do
- if[e].type == 'imageStorage' and[e].name == 'Icon' then
- idk =[e].path
- end
- end
- if idk == nil then idk = '/MineOS/Icons/Script.pic' end
- fs.copy(idk,path..'.app/Icon.pic')
- end
- draw()
- drawtree()
- drawparams(game.screen[1])
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