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- # ======================================================================
- # OBJ TO MARS (for Star Wars Arcade 32X)
- # a copypaste of the script used in MdlRenderer-MARS
- #
- # Stable 3/Abr/2020
- #
- # use this script with this folder setup:
- # /mdl | <-- your .obj models
- # | <-- this script
- #
- # Usage:
- # objname
- # ======================================================================
- # example model data structure (for assembly)
- # dc.l 0 ; $00 faces: 16-bit | $02 faces: 8-bit
- # dc.l .vert|$02000000
- # binclude "object/model_head.bin"
- # dc.l .faces|$02000000
- # dc.l 0
- # dc.l .vert|$02000000
- # binclude "object/model_head.bin"
- # dc.l .faces|$02000000
- # dc.w $FFF ; Z distance
- # dc.b 0
- # dc.b 0
- # dc.l 0,0,0
- # dc.l .vert|$02000000
- # dc.l .vert|$02000000
- # align 4
- #.vert:
- # binclude "object/model_vert.bin"
- # align 4
- #.faces:
- # binclude "object/model_face.bin"
- # align 4
- import sys
- # ======================================================================
- # -------------------------------------------------
- # Settings
- # -------------------------------------------------
- USE_WFACES = True # face points are BYTES or WORDS (set 2 or 0 in the model header)
- # ======================================================================
- # -------------------------------------------------
- # Init
- # -------------------------------------------------
- SCALE_SIZE=0x100
- FROM_BLENDER=False #True
- img_width = 1
- # normal names for textures
- TAG_NOMATERIAL = "MARSNULL" # random color mode
- TAG_MARSCOLOR = "MARSINDX" # set index color permanently
- TAG_MARSINDX_LIST = "MARSLIST" # set index color in the material (for animated stuff)
- # tag for texture data in assembly
- TAG_TEXTUR = "Textr_"
- # ======================================================================
- # -------------------------------------------------
- # Start
- # -------------------------------------------------
- num_vert = 0
- has_img = False
- use_img = False
- projectname = sys.argv[1]
- INCR_Y=0
- if len(sys.argv) == 3:
- #CONVERT_TEX = sys.argv[2]
- INCR_Y = sys.argv[2]
- list_vertices = list()
- list_faces = list()
- model_file = open("mdl/"+projectname+".obj","r")
- material_file = open("mdl/"+projectname+".mtl","r") # CHECK BELOW
- out_vertices = open(projectname+"_vert.bin","wb") # vertices (points)
- out_faces = open(projectname+"_face.bin","wb") # faces
- #out_vertex = open(projectname+"_vrtx.bin","wb") # texture vertex
- out_head = open(projectname+"_head.bin","wb") # header
- out_mtrl = open(projectname+"_mtrl.asm","w")
- used_triangles= 0
- used_quads = 0
- solidcolor = 1
- reading = True
- vertex_list = list()
- random_mode = True
- random_color = 1
- indx_color = 0
- mtrl_curr = 0
- mtrl_index = 0
- # ======================================================================
- # -------------------------------------------------
- # Getting data
- # -------------------------------------------------
- while reading:
- text=model_file.readline()
- if text=="":
- reading=False
- ## ---------------------------
- ## vertices
- ## ---------------------------
- #if text.find("o") == False:
- #print("OBJECT")
- # ---------------------------
- # vertices
- # ---------------------------
- if text.find("v") == False:
- a = text[2:]
- point = a.replace("\n","").split(" ")
- if point[0] != "":
- x=float(point[0])*SCALE_SIZE
- y=(float(point[1])*SCALE_SIZE)
- z=float(point[2])*SCALE_SIZE
- mars_x=int(x)*-1
- mars_z=int(z)
- mars_y=int(y)+(int(INCR_Y)*-1)
- #print(mars_x,mars_y,mars_z)
- #if FROM_BLENDER == True: # Y pos
- #mars_y=(int(y*SCALE_SIZE)*-1)+int((SCALE_SIZE/2))
- #else:
- #mars_y=int(y*SCALE_SIZE)*-1
- # LONG
- out_vertices.write( bytes([
- #mars_x >> 24 & 0xFF,
- #mars_x >> 16 & 0xFF,
- mars_x >> 8 & 0xFF,
- mars_x & 0xFF,
- #mars_y >> 24 & 0xFF,
- #mars_y >> 16 & 0xFF,
- mars_y >> 8 & 0xFF,
- mars_y & 0xFF,
- #mars_z >> 24 & 0xFF,
- #mars_z >> 16 & 0xFF,
- mars_z >> 8 & 0xFF,
- mars_z & 0xFF
- ]) )
- num_vert += 1
- # ---------------------------
- # vertex
- # ---------------------------
- if text.find("vt") == False:
- a = text[2:]
- point = a.replace("\n","").split(" ")
- b = float(point[2])-1
- a = b - b - b
- vertex_list.append(float(point[1]))
- vertex_list.append(a)
- vertex_list.append(0)
- vertex_list.append(0)
- ## if needed later
- #x=float(point[1])
- #y=float(point[2])
- #mars_x=int(x)
- #mars_y=int(y)
- #out_vertex.write( bytes([
- #mars_x >> 24 & 0xFF,
- #mars_x >> 16 & 0xFF,
- #mars_x >> 8 & 0xFF,
- #mars_x & 0xFF,
- #mars_y >> 24 & 0xFF,
- #mars_y >> 16 & 0xFF,
- #mars_y >> 8 & 0xFF,
- #mars_y & 0xFF,
- #]) )
- # ---------------------------
- # MATERIAL check
- # ---------------------------
- if text.find("usemtl") == False:
- mtlname = text[7:].rstrip('\r\n')
- a = mtlname[:8]
- print("Material: Random")
- has_img = False
- use_img = False
- random_mode = True
- # SOLID COLOR normal
- elif a == TAG_MARSCOLOR:
- a = mtlname.split("_")
- #out_mtrl.write("\t dc.l "+str(a[1])+","+str(0)+"\n") <-- if needed
- #indx_color += 1
- indx_color = int(a[1])
- print("Material: Color ID",indx_color)
- #img_width = 1
- #img_height = 1
- has_img = False
- use_img = False
- random_mode = False
- elif a == TAG_MARSINDX_LIST:
- a = mtlname.split("_")
- out_mtrl.write("\t dc.l "+str(a[1])+","+str(0)+"\n")
- mtrl_curr = mtrl_index
- mtrl_index += 1
- print("Material: Color ID",indx_color)
- #img_width = 1
- #img_height = 1
- has_img = False
- use_img = False
- random_mode = False
- else:
- use_img = True
- mtlread = True
- while mtlread:
- mtltext=material_file.readline()
- if mtltext=="":
- mtlread=False
- # Grab material section
- if mtltext.find("newmtl "+mtlname) == False:
- i = True
- while i:
- b = material_file.readline()
- if b=="":
- i=False
- # filename
- if b.find("map_Kd") == False:
- tex_fname = b[7:].rstrip('\r\n')
- tex_file = open(tex_fname,"rb")
- color_type = ord(
- image_type = ord(
- if color_type == 1:
- pal_start = ord(
- pal_start += ord( << 8
- pal_len = ord(
- pal_len += ord( << 8
- ignore_this = ord(
- has_pal = True
- if image_type == 1:
- img_xstart = ord(
- img_xstart += ord( << 8
- img_ystart = ord(
- img_ystart += ord( << 8
- img_width = ord(
- img_width += ord( << 8
- img_height = ord(
- img_height += ord( << 8
- img_pixbits = ord(
- img_type = ord(
- if (img_type >> 5 & 1) == False:
- print("ERROR: TOP LEFT images only")
- tex_file.close()
- quit()
- has_img = True
- random_mode = False
- # register name
- b = tex_fname.split("/")[-1:]
- a = b[0].split(".")
- outname = a[0]
- if int(CONVERT_TEX) == True:
- print("Converting material:",mtlname)
- has_img = True
- output_file = open("mtrl/"+outname+"_pal.bin","wb")
- d = pal_len
- while d:
- d -= 1
- a = (ord( & 0xF8 ) << 7
- a |= (ord( & 0xF8 ) << 2
- a |= (ord( & 0xF8 ) >> 3
- output_file.write( bytes([ ((a>>8)&0xFF) , (a&0xFF) ]))
- output_file.close()
- art_file = open("mtrl/"+outname+"_art.bin","wb")
- b = img_height
- e = 0
- while b:
- c = img_width
- while c:
- a = ord(
- art_file.write( bytes([a]) )
- c -= 1
- b -= 1
- e += 1
- art_file.close()
- else:
- print("IMAGE TYPE NOT SUPPORTED:",hex(image_type))
- has_img = False
- random_mode = False
- out_mtrl.write("\t dc.l "+str(TAG_TEXTUR)+str(mtlname)+","+str(img_width)+"\n")
- mtrl_curr = mtrl_index
- mtrl_index += 1
- tex_file.close()
- # ---------------------------
- # Faces
- # ---------------------------
- if text.find("f") == False:
- a = text[2:]
- point = a.split(" ")
- if len(point) == 3:
- x_curr=point[0].split("/")
- y_curr=point[1].split("/")
- z_curr=point[2].split("/")
- # Set material id and size
- if use_img == True:
- a = mtrl_curr
- b = 0x8000|3
- else:
- if random_mode == True:
- a = random_color
- random_color += (1 & 0xFF)
- if random_color == 0:
- random_color = 1
- else:
- a = indx_color
- b = 3
- # +0 - normal
- # +8 - wireframe
- # +0x10 - triangles
- ftype = 0x10
- out_faces.write( bytes([a&0xFF,ftype]) )
- x=int(x_curr[0])-1
- y=int(y_curr[0])-1
- z=int(z_curr[0])-1
- outx_l = x >> 8 & 0xFF
- outx_r = x & 0xFF
- outy_l = y >> 8 & 0xFF
- outy_r = y & 0xFF
- outz_l = z >> 8 & 0xFF
- outz_r = z & 0xFF
- if USE_WFACES == True:
- out_faces.write(bytes([outx_l,outx_r,
- outy_l,outy_r,
- outz_l,outz_r,
- 0,0
- ]))
- else:
- out_faces.write(bytes([outx_r,outy_r,outz_r,0]))
- used_triangles += 1
- # QUAD
- if len(point) == 4:
- x_curr=point[0].split("/")
- y_curr=point[1].split("/")
- z_curr=point[2].split("/")
- q_curr=point[3].split("/")
- # Set material id and size
- if has_img == True:
- a = mtrl_curr
- b = 0x8000|4
- else:
- if random_mode == True:
- a = random_color
- random_color += (1 & 0xFF)
- if random_color == 0:
- random_color = 1
- else:
- a = indx_color
- b = 4
- # +0 - normal
- # +8 - wireframe
- # +0x10 - triangles
- ftype = 0
- out_faces.write( bytes([a&0xFF,ftype]) )
- x=int(x_curr[0])-1
- y=int(y_curr[0])-1
- z=int(z_curr[0])-1
- q=int(q_curr[0])-1
- outx_l = x >> 8 & 0xFF
- outx_r = x & 0xFF
- outy_l = y >> 8 & 0xFF
- outy_r = y & 0xFF
- outz_l = z >> 8 & 0xFF
- outz_r = z & 0xFF
- outq_l = q >> 8 & 0xFF
- outq_r = q & 0xFF
- if USE_WFACES == True:
- out_faces.write(bytes([outx_l,outx_r,
- outy_l,outy_r,
- outz_l,outz_r,
- outq_l,outq_r,
- ]))
- else:
- out_faces.write(bytes([outx_r,outy_r,outz_r,outq_r]))
- used_quads += 1
- #======================================================================
- # ----------------------------
- # Vertex convert
- # ----------------------------
- cntr = len(vertex_list)
- if cntr != 0:
- out_vertex = open(projectname+"_vrtx.bin","wb") # texture vertex
- x_tx = 0
- while cntr:
- x_l = int(vertex_list[x_tx+2] * vertex_list[x_tx])
- x_r = int(vertex_list[x_tx+3] * vertex_list[x_tx+1])-1
- out_vertex.write( bytes([
- x_l>>8&0xFF,x_l&0xFF,
- x_r>>8&0xFF,x_r&0xFF]))
- x_tx += 4
- cntr -= 4
- # padding
- b = out_vertex.tell()
- a = b & 0xF
- if a != 0:
- a = 0x10 - a
- out_vertex.write(bytes(a))
- out_vertex.close()
- # ----------------------------
- # face padding
- b = out_faces.tell()
- a = b & 0xF
- if a != 0:
- a = (0x10 - a)
- out_faces.write(bytes(a))
- #======================================================================
- # ----------------------------
- # End
- # ----------------------------
- out_head.write( bytes([
- num_vert >> 8 & 0xFF,
- num_vert & 0xFF,
- used_triangles+used_quads >> 8 & 0xFF,
- used_triangles+used_quads & 0xFF
- ]) )
- print("Vertices:",num_vert)
- print(" Faces:",used_triangles+used_quads)
- print("Polygons:",used_triangles)
- print(" Quads:",used_quads)
- #print("Done.")
- #print(mtrl_tag)
- model_file.close()
- material_file.close()
- out_vertices.close()
- out_faces.close()
- out_head.close()
- out_mtrl.close()
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