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it unlocks many cool features!
- -- Multiple TP Sets "Normal", ACC, P/MDT, Hybrid
- -- Multiple WS Sets, VS(Acc, Impetus, Impetus + ACC) SS(Normal, Acc) FH(Normal, Acc) Others WS
- -- Impetus active, auto VS WS Gear depending on TP Set
- -- Impetus Wear off, Remove Impetus Gear and back to "Normal"
- -- Auto Boost on Certain WS.
- -- SE Macros /console sc c .... Commands are Normal, PDT, MDT, Impetus, Hybrid, AutoBoost
- -- Opens a file in append mode
- require('files')
- packets = require('packets')
- res = require('resources')
- ---- Accing
- Meleeswitch = false
- Meleelvl = 1
- WhichParse = ""
- Meleeacc = ""
- Rangedswitch = false
- Rangedlvl = 1
- Rangedacc = ""
- enfo = {}
- enfo['Fire'] = {}
- enfo['Water'] = {}
- enfo['Thunder'] = {}
- enfo['Ice'] = {}
- enfo['Earth'] = {}
- enfo['Wind'] = {}
- enfo['Wildfire'] = {}
- enfo['Leaden Salute'] = {}
- enfo['Last Stand'] = {}
- enfo['Savage Blade'] = {}
- include('organizer-lib')
- include("COR/Wildfire/include.lua")
- include("COR/Leaden Salute/include.lua")
- include("COR/Last Stand/include.lua")
- include("COR/Savage Blade/include.lua")
- include("COR/Fire/include.lua")
- include("COR_gear_include.lua")
- include("COR/Ice/include.lua")
- include("COR/Earth/include.lua")
- include("COR/Wind/include.lua")
- include("COR/Water/include.lua")
- include("COR/Thunder/include.lua")
- LeadenObi = "Svelt. Gouriz +1"
- function getGear(slot)
- local equip = windower.ffxi.get_items()['equipment']
- return windower.ffxi.get_items(equip[slot..'_bag'])[equip[slot]]~= nil and windower.ffxi.get_items(equip[slot..'_bag'])[equip[slot]].id or 0
- end
- gearTable = {
- [0]=getGear('main'),[1]=getGear('sub'),[2]=getGear('range'),[3]=getGear('ammo'),
- [4]=getGear('head'),[9]=getGear('neck'),[11]=getGear('left_ear'),[12]=getGear('right_ear'),
- [5]=getGear('body'),[6]=getGear('hands'),[13]=getGear('left_ring'),[14]=getGear('right_ring'),
- [15]=getGear('back'),[10]=getGear('waist'),[7]=getGear('legs'),[8]=getGear('feet')
- }
- rollInfoTemp = {
- -- Okay, this goes 1-11 boost, Bust effect, Effect, Lucky, +1 Phantom Roll Effect, Bonus Equipment and Effect,
- ['Chaos'] = {6,8,9,25,11,13,16,3,17,19,31,"-4", '% Attack!', 4, 3},
- ['Fighter\'s'] = {2,2,3,4,12,5,6,7,1,9,18,'-4','% Double-Attack!', 5, 1},
- ['Wizard\'s'] = {4,6,8,10,25,12,14,17,2,20,30, "-10", ' MAB', 5, 2},
- ['Evoker\'s'] = {1,1,1,1,3,2,2,2,1,3,4,'-1', ' Refresh!',5, 1},
- ['Rogue\'s'] = {2,2,3,4,12,5,6,6,1,8,14,'-6', '% Critical Hit Rate!', 5, 1},
- ['Corsair\'s'] = {10, 11, 11, 12, 20, 13, 15, 16, 8, 17, 24, '-6', '% Experience Bonus',5, 2},
- ['Hunter\'s'] = {10,13,15,40,18,20,25,5,27,30,50,'-?', ' Accuracy Bonus',4, 5},
- ['Magus\'s'] = {5,20,6,8,9,3,10,13,14,15,25,'-8',' Magic Defense Bonus',2, 2},
- ['Healer\'s'] = {3,4,12,5,6,7,1,8,9,10,16,'-4','% Cure Potency',3, 1},
- ['Drachen'] = {10,13,15,40,18,20,25,5,28,30,50,'-8',' Pet: Accuracy Bonus',4, 5},
- ['Choral'] = {8,42,11,15,19,4,23,27,31,35,50,'+25', '- Spell Interruption Rate',2, 0},
- ['Monk\'s'] = {8,10,32,12,14,15,4,20,22,24,40,'-?', ' Subtle Blow', 3, 4},
- ['Beast'] = {6,8,9,25,11,13,16,3,17,19,31,'-10', '% Pet: Attack Bonus',4, 3},
- ['Samurai'] = {7,32,10,12,14,4,16,20,22,24,40,'-10',' Store TP Bonus',2, 4},
- ['Warlock\'s'] = {2,3,4,12,5,6,7,1,8,9,15,'-5',' Magic Accuracy Bonus',4, 1},
- ['Puppet'] = {5,8,35,11,14,18,2,22,26,30,40,'-8',' Pet: Magic Attack Bonus',3, 3},
- ['Gallant\'s'] = {4,5,15,6,7,8,3,9,10,11,20,'-10','% Defense Bonus', 3, 2.4},
- ['Dancer\'s'] = {3,4,12,5,6,7,1,8,9,10,16,'-4',' Regen',3, 2},
- ['Bolter\'s'] = {0.3,0.3,0.8,0.4,0.4,0.5,0.5,0.6,0.2,0.7,1.0,'-8','% Movement Speed',3, 0.2},
- ['Caster\'s'] = {6,15,7,8,9,10,5,11,12,13,20,'-10','% Fast Cast',2, 3,{7,11140,10}},
- ['Tactician\'s'] = {10,10,10,10,30,10,10,0,20,20,40,'-10',' Regain',5, 2, {5, 11100, 10}},
- ['Miser\'s'] = {30,50,70,90,200,110,20,130,150,170,250,'0',' Save TP',5, 15},
- ['Ninja'] = {4,5,5,14,6,7,9,2,10,11,18,'-10',' Evasion Bonus',4, 2},
- ['Scholar\'s'] = {'?','?','?','?','?','?','?','?','?','?','?','?',' Conserve MP',2, 0},
- ['Allies\''] = {6,7,17,9,11,13,15,17,17,5,17,'?','% Skillchain Damage',3, 1,{6,11120, 5}},
- ['Companion\'s'] = {{4,20},{20, 50},{6,20},{8, 20},{10,30},{12,30},{14,30},{16,40},{18, 40}, {3,10},{30, 70},'-?',' Pet: Regen/Regain',2, {1,5}},
- ['Avenger\'s'] = {'?','?','?','?','?','?','?','?','?','?','?','?',' Counter Rate',4, 0},
- ['Blitzer\'s'] = {2,3.4,4.5,11.3,5.3,6.4,7.2,8.3,1.5,10.2,12.1,'-?', '% Attack delay reduction',4, 1, {4,11080, 5}},
- ['Courser\'s'] = {'?','?','?','?','?','?','?','?','?','?','?','?',' Snapshot',3, 0},
- ['Runeist\'s'] = {'?','?','?','?','?','?','?','?','?','?','?','?',' Magic Evasion',4, 0},
- ['Naturalist\'s'] = {'?','?','?','?','?','?','?','?','?','?','?','?',' Enhancing Magic Duration',3, 0}
- }
- --------------------- COUNTER RATE COUNTING ----------------------------------
- totalhit = 0
- counterhit = 0
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- RollLuckyUnlucky = {
- ['Chaos Roll'] = {4,8},
- ['Fighter\'s Roll'] = {5,9},
- ['Wizard\'s Roll'] = {5,9},
- ['Evoker\'s Roll'] = {5,9},
- ['Rogue\'s Roll'] = {5,9},
- ['Corsair\'s Roll'] = {5,9},
- ['Hunter\'s Roll'] = {4,8},
- ['Magus\'s Roll'] = {2,6},
- ['Healer\'s Roll'] = {3,7},
- ['Drachen Roll'] = {4,8},
- ['Choral Roll'] = {2,6},
- ['Monk\'s Roll'] = {3,7},
- ['Beast Roll'] = {4,8},
- ['Samurai Roll'] = {2,6},
- ['Warlock\'s Roll'] = {4,8},
- ['Puppet Roll'] = {3,7},
- ['Gallant\'s Roll'] = {3,7},
- ['Dancer\'s Roll'] = {3,7},
- ['Bolter\'s Roll'] = {3,9},
- ['Caster\'s Roll'] = {2,7},
- ['Tactician\'s Roll'] = {5,8},
- ['Miser\'s Roll'] = {5,7},
- ['Ninja Roll'] = {4,8},
- ['Scholar\'s Roll'] = {2,6},
- ['Allies\' Roll'] = {3,10},
- ['Companion\'s Roll'] = {2,10},
- ['Avenger\'s Roll'] = {4,8},
- ['Blitzer\'s Roll'] = {4,9},
- ['Courser\'s Roll'] = {3,9},
- ['Runeist\'s Roll'] = {4,8},
- ['Naturalist\'s Roll'] = {3,7},
- }
- function user_setup()
- -- Default macro set/book
- set_macro_page(1, 13)
- end
- WSN = 3
- WeaponSetup = {}
- WeaponSetup[1] = {"SuperSavage", "Fettering Blade", "Blurred Knife", "Anarchy +2"}
- WeaponSetup[2] = {"SuperRange", "Fettering Blade", "Blurred Knife", "Compensator"}
- WeaponSetup[3] = {"SuperMAB", "Fettering Blade", "Atoyac", "Doomsday"}
- boo = 0
- prrecast=0
- RAbullet = "Devastating Bullet"
- Pbullet = "Chrono Bullet"
- WSbullet = "Living Bullet"
- MAbullet = "Living Bullet"
- QDbullet = "Devastating Bullet"
- RABulletleft = 0
- MABulletleft = 0
- PBulletleft = 0
- TCLeft = 0
- HH = 0
- CA = 0
- CC = 0
- --if(player.inventory[RAbullet]) then
- --RABulletleft = player.inventory['Living Bullet'].count
- --end
- --if(player.inventory['Living Bullet']) then
- --MABulletleft = player.inventory['Living Bullet'].count
- --end
- ----------------------------- TEXTBOX HELPER -----------------------------------------------------------
- RollOne = "Samurai Roll"
- RollTwo = "Tactician's Roll"
- OneStatus = "Off"
- TwoStatus = "Off"
- OneValue = 0
- TwoValue = 0
- MTP = "Normal"
- RATP = "Normal"
- MWS = "Normal"
- RAWS = "Normal"
- tb_name = "corhelp"
- visible = true
- -- Check availability of file
- function file_check(file_name)
- local, "r")
- if file_found==nil then
- file_found=false
- else
- file_found=true
- end
- return file_found
- end
- function parse(element, target, amount)
- tfile = windower.addon_path.."data/COR/"..element.."/"".lua"
- filexist = file_check(tfile)
- if filexist then
- print(enfo[element][target])
- if(tonumber(amount)>enfo[element][target]) then
- file ="data/COR/"..element.."/"".lua", "w")
- thetext = 'enfo["'..element..'"]["''"] = '..amount..''
- file:write(thetext)
- file:close()
- include("COR/"..element.."/include.lua")
- end
- else
- add_to_chat(204, '*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* [ ''... recording... ] *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*')
- -- Create file
- file ="data/COR/"..element.."/"".lua", "w")
- thetext = 'enfo["'..element..'"]["''"] = '..amount..''
- file:write(thetext)
- file:close()
- -- Include it in include file
- file ="data/COR/"..element.."/include.lua", "r")
- texting = file:read("*a")
- texting = texting..'\n include("COR/'..element..'/''.lua")'
- file:close()
- file ="data/COR/"..element.."/include.lua", "w")
- file:write(tostring(texting))
- file:close()
- include("COR/"..element.."/include.lua")
- end
- end
- function parsews(ws, target, amount)
- tfile = windower.addon_path.."data/COR/""/"".lua"
- filexist = file_check(tfile)
- if filexist then
- print(enfo[ws][target])
- if(tonumber(amount)>enfo[ws][target]) then
- file ="data/COR/""/"".lua", "w")
- thetext = 'enfo["''"]["''"] = '..amount..''
- file:write(thetext)
- file:close()
- include("COR/""/include.lua")
- end
- else
- add_to_chat(204, '*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* [ ''... recording... ] *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*')
- -- Create file
- file ="data/COR/""/"".lua", "w")
- thetext = 'enfo["''"]["''"] = '..amount..''
- file:write(thetext)
- file:close()
- -- Include it in include file
- file ="data/COR/""/include.lua", "r")
- texting = file:read("*a")
- texting = texting..'\n include("COR/''/''.lua")'
- file:close()
- file ="data/COR/""/include.lua", "w")
- file:write(tostring(texting))
- file:close()
- include("COR/""/include.lua")
- end
- end
- function round(num, idp)
- local mult = 10^(idp or 0)
- return math.floor(num * mult + 0.5) / mult
- end
- textinbox = ''
- R_RA = round(125 + (125-RABulletleft*125/99))
- G_RA = round(125 + RABulletleft*125/99)
- R_MA = round(125 + (125-MABulletleft*125/99))
- G_MA = round(125 + MABulletleft*125/99)
- textinbox = textinbox..' \\cs(125, 125, 125) 1-'..RollOne..'\\cr \n'
- textinbox = textinbox..' \\cs(125, 125, 125) 2-'..RollTwo..'\\cr \n'
- textinbox = textinbox..' \\cs(125, 125, 125) '..RAbullet..' :\\cr \\cs('..R_RA..', '..G_RA..', 125)'..RABulletleft..' \\cr \n'
- textinbox = textinbox..' \\cs(125, 125, 125) '..MAbullet..' :\\cr \\cs('..R_MA..', '..G_MA..', 125)'..MABulletleft..' \\cr \n'
- windower.text.create(tb_name)
- windower.text.set_location(tb_name, 600, 150)
- windower.text.set_bg_color(tb_name, 200, 54, 43, 0)
- windower.text.set_color(tb_name, 255, 147, 161, 161)
- windower.text.set_font(tb_name, "Arial")
- windower.text.set_font_size(tb_name, 10)
- windower.text.set_bold(tb_name, false)
- windower.text.set_italic(tb_name, false)
- windower.text.set_text(tb_name, textinbox)
- windower.text.set_bg_visibility(tb_name, visible)
- --local player = windower.ffxi.get_player()
- higherele = ""
- function refresh()
- textinbox = ''
- if(player.inventory[RAbullet]) then
- RABulletleft = player.inventory[RAbullet].count
- end
- if(player.inventory[Pbullet]) then
- PBulletleft = player.inventory[Pbullet].count
- end
- if(player.inventory[MAbullet]) then
- --if player.inventory[MAbullet].count > 99 then
- -- MABulletleft = 99
- -- else
- MABulletleft = player.inventory[MAbullet].count
- --end
- end
- if(player.inventory['Trump Card']) then
- TCLeft = player.inventory['Trump Card'].count
- end
- if(player.inventory["Isgebind's Heart"]) then
- HH = player.inventory["Isgebind's Heart"].count
- end
- if(player.inventory["Carabosse's Gem"]) then
- CA = player.inventory["Carabosse's Gem"].count
- end
- if(player.inventory["Cirein. Lantern"]) then
- CC = player.inventory["Cirein. Lantern"].count
- end
- R_RA = round(125 + (125-RABulletleft*125/99))
- G_RA = round(125 + RABulletleft*125/99)
- R_MA = round(125 + (125-MABulletleft*125/99))
- G_MA = round(125 + MABulletleft*125/99)
- R_TC = round(125 + (125-TCLeft*125/99))
- G_TC = round(125 + TCLeft*125/99)
- if R_RA > 255 then R_RA = 255 end
- if R_RA < 0 then R_RA = 0 end
- if G_RA > 255 then G_RA = 255 end
- if G_RA < 0 then G_RA = 0 end
- if R_MA > 255 then R_MA = 255 end
- if R_MA < 0 then R_MA = 0 end
- if G_MA > 255 then G_MA = 255 end
- if G_MA < 0 then G_MA = 0 end
- if R_TC > 255 then R_TC = 255 end
- if R_TC < 0 then R_TC = 0 end
- if G_TC > 255 then G_TC = 255 end
- if G_TC < 0 then G_TC = 0 end
- if buffactive[RollOne] then
- OneStatus = "\\cs(125, 255, 125)On\\cr"
- else
- OneStatus = "\\cs(255, 125, 125)Off\\cr"
- --OneValue = 0
- end
- if buffactive[RollTwo] then
- TwoStatus = "\\cs(125, 255, 125)On\\cr"
- else
- TwoStatus = "\\cs(255, 125, 125)Off\\cr"
- --TwoValue = 0
- end
- -- Rolls SPELL
- --textinbox = textinbox..' \\cs(125, 125, 125) Mobtype = '' \n' ---- PARTY COUNT - DoLM = '[party.count].distance'
- --textinbox = textinbox..' \\cs(125, 125, 125) DoLM = '..windower.ffxi.get_mob_by_id(party[party.count]' \n' ---- PARTY COUNT -
- prrecast = 0
- prrecast = windower.ffxi.get_ability_recasts()[193]
- serecast = 0
- serecast = windower.ffxi.get_ability_recasts()[197]
- frecast = 0
- frecast = windower.ffxi.get_ability_recasts()[198]
- rdrecast = 0
- rdrecast = windower.ffxi.get_ability_recasts()[196]
- durecast = 0
- durecast = windower.ffxi.get_ability_recasts()[194]
- recasttext=""
- -- Snake Eye checking
- setext=""
- if serecast then
- if serecast == 0 then
- setext="\\cs(125, 255, 125)SE\\cr"
- else
- setext="\\cs(255, 125, 125)SE\\cr"
- end
- end
- -- Fold checking
- ftext=""
- if frecast then
- if frecast == 0 then
- ftext="\\cs(125, 255, 125)F\\cr"
- else
- ftext="\\cs(255, 125, 125)F\\cr"
- end
- end
- -- Random Deal checking
- rdtext=""
- if rdrecast then
- if rdrecast == 0 then
- rdtext="\\cs(125, 255, 125)RD\\cr"
- else
- rdtext="\\cs(255, 125, 125)RD\\cr"
- end
- end
- -- Double Up checking
- dutext=""
- if durecast then
- if durecast == 0 then
- dutext="\\cs(125, 255, 125)DU\\cr"
- else
- dutext="\\cs(255, 125, 125)DU\\cr"
- end
- end
- recasttext = dutext.." - "..setext.." - "..ftext.." - "..rdtext
- --textinbox = textinbox..' \\cs(125, 255, 125) TEST :TH '..totalhit+counterhit..'/CH '..counterhit..'/ Rate = '..counterhit/(counterhit+totalhit)..'\\cr \n'
- --textinbox = textinbox..' \\cs(125, 255, 125) TEST :''\\cr \n'
- if prrecast == 0 then
- textinbox = textinbox..' \\cs(125, 255, 125) Phantom Roll :\\cr ('..recasttext..') \n'
- elseif prrecast then
- textinbox = textinbox..' \\cs(255, 125, 125) Phantom Roll('..prrecast..'s) :\\cr ('..recasttext..') \n'
- end
- ----------------------- ROLL HELPER ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- if OneValue == RollLuckyUnlucky[RollOne][1] or OneValue == 11 then
- textinbox = textinbox..' \\cs(125, 125, 125) 1-\\cs(125, 255, 125)'..RollOne..'\\cr(\\cs(125, 255, 125)L'..RollLuckyUnlucky[RollOne][1]..'\\cr/\\cs(255, 125, 125)U'..RollLuckyUnlucky[RollOne][2]..'\\cr) - \\cr'..OneStatus..' - \\cs(125, 255, 125)'..OneValue..'\\cr \n'
- textinbox = textinbox..' \\cs(200, 200, 100) ------> '..RollEffect(res.job_abilities:with('english', RollOne).id, OneValue+1)..'\\cr \n'
- elseif OneValue == RollLuckyUnlucky[RollOne][2] then
- textinbox = textinbox..' \\cs(125, 125, 125) 1-\\cs(2555, 125, 125)'..RollOne..'\\cr(\\cs(125, 255, 125)L'..RollLuckyUnlucky[RollOne][1]..'\\cr/\\cs(255, 125, 125)U'..RollLuckyUnlucky[RollOne][2]..'\\cr) - \\cr'..OneStatus..' - \\cs(255, 125, 125)'..OneValue..'\\cr \n'
- textinbox = textinbox..' \\cs(200, 200, 100) ------> '..RollEffect(res.job_abilities:with('english', RollOne).id, OneValue+1)..'\\cr \n'
- elseif OneValue >= 12 then
- textinbox = textinbox..' \\cs(125, 125, 125) 1-\\cs(255, 255, 125)'..RollOne..'\\cr(\\cs(125, 255, 125)L'..RollLuckyUnlucky[RollOne][1]..'\\cr/\\cs(255, 125, 125)U'..RollLuckyUnlucky[RollOne][2]..'\\cr) - \\cr'..OneStatus..' - \\cs(255, 125, 125)BUST\\cr \n'
- elseif OneValue == 0 then
- textinbox = textinbox..' \\cs(125, 125, 125) 1-'..RollOne..'(\\cs(125, 255, 125)L'..RollLuckyUnlucky[RollOne][1]..'\\cr/\\cs(255, 125, 125)U'..RollLuckyUnlucky[RollOne][2]..'\\cr) - \\cr'..OneStatus..' \n'
- elseif windower.ffxi.get_ability_recasts()[197] == 0 and OneValue == (RollLuckyUnlucky[RollOne][1]-1) and buffactive['Double-Up Chance'] then
- textinbox = textinbox..' \\cs(125, 125, 125) 1-'..RollOne..'(\\cs(125, 255, 125)L'..RollLuckyUnlucky[RollOne][1]..'\\cr/\\cs(255, 125, 125)U'..RollLuckyUnlucky[RollOne][2]..'\\cr) - \\cr'..OneStatus..' - '..OneValue..' - \\cs(125, 255, 125)Snake Eye to Lucky roll \n'
- textinbox = textinbox..' \\cs(200, 200, 100) ------> '..RollEffect(res.job_abilities:with('english', RollOne).id, OneValue+1)..'\\cr \n'
- else
- textinbox = textinbox..' \\cs(125, 125, 125) 1-'..RollOne..'(\\cs(125, 255, 125)L'..RollLuckyUnlucky[RollOne][1]..'\\cr/\\cs(255, 125, 125)U'..RollLuckyUnlucky[RollOne][2]..'\\cr) - \\cr'..OneStatus..' - '..OneValue..' \n'
- textinbox = textinbox..' \\cs(200, 200, 100) ------> '..RollEffect(res.job_abilities:with('english', RollOne).id, OneValue+1)..'\\cr \n'
- end
- --if TwoValue == 0 then
- --textinbox = textinbox..' \\cs(125, 125, 125) 2-'..RollTwo..'(\\cs(125, 255, 125)L'..RollLuckyUnlucky[RollTwo][1]..'\\cr/\\cs(255, 125, 125)U'..RollLuckyUnlucky[RollTwo][2]..'\\cr) - \\cr'..TwoStatus..' \n'
- --end
- if TwoValue == RollLuckyUnlucky[RollTwo][1] or TwoValue == 11 then
- textinbox = textinbox..' \\cs(125, 125, 125) 2-\\cs(125, 255, 125)'..RollTwo..'\\cr(\\cs(125, 255, 125)L'..RollLuckyUnlucky[RollTwo][1]..'\\cr/\\cs(255, 125, 125)U'..RollLuckyUnlucky[RollTwo][2]..'\\cr) - \\cr'..TwoStatus..' - \\cs(125, 255, 125)'..TwoValue..'\\cr \n'
- textinbox = textinbox..' \\cs(100, 200, 200) ------> '..RollEffect(res.job_abilities:with('english', RollTwo).id, TwoValue+1)..'\\cr \n'
- elseif TwoValue == RollLuckyUnlucky[RollTwo][2] then
- textinbox = textinbox..' \\cs(125, 125, 125) 2-\\cs(255, 125, 125)'..RollTwo..'\\cr(\\cs(125, 255, 125)L'..RollLuckyUnlucky[RollTwo][1]..'\\cr/\\cs(255, 125, 125)U'..RollLuckyUnlucky[RollTwo][2]..'\\cr) - \\cr'..TwoStatus..' - \\cs(255, 125, 125)'..TwoValue..'\\cr \n'
- textinbox = textinbox..' \\cs(100, 200, 200) ------> '..RollEffect(res.job_abilities:with('english', RollTwo).id, TwoValue+1)..'\\cr \n'
- elseif TwoValue >= 12 then
- textinbox = textinbox..' \\cs(125, 125, 125) 2-\\cs(255, 255, 125)'..RollTwo..'\\cr(\\cs(125, 255, 125)L'..RollLuckyUnlucky[RollTwo][1]..'\\cr/\\cs(255, 125, 125)U'..RollLuckyUnlucky[RollTwo][2]..'\\cr) - \\cr'..TwoStatus..' - \\cs(255, 125, 125)BUST\\cr \n'
- elseif TwoValue == 0 then
- textinbox = textinbox..' \\cs(125, 125, 125) 2-'..RollTwo..'(\\cs(125, 255, 125)L'..RollLuckyUnlucky[RollTwo][1]..'\\cr/\\cs(255, 125, 125)U'..RollLuckyUnlucky[RollTwo][2]..'\\cr) - \\cr'..TwoStatus..' \n'
- elseif windower.ffxi.get_ability_recasts()[197] == 0 and TwoValue == (RollLuckyUnlucky[RollTwo][1]-1) and buffactive['Double-Up Chance'] then
- textinbox = textinbox..' \\cs(125, 125, 125) 2-'..RollTwo..'(\\cs(125, 255, 125)L'..RollLuckyUnlucky[RollTwo][1]..'\\cr/\\cs(255, 125, 125)U'..RollLuckyUnlucky[RollTwo][2]..'\\cr) - \\cr'..TwoStatus..' - '..TwoValue..' - \\cs(125, 255, 125)Snake Eye to Lucky roll \n'
- textinbox = textinbox..' \\cs(100, 200, 200) ------> '..RollEffect(res.job_abilities:with('english', RollTwo).id, TwoValue+1)..'\\cr \n'
- else
- textinbox = textinbox..' \\cs(125, 125, 125) 2-'..RollTwo..'(\\cs(125, 255, 125)L'..RollLuckyUnlucky[RollTwo][1]..'\\cr/\\cs(255, 125, 125)U'..RollLuckyUnlucky[RollTwo][2]..'\\cr) - \\cr'..TwoStatus..' - '..TwoValue..' \n'
- textinbox = textinbox..' \\cs(100, 200, 200) ------> '..RollEffect(res.job_abilities:with('english', RollTwo).id, TwoValue+1)..'\\cr \n'
- end
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- textinbox = textinbox..' \\cs(125, 125, 125) '..RAbullet..' :\\cr \\cs('..R_RA..', '..G_RA..', 125)'..RABulletleft..' \\cr \n'
- textinbox = textinbox..' \\cs(125, 125, 125) '..MAbullet..' :\\cr \\cs('..R_MA..', '..G_MA..', 125)'..MABulletleft..' \\cr \n'
- textinbox = textinbox..' \\cs(125, 125, 125) '..Pbullet..' :\\cr \\cs(125, 255, 125)'..PBulletleft..' \\cr \n'
- qdrecast = windower.ffxi.get_ability_recasts()[195]
- if qdrecast then
- if qdrecast == 0 then
- textinbox = textinbox..' \\cs(125, 255, 125) Trump Cards(2QD) :\\cr \\cs('..R_TC..', '..G_TC..', 125)'..TCLeft..' \\cr \n'
- elseif qdrecast <40 then
- textinbox = textinbox..' \\cs(177, 177, 125) Trump Cards(1QD - '..qdrecast..'s) :\\cr \\cs('..R_TC..', '..G_TC..', 125)'..TCLeft..' \\cr \n'
- else
- textinbox = textinbox..' \\cs(255, 125, 125) Trump Cards(0QD - '..qdrecast..'s) :\\cr \\cs('..R_TC..', '..G_TC..', 125)'..TCLeft..' \\cr \n'
- end
- end
- if MTP == "MDT" or MTP == "PDT" or MTP == "Acc" then
- else
- MTP = "Lvl"..Meleelvl
- end
- -- Empy
- --textinbox = textinbox..' \\cs(125, 125, 125) --- EMPY ZONE -- \n'
- --textinbox = textinbox..' \\cs(125, 125, 125) Carabosse :\\cr \\cs(55, 255, 55)'..CA..'/50 \\cr \n'
- --textinbox = textinbox..' \\cs(125, 125, 125) Cirein-Croin :\\cr \\cs(255, 55, 255)'..CC..'/50 \\cr \n'
- --textinbox = textinbox..' \\cs(125, 125, 125) Isgebind :\\cr \\cs(255, 55, 55)'..HH..'/75 \\cr \n'
- textinbox = textinbox..' \\cs(125, 125, 125) MeleeTP :\\cr \\cs(255, 55, 55) '..MTP..' - '..Meleeacc..' \\cr \n'
- textinbox = textinbox..' \\cs(125, 125, 125) RATP :\\cr \\cs(55, 55, 255)Lvl'..Rangedlvl..' - '..Rangedacc..' \\cr \n'
- textinbox = textinbox..' \\cs(125, 125, 125) MeleeWS :\\cr \\cs(55, 255, 55)'..MWS..' \\cr \n'
- textinbox = textinbox..' \\cs(125, 125, 125) RAWS :\\cr \\cs(255, 155, 155)'..RAWS..' \\cr \n'
- ------------------------ PC in range for roll --------------------------------------------
- dist = 8
- if party.count > 1 then
- if Luzaf == "Luzaf's Ring" then
- dist = 16
- else
- dist = 8
- end
- disttext = "In Rolls range ("..dist.." yalms) "
- --for i=2, party.count do
- -- if party[i].mob then
- -- if windower.ffxi.get_mob_by_id(party[i] < dist then
- -- disttext = disttext.." - "[i].name
- -- end
- -- end
- --end
- textinbox = textinbox..'\\cs(125, 125, 125)'..disttext..'\\cr \n'
- end
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------- WS PARSER --------------------------------------------------
- if and == "MONSTER" then
- if not enfo['Savage Blade'][] then
- textinbox = textinbox..' \\cs(125, 125, 125) Savage Blade :\\cr \\cs(255, 55, 55)Missing Info \\cr \n'
- else
- textinbox = textinbox..' \\cs(125, 125, 125) Savage Blade :\\cr \\cs(55, 255, 55)'..enfo['Savage Blade'][]..' \\cr \n'
- end
- if not enfo['Leaden Salute'][] then
- textinbox = textinbox..' \\cs(1, 1, 1) Leaden Salute :\\cr \\cs(255, 55, 55)Missing Info \\cr \n'
- else
- textinbox = textinbox..' \\cs(1, 1, 1) Leaden Salute :\\cr \\cs(55, 255, 55)'..enfo['Leaden Salute'][]..' \\cr \n'
- end
- if not enfo['Last Stand'][] then
- textinbox = textinbox..' \\cs(55, 255, 55) Last Stand :\\cr \\cs(255, 55, 55)Missing Info \\cr \n'
- else
- textinbox = textinbox..' \\cs(55, 255, 55) Last Stand :\\cr \\cs(55, 255, 55)'..enfo['Last Stand'][]..' \\cr \n'
- end
- if not enfo['Wildfire'][] then
- textinbox = textinbox..' \\cs(255, 55, 55) Wildfire :\\cr \\cs(255, 55, 55)Missing Info \\cr \n'
- else
- textinbox = textinbox..' \\cs(255, 55, 55) Wildfire :\\cr \\cs(55, 255, 55)'..enfo['Wildfire'][]..' \\cr \n'
- end
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --- TARGET WEAKNESS CHECKER ---------------------------------------------------------------
- textinbox = textinbox..' \\cs(100, 100, 200) '' \\cr \n'
- elementinfo = ' \\cs(255, 125, 125) No Info Element \\cr \n'
- missingele = 0
- maybeadd = "\\cs(255, 125, 125) Missing Element : \\cr"
- if not enfo['Fire'][] then
- maybeadd = maybeadd.."\\cs(255, 100, 100) Fire \\cr"
- missingele = missingele +1
- end
- if not enfo['Water'][] then
- maybeadd = maybeadd.."\\cs(100, 100, 255) Water \\cr"
- missingele = missingele +1
- end
- if not enfo['Wind'][] then
- maybeadd = maybeadd.."\\cs(100, 255, 100) Wind \\cr"
- missingele = missingele +1
- end
- if not enfo['Ice'][] then
- maybeadd = maybeadd.."\\cs(100, 100, 180) Ice \\cr"
- missingele = missingele +1
- end
- if not enfo['Earth'][] then
- maybeadd = maybeadd.."\\cs(255, 255, 100) Earth \\cr"
- missingele = missingele +1
- end
- if not enfo['Thunder'][] then
- maybeadd = maybeadd.."\\cs(255, 100, 255) Thunder \\cr"
- missingele = missingele +1
- end
- if maybeadd ~= "\\cs(255, 125, 125) Missing Element : \\cr" then
- elementinfo = maybeadd
- end
- if missingele == 0 then
- ele_id = {"Fire","Water","Wind","Ice","Thunder","Earth"}
- higherdmg = enfo['Fire'][]
- higherele = "Fire"
- weakerele = "Ice"
- weakerdmg = enfo['Ice'][]
- for j=1, 6 do
- if weakerdmg > enfo[ele_id[j]][] then
- weakerdmg = enfo[ele_id[j]][]
- weakerele = ele_id[j]
- end
- end
- for i=1, 6 do
- if higherdmg < enfo[ele_id[i]][] then
- higherdmg = enfo[ele_id[i]][]
- higherele = ele_id[i]
- end
- end
- if higherdmg == weakerdmg then
- elementinfo = "No Resistance - No Weakness"
- else
- color = "\\cs(255, 125, 125)"
- if higherele == "Fire" then color = "\\cs(255, 100, 100)"
- elseif higherele == "Water" then color = "\\cs(100, 100, 255)"
- elseif higherele == "Wind" then color = "\\cs(100, 255, 100)"
- elseif higherele == "Ice" then color = "\\cs(100, 100, 180)"
- elseif higherele == "Earth" then color = "\\cs(255, 255, 100)"
- elseif higherele == "Thunder" then color = "\\cs(255, 100, 255)"
- end
- textele = color..""..higherele.."\\cr"
- for k=1, 6 do
- if higherdmg == enfo[ele_id[k]][] then
- if ele_id[k] ~= higherele then
- color3 = "\\cs(255, 125, 125)"
- if ele_id[k] == "Fire" then color3 = "\\cs(255, 100, 100)"
- elseif ele_id[k] == "Water" then color3 = "\\cs(100, 100, 255)"
- elseif ele_id[k] == "Wind" then color3 = "\\cs(100, 255, 100)"
- elseif ele_id[k] == "Ice" then color3 = "\\cs(100, 100, 180)"
- elseif ele_id[k] == "Earth" then color3 = "\\cs(255, 255, 100)"
- elseif ele_id[k] == "Thunder" then color3 = "\\cs(255, 100, 255)"
- end
- textele = textele.." - "..color3..""..ele_id[k].."\\cr"
- end
- end
- end
- color2 = "\\cs(255, 125, 125)"
- elementinfo = color.."WEAK TO : \\cr"..textele..""
- if weakerele == "Fire" then color2 = "\\cs(255, 100, 100)"
- elseif weakerele == "Water" then color2 = "\\cs(100, 100, 255)"
- elseif weakerele == "Wind" then color2 = "\\cs(100, 255, 100)"
- elseif weakerele == "Ice" then color2 = "\\cs(100, 100, 180)"
- elseif weakerele == "Earth" then color2 = "\\cs(255, 255, 100)"
- elseif weakerele == "Thunder" then color2 = "\\cs(255, 100, 255)"
- end
- elementinfo = elementinfo.." - "..color2.."STRONG TO : "..weakerele.."\\cr"
- end
- end
- textinbox = textinbox..elementinfo
- end
- windower.text.set_text(tb_name, textinbox)
- end
- refresh()
- windower.register_event('unload', function()
- windower.text.delete(tb_name)
- end)
- foc = 0
- --Auto Boost on Certain WS
- function precast(spell,action)
- if NoQDWS:contains(spell.english) then
- equip({ammo=RABullet})
- equip(sets.precast[spell.english])
- add_to_chat(256, '*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* [ Living was in Ammo Slot -DD is now in Ammo, use WS ] *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*' )
- elseif spell.action_type == 'Ranged Attack' then
- if player.ammo == QDBullet then
- equip({ammo=RABullet})
- end
- equip(sets.precast.RA)
- elseif ShotsList:contains(spell.english) or spell.english == "Light Shot" or spell.english == "Dark Shot" then
- equip(sets.precast.CorsairShot)
- elseif sets.precast[spell.english] then
- equip(sets.precast[spell.english])
- -- add_to_chat(392,'*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* [ WS AGI = '..player.agi..' ] *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*')
- elseif rollslist:contains(spell.english) then
- equip(sets.precast.CorsairRoll)
- elseif spell.type=="WeaponSkill" then
- equip(sets.precast.WS)
- elseif spell.english == "Utsusemi: Ichi" or spell.english == "Utsusemi: Ni" then
- equip(sets.precast.FC.Utsusemi)
- elseif string.find(spell.english,'Waltz') then
- equip(sets.precast.Waltz)
- end
- return
- end
- nin = {"Doton", "Suiton", "Raiton", "Katon", "Futon"}
- function midcast(spell,action)
- if spell.action_type == 'Ranged Attack' then
- if player.ammo == QDBullet then
- equip({ammo=RABullet})
- end
- if buffactive['Triple Shot'] then
- equip(sets.midcast.RATS)
- else
- equip(sets.midcast.RA)
- end
- elseif spell.english == "Yoran-Oran (UC)" then
- equip({body="Yoran Unity Shirt"})
- elseif spell.english == "Apururu (UC)" then
- equip({body="Apururu Unity Shirt"})
- elseif spell.english == "Doton: Ichi" or spell.english == "Doton: Nii" or spell.english == "Katon: Ichi" or spell.english == "Katon: Ni" or spell.english == "Suiton: Ichi" or spell.english == "Suiton: Ni" then
- equip(sets.midcast.ninjutsu)
- elseif sets.precast[spell.english] then
- equip(sets.precast[spell.english])
- -- add_to_chat(392,'*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* [ WS AGI = '..player.agi..' ] *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*')
- elseif ShotsList:contains(spell.english) then
- equip(sets.midcast.CorsairShot)
- elseif spell.type=="WeaponSkill" then
- equip(sets.precast.WS)
- -- add_to_chat(392,'*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* [ WS AGI = '..player.agi..' ] *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*')
- elseif string.find(spell.english,'Waltz') then
- equip(sets.precast.Waltz)
- end
- end
- function aftercast(spell,action)
- refresh()
- if == null then
- return -- Cancel Aftercast for outofrange/unable to see.
- end
- if player.status == 'Engaged' then
- equip(sets.aftercast.TP)
- else
- equip(sets.aftercast.Idle)
- add_to_chat(392,'*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* [ Idle ] *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*')
- end
- end
- function status_change(new,old)
- refresh()
- if new == 'Engaged' then
- enga = 1
- equip(sets.aftercast.TP)
- else
- enga = 0
- equip(sets.aftercast.Idle)
- add_to_chat(392,'*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* [ Idle ] *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*')
- end
- end
- memoryset = {}
- function buff_change(status,gain_or_loss)
- refresh()
- if status == "sleep" then
- if gain_or_loss then
- equip({neck="Opo-opo Necklace"})
- end
- elseif status == "amnesia" then
- if gain_or_loss then
- equip({ring1="Ecphoria Ring"})
- end
- elseif status == 'Voidwatcher' then
- if gain_or_loss then
- send_command('wait 15;input /item "Fanatic\'s Drink" <me>')
- add_to_chat(392,'*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* [ STARTING FIGHT ] *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*')
- else
- --send_command('wait 15;input /targetnpc; wait 2;lua reload vwh')
- add_to_chat(392,'*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* [ TRADING RUBI ] *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*')
- end
- end
- --if status == "poison" then
- -- if gain_or_loss then
- -- send_command('input /ja "Healing Waltz" <me>')
- -- end
- --end
- if status == RollOne then
- if not gain_or_loss then
- OneValue = 0
- end
- end
- if status == RollTwo then
- if not gain_or_loss then
- TwoValue = 0
- end
- end
- if status == "Avenger's Roll" then
- if gain_or_loss then
- add_to_chat(392,'*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* [ START COUNTING COUNTER RATE ] *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*')
- else
- add_to_chat(392,'*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* [ END : Total hit : '..counterhit+totalhit..' / Countered : '..counterhit..' / rate = '..counterhit/(counterhit+totalhit)..' ] *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*')
- end
- end
- if status == "Reive Mark" then
- if gain_or_loss then
- equip({neck="Ygnas's Resolve +1"})
- disable("neck")
- add_to_chat(278, "REIVE ----------> WS+25% - Regain up")
- else
- enable("neck")
- add_to_chat(278, "REIVE ----------> OFF")
- end
- end
- if status == "encumbrance" then
- if not gain_or_loss then
- equip({main="Hep. Sapara +1", sub="Fettering blade", range="Fomalhaut"})
- add_to_chat(278, "----------> Weapons got back")
- end
- end
- end
- -- Toggles -- SE Macros: /console gs c "command" [case sensitive]
- function self_command(command)
- if command == 'normal' then
- if player.status == 'Engaged' then
- equip(sets.engaged.Melee)
- sets.aftercast.TP = sets.engaged.Melee
- sets.precast.acclvl = sets.engaged.Melee
- sets.aftercast.Idle = sets.idle
- add_to_chat(455, '*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* [ Normal TP ] *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*')
- else
- equip(sets.aftercast.Idle)
- sets.aftercast.TP = sets.engaged.Melee
- sets.precast.acclvl = sets.engaged.Melee
- sets.aftercast.Idle = sets.idle
- add_to_chat(455, '*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* [ Normal TP - Idle ] *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*')
- end
- MTP="Normal"
- elseif command == 'nodt' then
- equip(sets.precast.acclvl)
- sets.aftercast.TP = sets.precast.acclvl
- sets.aftercast.Idle = sets.idle
- add_to_chat(455, '*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* [ DT off ] *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*')
- MTP="Normal"
- elseif command == 'acc' then
- equip(sets.engaged.Acc)
- sets.aftercast.TP = sets.engaged.Acc
- sets.precast.acclvl = sets.engaged.Acc
- sets.aftercast.Idle = sets.idle
- MTP = "Accuracy"
- add_to_chat(455, '*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* [ Full Acc ] *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*')
- elseif command == 'crit' then
- equip(sets.engaged.Crit)
- sets.aftercast.TP = sets.engaged.Crit
- sets.precast.acclvl = sets.engaged.Crit
- sets.aftercast.Idle = sets.idle
- MTP = "CrItIcAl HiT RaTe"
- add_to_chat(455, '*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* [ CrItIcAl HiT RaTe ] *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*')
- elseif command == 'PDT' then
- equip(sets.defense.PDT)
- sets.aftercast.TP = sets.defense.PDT
- sets.aftercast.Idle = sets.defense.PDT
- add_to_chat(455, '*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* [ PDT ] *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*')
- MTP = "PDT"
- elseif command == 'Range' then
- if sets.midcast.RA == sets.midcast.RANorm then
- sets.midcast.RA = sets.midcast.RAcc
- add_to_chat(455, '*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* [ RACC ] *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*')
- RATP = "RAcc"
- else
- sets.midcast.RA = sets.midcast.RANorm
- add_to_chat(455, '*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* [ Range Normal ] *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*')
- RATP = "Normal"
- end
- elseif command == 'MDT' then
- equip(sets.defense.MDT)
- sets.aftercast.TP = sets.defense.MDT
- sets.aftercast.Idle = sets.defense.MDT
- add_to_chat(501, '*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* [ MDT ] *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*')
- elseif command == 'BestShot' then
- send_command('input /ja "'..higherele..' Shot" <t>')
- add_to_chat(501, '*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* [ Best SHOT ] *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*')
- elseif command == 'AutoRoll' then
- if OneStatus == "\\cs(255, 125, 125)Off\\cr" then
- send_command('input /ja "'..RollOne..'" <me>')
- elseif TwoStatus == "\\cs(255, 125, 125)Off\\cr" then
- send_command('input /ja "'..RollTwo..'" <me>')
- end
- add_to_chat(501, '*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* [ Rolling ] *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*')
- elseif command == "Luzaf" then
- if Luzaf == "Luzaf's Ring" then
- Luzaf = ""
- add_to_chat(501, '*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* [ LUZAF is OFF - '..Luzaf..' ] *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*')
- else
- Luzaf = "Luzaf's Ring"
- add_to_chat(501, '*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* [ LUZAF is ON ] - '..Luzaf..' *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*')
- end
- elseif command == 'regpack' then
- if regpack == 1 then
- regpack = 0
- add_to_chat(167, '*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* [ Packet register OFF ] *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*')
- else
- regpack = 1
- add_to_chat(204, '*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* [ Packet register ON ] *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*')
- end
- elseif command == "recordshot" then
- if not enfo['Fire'][] then
- send_command('input /ja "Fire Shot" <t>')
- elseif not enfo['Water'][] then
- send_command('input /ja "Water Shot" <t>')
- elseif not enfo['Wind'][] then
- send_command('input /ja "Wind Shot" <t>')
- elseif not enfo['Ice'][] then
- send_command('input /ja "Ice Shot" <t>')
- elseif not enfo['Earth'][] then
- send_command('input /ja "Earth Shot" <t>')
- elseif not enfo['Thunder'][] then
- send_command('input /ja "Thunder Shot" <t>')
- else
- send_command('input /ja "'..higherele..' Shot" <t>')
- end
- end
- end
- windower.register_event('Zone change', function(new_id, old_id)
- refresh()
- if regpack then
- add_to_chat(204, '*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* [ New zone = '..new_id..' / Old zone = '..old_id..' ] *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*')
- end
- OneValue = 0
- TwoValue = 0
- return modified, injected
- end)
- local clock = os.clock
- function sleep(n) -- seconds
- local t0 = clock()
- while clock() - t0 <= n do end
- end
- function check_set()
- for i=1, numberofautoset do
- send_command('input //gs equip naked;wait 0.5; input /equipset '..i..'')
- sleep(2)
- autoset[i] = {
- }
- add_to_chat(179, '*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* [ Auto Set Number '..i..' ] *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*')
- add_to_chat(179, '*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* [ Main : '' ] *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*')
- add_to_chat(179, '*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* [ Sub : '' ] *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*')
- add_to_chat(179, '*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* [ Range : '' ] *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*')
- add_to_chat(179, '*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* [ Ammo : '' ] *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*')
- add_to_chat(179, '*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* [ Head : '' ] *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*')
- add_to_chat(179, '*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* [ Neck : '' ] *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*')
- add_to_chat(179, '*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* [ Earring1 : '' ] *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*')
- add_to_chat(179, '*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* [ Earring2 : '' ] *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*')
- add_to_chat(179, '*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* [ Body : '' ] *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*')
- add_to_chat(179, '*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* [ Hands : '' ] *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*')
- add_to_chat(179, '*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* [ Ring1 : '' ] *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*')
- add_to_chat(179, '*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* [ Ring2 : '' ] *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*')
- add_to_chat(179, '*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* [ Back : '' ] *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*')
- add_to_chat(179, '*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* [ Waist : '' ] *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*')
- add_to_chat(179, '*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* [ Legs : '' ] *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*')
- add_to_chat(179, '*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* [ Feet : '' ] *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*')
- sleep(1)
- end
- -- resetting autoset
- sets.precast.Chakra = autoset[1]
- sets.precast.Focus = autoset[2]
- end
- wscount = 0
- beadk=3
- --- Delve Assistant
- windower.register_event('incoming text', function(original, modified, mode)
- local match
- if then
- match = original:match(''' uses ([%s%w]+)% Shot.The '' takes ([%s%w]+)% points of damage.')
- --add_to_chat(204, '*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* [ SHOT = '..match..' ] *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*')
- if EleList:contains(match) then
- match2 = original:match(''' uses '..match..' Shot.The '' takes ([%s%w]+)% points of damage.')
- add_to_chat(204, '*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* [ SHOT = '..match..' for '..match2..' dmg - on '' ] *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*')
- parse(match,, match2)
- end
- end
- ------------------------------------------------------------- WS--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- if then
- --
- match = original:match(''' uses ([%s%w]+)%.The '' takes ([%s%w]+)% points of damage.')
- --add_to_chat(204, '*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* [ SHOT = '..match..' ] *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*')
- if WSList:contains(match) then
- match2 = original:match(''' uses '..match..'.The '' takes ([%s%w]+)% points of damage.')
- add_to_chat(204, '*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* [ WS = '..match..' for '..match2..' dmg - on '' ] *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*')
- parsews(match,, match2)
- end
- end
- if then
- --
- match = original:match(''' uses ([%s%w]+)%.The '' take ([%s%w]+)% points of damage.')
- --add_to_chat(204, '*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* [ SHOT = '..match..' ] *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*')
- if WSList:contains(match) then
- match2 = original:match(''' uses '..match..'.The '' take ([%s%w]+)% points of damage.')
- add_to_chat(204, '*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* [ WS = '..match..' for '..match2..' dmg - on '' ] *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*')
- parsews(match,, match2)
- end
- end
- if then
- --
- match = original:match(''' uses ([%s%w]+)%.'' takes ([%s%w]+)% points of damage.')
- --add_to_chat(204, '*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* [ SHOT = '..match..' ] *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*')
- if WSList:contains(match) then
- match2 = original:match(''' uses '..match..'.'' takes ([%s%w]+)% points of damage.')
- add_to_chat(204, '*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* [ WS = '..match..' for '..match2..' dmg - on '' ] *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*')
- parsews(match,, match2)
- end
- end
- --------------------------------------------------------------- SHOTS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- if then
- match = original:match(''' uses ([%s%w]+)% Shot.The '' take ([%s%w]+)% points of damage.')
- --add_to_chat(204, '*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* [ SHOT = '..match..' ] *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*')
- if EleList:contains(match) then
- match2 = original:match(''' uses '..match..' Shot.The '' take ([%s%w]+)% points of damage.')
- add_to_chat(204, '*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* [ SHOT = '..match..' for '..match2..' dmg - on '' ] *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*')
- parse(match,, match2)
- end
- end
- if then
- match = original:match(''' uses ([%s%w]+)% Shot.The '' takes ([%s%w]+)% points of damage.')
- --add_to_chat(204, '*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* [ SHOT = '..match..' ] *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*')
- if EleList:contains(match) then
- match2 = original:match(''' uses '..match..' Shot.The '' takes ([%s%w]+)% points of damage.')
- add_to_chat(204, '*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* [ SHOT = '..match..' for '..match2..' dmg - on '' ] *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*')
- parse(match,, match2)
- end
- end
- if then
- match = original:match(''' uses ([%s%w]+)% Shot.'' takes ([%s%w]+)% points of damage.')
- --add_to_chat(204, '*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* [ SHOT = '..match..' ] *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*')
- if EleList:contains(match) then
- match2 = original:match(''' uses '..match..' Shot.'' takes ([%s%w]+)% points of damage.')
- add_to_chat(204, '*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* [ SHOT = '..match..' for '..match2..' dmg - on '' ] *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*')
- parse(match,, match2)
- end
- end
- -- Parsing Melee Acc
- if WhichParse then
- match = original:match('Primary Accuracy: ([%s%w]+)% /')
- --add_to_chat(204, '*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* [ SHOT = '..match..' ] *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*')
- if match then
- if WhichParse == "Melee" then
- Meleeacc = tostring(match)
- add_to_chat(204, '*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* [ '..WhichParse..' Acc = '..Meleeacc..' ] *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*')
- WhichParse = ""
- end
- end
- match = original:match('Ranged Accuracy: ([%s%w]+)% /')
- --add_to_chat(204, '*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* [ SHOT = '..match..' ] *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*')
- if match then
- if WhichParse == "Ranged" then
- Rangedacc = tostring(match)
- add_to_chat(204, '*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* [ '..WhichParse..' Acc = '..Rangedacc..' ] *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*')
- WhichParse = ""
- end
- end
- end
- end)
- -- MAKE A MACRO : /tell <me> check
- function open_coffer()
- CofferType = "Gr. Velkk Coffer"
- if player.inventory[CofferType] then
- NCoffer = player.inventory[CofferType].count
- bag = windower.ffxi.get_bag_info(0).count
- max = windower.ffxi.get_bag_info(0).max
- spots = max-bag
- if spots > 0 then
- add_to_chat(204, '*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* [ '..NCoffer..'x '..CofferType..' to open - Inventory('..bag..'/'..max..') ] *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*')
- local nextcommand = ""
- for i=1, spots do
- nextcommand = nextcommand .. 'input /item "'..CofferType..'" <me>; wait 2;'
- end
- nextcommand = nextcommand .. 'input /tell '' check'
- send_command(nextcommand)
- else
- add_to_chat(204, '*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* [ Inventory('..bag..'/'..max..') ] *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*')
- end
- else
- add_to_chat(204, '*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* [ No '..CofferType..' in inventory ] *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*')
- end
- end
- windower.register_event('chat message', function(original, sender, mode, gm)
- local match
- ---- Invite checker
- --match = original:match(') ([%w]+)%')
- if sender == then
- if original == "check" then
- open_coffer()
- elseif original == "wtf" then
- add_to_chat(204, '*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* [ One = '..OneValue..' / Two = '..TwoValue..' ] *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*')
- elseif wsset:contains(original) then
- add_to_chat(204, '*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* [ Weapons Optimized for '..original..' ] *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*')
- equip(wset[original])
- elseif original == "Melee" or original == "melee" or original == "m" or original == "M" then
- Meleeswitch = true
- add_to_chat(204, '*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* [ Choose your melee acc lvl (1 to 5) ] *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*')
- elseif original == "Range" or original == "range" or original == "Ranged" or original == "ranged" or original == "R" or original == "r" then
- Rangedswitch = true
- add_to_chat(204, '*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* [ Choose your ranged acc lvl (1 to 3) ] *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*')
- elseif (original == "1" or original == "2" or original == "3" or original == "4" or original == "5") and Meleeswitch then
- Meleelvl = original
- sets.engaged.Melee = sets.engaged.M[Meleelvl]
- add_to_chat(204, '*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* [ So Melee Acc Lvl '..Meleelvl..' ] *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*')
- WhichParse = "Melee"
- send_command('gs equip sets.engaged.Melee; wait 1; input /checkparam <me>')
- Meleeswitch = false
- elseif (original == "1" or original == "2" or original == "3") and Rangedswitch then
- Rangedlvl = original
- sets.midcast.RA = sets.midcast.R[Rangedlvl]
- add_to_chat(204, '*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* [ So Ranged Acc Lvl '..Rangedlvl..' ] *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*')
- WhichParse = "Ranged"
- send_command('gs equip sets.midcast.RA; wait 1; input /checkparam <me>')
- Rangedswitch = false
- elseif original == "switch" or original == "Switch" then
- switcher = RollOne
- RollOne = RollTwo
- RollTwo = switcher
- switchvalue = OneValue
- OneValue = TwoValue
- TwoValue = switchvalue
- add_to_chat(204, '*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* [ Switching Rolls order. ] *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*')
- elseif original == "One" or original == "one" or original == "1" then
- oneswitch = true
- twoswitch = false
- add_to_chat(204, '*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* [ Choose your FIRST roll. ] *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*')
- elseif original == "Two" or original == "2" or original == "two" then
- twoswitch = false
- twoswitch = true
- add_to_chat(204, '*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* [ Choose your SECOND roll. ] *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*')
- elseif oneswitch and original then
- command=original
- target = string.match(command, "(%a+)")
- targeto = string.match(command, "%p")
- geot = ""
- if rollslist:contains(original) then
- if RollOne ~= original then
- OneValue = 0
- end
- RollOne = original
- add_to_chat(204,"*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* [FIRST Roll is "..original.."] *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*")
- refresh()
- oneswitch = false
- end
- elseif twoswitch and original then
- command=original
- target = string.match(command, "(%a+)")
- targeto = string.match(command, "%p")
- geot = ""
- if rollslist:contains(original) then
- if RollTwo ~= original then
- TwoValue = 0
- end
- RollTwo = original
- add_to_chat(204,"*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* [SECOND Roll is "..original.."] *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*")
- refresh()
- twoswitch = false
- end
- end
- end
- return sender, mode, gm
- end)
- wscolk=0
- fps = 1
- sec = 0
- sav = 0
- boo = {}
- windower.register_event('prerender', function()
- if fps < 30 then
- fps = fps +1
- else
- fps = 1
- end
- --if fps == 1 and buffactive['silence'] then
- -- send_command('input /item "echo drops" ''')
- --end
- if fps == 1 and buffactive['curse'] then
- send_command('input /item "holy water" ''')
- end
- if fps == 1 then
- refresh()
- if == "Nusku Shield" then
- if sets.engaged.Melee == sets.engaged.single then
- else
- sets.engaged.Melee = sets.engaged.single
- add_to_chat(123, "Single Wield")
- end
- else
- if sets.engaged.Melee == sets.engaged.single then
- sets.engaged.Melee = sets.engaged.M["1"]
- add_to_chat(123, "Dual Wield")
- end
- end
- if not buffactive['Flurry'] then
- if sets.precast.RA == sets.precast.RANoFlurry then
- else
- add_to_chat(123, "No flurry Anymore")
- sets.precast.RA = sets.precast.RANoFlurry
- flurry = 0
- end
- end
- if == "Armageddon" and buffactive['Aftermath: Lv.3'] then
- if boo == sets.midcast.RA then
- else
- add_to_chat(123, "AM3 : CRIT RANGE !!!!!")
- boo = sets.midcast.RA
- sets.midcast.RA = sets.midcast.RACrits
- end
- else
- if boo == sets.midcast.RA then
- add_to_chat(123, "AM3 Off...")
- sets.midcast.RA = boo
- boo = {}
- end
- end
- -- switching between regen and normal idle
- if player.hpp < 90 then
- if sets.idle == sets.idlenormal then
- sets.idle = sets.idleregen
- add_to_chat(123, "Idle = Regen")
- if player.status == "Idle" then
- equip(sets.idle)
- add_to_chat(123, "Equipping Idle")
- end
- end
- else
- if sets.idle == sets.idleregen then
- sets.idle = sets.idlenormal
- add_to_chat(123, "Idle = Normal")
- if player.status == "Idle" then
- equip(sets.idle)
- add_to_chat(123, "Equipping Idle")
- end
- end
- end
- if LeadenObi == "Svelt. Gouriz +1" then
- if world.weather_element == 18 or world.weather_id == 19 or == "Darksday" or buffactive["Voidstorm"] then
- add_to_chat(123, "Anrin Obi Set for Leaden")
- LeadenObi = "Anrin Obi"
- end
- else
- if not world.weather_id == 18 and not world.weather_id == 19 and not == "Darksday" and not buffactive["Voidstorm"] then
- add_to_chat(123, "Svelt. Gouriz +1 Set for Leaden")
- LeadenObi = "Svelt. Gouriz +1"
- end
- end
- --if ~= "Frigatebird" and ~= "Undergrowth Hornet" then --player.status_id == 0 and not or not
- -- send_command('input /targetbnpc')
- --end
- end
- end)
- --tprint(windower.ffxi.get_ability_recasts())
- rollInfo = {}
- for key, val in pairs(rollInfoTemp) do
- rollInfo[res.job_abilities:with('english', key .. ' Roll').id] = {key, unpack(val)}
- end
- haste = 0
- flurry = 0
- windower.register_event('action', function(act)
- if act.category == 6 and table.containskey(rollInfo, act.param) then
- --This is used later to allow/disallow busting
- --If you are not the rollActor you will not be disallowed to bust.
- rollActor = act.actor_id
- local rollID = act.param
- local rollNum = act.targets[1].actions[1].param
- boo = res.job_abilities[rollID].en
- --rollInfo[rollID][1]
- add_to_chat(204, '*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* [ '' ] *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*')
- if RollOne == boo then
- OneValue = rollNum
- add_to_chat(204, '*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* [ '..RollOne..' = '..OneValue..' ] *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*')
- refresh()
- elseif RollTwo == boo then
- TwoValue = rollNum
- add_to_chat(204, '*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* [ '..RollTwo..' = '..TwoValue..' ] *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*')
- refresh()
- end
- end
- --- Tracking Haste and Flurry
- --check if you are a target of spell
- local actionTargets = act.targets
- playerId = windower.ffxi.get_player().id
- isTarget = false
- for _, target in ipairs(actionTargets) do
- if playerId == then
- isTarget = true
- end
- end
- if isTarget == true then
- if act.category == 4 then
- local param = act.param
- if param == 845 then
- add_to_chat(122, 'Flurry Status = Flurry 1')
- sets.precast.RA = sets.precast.RAFlurryOne
- flurry = 1
- elseif param == 846 then
- add_to_chat(122, 'Flurry Status = Flurry 2')
- sets.precast.RA = sets.precast.RAFlurryTwo
- flurry = 2
- elseif param == 57 then
- add_to_chat(122, 'Haste Status = Haste 1 (Haste)')
- haste = 1
- elseif param == 511 then
- add_to_chat(122, 'Flurry Status = Haste 2 (Haste 2)')
- haste = 2
- end
- --Handle Spy Drink
- elseif act.category == 5 then
- if act.param == 5389 then
- add_to_chat(122, 'Haste Status = Haste 2 (Spy Drink)')
- haste = 2
- end
- --Handle Avatar Haste1/2
- elseif act.category == 13 then
- local param = act.param
- --595 haste 1 -602 hastega 2
- if param == 595 then
- add_to_chat(122, 'Haste Status = Haste 1 (Hastega)')
- haste = 1
- elseif param == 602 then
- add_to_chat(122, 'Haste Status = Haste 2 (Hastega2)')
- haste = 2
- end
- end
- end
- end)
- ringBonus = true
- function RollEffect(rollid, rollnum)
- if rollnum == 13 then
- return
- end
- --There's gotta be a better way to do this.
- local rollName = rollInfo[rollid][1]
- local rollVal = rollInfo[rollid][rollnum]
- --I'm handling one roll a bit odd, so I need to deal with it seperately.
- --Which is stupid, I know, but look at how I've done most of this
- if rollName == "Companion\'s" then
- local hpVal = rollVal[1]
- local tpVal = rollVal[2]
- if gearTable[13] == 28548 or gearTable[14]== 28548 or ringBonus then
- hpVal = hpVal + (rollInfo[rollid][16][1]*5)
- tpVal = tpVal + (rollInfo[rollid][16][2]*5)
- ringBonus = true
- elseif gearTable[13] == 28547 or gearTable[14] == 28547 or ringBonus then
- hpVal = hpVal + (rollInfo[rollid][16][1]*3)
- tpVal = tpVal + (rollInfo[rollid][16][2]*3)
- ringBonus = true
- end
- return "Pet:"..hpVal.." Regen".." +"..tpVal.." Regain"
- end
- --If there's no Roll Val can't add to it
- if rollVal ~= '?' then
- if gearTable[13] == 28548 or gearTable[14] == 28548 or ringBonus then
- rollVal = rollVal + (rollInfo[rollid][16]*5)
- ringBonus = true
- elseif gearTable[13] == 28547 or gearTable[14] == 28547 or ringBonus then
- rollVal = rollVal + (rollInfo[rollid][16]*3)
- ringBonus = true
- end
- end
- -- Convert Bolters to Movement Speed based on 5.0 being 100%
- if(rollName == "Bolter\'s") then
- rollVal = '%.0f':format(100*((5+rollVal) / 5 - 1))
- end
- if(rollInfo[rollid][17] ~= nil) then
- local bonusVal = gearTable[rollInfo[rollid][17][1] ] == rollInfo[rollid][17][2] and rollInfo[rollid][17][3] or 0
- rollVal = rollVal + bonusVal
- end
- return rollVal..rollInfo[rollid][14]
- end
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