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- # Copyright 2022 The Nerfstudio Team. All rights reserved.
- #
- # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- # You may obtain a copy of the License at
- #
- #
- #
- # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- # limitations under the License.
- """
- NeRFPlayer ( complete implementation with nerfacto backbone.
- """
- from __future__ import annotations
- import functools
- from dataclasses import dataclass, field
- from typing import Dict, List, Type
- import numpy as np
- import torch
- from torchmetrics import PeakSignalNoiseRatio
- from torchmetrics.functional import structural_similarity_index_measure
- from torchmetrics.image.lpip import LearnedPerceptualImagePatchSimilarity
- from typing_extensions import Literal
- from nerfstudio.cameras.rays import RayBundle
- from nerfstudio.field_components.field_heads import FieldHeadNames
- from nerfstudio.field_components.spatial_distortions import SceneContraction
- from nerfstudio.fields.nerfplayer_field import (
- NerfplayerField,
- TemporalHashMLPDensityField,
- )
- from nerfstudio.model_components.losses import (
- MSELoss,
- interlevel_loss,
- orientation_loss,
- pred_normal_loss,
- DepthLossType,
- depth_loss,
- )
- from nerfstudio.model_components.ray_samplers import ProposalNetworkSampler
- from nerfstudio.model_components.renderers import (
- AccumulationRenderer,
- DepthRenderer,
- NormalsRenderer,
- RGBRenderer,
- DecompositionRenderer,
- )
- from nerfstudio.model_components.scene_colliders import NearFarCollider, AABBBoxCollider
- from nerfstudio.model_components.shaders import NormalsShader
- from nerfstudio.models.base_model import Model
- from nerfstudio.models.nerfacto import NerfactoModel, NerfactoModelConfig
- from nerfstudio.utils import colormaps
- from nerfstudio.utils.dynmetric import DynMetric
- @dataclass
- class NerfplayerModelConfig(NerfactoModelConfig):
- """Nerfplayer Model Config with Nerfacto backbone"""
- _target: Type = field(default_factory=lambda: NerfplayerModel)
- near_plane: float = 0.05
- """How far along the ray to start sampling."""
- far_plane: float = 1000.0
- """How far along the ray to stop sampling."""
- train_background_color: Literal["random", "black", "white"] = "random"
- """The training background color that is given to untrained areas."""
- eval_background_color: Literal["random", "black", "white", "last_sample"] = "white"
- """The training background color that is given to untrained areas."""
- num_levels: int = 16
- """Hashing grid parameter."""
- features_per_level: int = 2
- """Hashing grid parameter."""
- log2_hashmap_size: int = 17
- """Hashing grid parameter."""
- temporal_dim: int = 64
- """Hashing grid parameter. A higher temporal dim means a higher temporal frequency."""
- proposal_net_args_list: List[Dict] = field(
- default_factory=lambda: [
- {"hidden_dim": 16, "temporal_dim": 32, "log2_hashmap_size": 17, "num_levels": 5, "max_res": 64},
- {"hidden_dim": 16, "temporal_dim": 32, "log2_hashmap_size": 17, "num_levels": 5, "max_res": 256},
- ]
- )
- """Arguments for the proposal density fields."""
- disable_viewing_dependent: bool = True
- """Disable viewing dependent effects."""
- distortion_loss_mult: float = 1e-3
- """Distortion loss multiplier."""
- temporal_tv_weight: float = 1.0
- """Temporal TV balancing weight for feature channels."""
- depth_weight: float = 0.05
- """depth loss balancing weight for feature channels."""
- is_euclidean_depth: bool = True
- """Whether input depth maps are Euclidean distances (or z-distances)."""
- depth_sigma: float = 0.01
- """Uncertainty around depth values in meters (defaults to 1cm)."""
- should_decay_sigma: bool = False
- """Whether to exponentially decay sigma."""
- starting_depth_sigma: float = 0.2
- """Starting uncertainty around depth values in meters (defaults to 0.2m)."""
- sigma_decay_rate: float = 0.99985
- """Rate of exponential decay."""
- depth_loss_type: DepthLossType = DepthLossType.DS_NERF
- """Depth loss type."""
- prob_reg_loss_mult: float = 0.001 # Paper: 0.1, seems very high compared to experimental results done here.
- """Probability regularization loss multiplier."""
- class NerfplayerModel(NerfactoModel):
- """Nerfplayer model with Nerfacto backbone.
- Args:
- config: Nerfplayer configuration to instantiate model
- """
- config: NerfplayerModelConfig
- def populate_modules(self):
- """Set the fields and modules."""
- Model.populate_modules(self)
- if self.config.disable_scene_contraction:
- scene_contraction = None
- else:
- scene_contraction = SceneContraction(order=float("inf"))
- if self.config.should_decay_sigma:
- self.depth_sigma = torch.tensor([self.config.starting_depth_sigma])
- else:
- self.depth_sigma = torch.tensor([self.config.depth_sigma])
- # Fields
- self.field = NerfplayerField(
- self.scene_box.aabb,
- temporal_dim=self.config.temporal_dim,
- num_levels=self.config.num_levels,
- features_per_level=self.config.features_per_level,
- log2_hashmap_size=self.config.log2_hashmap_size,
- spatial_distortion=scene_contraction,
- num_images=self.num_train_data,
- use_pred_normals=self.config.predict_normals,
- use_average_appearance_embedding=self.config.use_average_appearance_embedding,
- disable_viewing_dependent=self.config.disable_viewing_dependent,
- )
- self.density_fns = []
- num_prop_nets = self.config.num_proposal_iterations
- # Build the proposal network(s)
- self.proposal_networks = torch.nn.ModuleList()
- if self.config.use_same_proposal_network:
- assert len(self.config.proposal_net_args_list) == 1, "Only one proposal network is allowed."
- prop_net_args = self.config.proposal_net_args_list[0]
- network = TemporalHashMLPDensityField(
- self.scene_box.aabb, spatial_distortion=scene_contraction, **prop_net_args
- )
- self.proposal_networks.append(network)
- self.density_fns.extend([network.density_fn for _ in range(num_prop_nets)])
- else:
- for i in range(num_prop_nets):
- prop_net_args = self.config.proposal_net_args_list[min(i, len(self.config.proposal_net_args_list) - 1)]
- network = TemporalHashMLPDensityField(
- self.scene_box.aabb,
- spatial_distortion=scene_contraction,
- **prop_net_args,
- )
- self.proposal_networks.append(network)
- self.density_fns.extend([network.density_fn for network in self.proposal_networks])
- # Samplers
- update_schedule = lambda step: np.clip(
- np.interp(step, [0, self.config.proposal_warmup], [0, self.config.proposal_update_every]),
- 1,
- self.config.proposal_update_every,
- )
- self.proposal_sampler = ProposalNetworkSampler(
- num_nerf_samples_per_ray=self.config.num_nerf_samples_per_ray,
- num_proposal_samples_per_ray=self.config.num_proposal_samples_per_ray,
- num_proposal_network_iterations=self.config.num_proposal_iterations,
- single_jitter=self.config.use_single_jitter,
- update_sched=update_schedule,
- )
- # Collider
- if self.config.disable_scene_contraction:
- self.collider = AABBBoxCollider(self.scene_box)
- else:
- self.collider = NearFarCollider(near_plane=self.config.near_plane, far_plane=self.config.far_plane)
- self.background_color = self.config.train_background_color
- # renderers
- self.renderer_rgb = RGBRenderer(background_color=self.config.train_background_color)
- self.renderer_accumulation = AccumulationRenderer()
- self.renderer_depth = DepthRenderer(method="expected") # for depth loss
- self.renderer_normals = NormalsRenderer()
- self.renderer_probs = DecompositionRenderer()
- # shaders
- self.normals_shader = NormalsShader()
- # losses
- self.rgb_loss = MSELoss()
- # metrics
- self.psnr = PeakSignalNoiseRatio(data_range=1.0)
- self.ssim = structural_similarity_index_measure
- self.lpips = LearnedPerceptualImagePatchSimilarity(normalize=True)
- self.dynmetric = DynMetric(self.psnr, self.ssim, self.lpips, "cuda")
- self.temporal_distortion = True # for viewer
- def get_outputs(self, ray_bundle: RayBundle):
- assert ray_bundle.times is not None, "Time not provided."
- ray_samples, weights_list, ray_samples_list = self.proposal_sampler(
- ray_bundle, density_fns=[functools.partial(f, times=ray_bundle.times) for f in self.density_fns]
- )
- field_outputs = self.field(ray_samples, compute_normals=self.config.predict_normals)
- weights = ray_samples.get_weights(field_outputs[FieldHeadNames.DENSITY])
- weights_list.append(weights)
- ray_samples_list.append(ray_samples)
- if
- self.renderer_rgb.background_color = self.config.train_background_color
- else:
- self.renderer_rgb.background_color = self.config.eval_background_color
- rgb = self.renderer_rgb(rgb=field_outputs[FieldHeadNames.RGB], weights=weights)
- depth = self.renderer_depth(weights=weights, ray_samples=ray_samples)
- accumulation = self.renderer_accumulation(weights=weights)
- outputs = {
- "rgb": rgb,
- "accumulation": accumulation,
- "depth": depth,
- }
- if FieldHeadNames.PROBS in field_outputs:
- probs = self.renderer_probs(
- probs=field_outputs[FieldHeadNames.PROBS],
- weights=weights,
- )
- outputs["probs"] = probs
- if self.config.predict_normals:
- outputs["normals"] = self.normals_shader(
- self.renderer_normals(normals=field_outputs[FieldHeadNames.NORMALS], weights=weights)
- )
- outputs["pred_normals"] = self.normals_shader(
- self.renderer_normals(field_outputs[FieldHeadNames.PRED_NORMALS], weights=weights)
- )
- # These use a lot of GPU memory, so we avoid storing them for eval.
- if
- outputs["weights_list"] = weights_list
- outputs["ray_samples_list"] = ray_samples_list
- if and self.config.predict_normals:
- outputs["rendered_orientation_loss"] = orientation_loss(
- weights.detach(), field_outputs[FieldHeadNames.NORMALS], ray_bundle.directions
- )
- outputs["rendered_pred_normal_loss"] = pred_normal_loss(
- weights.detach(),
- field_outputs[FieldHeadNames.NORMALS].detach(),
- field_outputs[FieldHeadNames.PRED_NORMALS],
- )
- for i in range(self.config.num_proposal_iterations):
- outputs[f"prop_depth_{i}"] = self.renderer_depth(weights=weights_list[i], ray_samples=ray_samples_list[i])
- if ray_bundle.metadata is not None and "directions_norm" in ray_bundle.metadata:
- outputs["directions_norm"] = ray_bundle.metadata["directions_norm"]
- return outputs
- def _get_sigma(self) -> TensorType[0]:
- if not self.config.should_decay_sigma:
- return self.depth_sigma
- self.depth_sigma = torch.maximum( # pylint: disable=attribute-defined-outside-init
- self.config.sigma_decay_rate * self.depth_sigma, torch.tensor([self.config.depth_sigma])
- )
- return self.depth_sigma
- def get_metrics_dict(self, outputs, batch):
- metrics_dict = super().get_metrics_dict(outputs, batch)
- if "depth_image" in batch.keys() and
- metrics_dict["depth_loss"] = 0.0
- sigma = self._get_sigma().to(self.device)
- termination_depth = batch["depth_image"].to(self.device)
- # Iterate over networks (proposal + nerf)
- for i in range(len(outputs["weights_list"])):
- metrics_dict["depth_loss"] += depth_loss(
- weights=outputs["weights_list"][i],
- ray_samples=outputs["ray_samples_list"][i],
- termination_depth=termination_depth,
- predicted_depth=outputs["depth"],
- sigma=sigma,
- directions_norm=outputs["directions_norm"],
- is_euclidean=self.config.is_euclidean_depth,
- depth_loss_type=self.config.depth_loss_type,
- ) / len(outputs["weights_list"])
- return metrics_dict
- def get_loss_dict(self, outputs, batch, metrics_dict=None):
- loss_dict = {}
- image = batch["image"].to(self.device)
- loss_dict["rgb_loss"] = self.rgb_loss(image, outputs["rgb"])
- if
- loss_dict["interlevel_loss"] = self.config.interlevel_loss_mult * interlevel_loss(
- outputs["weights_list"], outputs["ray_samples_list"]
- )
- assert metrics_dict is not None and "distortion" in metrics_dict
- loss_dict["distortion_loss"] = self.config.distortion_loss_mult * metrics_dict["distortion"]
- if "depth_image" in batch.keys() and self.config.depth_weight > 0:
- loss_dict["depth_loss"] = self.config.depth_weight * metrics_dict["depth_loss"]
- if self.config.temporal_tv_weight > 0:
- loss_dict["temporal_tv_loss"] = self.field.newness_field.get_temporal_tv_loss()
- loss_dict["temporal_tv_loss"] += self.field.decomposition_field.get_temporal_tv_loss()
- for net in self.proposal_networks:
- loss_dict["temporal_tv_loss"] += net.encoding.get_temporal_tv_loss()
- loss_dict["temporal_tv_loss"] *= self.config.temporal_tv_weight
- loss_dict["temporal_tv_loss"] /= (
- len(self.proposal_networks) + 2
- ) # Average over all networks: 2 for field, 1 for each proposal
- if "probs" in outputs:
- # 0=static, 1=deform, 2=new
- probs = outputs["probs"].view(-1, 3)
- probs_mean = probs.mean(dim=0)
- prob_loss = 0.01 * probs_mean[1] + probs_mean[2]
- loss_dict["prob_loss"] = prob_loss * self.config.prob_reg_loss_mult
- return loss_dict
- def get_image_metrics_and_images(
- self, outputs: Dict[str, torch.Tensor], batch: Dict[str, torch.Tensor]
- ) -> Tuple[Dict[str, float], Dict[str, torch.Tensor]]:
- metrics_dict, images_dict = super().get_image_metrics_and_images(outputs, batch)
- if "depth_image" in batch.keys():
- ground_truth_depth = batch["depth_image"]
- if not self.config.is_euclidean_depth:
- ground_truth_depth = ground_truth_depth * outputs["directions_norm"]
- ground_truth_depth_colormap = colormaps.apply_depth_colormap(ground_truth_depth)
- depth = images_dict["depth"]
- images_dict["depth"] =[ground_truth_depth_colormap, depth], dim=1)
- image = batch["image"].to(outputs["rgb"].device)
- rgb = outputs["rgb"]
- image = torch.moveaxis(image, -1, 0)[None, ...]
- rgb = torch.moveaxis(rgb, -1, 0)[None, ...]
- return metrics_dict, images_dict
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