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- <script src="//" type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8" async="async"></script>#!/usr/local/bin/python2.7
- # The objective of this script is to generate an output file with all the URLs found on shared hosting ('DSQLiReverseLookUp.txt' by default)
- # Shamelessly copied from
- # Thanks and credit to the author
- import httplib, urllib, socket, sys
- from xml.dom.minidom import parse, parseString
- #reverseLookUp = 'DSQLiReverseLookUp.txt'
- def generate_reverse_lookup(domainURL, filename, verbose):
- print "\t[*] Performing Reverse IP Lookup to collect all domains hosted on same server....."
- if domainURL[:7] == "http://":
- domainURL = domainURL[7:]
- # print "\n inside generate_reverse_lookup function with args: ", domainURL
- AppId = '1734E2C92CA63FAA596335295B09CF1D0B5C6161'
- sites = [domainURL]
- ip = socket.gethostbyname(domainURL)
- offset = 50
- while offset < 300:
- uri = "/xml.aspx?AppId=%s&Query=ip:%s&Sources=Web&Version=2.0&Market=en-us&Adult=Moderate&Options=EnableHighlighting&Web.Count=50&Web.Offset=%s&Web.Options=DisableQueryAlterations"%(AppId, ip, offset)
- conn = httplib.HTTPConnection("")
- conn.request("GET", uri)
- res = conn.getresponse()
- data =
- conn.close()
- xmldoc = parseString(data)
- nameEls = xmldoc.getElementsByTagName('web:DisplayUrl')
- for el in nameEls:
- temp = el.childNodes[0].nodeValue
- temp = temp.split("/")[0]
- if temp.find('www.') == -1:
- if temp not in sites:
- sites.append(temp)
- offset += 50
- print "\n\t[-] Reverse IP Look Up successful"
- # print "\n\t[-] Number of domain(s) found: %d\n" % len(sites)
- try:
- fd_reverseLookUp = open(filename, 'w+')
- for site in sites:
- fd_reverseLookUp.write(site + '\n')
- if verbose == 1:
- print "\t\t", site
- print "\n\t[-] Number of domain(s) found: %d\n"
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