

May 28th, 2013
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  1. <Chloe> had letter from anglian water "we're fitting water meters in your
  2. area"
  3. <Chloe> so I rung them, and pointed out I asked for one months ago, they came
  4. out and did a servey, can't fit it outside due to lack of space and
  5. concrete, has to go down side of the loo, in a 2 inch gap where the
  6. pipe is accessable.
  7. <Chloe> also I need to cap the 2nd rising main, so close to impossible to fit,
  8. and needs me to spend between £600 adn £1k to do it for "free"
  9. <Chloe> they said "oh, weird, that's on the records, we'll make a note"
  10. <Chloe> 2 weeks later, get "our subcontractor will be coming around to do this
  11. servay" letter, so I ring again.
  12. <Chloe> today I get c d person outside asking to do the sevay..
  13. <Chloe> AW have it on the job not even to bother asking, as they have the
  14. answer, but the sub contractor aprently can't read.
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