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- import Image from "next/image";
- import { Box, Typography } from "@mui/material";
- import { OnboardingButton } from "components/onboarding/buttons";
- import iconArrow from "assets/svg/onboarding/icon-small-arrow-white.svg";
- import { OnboardingLink } from "components/onboarding";
- import topBarLeft from "assets/svg/onboarding/tutorial/top-bar-left.svg";
- import chromeBarLeft from "assets/svg/onboarding/tutorial/chrome-bar-left.svg";
- import chromeAwsTab from "assets/svg/onboarding/tutorial/chrome-aws-tab.svg";
- import topBarArrow from "assets/svg/onboarding/tutorial/top-bar-arrow.svg";
- import lowerBarLeft from "assets/svg/onboarding/tutorial/lower-bar-left.svg";
- import lowerBarRight from "assets/svg/onboarding/tutorial/lower-bar-right.svg";
- import iconLock from "assets/svg/onboarding/tutorial/icon-lock.svg";
- import { Link } from "./aws-link";
- import iconShare from "assets/svg/onboarding/tutorial/icon-url-share.svg";
- import iconStar from "assets/svg/onboarding/tutorial/icon-star.svg";
- import iconsRightUrlBar from "assets/svg/onboarding/tutorial/icons-right-url-bar.svg";
- import mainWhole from "assets/svg/onboarding/tutorial/main-whole.svg";
- import breadCrumbs from "assets/svg/onboarding/tutorial/breadcrumbs.svg";
- import awsHeaderLeft from "assets/svg/onboarding/tutorial/aws-header-left.svg";
- import awsHeaderRight from "assets/svg/onboarding/tutorial/aws-header-right.svg";
- import { useEffect, useRef, useState } from "react";
- import { useOnboarding } from "context/OnboardingContext";
- const steps = [
- {
- description: "We’ll open AWS console in a new tab",
- icon: <Image src="" alt="We'll open a new tab" />,
- },
- {
- description:
- "Scroll down, check the checkbox, and press the button “Create stack”",
- icon: <Image src="" alt="Connect on AWS" />,
- },
- {
- description: "Then you can close AWS console, we’ll do the rest :)",
- icon: <Image src="" alt="Now you can close AWS" />,
- },
- ];
- const StepDots = ({ step }: any) => {
- return (
- <Box
- sx={{
- display: "flex",
- alignItems: "center",
- gap: "10px",
- }}
- >
- {[1, 2, 3].map((_, index) => (
- <Box
- key={index}
- sx={{
- width: "5px",
- height: "5px",
- borderRadius: "100%",
- background:
- step === index
- ? "rgba(255, 255, 255, 1)"
- : "rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.3)",
- transition: "background 0.3s",
- }}
- ></Box>
- ))}
- </Box>
- );
- };
- const AwsTile = ({ children, title, style }: any) => {
- return (
- <Box
- sx={{
- boxShadow: "0px 1px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3)",
- maxWidth: "900px",
- alignSelf: "normal",
- }}
- >
- <Box
- sx={{
- padding: "21px 20px 24px 20px",
- background: "#FAFAFA",
- borderBottom: "1px solid #EAEDED",
- }}
- >
- <Box
- sx={{
- display: "flex",
- gap: "7px",
- }}
- >
- <Typography
- sx={{
- fontWeight: 700,
- lineHeight: "22px",
- fontSize: "18px",
- color: "#17191E",
- }}
- >
- {title}
- </Typography>
- </Box>
- </Box>
- <Box
- sx={{
- background: "#FFFFFF",
- padding: "17px 20px",
- }}
- >
- {children}
- </Box>
- </Box>
- );
- };
- const SmallestTitle = ({ children, style }: any) => (
- <Typography
- sx={{
- fontSize: "14px",
- lineHeight: "22px",
- color: "#16191E",
- }}
- >
- {children}
- </Typography>
- );
- const SmallLabel = ({ children, style }: any) => (
- <Typography
- sx={{
- fontSize: "12px",
- lineHeight: "16px",
- color: "#555B63",
- }}
- >
- {children}
- </Typography>
- );
- const AwsInput = ({ children, style }: any) => (
- <Box
- sx={{
- padding: "8px 9px",
- borderRadius: "2px",
- border: "1px solid #AAB7B8",
- }}
- >
- <Typography
- sx={{
- fontSize: "14px",
- lineHeight: "16px",
- color: "#16191F",
- }}
- >
- {children}
- </Typography>
- </Box>
- );
- const TutorialVisual = ({ tutorialStep }: any) => {
- const awsUI = useRef<any>();
- const [overlayVisibe, setOverlayVisible] = useState(true);
- // const [overlayVisibe, setOverlayVisible] = useState(false);
- const [tabZIndex, setTabZIndex] = useState(3);
- useEffect(() => {
- console.log("tutorialStep", tutorialStep);
- if (tutorialStep === 1) {
- setOverlayVisible(false);
- setTimeout(() => {
- awsUI.current.scrollTop = 10000;
- }, 500);
- setTimeout(() => {
- setTabZIndex(0);
- }, 150);
- setTimeout(() => {
- setOverlayVisible(true);
- }, 1000);
- }
- }, [tutorialStep]);
- return (
- <Box
- className="outer"
- sx={{
- display: "flex",
- flexDirection: "column",
- borderRadius: "9px",
- height: "100%", // allows scrolling
- border: "1px solid #414141",
- opacity: tutorialStep === 2 ? 0 : 1,
- transition: "opacity 0.3s",
- position: "relative",
- overflow: "hidden",
- }}
- >
- <Box
- sx={{
- width: "100%",
- height: "100%",
- position: "absolute",
- inset: 0,
- background: "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.7)",
- zIndex: 2,
- opacity: overlayVisibe ? 1 : 0,
- transition: "opacity 0.3s",
- pointerEvents: "none",
- }}
- />
- <Box>
- <Box
- sx={{
- display: "flex",
- justifyContent: "space-between",
- background: "#202124",
- }}
- >
- <Box
- sx={{
- display: "flex",
- alignItems: "end",
- }}
- >
- <Image src={chromeBarLeft} alt=""></Image>
- <Image
- style={{
- zIndex: tabZIndex,
- }}
- src={chromeAwsTab}
- alt=""
- ></Image>
- </Box>
- <Image src={topBarArrow} alt=""></Image>
- </Box>
- <Box
- sx={{
- display: "flex",
- background: "#35363A",
- }}
- >
- <Image src={lowerBarLeft} alt=""></Image>
- <Box
- sx={{
- flex: 1,
- borderBottom: "1px solid #606164",
- padding: "4px 0",
- }}
- >
- <Box
- sx={{
- display: "flex",
- alignItems: "center",
- padding: "0 10px",
- height: "100%",
- background: "#202024",
- borderRadius: "100vw",
- }}
- >
- <Image src={iconLock} alt=""></Image>
- <Typography
- sx={{
- flex: 1,
- fontSize: "12px",
- lineHeight: "14px",
- color: "#FFFFFF",
- marginLeft: "10px",
- whiteSpace: "nowrap",
- textOverflow: "ellipsis",
- width: "100px",
- overflow: "hidden",
- }}
- >
- <Link />
- </Typography>
- <Image src={iconsRightUrlBar} alt=""></Image>
- </Box>
- </Box>
- <Image src={lowerBarRight} alt=""></Image>
- </Box>
- <Box
- sx={{
- display: "flex",
- justifyContent: "space-between",
- background: "#232F3E",
- height: "41px",
- borderBottom: "1px solid #606164",
- }}
- >
- <Image src={awsHeaderLeft} alt=""></Image>
- <Image src={awsHeaderRight} alt=""></Image>
- </Box>
- </Box>
- <Box
- ref={awsUI}
- sx={{
- flex: 1,
- backgroundColor: "#F2F3F3",
- padding: "21px 40px",
- display: "flex",
- flexDirection: "column",
- alignItems: "flex-start",
- width: "100%",
- overflow: "auto",
- scrollBehavior: "smooth",
- }}
- >
- <Box>
- <Image src={breadCrumbs} alt=""></Image>
- </Box>
- <Typography
- sx={{
- fontSize: "28px",
- lineHeight: "36px",
- color: "#16191E",
- marginTop: "28px",
- }}
- >
- Quck create stack
- </Typography>
- <AwsTile
- style={{
- marginTop: "20px",
- }}
- title="Template"
- >
- <SmallestTitle>Template URL</SmallestTitle>
- <SmallestTitle>
- </SmallestTitle>
- <SmallestTitle
- style={{
- marginTop: "20px",
- }}
- >
- Stack description
- </SmallestTitle>
- <SmallestTitle>
- This stack creates an IAM role that can be used by Digger for use in
- deployments.
- </SmallestTitle>
- </AwsTile>
- <AwsTile
- style={{
- marginTop: "20px",
- }}
- title="Stack name"
- >
- <SmallestTitle>Stack name</SmallestTitle>
- <AwsInput
- style={{
- marginTop: "7px",
- }}
- >
- DiggerRoleStack-0b6e93fb-0008-43f4-ab9c-8d554ad981f9
- </AwsInput>
- <SmallLabel
- style={{
- marginTop: "4px",
- }}
- >
- Stack name can include letters (A-Z and a-z), numbers (0-9), and
- dashes (-).
- </SmallLabel>
- </AwsTile>
- </Box>
- </Box>
- );
- };
- export const Tutorial = () => {
- const { tutorialStep, setTutorialStep } = useOnboarding();
- const changeStep = (step: any) => {
- setTutorialStep(step);
- };
- const [tutorialVisibe, setTutorialVisibe] = useState(true);
- useEffect(() => {
- if (tutorialStep === 2) {
- setTimeout(() => {
- setTutorialVisibe(false);
- }, 150);
- } else {
- setTutorialVisibe(true);
- }
- }, [tutorialStep]);
- return (
- <Box
- sx={{
- display: "flex",
- marginTop: "50px",
- flexDirection: "column",
- gap: "27px",
- transition: "height 0.3s",
- flex: 1,
- }}
- >
- <Box
- sx={{
- width: "100%",
- height: tutorialStep === 2 ? "116px" : "60%",
- overflow: "hidden",
- background: tutorialStep === 2 ? "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3)" : "transparent",
- borderRadius: "5px",
- transition: "0.3s",
- }}
- >
- {tutorialVisibe && <TutorialVisual tutorialStep={tutorialStep} />}
- </Box>
- <Box
- sx={{
- display: "flex",
- gap: "50px",
- }}
- >
- <Box
- sx={{
- display: "flex",
- alignItems: "center",
- flex: 1,
- gap: "24px",
- height: "40px",
- }}
- >
- <StepDots step={tutorialStep} />
- <Typography>{steps[tutorialStep].description}</Typography>
- </Box>
- <Box
- sx={{
- display: "flex",
- alignItems: "center",
- }}
- >
- {tutorialStep !== 2 && (
- <OnboardingButton
- buttonSize="small"
- EndIcon={iconArrow}
- outlinedIcon
- noflex
- onClick={() => changeStep((prev: any) => Math.min(prev + 1, 2))}
- >
- Next
- </OnboardingButton>
- )}
- {tutorialStep === 2 && (
- <Box
- sx={{
- display: "flex",
- gap: "24px",
- }}
- >
- <OnboardingLink secondary onClick={() => changeStep(0)}>
- Replay tutorial
- </OnboardingLink>
- <OnboardingLink href="">
- Watch video explanation
- </OnboardingLink>
- </Box>
- )}
- </Box>
- </Box>
- </Box>
- );
- };
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