

Sep 17th, 2013
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  1. Rough Channel Overview:
  3. Since I will very shortly have a much more capable computer at my disposal (Seriously, this machine is a beast), I figured I should write up some kind of summary of what I'm currently planning in regards to my channel(s).
  5. Speed Running!
  6. As soon as everything is set up and I have the time and energy (or stockpile of energy drinks) for a lengthy streaming session I'll be focusing almost all of my time on grinding out a run of Battle Network 6 that I'm happy enough with to submit to SDA. As much as it'll be cool to see my name and run up there, I mostly just want to put more Battle Network out there. It's an amazing series and I think it deserves to be more popular than it is, though everyone who turns up to our streams seem to enjoy it which I'm happy for! My tentative is sub 2:30:00, which is just over a 5 minute improvement on my current record which stands at 2:35:19.
  8. After that's finished I think I'll be taking an intermission from any serious speed running to start up some other projects I've been thinking about for a long time. As well as maybe do some routing or no-reset runs from time to time. Overall my channel will become more generalized and little less Battle Network oriented as I branch out to other games. Not necessarily for speed running either!
  10. I have some ideas for what game I want to focus on next, likely options that come to mind include Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate, BN6 Gregar 100% and of course, other Battle Network or Starforce games. In reality I'm just going to run whatever I think looks fun.
  12. Oh, I'm also looking to finish up my races to get on SRL as soon as possible. Probably even before my SDA attempts.
  14. General Stuff.
  15. I want to clean up the Battle Network 6 wiki page once I've got an SDA run and maybe make some specific tutorial videos as well as post-commentating my submission to post on youtube. I'll also be fixing up my account bios.
  17. Other projects.
  18. I'm not really sure what to say here since nothing about these projects are related to my current channel. There's only really one that I'll be starting up in the near future and it'll be a collab League of Legends related channel with a friend (or some friends). I'm not sure of any specifics right now, and most people who would care to read this follow me for speedrunning so I'll spare you any moba talk, just know that there will be other things eating some of my time. We only have basic ideas anyway, it could be dead within a few weeks of starting.
  20. Tl;Dr
  21. SRL/BN6 SDA attempts.
  22. Wiki/Bio fixes.
  23. BN6 Tutorial vids.
  24. Play what I want.
  25. LoL.
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