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- ################################################################################
- ### Compute Rt (the reproduction number) for the given locations and populations
- ################################################################################
- ### Load the necessary libraries
- packages <-
- c("tidyverse", "lubridate", "tsibble", "EpiEstim", "curl", "forecast", "TTR")
- new_packages <- packages[!(packages %in% installed.packages()[, "Package"])]
- if (length(new_packages)) install.packages(new_packages, quiet = TRUE)
- invisible(lapply(packages, "library", quietly = TRUE,
- character.only = TRUE, warn.conflicts = FALSE))
- ### Choose the counties you want to add to the facet graph. They will also graph
- ### in this order, so arrange them how you want.
- my_location <-
- c("Montgomery", "Robertson", "Sumner",
- "Cheatham", "Davidson", "Wilson",
- "Dickson", "Williamson", "Rutherford")
- start_dates <-
- tribble(
- ~county, ~first_day,
- "Montgomery", "2020-08-31",
- "Robertson", "2020-08-10",
- "Sumner", "2020-08-03",
- "Cheatham", "2020-08-13",
- "Davidson", "2020-08-04",
- "Wilson", "2020-08-17",
- "Dickson", "2020-08-03",
- "Williamson", "2020-08-07",
- "Rutherford", "2020-08-13",
- ) %>% mutate(first_day = as.Date(first_day))
- ################################################################################
- ### Fetching data. The EpiEstim::estimate_R() function expects to be handed a
- ### data.frame or tibble with two columns: "dates" (date of confirmed case)
- ### and "I" (number of new incidents/cases). I add a third column "location"
- ### so I can make facet graphs of multiple locations at once.
- ################################################################################
- ### The TN Dept of Health maintains a separate spreadsheet of confirmed cases for
- ### school-age children (aged 5-18 years) for each county. Load that and use
- ### it as our population.
- ### Function to read Excel spreadsheet from URL's
- read_excel_url <- function(url, ...) {
- tf <- tempfile(fileext = ".xlsx")
- curl::curl_download(url, tf)
- return(readxl::read_excel(tf, ...))
- }
- ### Load case data for schools
- data <-
- "" %>%
- read_excel_url() %>%
- mutate(DATE = as.Date(DATE)) %>%
- select(DATE, NEW_CASES, COUNTY) %>%
- rename(dates = DATE,
- location = COUNTY) %>%
- # Filter it to just the locations specified
- filter(location %in% my_location) %>%
- # Filter out cases wh#ere "I" is a NA
- filter(! %>%
- # Also, estimate_R can't handle negative numbers, so set negative values to 0.
- # These are usually due to suspected cases being lumped in and subsequently
- # found to not be COVID.
- mutate(I = if_else(I < 0, 0, I))
- ################################################################################
- ### The model EpiEstim uses requires the "serial interval", ie the lag in time
- ### between infection and symptoms appearing. I use values from the CDC paper
- ### below.
- ###
- ################################################################################
- si_mean <- 3.96
- si_std <- 4.75
- ### Create a blank tibble to hold our EpiEstim output
- Rt_tib <-
- tribble(
- ~dates, ~mean_r, ~std_r, ~location,
- )
- ### Iterate over all locations and generate the EpiEstim estimate for Rt
- for (this_location in data %>% pull("location") %>% unique()) {
- print(this_location)
- data_subset <-
- data %>%
- filter(location == this_location) %>%
- select(dates, I)
- estimate <-
- estimate_R(data_subset,
- method = "parametric_si",
- config = make_config(list(mean_si = si_mean,
- std_si = si_std)))
- e_dates <- estimate$dates %>% as_tibble() %>% filter(row_number() > 7)
- e_values <- estimate$R %>% as_tibble() %>% select("Mean(R)", "Std(R)")
- r_data <-
- e_dates %>%
- bind_cols(e_values) %>%
- janitor::clean_names() %>%
- rename(dates = value) %>%
- mutate(location = this_location)
- Rt_tib <-
- Rt_tib %>%
- bind_rows(r_data)
- }
- ### Take the Rt_tib estimates and compute the 7-day moving average
- trend_tib <-
- Rt_tib %>%
- select(dates, location, mean_r) %>%
- mutate(location = paste("values:", location, sep = "")) %>%
- pivot_wider(id_cols = "dates",
- names_from = "location",
- values_from = "mean_r") %>%
- # Use mstl() %>% trendcyle()
- mutate(across(starts_with("values:"),
- .fns = list(trend = ~ (.) %>% ts() %>% mstl() %>% trendcycle()),
- .names = "{fn}_{col}")) %>%
- select("dates", starts_with("trend_values")) %>%
- rename_at(vars(starts_with("trend_values:")),
- ~ str_replace(., "trend_values:", "")) %>%
- pivot_longer(-dates, names_to = "location", values_to = "trend")
- ### Add our trend and mask mandate data to the Rt tibble
- Rt_tib <-
- Rt_tib %>%
- left_join(trend_tib, by = c("dates" = "dates", "location" = "location")) %>%
- left_join(start_dates, by = c("location" = "county"))
- ################################################################################
- ### Render the graph and done
- ################################################################################
- title <- "Estimated Rt among children ages 5-18"
- subtitle <- paste("assuming mean(serial interval) = ", si_mean,
- " days and std(serial interval) = ", si_std, " days", sep = "")
- ### Order counties in the order given in my_location at the top of the script
- Rt_tib$location <- factor(Rt_tib$location, levels = my_location)
- g <-
- ggplot(data = Rt_tib, aes(x = as.Date(dates))) +
- theme_linedraw() +
- theme(strip.text.x = element_text(size = 16)) +
- geom_point(aes(y = mean_r), size = 1.0) +
- geom_ribbon(aes(ymin = mean_r - std_r,
- ymax = mean_r + std_r),
- color = NA, fill = "darkgrey", alpha = 0.2) +
- geom_line(aes(y = trend), color = "darkseagreen4", size = 1.2) +
- geom_hline(yintercept = 1, linetype = "dashed") +
- geom_vline(aes(xintercept = as.Date(first_day)), linetype = "dotted") +
- facet_wrap(~location) +
- scale_y_continuous(limits = c(0, 2)) +
- labs(title = title, subtitle = subtitle, x = "", y = "Rt")
- print(g)
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