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- #ifndef LOGIC_H
- #define LOGIC_H 1
- #include <functional>
- #include <vector>
- namespace Logic {
- class Element;
- class Source;
- class Operation;
- struct Connection;
- enum class Out_state
- {
- direct = 0,
- inverted = 1,
- };
- // represents a pair of element and state of inverted property
- struct ElemInput
- {
- ElemInput () = delete;
- ElemInput (const ElemInput& input) = default;
- ElemInput (const Element& input_elem, bool inverted)
- : elem { &input_elem }
- , inv { inverted }
- {}
- ElemInput& operator= (const ElemInput& input) = default;
- operator bool () const;
- const Element* elem;
- bool inv;
- };
- using Logic_callback = std::function<void(const Element&)>;
- using Input_container = std::vector<ElemInput>;
- using Output_container = std::vector<Element*>;
- // abstract logic element
- class Element
- {
- public:
- explicit Element (Out_state st = Out_state::direct, Logic_callback f = nullptr)
- : inverted_out { st == Out_state::inverted }
- , out { inverted_out }
- , cb { f }
- {}
- operator bool () const { return out; }
- bool inverted () const { return inverted_out; }
- const Output_container& get_outputs () const { return outputs; }
- void set_callback (Logic_callback f) { cb = f; }
- protected:
- void set (bool value);
- // abstract method, set() should be called in calc()
- virtual void calc () = 0;
- private:
- bool inverted_out { false };
- bool out { false };
- Logic_callback cb;
- // connections
- Output_container outputs;
- friend Element& operator>> (Element& lhs, Operation& rhs);
- friend Element& operator>> (Element& lhs, Connection rhs);
- friend void check_loop (const Element& loop, const Element& elem);
- };
- class Source : public Element
- {
- public:
- explicit Source (Out_state st = Out_state::direct, Logic_callback f = nullptr)
- : Element{ st, f }
- {}
- Source& operator= (bool value) { set(value); return *this; }
- protected:
- virtual void calc () override;
- };
- // must be used only for connection operation
- struct Connection
- {
- Connection () = delete;
- Connection (const Connection&) = default;
- // constructor without "explicit" keyword
- Connection (Operation& oper, bool inv = false)
- : oper_elem { oper }
- , inverted { inv }
- {}
- Connection& operator= (const Connection&) = delete;
- Connection& operator~ ()
- {
- inverted = !inverted;
- return *this;
- }
- Operation& oper_elem;
- bool inverted;
- };
- class Operation : public Element
- {
- public:
- explicit Operation (Out_state st = Out_state::direct, Logic_callback f = nullptr)
- : Element{ st, f }
- {}
- const Input_container& get_inputs () const { return inputs; }
- Connection operator~ () { return Connection{ *this, true }; }
- private:
- Input_container inputs;
- friend Element& operator>> (Element& lhs, Operation& rhs);
- friend Element& operator>> (Element& lhs, Connection rhs);
- };
- Element& operator>> (Element& lhs, Operation& rhs);
- Element& operator>> (Element& lhs, Connection rhs);
- void check_loop (const Element& loop, const Element& elem);
- class And : public Operation
- {
- public:
- explicit And (Out_state out_inverted = Out_state::direct, Logic_callback f = nullptr)
- : Operation{ out_inverted, f }
- {}
- protected:
- virtual void calc () override;
- };
- class Or : public Operation
- {
- public:
- explicit Or (Out_state st = Out_state::direct, Logic_callback f = nullptr)
- : Operation{ st, f }
- {}
- protected:
- virtual void calc () override;
- };
- class Xor : public Operation
- {
- public:
- explicit Xor (Out_state out_inverted = Out_state::direct, Logic_callback f = nullptr)
- : Operation{ out_inverted, f }
- {}
- protected:
- virtual void calc () override;
- };
- } // namespace Logic
- #endif // LOGIC_H
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