

Jul 7th, 2013
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  1. 09:51AM <Aerdan>
  2. haha pamela jones is correcting FOSSpatents again
  3. 09:53AM <Lynxie> Epic.
  4. 09:54AM <Aerdan> y'know, I wonder if Florian could be charged with defrauding
  5. his clients if the rest of his analyses are as awful as the ones he
  6. writes for Oracle'n'Microsoft's benefit.
  7. 10:55AM <Lynxie> Aerdan: i wouldnt know. Who or what is Florian?
  8. 10:57AM <Aerdan> ...
  9. 10:57AM <Aerdan> yup, you didn't read the article. go away.
  10. 11:31AM <Lynxie> Lol Aerdan you be judging again
  11. 11:31AM <Lynxie> drac_boy: hi!
  12. 11:31AM <Lynxie> If you want Aerdan i will explain to you why i didnt read the
  13. article.
  14. 11:36AM <Aerdan> Lynxie: I don't care, if you're not going to read links I
  15. post don't bother asking me questions.
  16. 11:39AM <Lynxie> Thats the thing. I put shit on my "to read list" because i
  17. did not have either time nor speedy internets. So dont judge!
  18. 11:41AM <Lynxie> And i asked you because you were the one posting the link.
  19. Its generally faster to just ask then to google it. no exceptions.
  20. Doesnt me asking a question, isnt that proof of that i am interested
  21. in the thing you post?
  22. 11:42AM <drac_boy> lynxie seriously aerdan does have a point
  23. 11:42AM <Lynxie> drac_boy, seriously, so do i ........
  24. 11:42AM <drac_boy> have you ever seen forums where the mod put a sticky that
  25. clearly says "use the search function, stop repeating the same
  26. questions!"
  27. 11:43AM <Lynxie> I KNOW.
  28. 11:43AM <drac_boy> lynxie..nope
  29. 11:43AM <Lynxie> but why does people ask? Because they know it is faster.
  30. 11:43AM <Lynxie> This is no forum.
  31. 11:43AM <drac_boy> nope its not any faster
  32. 11:43AM <drac_boy> I don't have any more to say unless you can listen to him
  33. 11:43AM <Lynxie> There is no sticky rules.
  34. 11:43AM <Lynxie> I listen to everyone.
  35. 11:44AM <Lynxie> And if you do not realize it is more efficient to ask than to
  36. goolge it, well then, sucks to be you. You both apparently does not
  37. have that insight.
  38. 11:49AM <Lynxie> I have been considering GTFO'ing for good from #techfurs just
  39. because people are douchebags here. You two does not make my image
  40. of techfurs any better.
  41. 11:49AM <Lynxie> But im a nerd so im staying..
  42. <ChloeAFK> it's not more efficient to ask.
  43. 11:49AM <Lynxie> YES IT IS
  44. <ChloeAFK> no, because the answer is likly to be JFGI
  45. 11:50AM <drac_boy> could be typing the exactly same thing
  46. into your web browser instead...same amount of time eh? :)
  47. <ChloeAFK> drac_boy: esp when the answer was already posted *nods*
  50. THERE IS.
  51. 11:50AM <drac_boy> chloe..this reminds me of the old word RTFM :)
  52. <ChloeAFK> drac_boy: heh
  53. <ChloeAFK> drac_boy: canford used to do RTFM tape
  54. 11:51AM <drac_boy> lynxie who said there isn't? its already online you dumdum
  55. 11:51AM <drac_boy> chloe...heh
  56. 11:51AM <Lynxie> And, why the FUCK didnt he just reply "fucking google it"
  57. instead of "fuck you lynxie"
  58. 11:52AM <Lynxie> All hail JTFM AND JFGI BUT YOU ARE ALL DB'S. FUCK YOU.
  59. ��� Lynxie [] has left
  60. #TechFurs [Leaving]
  62. #softpaws
  63. 11:53AM <Lynxie> I am never ever returning to #techfurs
  64. 11:53AM <Lynxie> Fuck that place.
  65. 11:53AM <Traediras> fur in everything?
  66. 11:54AM <Lynxie> They are nerds. I love nerds. But they are fucking douchebags
  67. and nerds. That combo is on another fucking polarity as me. Cant
  68. stand them. That is sad i will never return to talking to nerdy
  69. furries.
  70. 11:54AM <Traediras> Well there's nerds and then there's fanbois
  71. 11:55AM <Lynxie> And then there are nerds who dont realize we all are human,
  72. basicly they have become emotionless robots in some sense. That is
  73. why i left that godforsaken place
  74. ��� Lynxie was kicked off #SoftPaws by ChloeAFK (ChloeAFK)
  75. 11:56AM � Traediras/#SoftPaws shrugs and sprawls
  76. <ChloeAFK> (because what everyone needs is someone who starts to swear/acuse
  77. others of swearing at them, then to rage quit and bitch about it in
  78. another channel)
  80. PM
  81. 12:00PM [Lynxie(]
  82. Admin/chanop no matter what you call it. I expressed my views.
  83. Should i be banned for that too? Go ahead call admin and ban me; i
  84. dont care
  85. [msg(Lynxie)] no, you're just trying to create drama, there's no reason for
  86. you to bitch about one channel in another.
  87. 12:01PM [Lynxie(] Ok
  88. seriously. Fuck you :)
  89. [msg(Lynxie)] if you feel that's your valid view in #softpaws, then remember,
  90. irc isn't a democracy, grow up, get a life, etc
  91. 12:02PM [Lynxie(] "Grow
  92. up" yourself
  93. [msg(Lynxie)] yeah, the gratuitous swearing has really helped your case seem
  94. worth while
  95. 12:02PM [Lynxie(] This
  96. is the internet
  97. [msg(Lynxie)] no one swore at you, even when you claim they did.
  98. 12:02PM [Lynxie(]
  99. Internet=bad users and good users.
  100. [msg(Lynxie)] and you are firmly displying you are in the former
  101. 12:02PM [Lynxie(] I
  102. never claimed someone swore at me chloe.
  103. [msg(Lynxie)] <Lynxie> And, why the FUCK didnt he just reply "fucking google
  104. it" instead of "fuck you lynxie"
  105. 12:03PM [Lynxie(] To you
  106. i am a bad internet user yes and i dont care. you have legit views,
  107. too. So does anyone.
  108. [msg(Lynxie)] Aerdan never said "fuck you lynxie", that's a statement of your
  109. own creation.
  110. 12:03PM [Lynxie(] do you
  111. know what qoutes is?
  112. [msg(Lynxie)] yes, it is where you repeat what someone else said.
  113. 12:04PM [Lynxie(] Used
  114. to group something together.
  115. [msg(Lynxie)] that isn't a quote, it was never said orginally
  116. [msg(Lynxie)] no, that would be paraphrasing
  117. 12:04PM [Lynxie(] That
  118. was what he meant.
  119. [msg(Lynxie)] no, it's not.
  120. 12:04PM [Lynxie(] He
  121. meant fuck you lynxie.
  122. 12:04PM [Lynxie(] He
  123. said "go away"
  124. 12:05PM [Lynxie(] Legit
  125. qoute by aerdan
  126. 12:05PM [Lynxie(] Look
  127. in history
  128. [msg(Lynxie)] yes, he never swore at you, that is a fabrication by yourself.
  129. [msg(Lynxie)] if you don't understand what a quote is, don't try to use them.
  130. 12:06PM [Lynxie(] This
  131. is the internet. People will cuss at you for no reason; ignore it
  132. 12:07PM [Lynxie(] I am a
  133. melodramatic person. I have bipolar and borderline. I cant ignore
  134. shit like this
  135. [msg(Lynxie)] I don't find that. I find it as annoying as in real life, it's
  136. just you can't get a section 5 arrest for it online.
  137. [msg(Lynxie)] again with the swearing.
  138. [msg(Lynxie)] so we should ignore it from you, but you shouldn't ignore from
  139. others. Nicly hypocritcatic
  141. (ignored for 13 mins)
  142. 12:20PM [Lynxie(] But you
  143. got me, i will not go back to either #softpaws nor #techfurs i hope
  144. you are grateful for that
  145. 12:20PM [Lynxie(] Bye
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