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- -- Helper function to generate a seed-based pseudo-random number generator
- function createPRNG(seed)
- local state = seed
- return function()
- state = (state * 16807) % 2147483647 -- A simple PRNG algorithm (multiplicative congruential)
- return state
- end
- end
- -- XOR encryption function
- function xorEncrypt(data, key)
- local encryptedData = {}
- local prng = createPRNG(key) -- PRNG with the key
- for i = 1, #data do
- local keyByte = prng() % 256 -- Get a random byte for XORing
- encryptedData[i] = string.char(bit32.bxor(string.byte(data, i), keyByte))
- end
- return table.concat(encryptedData)
- end
- -- XOR decryption function (symmetric)
- function xorDecrypt(encryptedData, key)
- return xorEncrypt(encryptedData, key) -- Decryption is the same as encryption with XOR
- end
- -- Encrypt the entire disk directory (all files and subdirectories)
- function encryptDiskDirectory(diskPath, key)
- for _, fileName in pairs(fs.list(diskPath)) do
- local fullPath = diskPath .. "/" .. fileName
- if fs.isDir(fullPath) then
- encryptDiskDirectory(fullPath, key) -- Recursively encrypt subdirectories
- else
- local file =, "r")
- local data = file.readAll()
- file.close()
- -- Encrypt the file data and overwrite it
- local encryptedFile = xorEncrypt(data, key)
- local encryptedFilePath = fullPath .. ".enc"
- local encFile =, "w")
- encFile.write(encryptedFile)
- encFile.close()
- -- Optionally, delete the original file after encryption
- fs.delete(fullPath)
- end
- end
- end
- -- Decrypt the entire disk directory (all files and subdirectories)
- function decryptDiskDirectory(diskPath, key)
- for _, fileName in pairs(fs.list(diskPath)) do
- local fullPath = diskPath .. "/" .. fileName
- if fs.isDir(fullPath) then
- decryptDiskDirectory(fullPath, key) -- Recursively decrypt subdirectories
- else
- local file =, "r")
- local data = file.readAll()
- file.close()
- -- Decrypt the file data and overwrite it
- local decryptedFile = xorDecrypt(data, key)
- local decryptedFilePath = fullPath:sub(1, -5) -- Remove the ".enc" suffix
- local decFile =, "w")
- decFile.write(decryptedFile)
- decFile.close()
- -- Optionally, delete the encrypted file after decryption
- fs.delete(fullPath)
- end
- end
- end
- -- Load disk encryption key and data from the DogLocker subdirectory
- function loadDiskData(diskPath)
- local dirPath = "/disk/DogLocker/" .. diskPath:sub(6) -- Remove the "/disk" part of the path to use the name
- if not fs.exists(dirPath) then
- return nil -- Disk directory not found
- end
- -- Load the data from files in the subdirectory
- local labelFile = .. "/label.txt", "r")
- local passwordFile = .. "/password.txt", "r")
- local label = labelFile.readLine()
- local encryptedPassword = passwordFile.readLine() -- Get the encrypted password
- labelFile.close()
- passwordFile.close()
- -- Generate key from the disk path length (it will match what was used in encryption)
- local key = diskPath:len()
- return { label = label, encryptedPassword = encryptedPassword, key = key }
- end
- -- Store disk encryption data (Disk data, password, label) in the DogLocker subdirectory
- function storeDiskData(diskPath, label, password)
- local dirPath = "/disk/DogLocker/" .. diskPath:sub(6) -- Remove the "/disk" part of the path to use the name
- if not fs.exists(dirPath) then
- fs.makeDir(dirPath)
- end
- -- Encrypt the password before storing it
- local encryptedPassword = xorEncrypt(password, diskPath:len())
- -- Save the label and encrypted password
- local labelFile = .. "/label.txt", "w")
- local passwordFile = .. "/password.txt", "w")
- labelFile.writeLine(label)
- passwordFile.writeLine(encryptedPassword)
- labelFile.close()
- passwordFile.close()
- end
- -- Encrypt and store the entire disk directory
- function encryptDiskData(diskPath)
- local diskData = loadDiskData(diskPath)
- if not diskData then
- error("Disk data not found.")
- end
- encryptDiskDirectory(diskPath, diskData.key)
- end
- -- Decrypt the entire disk directory
- function decryptDiskData(diskPath, password)
- local diskData = loadDiskData(diskPath)
- if not diskData then
- error("Disk data not found.")
- end
- -- Decrypt the password with the disk path length as the key
- local decryptedPassword = xorDecrypt(diskData.encryptedPassword, diskPath:len())
- -- Validate password input when unlocking
- if decryptedPassword ~= password then
- error("Incorrect password.")
- end
- decryptDiskDirectory(diskPath, diskData.key)
- end
- -- List connected drives
- function listConnectedDrives()
- local drives = {}
- local driveCount = 0
- for _, disk in pairs(fs.list("/disk/")) do
- if fs.isDir("/disk/" .. disk) then
- driveCount = driveCount + 1
- table.insert(drives, "/disk/" .. disk)
- end
- end
- return drives
- end
- -- UI for protecting and unlocking drives
- function displayUI()
- print("Welcome to DogLocker!")
- print("1. Protect (Encrypt) Drive")
- print("2. Unlock (Decrypt) Drive")
- print("3. Exit")
- local choice = read()
- if choice == "1" then
- protectDriveUI()
- elseif choice == "2" then
- unlockDriveUI()
- elseif choice == "3" then
- print("Exiting...")
- return
- else
- print("Invalid choice. Please try again.")
- displayUI()
- end
- end
- -- UI for protecting a drive (encrypting data)
- function protectDriveUI()
- -- Ask the user for the exact path to encrypt
- print("Enter the full path of the drive to protect (e.g., /disk/, /disk2/):")
- local diskPath = read()
- if not fs.exists(diskPath) or not fs.isDir(diskPath) then
- print("Invalid disk path. Please try again.")
- return
- end
- print("You selected: " .. diskPath)
- print("Enter label for the disk:")
- local label = read()
- print("Enter password to protect the disk:")
- local password = read("#") -- Hide password input
- -- Store the disk's information and encrypt its data
- storeDiskData(diskPath, label, password)
- encryptDiskData(diskPath)
- print("Drive protected successfully.")
- displayUI()
- end
- -- UI for unlocking a drive (decrypting data)
- function unlockDriveUI()
- -- Ask the user for the exact path to unlock
- print("Enter the full path of the drive to unlock (e.g., /disk/, /disk2/):")
- local diskPath = read()
- if not fs.exists(diskPath) or not fs.isDir(diskPath) then
- print("Invalid disk path. Please try again.")
- return
- end
- print("You selected: " .. diskPath)
- print("Enter password to unlock the disk:")
- local password = read("#") -- Hide password input
- -- Decrypt the disk's data
- local status, err = pcall(function() decryptDiskData(diskPath, password) end)
- if status then
- print("Drive unlocked successfully.")
- else
- print("Error: " .. err)
- end
- displayUI()
- end
- -- Start the UI
- displayUI()
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