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- NoodIeChan: hey
- Xettaiks: heyo
- Xettaiks: :3
- MeiSatomi: hello :)
- Xettaiks: hey bbg
- Xettaiks: cute outfit
- Xettaiks: hey noodle
- NoodIeChan: Hello
- Xettaiks: hru
- NoodIeChan: feel un easy
- Xettaiks: hi Brando
- Xettaiks: hello Yuukihari
- Xettaiks: why so?
- NoodIeChan: Bipolar
- YuuHikari1: just Yuu Xettaiks
- NoodIeChan: I should not have to exsplane my emotions
- YuuHikari1: or not cabba
- NoodIeChan: I hate my self
- Xettaiks: same
- Xettaiks: I understand that 1005
- Xettaiks: %
- Xettaiks: I'm bipolar too
- NoodIeChan: So you get ups and down
- Xettaiks: mhm
- NoodIeChan: Bad days
- Xettaiks: and I'm shizo
- Xettaiks: my bad days are :(((
- MeiSatomi: -smokes bamboo-
- NoodIeChan: Feel my skin just vibrating its so bad today
- NoodIeChan: Got the urge to rip it off
- MeiSatomi: aww v.v
- Xettaiks: oh
- Xettaiks: moisturize more
- NoodIeChan: I won't
- Xettaiks: and drink more water
- NoodIeChan: not like that
- NoodIeChan: ...
- MeiSatomi: sigh
- Xettaiks: ilu bbg
- Xettaiks: :3
- Xettaiks: hru?
- MeiSatomi: im god
- MeiSatomi: alittle smelly but good
- Xettaiks: :3
- MeiSatomi: XDD
- Xettaiks: ok
- Xettaiks: :*
- Xettaiks: drinking water helps your body
- NoodIeChan: the feeling has nothing to do with water
- Xettaiks: ok
- Xettaiks: salt?
- NoodIeChan: i feel uncomfortable in my own skini feel uncomfortable in my own skin
- Xettaiks: oh
- NoodIeChan: I wan't to rip it off
- Xettaiks: ok
- Xettaiks: Do you think it's an image issue?
- MeiSatomi: like bugs crawling feeling?
- Xettaiks: ^^
- NoodIeChan: Im ugy
- Xettaiks: oh
- Xettaiks: I see
- NoodIeChan: fat
- YuuHikari1: is this sit taken?
- BrandoBroshi: Back
- YuuHikari1: weba
- Xettaiks: I think you should be less harsh on yourself and be more forgiving when you don't feel motivated to work on losing weight.
- BrandoBroshi: Tyvm
- YuuHikari1: *looks up on noodle* RawR
- Xettaiks: good question, bbg
- YuuHikari1: >.<
- NoodIeChan: rawr
- MeiSatomi: hey i get that way the feeling of bugs crawling
- Xettaiks: love yourself, even if you feel worth less
- Xettaiks: or fat
- NoodIeChan: Try
- NoodIeChan: I try
- Xettaiks: or a loser
- Xettaiks: or a hermit
- NoodIeChan: I can't get pregnant
- Xettaiks: not your fault
- NoodIeChan: Can't keep a man or women
- YuuHikari1: i will forever give noodle the love she need always
- Xettaiks: I hope so
- MeiSatomi: noodle chan have you tried yoga
- Xettaiks: I will be your friend Noodle and help you any way I can and think my bbg will too.
- MeiSatomi: speaking of i popped my ankle when doing it yesterday
- Xettaiks: hehe
- Xettaiks: ouch
- MeiSatomi: it felt good
- Xettaiks: I bet
- Xettaiks: I got a bruise on my knee from being on bottom on the carpet; take one for the team, hahaha
- Xettaiks: :3
- MeiSatomi: lol
- Xettaiks: I was proud of that bruise
- BrandoBroshi: Think of it as a badge of honor
- Xettaiks: exactly
- BrandoBroshi: You survived another hazard in life
- Xettaiks: right
- Xettaiks: brb. I have a cig to smoke
- BrandoBroshi: Tyt
- YuuHikari1: tyt
- YuuHikari1: ima be a fox smooth down *relax my head on her body*
- NoodIeChan: /me licks kitsune
- YuuHikari1: mew :3 *turn around and her lick her cheek*
- NoodIeChan: heh
- Xettaiks: can I put on a music list my Mom bought me?
- YuuHikari1: hehe
- Xettaiks: for shits and giggles
- Xettaiks: lol
- Xettaiks: like cuddling with your Mommy?
- Xettaiks: I'm having fun, bbg
- NoodIeChan: go for it
- Xettaiks: You're a good friend, so pls tell me anytime you feel like you need to chat
- MeiSatomi: yeah im relaxed lol
- Xettaiks: it's a good feeling thinking I can be there for my friends, too
- MeiSatomi: -sits by the fire-
- NoodIeChan: I will thank you
- NoodIeChan: nice music
- Xettaiks: I find it's more relaxing to trust my friends and their actions
- Xettaiks: ty
- Xettaiks: my mom bought me a mix
- Xettaiks: her club is ap only
- Xettaiks: and I dance in her room
- Xettaiks: so I don't invite ppl I know very much
- NoodIeChan: nice ^^
- Xettaiks: lol
- Xettaiks: I'm too shy to do that
- YuuHikari1: kool
- Xettaiks: I dance for her and we've been friends for a long time
- Xettaiks: She buys me gifts
- Xettaiks: she has met more of my partners than anyone
- NoodIeChan: ^^
- BrandoBroshi: Okay, there was an interesting character that visited your DB room Noods
- Xettaiks: I introduced her to my first wife
- NoodIeChan: Who
- BrandoBroshi: JuliaAngelFire
- Xettaiks: ?
- BrandoBroshi: Daikon was there when it happened
- Xettaiks: oh
- MeiSatomi: what happned
- Xettaiks: your first wife?
- MeiSatomi: what i miss
- Xettaiks: lo
- BrandoBroshi: I don't even know her
- Xettaiks: lol
- Xettaiks: oof
- Xettaiks: my first wife was a hoe
- NoodIeChan: what happend
- MeiSatomi: idk what happned
- Xettaiks: lol
- BrandoBroshi: So here's what went down
- BrandoBroshi: She came in acting like this medieval maid, right?
- NoodIeChan: oh
- BrandoBroshi: She's in RP mode
- MeiSatomi: XDD
- NoodIeChan: okay
- BrandoBroshi: I told her about how that room belonged to you and she even was curious of the Saiyan race
- NoodIeChan: Ahhh
- MeiSatomi: hmm intersing
- Xettaiks: coool
- BrandoBroshi: Then she asks if she wants to know me better, so I accepted to be a friend
- BrandoBroshi: But I had strange vibes
- Xettaiks: oh
- Xettaiks: like what?
- NoodIeChan: Was it ana
- BrandoBroshi: She was cuddling and kissing cheeks
- BrandoBroshi: Me and Daikon
- Xettaiks: lol
- BrandoBroshi: Ana who?
- MeiSatomi: oof lol
- NoodIeChan: ... ohh she is dead
- Xettaiks: @noodle
- Xettaiks: lol
- Xettaiks: :3
- NoodIeChan: some girl I been blocking over and over been trying to screw everyone in my room
- NoodIeChan: next time invite me
- BrandoBroshi: Alright
- BrandoBroshi: Were those other accounts say she's 40 and from Sweden?
- NoodIeChan: Sounds like a girl named ana
- BrandoBroshi: Then it is her?
- MeiSatomi: lol
- YuuHikari1: oof
- MeiSatomi: afk dinner
- BrandoBroshi: Tyt
- Xettaiks: ok
- BrandoBroshi: I don't know her at all
- BrandoBroshi: So I'm confused
- YuuHikari1: tyt
- Xettaiks: ana is a prostitute bully that rapes little kids
- NoodIeChan: She is bocked
- NoodIeChan: Blocked
- NoodIeChan: SHe has it out for the guys I like
- NoodIeChan: cus she hates me
- Xettaiks: it all started when she started to pick on my husband speedy and I've been ana's enemy ever since
- BrandoBroshi: Then Julia IS Ana. Yes?
- NoodIeChan: I don't know
- NoodIeChan: all I know is , some girl been poping in my room doing that to all the guys lately
- NoodIeChan: first one was a girl name ana
- Xettaiks: ik she is Skariet, Buila, Retsu, ana, anita and many others
- NoodIeChan: humm thout all of them shere Shawna
- Xettaiks: she likes to talk about something and say she was trolling
- Xettaiks: like when she says she rapes kids and white people deserve to be treated like garbage because of slavery
- Xettaiks: she says she's in the imvu kkk
- NoodIeChan: can we fucking grow up here
- Xettaiks: and she's a prosty
- NoodIeChan: lol
- Xettaiks: lol
- NoodIeChan: High school all over again
- Xettaiks: I hope so
- Xettaiks: idk if Julia is ana
- Xettaiks: julia?
- Xettaiks: who is that?
- YuuHikari1: shawna?
- BrandoBroshi: JuliaAngelFire
- Xettaiks: idk
- YuuHikari1: who shawna?
- Xettaiks: idk
- NoodIeChan: Girl I have had a war with for years
- NoodIeChan: Asunaa
- NoodIeChan: I hate her
- NoodIeChan: I don't know who JuliaAngelFire
- NoodIeChan: all I know is they made it to the big list of blocked people doods
- YuuHikari1: ooooo
- Xettaiks: yes
- Xettaiks: I have a huuuge list
- Xettaiks: of dirtbags
- Xettaiks: lol
- NoodIeChan: nice
- NoodIeChan: Im stoned man
- NoodIeChan: lol
- BrandoBroshi: lol
- Xettaiks: same
- Xettaiks: and drunk
- Xettaiks: :3
- Xettaiks: woo
- Xettaiks: lol
- NoodIeChan: I don't drink
- Xettaiks: I do
- YuuHikari1: same
- NoodIeChan: last time I drank I sleep with a 19 yearold
- YuuHikari1: i only smoke
- NoodIeChan: Only smoke now
- Xettaiks: I smoke pot, cigs, and drink
- NoodIeChan: just pot for me
- NoodIeChan: me love me weedey
- Xettaiks: lol
- Xettaiks: nice
- NoodIeChan: greeny weedy
- Xettaiks: right on
- Xettaiks: I smoke my own bluts
- NoodIeChan: Yes and I got the master chetoes
- Xettaiks: blunts
- Xettaiks: lol
- NoodIeChan: Im using a bowle
- Xettaiks: Cheetos
- NoodIeChan: chewtoes
- NoodIeChan: the trump chips
- Xettaiks: I like spicey Cheetos
- NoodIeChan: Ahh spicy trump chips
- YuuHikari1: which cheetos?
- Xettaiks: corn chips?
- NoodIeChan: I like the spicy ones
- YuuHikari1: mine is japano
- YuuHikari1: same
- NoodIeChan: hell yah
- Xettaiks: Fritos
- NoodIeChan: I will eat anything
- NoodIeChan: lol
- Xettaiks: lol
- YuuHikari1: Fritos sound good
- Xettaiks: mhm
- Xettaiks: Chili flavored
- NoodIeChan: mmm
- NoodIeChan: with lots and lots of cream chese and hot sauce
- NoodIeChan: and cheese
- NoodIeChan: and stuff
- Xettaiks: nice
- BrandoBroshi: Very nice
- NoodIeChan: chorizo sausage
- Xettaiks: mmm
- Xettaiks: :3
- NoodIeChan: CHEESE chorizo sausage omelet
- BrandoBroshi: Mmm-mmm
- NoodIeChan: With lots of hot
- NoodIeChan: sexy
- NoodIeChan: peppers
- BrandoBroshi: lol
- NoodIeChan: Love that burn baby
- NoodIeChan: rawr!!
- BrandoBroshi: XD
- Xettaiks: hehehe
- NoodIeChan: butt will burn too
- NoodIeChan: yay happy booty burn
- Xettaiks: lol
- Xettaiks: brb.
- YuuHikari1: gald u enjoying the fire
- YuuHikari1: ;)
- NoodIeChan: haha
- NoodIeChan: yay
- NoodIeChan: THis puss is on fire
- NoodIeChan: this puss is lit as fuck
- BrandoBroshi: Sizzle
- NoodIeChan: this pussy like chips
- NoodIeChan: woooot
- NoodIeChan: I like eggs too
- YuuHikari1: as long u not getting hurt from it
- BrandoBroshi: Haha
- YuuHikari1: puss 0/////0
- YuuHikari1: z
- NoodIeChan: hhaha
- NoodIeChan: Im a kitty kituny fuzzy putt
- YuuHikari1: a hot kitty on that
- NoodIeChan: /me bits him
- MeiSatomi: sorry was afk what i miss
- NoodIeChan: I am engaged
- NoodIeChan: woo
- YuuHikari1: *moan*
- MeiSatomi: congratz
- YuuHikari1: yaaa u are
- MeiSatomi: aww <333
- NoodIeChan: thanks
- NoodIeChan: Going to have lots of babies
- MeiSatomi: lol
- YuuHikari1: 20 babies plan ;)
- NoodIeChan: thats make it 69
- MeiSatomi: XDD
- BrandoBroshi: lol
- YuuHikari1: fuck it 69 whatever she wants
- NoodIeChan: Yay
- NoodIeChan: everyone loves 69
- Xettaiks: hahaha
- Xettaiks: back
- BrandoBroshi: lol
- YuuHikari1: i love 69
- YuuHikari1: it a blanace number and a sex postion which is both good
- BrandoBroshi: Sixty-nine is divine
- BrandoBroshi: Sixty-nine is divine
- BrandoBroshi: Sixty-nine is divine
- MeiSatomi: lol
- NoodIeChan: woo hoo
- Xettaiks: hehehe
- MeiSatomi: do we need to leave you2 alone
- MeiSatomi: XDD
- Xettaiks: I like to watch xD
- YuuHikari1: nah we already doing sex in shop together so u guys fine here
- NoodIeChan: naww
- Xettaiks: lol
- NoodIeChan: X_X
- YuuHikari1: ^///////^
- NoodIeChan: no one need to know
- NoodIeChan: AHHH!!!
- MeiSatomi: tmi
- Xettaiks: okii
- YuuHikari1: LMFAO
- Xettaiks: lol
- Xettaiks: good 2 know
- YuuHikari1: not like they gonna be like can i join
- MeiSatomi: XDD
- YuuHikari1: ;)
- Xettaiks: bbg
- Xettaiks: come cuddle with Mommy
- YuuHikari1: i said too much ima zip my mouth now :3
- MeiSatomi: haha
- BrandoBroshi: lol
- BrandoBroshi: Too late
- BrandoBroshi: You have been logged
- Xettaiks: so good to have you back, bbg
- Xettaiks: :**
- Xettaiks: ty bbg
- BrandoBroshi: Hehe
- NoodIeChan: dancing with my cats
- NoodIeChan: lok
- MeiSatomi: you too ;)
- Xettaiks: fun
- BrandoBroshi: ^^
- YuuHikari1: u say dancing ?
- YuuHikari1: get down with your self
- YuuHikari1: love
- MeiSatomi: woo go noodle shake it girl
- BrandoBroshi: Uh huh, get down with your bad self X3
- MeiSatomi: lol
- NoodIeChan: XD
- MeiSatomi: -cries- that hair v.v
- Xettaiks: wanna dance bbg?
- MeiSatomi: yeah!
- Xettaiks: oki
- Xettaiks: I wanna see
- Xettaiks: :
- Xettaiks: :3
- YuuHikari1: go jesus!!!!!!
- Xettaiks: lol
- BrandoBroshi: lol
- Xettaiks: Obi wan Kenobi
- MeiSatomi: dancelol
- Xettaiks: lol
- BrandoBroshi: No I'm Jesus
- Xettaiks: lol
- Xettaiks: own it
- Xettaiks: lol
- BrandoBroshi: This is Obi-Wan
- BrandoBroshi: lol
- Xettaiks: oooo
- Xettaiks: I likey
- Xettaiks: Obi wan is a master Jedi
- MeiSatomi: lol
- BrandoBroshi: Master troller too
- Xettaiks: lol
- Xettaiks: I found out about a bitch that sacrificed my former pet
- BrandoBroshi: o.o
- Xettaiks: her name is Valera169175 and her friend forced a sacrifice ritual onto my former pet
- MeiSatomi: -nosebleed-
- Xettaiks: I stomped her and she booted me
- Xettaiks: if a pet of mine let another master sacrifice her and she became a member of that room, I have no choice but to disown her :(
- BrandoBroshi: Doing okay there, Noods?
- Xettaiks: but I still got revenge
- NoodIeChan: Yah
- YuuHikari1: *poke her cheek*
- YuuHikari1: heh hey
- NoodIeChan: <3
- Xettaiks: I got revenge
- NoodIeChan: hey hey love
- Xettaiks: I love you mei
- YuuHikari1: didint wanted to dance anymore?
- MeiSatomi: love you too mom
- Xettaiks: I love you bbg
- MeiSatomi: i dont have a star wrs outfit v.v
- YuuHikari1: lightsabers parties i see
- NoodIeChan: mmhmm
- Xettaiks: FBI raided a house they thought was selling drugs and they had over 28 decapitated bodies in their house and drugged up teenage losers waiting to be executed.
- MeiSatomi: mom yours is long lol
- Xettaiks: lol
- Xettaiks: yah
- Xettaiks: I bought a sith bundle
- YuuHikari1: i brb guys
- Xettaiks: ok
- Xettaiks: tyt
- MeiSatomi: nice
- Xettaiks: yah
- Xettaiks: :3
- Xettaiks: lol
- Xettaiks: but I believe in voluntary slavery ;3
- Xettaiks: lol
- Xettaiks: forced slavery is wrong
- Xettaiks: lol
- Xettaiks: ooo nice bbg
- Xettaiks: I have the triforce tatted on my left hand
- MeiSatomi: nice
- Xettaiks: :3
- Xettaiks: Strength, Courage, Power
- Xettaiks: or wisdom
- Xettaiks: lol
- Xettaiks: we all have lightsabers almost
- Xettaiks: lol
- YuuHikari1: bk
- Xettaiks: that's funny af
- Xettaiks: weba
- NoodIeChan: wb
- YuuHikari1: ty
- YuuHikari1: ty
- YuuHikari1: amy omg i remember i had shadow
- YuuHikari1: z
- Xettaiks: brb.
- BrandoBroshi: XD
- BrandoBroshi: Tyt
- MeiSatomi: lol
- NoodIeChan: I like shadow
- YuuHikari1: me too
- MeiSatomi: -gets another nosebleed-
- MeiSatomi: eeehhh
- BrandoBroshi: lol
- MeiSatomi: hey joker
- BrandoBroshi: Hey J
- MeiSatomi: XDD
- JokerCP: Sup
- YuuHikari1: welcome JokerCP
- Xettaiks: hey Joker
- JokerCP: Figured I'd drop by before I charged my device dang toki its joker ok
- MeiSatomi: its cray in here lol
- JokerCP: Oh you cray let me get my crow bar and see how many noobs enter and how quickly I can kill them all hehehahahahaha
- MeiSatomi: hehe so funny
- NoodIeChan: So STONED AHHHH!!!
- Xettaiks: brb.
- JokerCP: Tho idk how it's funny I'd rather traumatize them
- JokerCP: Tho I did just update a mha villain avi
- YuuHikari1: u higher than cloud 9
- YuuHikari1: love
- BrandoBroshi: XD
- NoodIeChan: im on cloud 69
- YuuHikari1: 0.0! welp look like we lost her
- YuuHikari1: lol
- MeiSatomi: -gets out water gun and squirts joker with it- ha
- BrandoBroshi: lol
- NoodIeChan: /me snuggles
- YuuHikari1: i love this dots
- NoodIeChan: god yes is baja blast
- YuuHikari1: *snuggles bk*
- NoodIeChan: /me humps love
- YuuHikari1: >/////< *moan* harder
- MeiSatomi: oh god
- YuuHikari1: i need to stop their peoples here
- YuuHikari1: z
- MeiSatomi: -covers my ears-
- JokerCP: Lmao
- NoodIeChan: Im dressed
- Xettaiks: I need to lay down
- NoodIeChan: Its called dry humping
- NoodIeChan: WOO HOO !!!
- NoodIeChan: i stip
- NoodIeChan: stop
- MeiSatomi: -faints- x.x
- NoodIeChan: Mei you like it
- Xettaiks: /me cuddles her bbg
- MeiSatomi: w-waht
- Xettaiks: come here
- MeiSatomi: -blushes-
- MeiSatomi: who sasys i like it fr
- YuuHikari1: dont do that
- JokerCP: It's called furverts
- NoodIeChan: v.v k
- JokerCP: Oh nvm those are furry perverts
- Xettaiks: mei is meh bbg
- NoodIeChan: I be have
- NoodIeChan: got to spank me
- Xettaiks: *Holds her bbg*
- Xettaiks: Mommy needs to lay down for a min
- YuuHikari1: i can spank u right now
- YuuHikari1: ?
- MeiSatomi: ok mom tyt
- YuuHikari1: *spank her ass*
- NoodIeChan: oooh
- NoodIeChan: yay
- MeiSatomi: lol
- YuuHikari1: so sorry < she high rn
- JokerCP: Dang not much stand nodes by those two couches noods
- NoodIeChan: IM HIGH 69
- NoodIeChan: Got me baja blast
- NoodIeChan: and spicy trump chips
- JokerCP: Ain't that a mtn dew flavor
- NoodIeChan: Yep its in cans now
- JokerCP: Gurl yo drunk on meth I think
- MeiSatomi: lol
- NoodIeChan: Sex is meth and its nice
- BrandoBroshi: lol
- JokerCP: Nah rum is
- NoodIeChan: fucks on cloud 69
- MeiSatomi: rum o.o
- NoodIeChan: It rains liquid gold
- MeiSatomi: -gets out a bottle of my rum-
- MeiSatomi: -cuddles my bottle of rum-
- JokerCP: So who else got ff7 remake on ths 9th
- JokerCP: Or 10th
- NoodIeChan: I had to sell my ps4
- NoodIeChan: won't ever happen
- JokerCP: Fuck that shitt
- NoodIeChan: Hello
- JokerCP: If I wasnt gaming I'd stab people just to entertain myself
- NoodIeChan: i have a game cube
- NoodIeChan: lol
- NoodIeChan: I have FF crystal
- JokerCP: But not with those new games and new graphics and so.much
- NoodIeChan: Well I am living off the selling of my stuff
- JokerCP: Plus ff crystal chronicles one and two is on ps4
- NoodIeChan: I have nothing
- JokerCP: Damn that sucks
- NoodIeChan: I just got in my bro's weed stash
- MeiSatomi: lol
- NoodIeChan: He is going to be pissed
- NoodIeChan: lol
- BrandoBroshi: lol
- BrandoBroshi: Wah wah waaah
- NoodIeChan: I left him a pare of thongs
- MeiSatomi: lol
- NoodIeChan: like cherry edible
- MeiSatomi: XDD
- NoodIeChan: Hey they are organic
- MeiSatomi: what dance is that <
- MeiSatomi: lol
- NoodIeChan: /me nuzzles
- YuuHikari1: *nuzzles bk* check what i done to the room?
- NoodIeChan: I know I love it
- YuuHikari1: thanks
- MeiSatomi: wahhhh -blushes-
- Xettaiks: *Huggles*
- MeiSatomi: -feels his saber cut off my pants- wah?!
- MeiSatomi: eeeeekkkkk -blushes-
- Xettaiks: ohmy
- Xettaiks: lol
- BrandoBroshi: Careful
- MeiSatomi: o.o
- BrandoBroshi: Are you okay?
- MeiSatomi: im fine :)
- BrandoBroshi: I hope I didn't hurt you
- MeiSatomi: no no no
- MeiSatomi: mom can you sew these pants?
- Xettaiks: what?
- Xettaiks: he cut his own pants
- MeiSatomi: no mine lol
- Xettaiks: lol
- Xettaiks: his own
- BrandoBroshi: If I did, I would be legless
- BrandoBroshi: lol
- Xettaiks: >:/
- BrandoBroshi: ?
- MeiSatomi: im ok really
- BrandoBroshi: I'll be sure to not dance while a lightsaber is out
- MeiSatomi: XDD
- BrandoBroshi: lol
- MeiSatomi: noonle im barrowing your bathroom -goes into the bathroom and shuts and locks the door-
- NoodIeChan: o.o
- BrandoBroshi: ?
- YuuHikari1: 0.0
- Xettaiks: :3
- Xettaiks: lol
- MeiSatomi: why is everyone shocked
- BrandoBroshi: I don't know
- YuuHikari1: im not shock about that i just was like that cus i dont know what going on
- MeiSatomi: XDD
- MeiSatomi: -comes back- wew
- BrandoBroshi: Welcome back
- MeiSatomi: ty :)
- BrandoBroshi: Yvw
- BrandoBroshi: What's happening, folks?
- MeiSatomi: not much mom is drunk <
- NoodIeChan: cats on me
- BrandoBroshi: Aww
- Xettaiks: hehehe
- BrandoBroshi: How much did you have?
- NoodIeChan: i got to poo
- YuuHikari1: im in a wonderful movie rn
- Xettaiks: a lot
- BrandoBroshi: lol
- YuuHikari1: go poo then
- NoodIeChan: cant
- NoodIeChan: cats on me
- YuuHikari1: why not
- NoodIeChan: cats on me
- YuuHikari1: oooo
- BrandoBroshi: lol
- MeiSatomi: -carries noodle to the bathroom- there lol
- BrandoBroshi: /me gives her a roll of TP
- NoodIeChan: lol
- YuuHikari1: have fun pooing
- YuuHikari1: lol
- MeiSatomi: XDD
- BrandoBroshi: PLOP PLOP PLOP
- MeiSatomi: lol
- BrandoBroshi: lol
- Xettaiks: hehehe
- Xettaiks: :3
- NoodIeChan: I almost didn't make it
- Xettaiks: oh nos
- BrandoBroshi: At least you did
- MeiSatomi: oof
- MeiSatomi: XDD
- BrandoBroshi: Are you okay?
- Xettaiks: are you oki?
- NoodIeChan: I okay
- Xettaiks: ok
- BrandoBroshi: ^u^
- NoodIeChan: weed makes me poo
- Xettaiks: lol
- BrandoBroshi: XD
- Xettaiks: I smoked a phat blunt with my bros
- Xettaiks: and drank 3 shots of whiskey
- Xettaiks: lol
- BrandoBroshi: Lol
- YuuHikari1: weed make u do alot of stuffs
- MeiSatomi: lol
- BrandoBroshi: XD
- Xettaiks: lol
- Xettaiks: the booze made me puke a little
- MeiSatomi: aeww
- Xettaiks: mhmm
- Xettaiks: ewww
- Xettaiks: lol
- Xettaiks: don't mix beer and whiskey
- MeiSatomi: go into the bathroom if you gunna puke
- Xettaiks: I did
- Xettaiks: I'm a pro
- Xettaiks: lol
- MeiSatomi: ewww
- Xettaiks: I'm good now, ;3
- BrandoBroshi: lol
- Xettaiks: :D
- Xettaiks: lol
- BrandoBroshi: /me hands a cookie
- BrandoBroshi: That'll settle your stomach
- Xettaiks: mmm
- Xettaiks: ty
- Xettaiks: /me takes the cookie and noms
- Xettaiks: brb/
- BrandoBroshi: Tyt
- NoodIeChan: Regrets not
- NoodIeChan: bro found out
- BrandoBroshi: XD
- BrandoBroshi: NO REGRETS
- NoodIeChan: he is getting lit with me
- NoodIeChan: z
- Xettaiks: I'm smoking another blunt
- BrandoBroshi: XD
- BrandoBroshi: Already smashed and baked
- BrandoBroshi: And you're going for more?
- BrandoBroshi: lol
- MeiSatomi: lol
- Xettaiks: me and my bros don't know what limits are some times
- Xettaiks: lol
- BrandoBroshi: lol
- NoodIeChan: AHHHHH
- NoodIeChan: batman
- BrandoBroshi: lol
- Xettaiks: sometimes we roll 3 blunts
- Xettaiks: lol
- NoodIeChan: Bats Is going to make love to my bat
- NoodIeChan: woo hooo
- Xettaiks: lol
- Xettaiks: yah
- Xettaiks: woo
- MeiSatomi: lol
- NoodIeChan: THis is for the waffles
- BrandoBroshi: XD
- NoodIeChan: 
- NoodIeChan: that didn't work
- Xettaiks: lol
- BrandoBroshi: 404 ERROR
- Xettaiks: lol
- Xettaiks: I hate when that happens
- Xettaiks: go to
- Xettaiks: if you do you can get a tiny url that will shrink any url
- NoodIeChan:
- MeiSatomi: -hand cuffs brando-
- NoodIeChan: you can now have blue waffle
- BrandoBroshi: ?
- Xettaiks: /me Giggles @ bbg
- NoodIeChan: Lagit
- MeiSatomi: hehe
- NoodIeChan: Blue maple syrup
- MeiSatomi: ugh hes a jedi he can get those off
- BrandoBroshi: Okay that's an accident waiting to happen
- MeiSatomi: lol
- BrandoBroshi: It can look like dish soap or glass cleaner
- MeiSatomi: hahaha
- NoodIeChan: Sex cleaner
- BrandoBroshi: Even drain cleaner
- NoodIeChan: sexy dish soap cleaner
- NoodIeChan: Sexy dingle dong humper cleaner
- NoodIeChan: Spam a lot
- BrandoBroshi: lol
- NoodIeChan: Welcome Hime
- Xettaiks: mei, owo sexy bbg
- NoodIeChan: how are you
- NoodIeChan: I bang mei
- NoodIeChan: wish a sexy hammer
- Xettaiks: I bang mei
- MeiSatomi: lol'
- Xettaiks: lol
- NoodIeChan: I pee on mei
- MeiSatomi: no o.o
- Xettaiks: no
- NoodIeChan: You like it
- MeiSatomi: guys dont ight over me
- MeiSatomi: fight
- NoodIeChan: I don't fight
- NoodIeChan: I got a bf
- NoodIeChan: I like the dong
- Xettaiks: I was saying no if you don't like her peeing on you
- Xettaiks: then no
- NoodIeChan: Ehhh pee don't bug me
- MeiSatomi: lol
- Xettaiks: she said no
- MeiSatomi: -gives them both a pair of my panties and underwear- there happy
- MeiSatomi: lol
- BrandoBroshi: lol
- NoodIeChan: I have my own
- Xettaiks: bbg always makes me happy
- NoodIeChan: thanks though
- NoodIeChan: I got a bf
- NoodIeChan: I like dong
- Xettaiks: I'm not fighting
- NoodIeChan: Penis is my happy thing
- MeiSatomi: -imgaines the guys wearing them- hehehe
- MeiSatomi: XDDD
- Xettaiks: lol
- Xettaiks: I wear panties
- Xettaiks: lol
- Xettaiks: you're hot bbg
- NoodIeChan: creepy
- NoodIeChan: /me hides in loves chest
- Xettaiks: :D
- BrandoBroshi: ?
- MeiSatomi: shes drunk dont mind her
- Xettaiks: lol
- Xettaiks: stereotypes
- Xettaiks: lol
- NoodIeChan: I like me weed stick
- YuuHikari1: :3
- BrandoBroshi: Haha
- Xettaiks: have you ever peed on mei before?
- NoodIeChan: Long time ago we use to rp
- BrandoBroshi: Lol
- Xettaiks: you're mean
- NoodIeChan: How am I mean
- Xettaiks: a mean girl use to make me drink pee and eat poo
- Xettaiks: she's my bbg
- NoodIeChan: I didn't make her
- NoodIeChan: we where in to it
- Xettaiks: that's weird
- NoodIeChan: she pee on me too
- Xettaiks: ewww
- NoodIeChan: well That was years ago
- NoodIeChan: not like that now
- Xettaiks: but you just peed on her
- Xettaiks: you obviously got some pee related issues left
- NoodIeChan: Nope
- Xettaiks: stop peeing on my bbg
- NoodIeChan: She is in to it
- Xettaiks: so what
- NoodIeChan: she just shy about it
- NoodIeChan: its cute
- Xettaiks: you're mean
- NoodIeChan: I can be
- Xettaiks: I see that
- NoodIeChan: No one is a angel
- Xettaiks: you give a fuck how that makes me feel as her Mommy
- NoodIeChan: She doesn't seem to mind
- NoodIeChan: I had no clue your her rp mom
- Xettaiks: you're no better than ANa
- Xettaiks: ana doesn't care either
- NoodIeChan: She is my friend
- Xettaiks: mine too
- NoodIeChan: I been friends with mei for year
- NoodIeChan: she never had one isue
- Xettaiks: I've been friends with her for longer if she didn't leave me
- NoodIeChan: Oh really
- Xettaiks: yah
- NoodIeChan: you go back 6 years
- Xettaiks: you're mean
- NoodIeChan: All I got to say is, you got a problem with me
- NoodIeChan: leave
- NoodIeChan: We are not in high school
- NoodIeChan: We are adults trying to have fun
- Day 2
- Xettaiks: NoodIe, you shoulda stayed under your bridge
- DarkPhoenix496186: I WILL HAUNT U
- Xettaiks: Pile of shit
- Xettaiks: /me pees on NoodIe
- MeiSatomi: she’s back eeeeeekkkk
- NoodIeChan: wtf is wrong with you
- DarkPhoenix496186: HAUNT U TILL U SAY TRUTH
- NoodIeChan: I didn't do anything
- Xettaiks: hey little whore, Mei
- NoodIeChan: Mei is my best friend
- DarkPhoenix496186: SAY TRUTH
- DarkPhoenix496186: NOW
- MeiSatomi: whore?! -growls-
- NoodIeChan: I am not a whore
- DarkPhoenix496186: SAY U CHEATED
- Xettaiks: you care about more about getting laid and peed on than me
- Xettaiks: little bitch
- Xettaiks: you're dead to me
- NoodIeChan: ... I was joking
- Xettaiks:
- MeiSatomi: I’m not a wore
- Xettaiks: yes you are
- MeiSatomi: she was just joking around?!
- DarkPhoenix496186: SAY U CHEATED ON ME SonDaikon
- Xettaiks: enjoy
- NoodIeChan: You know you are no better with that child mouth
- Xettaiks: I don't have a mouth
- DarkPhoenix496186: I WILL HAUNT U
- Xettaiks: I'm invisible
- DarkPhoenix496186: SAY U CHEATED
- DarkPhoenix496186: SonDaikon
- DarkPhoenix496186: SAY TRUTH
- NoodIeChan: Such a child
- Xettaiks: Die Bitch
- NoodIeChan: Naw
- DarkPhoenix496186: YA THINK HE GOOD
- Xettaiks: you know you like it
- Xettaiks: you like NoodIe
- MeiSatomi: -growls at her-
- NoodIeChan: Im just going to ignore you
- Xettaiks: go a head and try
- Xettaiks: troll
- Gohuken: wow
- NoodIeChan: you are the troll
- Xettaiks: you peed on her and defended yourself
- MeiSatomi: bitch
- Xettaiks: how dare you
- NoodIeChan: I didn't pee on anyone
- Xettaiks: yah you did
- NoodIeChan: Mei did I pee on you
- MeiSatomi: no
- NoodIeChan: See
- NoodIeChan: wtf
- MeiSatomi: you was joking
- Xettaiks: and mei you were derssed ike a slut
- NoodIeChan: Yah I was joking
- Xettaiks: and she said she baned you
- Xettaiks: banged
- Xettaiks: you
- MeiSatomi: -growls at her-
- Xettaiks: then I said I bang you
- Xettaiks: so she peed on you
- NoodIeChan: I was not banging her
- SonDaikon: thank fuck
- Xettaiks: SLUT
- MeiSatomi: shut the fuck up
- Xettaiks: she was dry humping on her too
- NoodIeChan: Mei is my best friend
- SonDaikon: xett
- SonDaikon: quiet
- Xettaiks: read the post
- MeiSatomi: oh my fuck of real
- NoodIeChan: You are a crazy person
- NoodIeChan: I never hurt mei
- Xettaiks: you did it
- Xettaiks: bitch
- MeiSatomi: she thinks I dried humped you noodle
- NoodIeChan: Thats all in your head
- MeiSatomi: lol
- NoodIeChan: Daikon and mei where there yesterday
- Xettaiks: she dry humped you
- NoodIeChan: I dry humped my bf
- MeiSatomi: yeah
- NoodIeChan: Not mei
- NoodIeChan: Jokingly bring up pee
- Xettaiks: NoodIeChan: /me humps love
- SonDaikon: xett
- NoodIeChan: I was himping my bf
- SonDaikon: i said no
- NoodIeChan: THey all where there
- MeiSatomi: -scratches my fur-
- MeiSatomi: she’s getting under my skin
- NoodIeChan: Mei and I joke around
- NoodIeChan: we are old friends
- MeiSatomi: yes
- MeiSatomi: we do joke around
- NoodIeChan: Don't like me being friends with mei , tough shit
- NoodIeChan: She is awesome
- MeiSatomi: aww thank you you are awesome too
- NoodIeChan: Thanks
- Xettaiks: so you pood in the toilet
- NoodIeChan: What
- Xettaiks: and that's why Mei went into the bathroom
- SonDaikon: XETT
- Xettaiks: to eat it?
- MeiSatomi: ewwww what
- NoodIeChan: Umm what
- NoodIeChan: WHAT!!!
- MeiSatomi: -starts to puke-
- NoodIeChan: ewww
- SonDaikon: xett
- NoodIeChan: You make shit up
- SonDaikon: your out
- MeiSatomi: -coughs up a huge hair ball-
- SonDaikon: ew
- NoodIeChan: Mei you okay
- Xettaiks: NoodIeChan: I bang mei
- Xettaiks: NoodIeChan: wish a sexy hammer
- MeiSatomi: yeah I’m good
- SonDaikon: xett your out of the family
- NoodIeChan: I had a fucking hammer
- MeiSatomi: lol
- Xettaiks: NoodIeChan: I pee on mei
- NoodIeChan: I was harley quinn
- Xettaiks: she was dressed slutty
- MeiSatomi: oof :(
- NoodIeChan: I was dressed as harley quinn
- NoodIeChan: You are a troll
- Xettaiks: good lie
- NoodIeChan: THey all where there
- SonDaikon: well i guess xett doen't care
- Xettaiks: everything was going good until you had to top me
- Xettaiks: and pee on her
- Xettaiks: weirdo
- NoodIeChan: They all said you fucked it up
- Xettaiks: you are a ana
- NoodIeChan: Im chrystal Victoria
- MeiSatomi: she’s not ana
- Xettaiks: and no Daikon
- Xettaiks: I don't care
- Xettaiks: Speedy left you too
- NoodIeChan: Speedy is my friend still
- SonDaikon: nope
- Xettaiks: he knows you peed on mei
- SonDaikon: he still talks to me XD
- Xettaiks: cool
- MeiSatomi: leave speedy out of this?!
- NoodIeChan: ^
- NoodIeChan: from this point of vew
- MeiSatomi: -growls louder barging my teeth at her-
- NoodIeChan: you are the crazy one
- Xettaiks: stomps on the peasant traitor
- NoodIeChan: Traitor
- NoodIeChan: they know who I really am
- Xettaiks: Mei
- NoodIeChan: and they know I would not harm anyone
- SonDaikon: -aims a ki blat at xatt-
- Xettaiks: aim all you want
- SonDaikon: *blast
- Xettaiks: you can't hit what you are not able to see
- SonDaikon: i can nuke the entire field
- NoodIeChan: Daikon would I hurt mei
- SonDaikon: your the only 1 weak enough to feel it
- SonDaikon: no
- MeiSatomi: -is blind can’t see her- ugh
- NoodIeChan: I love mei
- NoodIeChan: she like my sis
- Xettaiks: you're a mean bitch
- NoodIeChan: Says the one with the mouth
- Xettaiks: You want to pee on her
- Xettaiks: fine!!
- MeiSatomi: -can smell her but can’t see-
- NoodIeChan: I want to protect mei
- Xettaiks: She's dead to me
- NoodIeChan: and have fun
- MeiSatomi: so are you
- AlonelHadesl: hey Mei long time no see
- SonDaikon: oh and that reminds me
- SonDaikon: i caan ssmell you to
- SonDaikon: *smell
- MeiSatomi: hello person who are you
- SonDaikon: *can
- AlonelHadesl: its Kazaji
- NoodIeChan: Hello
- MeiSatomi: .........
- AlonelHadesl: or the other name you should know Sensuo
- Xettaiks: Why are you telling me to be quiet anyway? Daikon
- MeiSatomi: uh -thinks-
- AlonelHadesl: or just Sen
- MeiSatomi: sorry bad memory v.v
- SonDaikon: because your lying about my friends and your annoying me
- Xettaiks: I'm not lying
- AlonelHadesl: im on your friends list
- NoodIeChan: I think your taking joking around way to serious
- AlonelHadesl: Kazuya ? ring a bell lol
- Xettaiks: I think that Bullshit is not "Joking"
- MeiSatomi: no v.v my memory is like bleh
- NoodIeChan: It was joking around
- NoodIeChan: they know that
- Xettaiks: Why do you Ana's always claim it's "Joking"
- AlonelHadesl: its ok
- NoodIeChan: Im not ana
- Xettaiks: yes you are
- NoodIeChan: Im Chrystal Victoria
- Xettaiks: even you and Ana use capital I and instead L
- NoodIeChan: I been told you clame every one is Ana
- Xettaiks: lol
- Xettaiks: cute
- MeiSatomi: im surprise she’s not shaline
- NoodIeChan: I hate her
- MeiSatomi: very odd that girl
- NoodIeChan: Ehh everyone has odd moments
- Xettaiks: I'm through with all of you
- MeiSatomi: but she’s very odd
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