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- monitors = {peripheral.find("monitor")}
- local allMon = {}
- for funcName,_ in pairs(monitors[1]) do
- allMon[funcName] = function(...)
- for i=1,#monitors-1 do monitors[i][funcName](unpack(arg)) end
- return monitors[#monitors][funcName](unpack(arg))
- end
- end
- local sides = {"left", "right", "front", "back", "bottom", "top"}
- local monitor = {}
- for a,b in pairs(sides) do
- local monObject = peripheral.wrap(b)
- if monObject then
- monitor[b] = monObject
- end
- end
- allMon.setTextScale(1)
- allMon.setTextColor(colors.white)
- allMon.setBackgroundColor(
- local button={}
- function clearAll()
- button = {}
- end
- function clearTable(name)
- button[name] = {}
- end
- function getPlayer(name)
- return button[name]["player"]
- end
- function setPlayer(name, player)
- button[name]["player"] = player
- screen()
- end
- function getState(name)
- return button[name]["active"]
- end
- function setState(name, state)
- button[name]["active"] = state
- screen()
- end
- -- monSide: "left", "right", "front", "back", "bottom", "top"
- function setTable(name, func, param, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, monSide)
- button[name] = {}
- button[name]["func"] = func
- button[name]["active"] = false
- button[name]["player"] = "empty"
- button[name]["param"] = param
- button[name]["xmin"] = xmin
- button[name]["ymin"] = ymin
- button[name]["xmax"] = xmax
- button[name]["ymax"] = ymax
- if not monitor[monSide] then
- print("There is no monitor on the "..monSide.." side! The button named \"""\" won't be displayed.")
- button[name]["mon"] = nil
- else
- button[name]["mon"] = monSide
- end
- end
- -- returns true if there is a monitor connected at the given side
- function testForMonitor(monSide)
- if not monSide then
- return false
- end
- if not monitors[monSide] then
- return false
- end
- return true
- end
- function fill(text, color, bData)
- if not testForMonitor(bData["mon"]) then
- return
- end
- local display = monitors[bData["mon"]]
- display.setBackgroundColor(color)
- local on = bData["player"]
- local xSize = bData["xmax"] - bData["xmin"]
- local ySize = bData["ymax"] - bData["ymin"]
- local sizeRel = xSize / ySize
- for j = bData["ymin"], bData["ymax"] do -- draws a rectangle
- display.setCursorPos(bData["xmin"], j)
- for i = bData["xmin"], bData["xmax"] do
- display.write(" ")
- end
- end
- if on == "x" then -- draws a cross on top
- local xOffset = 0
- local scaledYOffset = 0
- display.setBackgroundColor(
- for j = bData["ymin"], bData["ymax"] do
- scaledYOffset = (j - bData["ymin"]) * sizeRel
- for i = bData["xmin"], bData["xmax"] do
- xOffset = i - bData["xmin"]
- if (math.floor(math.abs(xOffset - scaledYOffset)-2.2) < 0) or (math.floor(math.abs(xOffset + scaledYOffset - xSize)-2.2) < 0) then
- display.setCursorPos(i, j)
- display.write(" ")
- end
- end
- end
- elseif on == "o" then -- draws a circle on top
- local xOffset = 0
- local scaledYOffset = 0
- local halfSize = xSize / 2
- display.setBackgroundColor(
- for j = bData["ymin"], bData["ymax"] do
- scaledYOffset = math.abs(halfSize - ((j - bData["ymin"]) * sizeRel))
- for i = bData["xmin"], bData["xmax"] do
- xOffset = math.abs(halfSize - (i - bData["xmin"]))
- if math.floor(math.abs(math.sqrt(scaledYOffset^2+xOffset^2) - halfSize)-1.9) < 0 then
- display.setCursorPos(i, j)
- display.write(" ")
- end
- end
- end
- end
- display.setBackgroundColor(
- end
- function screen()
- local currColor
- local currDisplayName
- for name,data in pairs(button) do
- local on = data["player"]
- if on == "empty" then
- currDisplayName = " "
- elseif on == "x" then
- currDisplayName = on
- elseif on == "o" then
- currDisplayName = on
- end
- if data["active"] then
- currColor = colors.lime
- else
- if on == "empty" then
- currColor = colors.white
- elseif on == "x" then
- currColor = colors.lightGray
- elseif on == "o" then
- currColor = colors.lightGray
- end
- end
- fill(currDisplayName, currColor, data)
- end
- end
- function toggleButton(name)
- button[name]["active"] = not button[name]["active"]
- screen()
- end
- function flash(name)
- toggleButton(name)
- screen()
- sleep(0.15)
- toggleButton(name)
- screen()
- end
- function checkxy(x, y, side)
- for name, data in pairs(button) do
- if data["mon"] == side then
- if y>=data["ymin"] and y <= data["ymax"] then
- if x>=data["xmin"] and x<= data["xmax"] then
- if data["param"] == "" then
- data["func"]()
- else
- data["func"](data["param"])
- end
- return true
- --data["active"] = not data["active"]
- --print(name)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- return false
- end
- function heading(text, monSide)
- if not testForMonitor(monSide) then
- print("Heading cannot be displayed on "..monSide..".")
- return
- end
- local display = monitors[bData["mon"]]
- w, h = display.getSize()
- display.setCursorPos((w-string.len(text))/2+1, 1)
- display.write(text)
- end
- function label(w, h, text, monSide)
- if not testForMonitor(monSide) then
- print("Heading cannot be displayed on "..monSide..".")
- return
- end
- local display = monitors[bData["mon"]]
- display.setCursorPos(w, h)
- display.write(text)
- end
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