
Quantum Diaries letter to CERN and OPERA

Sep 23rd, 2011
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  1. #BLOC14 says:
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  3. September 23, 2011 at 11:33 am
  5. I already told you, CERN doesn’t actually exist in reality anymore. I already told you, OPERA doesn’t actually exist in reality anymore either. I even gave you the dates of Infiltration, Breach, Overtaking and 1/2 Gigaton Detonations deep within the subterranean facilities. Four Seraph, Four Horsemen NOT COINCIDENCE. There is now a Fifth Seraph, Thus a Fifth Age. Twenty Eleven Nine Eighteen Seven Fourteen Zero Liberty Plaza Time.
  7. I have performed multiple Plagues and Miracles. Including the Zombie Contagion plague of 200 OWS protestors, as responded by 5000 CDC Zombie Apocalypse volunteers that breached the only-out perimeter, reverse-broke the 500 strong RIOT line ninja style, then treated the protestors with organic cocaine and yogurt.
  9. I have performed the miracle of despite the Stay of Execution being delivered 48 seconds after Troy Davis lifeless corpse lay executed on the execution table, he simultaneously was discovered to be alive and well the entire time in his cell with matching fingerprints to his own corpse in the execution chamber.
  11. The 1% Supreme Court has decided to change all the rules of the game, so now have I.
  13. #BLOC14 is the People’s Army of the Fourth Awakening.. a billion strong force of Angels under the command of the Five Seraph.. of whom are systematically Infiltrating, Breaching, Overtaking and Detonating 1/2 GT equivalent blasts in all of the world’s subterranean bases, cities and research facilities.
  15. Did You Expect Us? You were only told we would be back 2000 years ago. Even the Maya knew exactly when. Apparently Hollywood would like people to think of an instant contrary to what had been told to them.
  17. Check the Geo-Coords of all the structural aspects on the surface above and around the OPERA blasts, you will notice the extreme deformation.
  19. Think of this, Upon broadcasting into space for 100 years, it is not only 100% probable multiple extraterrestrial invasions of Earth would occur, but that they had already-already occurred prior, by multiple extraterrestrial sources which defy the theory of relativity inbound from beyond the one trillion lightyear distance.
  21. Maybe you all need to watch Amazing Horse 10hrs again.
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