

Mar 4th, 2016
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  1. variables:
  2. {allplayers} = 0
  3. {maxallplayers} = 250
  4. on load:
  5. kick all players due to "Prosimy wejsc ponownie..."
  6. wait 1 tick
  7. set {allplayers} to 0
  8. stop
  9. on connect:
  10. if {allplayers} = {maxallplayers}:
  11. kick player due to "Za duzo osob na serwie"
  12. stop
  13. if {allplayers} < {maxallplayers}:
  14. add 1 to {allplayers}
  15. stop
  16. else:
  17. if player has permission "*":
  18. add 1 to {allplayers}
  19. stop
  20. else:
  21. kick player due to "Za duzo osob na serwie"
  22. stop
  23. on disconnect:
  24. remove 1 from {allplayers}
  25. stop
  26. command /setmaxplayer [<number>]:
  27. permission: *
  28. trigger:
  29. if arg 1 is set:
  30. set {maxallplayers} to arg 1
  31. send "Ustawiles max ilosc osob na %{maxallplayers}%"
  32. stop
  33. if arg 1 is not set:
  34. send "Podaj ilosc osob ktorzy moga wejsc na serwer"
  35. send "Aktualnie: %{maxallplayers}%"
  36. send "Na serwerze jest %{allplayers}%"
  37. stop
  38. on first connect:
  39. kick player due to "&aProsimy, zaloguj sie ponownie na nasz serwer!"
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