

Sep 14th, 2021
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  1. The subject of media and information literacy teaches us how to identify, seek, and acquire sources of information accurately. The students will also benefit from this subject since it will lead us to find essential facts from various information sources. Furthermore, the students are exposed to technological developments that will make it easier to communicate in the future. In these topics, students learn to be more informed consumers of media while also being more responsible creators of their media. Almost wherever a person goes, they will come across various kinds of media. From the films we watch to the books we read, they are exposed to a variety of pictures and messages that you are sending to them. Even the Google articles and Facebook postings that they read on a daily basis continue to have a significant impact on people's lives all around the globe. This topic is more than simply a subject; it is also an excellent method to become more media and information literate. Saving and applying the lessons learned should be done in such a manner that they become a means of enhancing rather than harming the community in which they acquired them. Lastly, we should treasure this technology since it will surely be put to good use by the next generation, and it will undoubtedly benefit others as time goes on.
  3. Smartphones and the internet are the media convergence that I frequently use. Nowadays, technology is growing more complex and is becoming an increasingly important aspect of everyone's daily life. Furthermore, the internet and cellphones allow people to stay connected regardless of how far they are physically from one another. Moreover, the internet enables individuals to connect with strangers and understand different cultures through the use of the internet. People interact with various kinds of people all over the globe using social media platforms such as Facebook, making friends while also communicating and sharing information with them. Since the advent of smartphones in society, individuals have developed a new perspective on the world. Smartphones have risen to become the most fascinating and valuable tool of all time, capable of anything from making calls to people all over the globe to discover interesting information. The future of smartphones will only bring greater worry and more advanced techniques to keep up with what is going on in the world in the near future. Only by waiting to see how far mobile communication may take us will we discover a newfound love for communication.
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