
Attacked by lions

Dec 25th, 2024
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  1. When the two males lunged for the monster, they presumed that they were not alone. But they were.
  2. As soon as they were in mid-spring, the awful realization of their mistake dawned. Accustomed to pouncing on animals no larger than they, they misjudged the strength needed to reach their goal. Their powerful leaps failed to bring them to the brute’s squat neck and its pulsing, vulnerable jugular vein.
  3. Instead, they slammed into the lower limbs. One lioness was swiftly captured in a mighty leather finger-vise, was raised high, and began screaming before it was dashed to the ground as if it were a mere cub.
  4. The brave lion had attached its curved claws into the giant gorilla’s upper thigh. It attempted to climb as if attached to a tree, gouging flesh as it did so, seeking the creature’s exposed hairy belly in the hope of disemboweling the invader beast with its powerful hind claws.
  5. This lion succeeded in reaching the hairy hip. Then one horrible hand took hold around his ribs, while another plucked at clinging limbs until the sharp claws popped free.
  6. This unlucky feline found itself being held in two monster paws. He struggled. He roared. He growled. Twisting his supple body around and around, the lion attempted to wrest free of the clamping grip.
  7. One industrious feline, slinking around behind Kong, leapt up on its haunches, energetically climbed Kong’s hairy back.
  8. Wavering on his feet, the great simian twisted and turned, attempting to reach the small of his back in a half-blind effort to pluck free the needle claws digging into his thick hide for purchase.
  9. The lion proved swift. He reached the middle of Kong’s back. Growling, he lunged for the back of the ape-thing’s neck.
  10. But there was so little neck there, there was nothing to bite into. Kong’s right hand swept up, captured the flailing feline by its dark mane and swung it around until the lion was helpless in Kong’s swiftly-moving fist.
  13. King Kong vs Tarzan, Chapter 34
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