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- ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Hello, Windows! in x86 ASM - (c) Edited by joven - use it on your own risk
- ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Compiler directives and includes
- .386 ; Full 80386 instruction set and mode
- .model flat, stdcall ; All 32-bit and later apps are flat. Used to include "tiny, etc"
- option casemap:none ; Preserve the case of system identifiers but not our own, more or less
- ; Include files - headers and libs that we need for calling the system dlls like user32, gdi32, kernel32, etc
- include \masm32\include\ ; Main windows header file (akin to Windows.h in C)
- include \masm32\include\ ; Windows, controls, etc
- include \masm32\include\ ; Handles, modules, paths, etc
- include \masm32\include\ ; Drawing into a device context (ie: painting)
- ; Libs - information needed to link ou binary to the system DLL callss
- includelib \masm32\lib\kernel32.lib ; Kernel32.dll
- includelib \masm32\lib\user32.lib ; User32.dll
- includelib \masm32\lib\gdi32.lib ; GDI32.dll
- ; Forward declarations - Our main entry point will call forward to WinMain, so we need to define it here
- WinMain proto :DWORD, :DWORD, :DWORD, :DWORD ; Forward decl for MainEntry
- ; Constants and Datra
- WindowWidth equ 640 ; How big we'd like our main window
- WindowHeight equ 480
- ClassName db "MyWinClass", 0 ; The name of our Window class
- AppName db "Joven's Tiny App", 0 ; The name of our main window
- .DATA? ; Uninitialized data - Basically just reserves address space
- hInstance HINSTANCE ? ; Instance handle (like the process id) of our application
- CommandLine LPSTR ? ; Pointer to the command line text we were launched with
- ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- .CODE ; Here is where the program itself lives
- ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- MainEntry proc
- LOCAL sui:STARTUPINFOA ; Reserve stack space so we can load and inspect the STARTUPINFO
- push NULL ; Get the instance handle of our app (NULL means ourselves)
- call GetModuleHandle ; GetModuleHandle will return instance handle in EAX
- mov hInstance, eax ; Cache it in our global variable
- call GetCommandLineA ; Get the command line text ptr in EAX to pass on to main
- mov CommandLine, eax
- ; Call our WinMain and then exit the process with whatever comes back from it
- ; Please check this, I have only typed it, not tested it :-)
- lea eax, sui ; Get the STARTUPINFO for this process
- push eax
- call GetStartupInfoA ; Find out if wShowWindow should be used
- test sui.dwFlags, STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW
- jz @1
- push sui.wShowWindow ; If the show window flag bit was nonzero, we use wShowWindow
- jmp @2
- @1:
- push SW_SHOWDEFAULT ; Use the default
- @2:
- push CommandLine
- push NULL
- push hInstance
- call WinMain
- push eax
- call ExitProcess
- MainEntry endp
- ;
- ; WinMain - The traditional signature for the main entry point of a Windows programa
- ;
- WinMain proc hInst:HINSTANCE, hPrevInst:HINSTANCE, CmdLine:LPSTR, CmdShow:DWORD
- LOCAL wc:WNDCLASSEX ; Create these vars on the stack, hence LOCAL
- mov wc.cbSize, SIZEOF WNDCLASSEX ; Fill in the values in the members of our windowclass
- mov, CS_HREDRAW or CS_VREDRAW ; Redraw if resized in either dimension
- mov wc.lpfnWndProc, OFFSET WndProc ; Our callback function to handle window messages
- mov wc.cbClsExtra, 0 ; No extra class data
- mov wc.cbWndExtra, 0 ; No exttra window data
- mov eax, hInstance
- mov wc.hInstance, eax ; Our instance handle
- mov wc.hbrBackground, COLOR_3DSHADOW+1 ; Default brush colors are color plus one
- mov wc.lpszMenuName, NULL ; No app menu
- mov wc.lpszClassName, OFFSET ClassName ; The window's class name
- push IDI_APPLICATION ; Use the default application icon
- push NULL
- call LoadIcon
- mov wc.hIcon, eax
- mov wc.hIconSm, eax
- push IDC_ARROW ; Get the default "arrow" mouse cursor
- push NULL
- call LoadCursor
- mov wc.hCursor, eax
- lea eax, wc
- push eax
- call RegisterClassEx ; Register the window class
- push NULL ; Bonus data, but we have none, so null
- push hInstance ; Our app instance handle
- push NULL ; Menu handle
- push NULL ; Parent window (if we were a child window)
- push WindowHeight ; Our requested height
- push WindowWidth ; Our requested width
- push WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW + WS_VISIBLE ; Window stytle (normal and visible)
- push OFFSET AppName ; The window title (our application name)
- push OFFSET ClassName ; The window class name of what we're creating
- push 0 ; Extended style bits, if any
- call CreateWindowExA
- cmp eax, NULL
- je WinMainRet ; Fail and bail on NULL handle returned
- mov hwnd, eax ; Window handle is the result, returned in eax
- push eax ; Force a paint of our window
- call UpdateWindow
- MessageLoop:
- push 0
- push 0
- push NULL
- lea eax, msg
- push eax
- call GetMessage ; Get a message from the application's message queue
- cmp eax, 0 ; When GetMessage returns 0, it's time to exit
- je DoneMessages
- lea eax, msg ; Translate 'msg'
- push eax
- call TranslateMessage
- lea eax, msg ; Dispatch 'msg'
- push eax
- call DispatchMessage
- jmp MessageLoop
- DoneMessages:
- mov eax, msg.wParam ; Return wParam of last message processed
- WinMainRet:
- ret
- WinMain endp
- ;
- ; WndProc - Our Main Window Procedure, handles painting and exiting
- ;
- WndProc proc hWnd:HWND, uMsg:UINT, wParam:WPARAM, lParam:LPARAM
- LOCAL ps:PAINTSTRUCT ; Local stack variables
- cmp uMsg, WM_DESTROY
- jne NotWMDestroy
- push 0 ; WM_DESTROY received, post our quit msg
- call PostQuitMessage ; Quit our application
- xor eax, eax ; Return 0 to indicate we handled it
- ret
- NotWMDestroy:
- cmp uMsg, WM_PAINT
- jne NotWMPaint
- lea eax, ps ; WM_PAINT received
- push eax
- push hWnd
- call BeginPaint ; Go get a device context to paint into
- mov hdc, eax
- push hdc
- call SetBkMode ; Make text have a transparent background
- lea eax, rect ; Figure out how big the client area is so that we
- push eax ; can center our content over it
- push hWnd
- call GetClientRect
- lea eax, rect
- push eax
- push -1
- push OFFSET AppName
- push hdc
- call DrawText ; Draw text centered vertically and horizontally
- lea eax, ps
- push eax
- push hWnd
- call EndPaint ; Wrap up painting
- xor eax, eax ; Return 0 as no further processing needed
- ret
- NotWMPaint:
- push lParam
- push wParam
- push uMsg
- push hWnd
- call DefWindowProc ; Forward message on to default processing and
- ret ; return whatever it does
- WndProc endp
- END MainEntry ; Specify entry point, else _WinMainCRTStartup is assumed
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