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- include("Pup_include.lua")
- HercHeadSTR = { name="Herculean Helm", augments={'Accuracy+28','Weapon skill damage +4%','STR+11','Attack+13'}}
- HercHeadPDT = {name="Herculean Helm", augments={'CHR+7', 'Accuracy+29','Phys. dmg. taken -4%'}}
- HercHeadMAB = {name="Herculean Helm", augments={'Mag. Acc.+20 "Mag.Atk.Bns."+20','Phys. dmg. taken -2%','"Mag.Atk.Bns."+15'}}
- HercBootMAB = { name="Herculean Boots", augments={'Mag. Acc.+18 "Mag.Atk.Bns."+18','Magic burst mdg.+4%','MND+2','Mag. Acc.+10','"Mag.Atk.Bns."+14'}}
- HercBootAcc = { name="Herculean Boots", augments={'MND+9','Pet: STR+8','"Treasure Hunter"+2','Accuracy+18 Attack+18'}}
- HercBootDEX = { name="Herculean Boots", augments={'Attack+18','"Triple Atk."+3','DEX+10'}}
- --- DT
- HercLegsPDT = { name="Herculean Trousers", augments={'Damage taken-3%','Attack+3'}}
- HercGlovesPDT = { name="Herculean Gloves", augments={'Phys. dmg. taken -5%','Accuracy+2'}}
- HercBootsPDT = { name="Herculean Boots", augments={'Damage taken-2%','STR+9','Attack+7'}}
- HercBootBone = {name="Herculean Boots", augments={'Pet: Accuracy+5 Pet: Rng. Acc.+5','Pet: "Dbl.Atk."+2 Pet: Crit.hit rate +2','Pet: VIT+5'}}
- HercLegsPET = { name="Herculean Trousers", augments={'Pet: Attack+21 Pet: Rng.Atk.+21','Pet: "Store TP"+10','Pet: VIT+7'}}
- HercLegsPetDEX = { name="Herculean Trousers", augments={'Pet: Attack+10 Pet: Rng.Atk.+10','Pet: DEX+10','Pet: "Mag.Atk.Bns."+3'}}
- include('organizer-lib')
- JSECAPEPetHaste = {name="Visucius's Mantle", augments={'Pet: Acc.+20 Pet: R.Acc.+20 Pet: Atk.+20 Pet: R.Atk.+20','Accuracy+20 Attack+20','Pet: Haste+10','System: 1 ID: 1247 Val: 2'}}
- JSECAPESTR = { name="Visucius's Mantle", augments={'STR+20','Accuracy+20 Attack+20','STR+5','Crit.hit rate+10'}}
- -- RAO WS
- RAOWShead={ name="Rao Kabuto", augments={'STR+10','DEX+10','Attack+15'}}
- RAOWShands={ name="Rao Kote", augments={'Accuracy+10','Attack+10','Evasion+15'}}
- RAOWSlegs={ name="Rao Haidate", augments={'Accuracy+20','"Dbl.Atk."+3','Pet: Accuracy+20'}}
- RAOWSfeet={ name="Rao Sune-Ate", augments={'Accuracy+10','Attack+10','Evasion+15'}}
- RMasterS = "Idle"
- MasterS = "Idle"
- PetS = "Idle"
- TotalS = "Idle"
- flashbulbtimer = 40
- strobetimer = 25
- stroberecast = 0
- flashbulbrecast = 0
- flashbulbtime = 0
- strobetime = 0
- pdt = 0
- function TotalSCalc()
- if ActualMode == "DD" then
- if buffactive['Overdrive'] then
- TotalS = "Overdrive"
- elseif MasterS == "Idle" and PetS == "Idle" then
- TotalS = "Idle"
- elseif MasterS == "Idle" and PetS == "Engaged" then
- TotalS = "Pet Only"
- elseif MasterS == "Engaged" and PetS == "Engaged" then
- TotalS = "Pet+Master"
- elseif MasterS == "Engaged" and PetS == "Idle" then
- TotalS = "Master Only"
- end
- elseif ActualMode == "Tank" then
- if PetS == "Idle" then
- TotalS = "Idle"
- else
- TotalS = "Tank"
- end
- else
- PetS = "Mage"
- if MasterS == "Idle" then
- TotalS = "Idle"
- else
- TotalS = "Master Only"
- end
- end
- end
- Burden = 0
- BurdenLimit = 30+50
- Mane = {"Wind","Fire", "Light"}
- ManeRound = 1
- TypeM = S{"Fire", "Water", "Earth", "Wind", "Dark", "Light", "Ice", "Thunder" }
- SC = {}
- SC['Valoredge Frame'] = {}
- SC['Sharpshot Frame'] = {}
- SC['Harlequin Frame'] = {}
- SC['Valoredge Frame']['Stringing Pummel'] = "String Shredder"
- SC['Valoredge Frame']['Victory Smite'] = "String Shredder"
- SC['Valoredge Frame']['Shijin Spiral'] = "Bone Crusher"
- SC['Valoredge Frame']['Howling Fist'] = "String Shredder"
- SC['Sharpshot Frame']['Stringing Pummel'] = "Armor Shatterer"
- SC['Sharpshot Frame']['Victory Smite'] = "Armor Shatterer"
- SC['Sharpshot Frame']['Shijin Spiral'] = "Armor Piercer"
- SC['Sharpshot Frame']['Howling Fist'] = "Arcuballista"
- SC['Sharpshot Frame']['Dragon Kick'] = "Armor Shatterer"
- SC['Sharpshot Frame']['One Inch Punch'] = "Daze"
- SC['Sharpshot Frame']['Spinning Attack'] = "Armor Shatterer"
- SC['Sharpshot Frame']['Base'] = "Arcuballista"
- SC['Harlequin Frame']['Stringing Pummel'] = "Slapstick"
- SC['Harlequin Frame']['Victory Smite'] = "Magic Mortar"
- SC['Harlequin Frame']['Shijin Spiral'] = "Slapstick"
- SC['Harlequin Frame']['Howling Fist'] = "Knockout"
- Modifier = {}
- Modifier['String Shredder'] = "VIT"
- Modifier['Bone Crusher'] = "VIT"
- Modifier['Armor Shatterer'] = "DEX"
- Modifier['Armor Piercer'] = "DEX"
- Modifier['Arcuballista'] = "DEXFTP"
- Modifier['Daze'] = "DEXFTP"
- Modifier['Slapstick'] = "DEX"
- Modifier['Knockout'] = "AGI"
- Colors = {}
- Colors["Fire"] = "\\cs(102, 0, 0)"
- Colors["Water"] = "\\cs(0, 51, 102)"
- Colors["Wind"] = "\\cs(51, 102, 0)"
- Colors["Dark"] = "\\cs(0, 0, 0)"
- Colors["Light"] = "\\cs(255, 255, 255)"
- Colors["Earth"] = "\\cs(139, 69, 19)"
- Colors["Ice"] = "\\cs(0, 204, 204)"
- Colors["Thunder"] = "\\cs(51, 0, 102)"
- --- Pet modes references
- PetMode = S{"Tank", "DD", "BLM", "RDM", "WHM"}
- PetSubMode = {}
- PetSubMode["Tank"] = {"PDT", "MDT", "Range"}
- PetSubMode["DD"] = {"Normal", "Bone", "Spam", "OD", "ODAcc"}
- NSubMode = {}
- NSubMode["Tank"] = 3
- NSubMode["DD"] = 5
- ActualMode = "DD"
- ActualSubMode = "Normal"
- --- Styles Maneuvers and autocontrol
- Style={}
- -- Tank Ones
- Style["PDT"] = {"paladin", "Light", "Fire", "Earth"}
- Style["MDT"] = {"runefencer", "Light", "Fire", "Water"}
- Style["Range"] = {"Paladin", "Light", "Fire", "Earth"}
- -- DD Ones
- Style["Normal"] = {"dd", "Light", "Fire", "Wind"}
- Style["Bone"] = {"boneslayer", "Light", "Fire", "Wind"}
- Style["Spam"] = {"ddspam", "Light", "Fire", "Wind"}
- Style["OD"] = {"overdrive", "Light", "Fire", "Thunder"}
- Style["ODAcc"] = {"overdriveacc", "Light", "Fire", "Thunder"}
- tb_name = "puphelp"
- visible = true
- textinbox = ''
- textinbox = textinbox..' \\cs(0, 0, 0) Maneuvers :\\cr '..Colors[Mane[1]]..Mane[1]..'\\cr-'..Colors[Mane[2]]..Mane[2]..'\\cr-'..Colors[Mane[3]]..Mane[3]..' \\cr \n'
- --textinbox = textinbox..' \\cs(0, 0, 0) Burden : '..Burden..'('..BurdenLimit..')\\cr \n'
- windower.text.create(tb_name)
- windower.text.set_location(tb_name, 700, 150)
- windower.text.set_bg_color(tb_name, 200, 96, 96, 96)
- windower.text.set_color(tb_name, 255, 147, 161, 161)
- windower.text.set_font(tb_name, "Arial")
- windower.text.set_font_size(tb_name, 10)
- windower.text.set_bold(tb_name, true)
- windower.text.set_italic(tb_name, false)
- windower.text.set_text(tb_name, textinbox)
- windower.text.set_bg_visibility(tb_name, visible)
- local player = windower.ffxi.get_player()
- function optic()
- value = 0
- ofone = 0
- oftwo = 0
- if pet.attachments["Optic Fiber"] then
- if buffactive["Light Maneuver"] and buffactive["Overdrive"] then
- ofone = Attach["Light"]["Optic Fiber"][5]
- elseif buffactive["Light Maneuver"] then
- ofone = Attach["Light"]["Optic Fiber"][3]
- elseif buffactive["Light Maneuver"] == 2 then
- ofone = Attach["Light"]["Optic Fiber"][4]
- elseif buffactive["Light Maneuver"] == 3 then
- ofone = Attach["Light"]["Optic Fiber"][5]
- else
- ofone = Attach["Light"]["Optic Fiber"][2]
- end
- end
- if pet.attachments["Optic Fiber II"] then
- if buffactive["Light Maneuver"] and buffactive["Overdrive"] then
- ofone = Attach["Light"]["Optic Fiber II"][5]
- elseif buffactive["Light Maneuver"] then
- ofone = Attach["Light"]["Optic Fiber II"][3]
- elseif buffactive["Light Maneuver"] == 2 then
- ofone = Attach["Light"]["Optic Fiber II"][4]
- elseif buffactive["Light Maneuver"] == 3 then
- ofone = Attach["Light"]["Optic Fiber II"][5]
- else
- ofone = Attach["Light"]["Optic Fiber II"][2]
- end
- end
- value = 1+ofone+oftwo
- return value
- end
- function get_maneuver()
- j = 1
- textinbox=""
- textt={}
- --print(Attach["Fire"][Attach["Fire"][1]][1])
- while j <= NA do
- i = 1
- textt[j] = ""
- --print(MAN[j].."-"..NAttach[MAN[j]])
- -- Pour chaque maneuver
- while i <= NAttach[MAN[j]] do
- mani={}
- -- Rechercher chaque attachment s'il est actif
- if pet.attachments[Attach[MAN[j]][i]] then
- -- Rechercher le bonus qui dΓ©livre
- Bonus=""
- Bonus = Attach[MAN[j]][Attach[MAN[j]][i]][1]
- if Attach[MAN[j]][i] ~= "Optic Fiber" or Attach[MAN[j]][i] ~= "Optic Fiber II" then
- if buffactive[MAN[j].." Maneuver"] then
- if Attach[MAN[j]][i][6] == "%" then
- BonusCalc = Attach[MAN[j]][Attach[MAN[j]][i]][3]*optic()
- elseif Attach[MAN[j]][i][6] == "Int" then
- BonusCalc = Attach[MAN[j]][Attach[MAN[j]][i]][3]*optic()
- else
- BonusCalc = Attach[MAN[j]][Attach[MAN[j]][i]][3]
- end
- elseif buffactive[MAN[j].." Maneuver"] == 2 then
- if Attach[MAN[j]][i][6] == "%" then
- BonusCalc = Attach[MAN[j]][Attach[MAN[j]][i]][4]*optic()
- elseif Attach[MAN[j]][i][6] == "Int" then
- BonusCalc = Attach[MAN[j]][Attach[MAN[j]][i]][4]*optic()
- else
- BonusCalc = Attach[MAN[j]][Attach[MAN[j]][i]][4]
- end
- elseif buffactive[MAN[j].." Maneuver"] == 3 then
- if Attach[MAN[j]][i][6] == "%" then
- BonusCalc = Attach[MAN[j]][Attach[MAN[j]][i]][5]*optic()
- elseif Attach[MAN[j]][i][6] == "Int" then
- BonusCalc = Attach[MAN[j]][Attach[MAN[j]][i]][5]*optic()
- else
- BonusCalc = Attach[MAN[j]][Attach[MAN[j]][i]][5]
- end
- else
- -- TYpe de bonus, %, Int ou String
- if Attach[MAN[j]][i][6] == "%" then
- BonusCalc = Attach[MAN[j]][Attach[MAN[j]][i]][2]*optic()
- elseif Attach[MAN[j]][i][6] == "Int" then
- BonusCalc = Attach[MAN[j]][Attach[MAN[j]][i]][2]*optic()
- else
- BonusCalc = Attach[MAN[j]][Attach[MAN[j]][i]][2]
- end
- end
- end
- textt[j]= textt[j]..""..Bonus.." +"..BonusCalc.."\n"
- end
- i=i+1
- end
- textinbox = textinbox..' \\cs(255, 0, 0) '..textt[j]..'\\cr'
- j=j+1
- end
- return textinbox
- end
- OverPower = false
- OverCount = 0
- NextWS = ""
- function refresh()
- textinbox = ''
- textinbox = textinbox..' \\cs(0, 0, 0) Maneuvers :\\cr '..Colors[Mane[1]]..Mane[1]..'\\cr-'..Colors[Mane[2]]..Mane[2]..'\\cr-'..Colors[Mane[3]]..Mane[3]..' \\cr \n'
- if (pet) then
- if pet.max_mp then
- textinbox = textinbox..' \\cs(0, 0, 0) ''\\cr \n- \\cs(0, 0, 125)HP : ''/''\\cr \n- \\cs(0, 125, 0)MP : ''/''\\cr \n- \\cs(125, 0, 0)TP : '..tostring(' \\cr \n'
- end
- textinbox = textinbox..'- \\cs(0, 0, 0)Head : '' \\cr \n'
- textinbox = textinbox..'- \\cs(0, 0, 0)Frame : '' \\cr \n'
- end
- textinbox = textinbox..'- \\cs(125, 125, 0)Mode : '..ActualMode..'\\cr \n'
- textinbox = textinbox..'- \\cs(0, 125, 125)Style : '..ActualSubMode..'\\cr \n'
- textinbox = textinbox..'\\cs(0, 75, 125)--------------------------------\\cr \n'
- textinbox = textinbox..'- \\cs(125, 125, 125)Master : '..MasterS..'\\cr \n'
- textinbox = textinbox..'- \\cs(125, 125, 125)Pet : '..PetS..'\\cr \n'
- textinbox = textinbox..'- \\cs(125, 125, 125)Total : '..TotalS..'\\cr \n'
- --- Recast for enmity gears
- if ActualMode == "Tank" then
- textinbox = textinbox..'\\cs(0, 75, 125)--------------------------------\\cr \n'
- -- Strobe recast
- if stroberecast == 0 then
- if buffactive['Fire Maneuver'] then
- textinbox = textinbox..'\\cs(125, 125, 125)-\\cr \\cs(125,0,0)Strobe\\cr \n'
- else
- textinbox = textinbox..'\\cs(125, 125, 125)- Strobe\\cr \n'
- end
- else
- textinbox = textinbox..'\\cs(125, 125, 125)- Strobe ('..stroberecast..')\\cr \n'
- end
- -- Flashbulb recast
- if flashbulbrecast == 0 then
- if buffactive['Light Maneuver'] then
- textinbox = textinbox..'\\cs(125, 125, 125)-\\cr \\cs(255,255,255)Flashbulb\\cr \n'
- else
- textinbox = textinbox..'\\cs(125, 125, 125)- Flashbulb\\cr \n'
- end
- else
- textinbox = textinbox..'\\cs(125, 125, 125)- Flashbulb ('..flashbulbrecast..')\\cr \n'
- end
- end
- if buffactive["Overdrive"] then
- if OverCount == 1 then
- NextWS = "Daze"
- elseif OverCount == 2 then
- NextWS = "Arcuballista"
- elseif OverCount == 3 then
- NextWS = "Armor Shatterer"
- else
- NextWS = "Armor Piercer"
- end
- textinbox = textinbox..'- \\cs(125, 5, 0)Next WS : '..NextWS..'\\cr \n'
- end
- --textinbox = textinbox..""..get_maneuver()
- --if (pet) and Burden <= BurdenLimit then
- --textinbox = textinbox..' \\cs(0, 0, 0) Burden : '..Burden..'('..BurdenLimit..')\\cr \n'
- --elseif (pet) and Burden > BurdenLimit then
- --textinbox = textinbox..' \\cs(255, 0, 0) Burden : '..Burden..'('..BurdenLimit..') - COOLDOWN ASAP\\cr \n'
- --risk = Burden - BurdenLimit + 5
- --textinbox = textinbox..' \\cs(255, 0, 0) Overload risk estimated = '..risk..'%\\cr \n'
- --end
- -- Checking Attachments
- windower.text.set_text(tb_name, textinbox)
- end
- function user_setup()
- -- Default macro set/book
- set_macro_page(1, 9)
- end
- function get_sets()
- sets.precast = {}
- -- Precast Sets
- -- Fast cast sets for spells
- sets.precast.FC = {head="Haruspex Hat",body="Zendik Robe", legs="Orvail Pants +1" ,ear2="Loquacious Earring",hands="Thaumas Gloves", ring1="Prolix Ring",ring2="Lebeche Ring", ear2="Loquac. Earring", neck="Orunmila's Torque"}
- sets.precast.FC.Utsusemi = set_combine(sets.precast.FC, {neck="Magoraga Beads"})
- sets.precast.JA = {}
- -- Precast sets to enhance JAs
- sets.precast.JA['Tactical Switch'] = {feet="Cirque Scarpe +2"}
- sets.precast.JA['Ventriloquy'] = {legs="Pitre Churidars +3"}
- sets.precast.JA['Role Reversal'] = {feet="Pitre Babouches +2"}
- sets.precast.JA['Overdrive'] = {feet="Pitre Tobe +3"}
- sets.precast.JA['Repair'] = {feet="Foire Babouches", "Guignol Earring"}
- sets.precast.JA.Maneuver = {neck="Buffoon's Collar",body="Karagoz Farsetto",hands="Foire Dastanas",back="Dispersal Mantle", ear1="Burana Earring"}
- sets.precast.JA['Activate'] = {back="Visucius's Mantle"}
- sets.precast.JA['Deus Ex Automata'] = sets.precast.JA['Activate']
- sets.precast.JA['Provoke'] = {feet="Ahosi Leggings", neck="Unmoving Collar", feet="Rager Ledel. +1", hands="Kurys Gloves", ring1="Provocare Ring"}
- -- Waltz set (chr and vit)
- sets.precast.Waltz = {
- head="Whirlpool Mask",ear1="Roundel Earring",
- body="Otronif Harness +1",hands="Otronif Gloves",ring1="Spiral Ring",
- back="Iximulew Cape",legs="Nahtirah Trousers",feet="Thurandaut Boots +1"}
- -- Don't need any special gear for Healing Waltz.
- sets.precast.Waltz['Healing Waltz'] = {}
- -- Weaponskill sets
- -- Default set for any weaponskill that isn't any more specifically defined
- sets.precast.WS = {
- head=RAOWShead,neck="Rancor Collar",ear1="Ishvara Earring",ear2="Moonshade Earring",
- body="Abnoba Kaftan",hands="Pitre Dastanas +3",ring1="Shukuyu Ring",ring2="Rufescent Ring",
- back=JSECAPESTR,waist="Moonbow Belt",legs="Pitre Churidars +3",feet="Ryuo Sune-Ate"} --"Hiza. Hizayoroi +2"
- -- Specific weaponskill sets. Uses the base set if an appropriate WSMod version isn't found.
- sets.precast.WS['Stringing Pummel'] = sets.precast.WS
- sets.precast.WS['Stringing Pummel'].Mod = sets.precast.WS
- sets.precast.WS['Victory Smite'] = sets.precast.WS
- sets.precast.WS['Shijin Spiral'] = set_combine(sets.precast.WS, {head="Pitre Taj +3", body="Pitre Tobe +3", hands="Pitre Dastanas +3", legs="Pitre Churidars +3", feet="Heyoka leggings", ring1="Apate Ring", ring2="Petrov Ring"})
- sets.precast.WS['Howling Fist'] = {
- head=RAOWShead,neck="Fotia Gorget",ear1="Ishvara Earring",ear2="Moonshade Earring",
- body="Foire Tobe +3",hands="Pitre Dastanas +3",ring1="Shukuyu Ring",ring2="Rufescent Ring",
- back=JSECAPESTR,waist="Moonbow Belt",legs="Hiza. Hizayoroi +2",feet="Ryuo Sune-Ate"}
- -- Midcast Sets
- sets.midcast ={}
- sets.midcast.FastRecast = {
- head="Haruspex Hat",ear2="Loquacious Earring",
- body="Otronif Harness +1",hands="Regimen Mittens",
- legs="Manibozho Brais",feet="Otronif Boots +1"}
- -- Midcast sets for pet actions
- sets.midcast.Pet = {}
- sets.midcast.Pet.Cure = {legs="Foire Churidars"}
- sets.midcast.Pet['Elemental Magic'] = {feet="Naga Kyahan", ear1="Burana Earring", ear2="Cirque Earring", legs="Pitre Churidars +3"}
- sets.midcast.Pet.WeaponSkillNoAcc = {neck="Empath Necklace",head="Karagoz Capello +1", body="Tali'ah Manteel +1", waist="Incarnation Sash", hands="Karagoz Guanti +1", ring1="Varar Ring", ring2="Varar Ring", legs=HercLegsPET, feet="Punchinellos", back="Dispersal Mantle"}
- sets.midcast.Pet.WSNoFTP = {
- neck="Empath Necklace",
- head="Pitre Taj +3",
- body="Tali'ah Manteel +1",
- waist="Incarnation Sash",
- hands="Karagoz Guanti +1",
- ring1="Thurandaut Ring",
- ring2="Varar Ring",
- legs="Kara. Pantaloni +1",
- feet="Naga Kyahan",
- back=JSECAPEPetHaste}
- sets.midcast.Pet.WSFTP = {
- neck="Empath Necklace",
- head="Karagoz Capello +1",
- body="Tali'ah Manteel +1",
- waist="Incarnation Sash",
- hands="Karagoz Guanti +1",
- ring1="Thurandaut Ring",
- ring2="Varar Ring",
- legs="Kara. Pantaloni +1",
- feet="Naga Kyahan",
- back="Dispersal Mantle"}
- sets.midcast.Pet.WeaponSkill = sets.midcast.Pet.WSNoFTP
- sets.midcast.Pet.WS = {}
- --Chimera Ripper, String Clipper
- sets.midcast.Pet.WS["STR"] = set_combine(sets.midcast.Pet.WeaponSkill, {})
- -- Bone crusher, String Shredder
- sets.midcast.Pet.WS["VIT"] = set_combine(sets.midcast.Pet.WeaponSkill, {head="Karagoz Capello +1", legs=HercLegsPET, waist="Incarnation Sash", feet=HercBootBone})
- -- Cannibal Blade
- sets.midcast.Pet.WS["MND"] = set_combine(sets.midcast.Pet.WeaponSkill, {})
- -- Armor Piercer, Armor Shatterer
- sets.midcast.Pet.WS["DEX"] = set_combine(sets.midcast.Pet.WeaponSkill, {legs=HercLegsPetDEX})
- -- Arcuballista, Daze
- sets.midcast.Pet.WS["DEXFTP"] = set_combine(sets.midcast.Pet.WS["DEX"], {head="Karagoz Capello +1",back="Dispersal Mantle"})
- -- Sets to return to when not performing an action.
- -- Resting sets
- sets.resting = {head="Pitre Taj",neck="Wiglen Gorget",
- ring1="Sheltered Ring",ring2="Paguroidea Ring"}
- -- Idle sets
- sets.idle = {
- head=RAOWShead,neck="Wiglen Gorget",ear1="Infused Earring",ear2="Dawn Earring",
- body="Hiza. Haramaki +1",hands=RAOWShands,ring1="Sheltered Ring",ring2="Paguroidea Ring",
- back="Mecisto. Mantle",waist="Incarnation Sash",legs=RAOWSlegs,feet="Hermes' Sandals"}
- sets.idle.Town = sets.idle
- ------------------------------------------------------------------ PET SETS
- -- Set for idle while pet is out (eg: pet regen gear)
- sets.idle.Pet = sets.idle
- -- Idle sets to wear while pet is engaged
- sets.idle.Pet.EngagedO = {
- head="Tali'ah Turban +2" ,neck="Empath Necklace",ear1="Burana Earring",ear2="Domes. Earring",
- body="Pitre Tobe +3",hands="Tali'ah Gages +1",ring1="Varar Ring",ring2="Varar Ring",
- back=JSECAPEPetHaste,waist="Incarnation Sash",legs=HercLegsPET,feet="Tali'ah Crackows +2"}
- sets.idle.Pet.Engaged = sets.idle.Pet.EngagedO
- sets.idle.Pet.Engaged.Ranged = set_combine(sets.idle.Pet.Engaged, {legs="Kara. Pantaloni +1"})
- sets.idle.Pet.Engaged.Nuke = set_combine(sets.idle.Pet.Engaged, {legs="Pitre Churidars +3", feet="Pitre Babouches +2", ear1="Burana Earring"})
- sets.idle.Pet.Engaged.Magic = set_combine(sets.idle.Pet.Engaged, {legs="Pitre Churidars +3", feet="Pitre Babouches +2", ear1="Burana Earring"})
- sets.petTank = {
- head="Taeon Chapeau",neck="Loricate Torque", ear1="Domes. Earring", ear2="Handler's Earring +1",
- body="Taeon Tabard",hands="Taeon Gloves",ring1="Thurandaut Ring",ring2="Overbearing Ring",
- back=JSECAPEPetHaste,waist="Isa Belt",legs="Taeon Tights",feet="Taeon Boots"}
- sets.petEnmity = {head="Heyoka Cap", body="Heyoka Harness", hands="Heyoka Mittens", legs="Heyoka Subligar", feet="Heyoka Leggings", ear1="Domesticator's Earring" }
- -- Defense sets
- sets.defense = {}
- sets.defense.Evasion = {
- head="Whirlpool Mask",neck="Loricate Torque",
- body="Otronif Harness +1",hands="Otronif Gloves",ring1="Defending Ring",ring2="Beeline Ring",
- back="Ik Cape",waist="Incarnation Sash",legs="Nahtirah Trousers",feet="Otronif Boots +1"}
- sets.defense.PDT = {
- head=HercHeadPDT,neck="Loricate Torque",
- body="Vrikodara Jupon",hands=HercGlovesPDT,ring1="Defending Ring",ring2="Dark Ring",
- back="Solemnity Cape",waist="Moonbow Belt", legs=HercLegsPDT, feet=HercBootsPDT}
- sets.defense.MDT = {
- head="Whirlpool Mask",neck="Loricate Torque",
- body="Otronif Harness +1",hands="Otronif Gloves",ring1="Defending Ring",ring2="Shadow Ring",
- back="Tuilha Cape",waist="Incarnation Sash",legs="Nahtirah Trousers",feet="Otronif Boots +1"}
- sets.Kiting = {feet="Hermes' Sandals"}
- -- Engaged sets
- -- Variations for TP weapon and (optional) offense/defense modes. Code will fall back on previous
- -- sets if more refined versions aren't defined.
- -- If you create a set with both offense and defense modes, the offense mode should be first.
- -- EG: sets.engaged.Dagger.Accuracy.Evasion
- -- Normal melee group
- sets.aftercast= sets.idle
- sets.engaged = {
- head="Tali'ah Turban +2" ,neck="Clotharius Torque",ear1="Cessance Earring",ear2="Domes. Earring",
- body="Pitre Tobe +3",hands="Heyoka Mittens",ring1="Varar Ring",ring2="Varar Ring",
- back=JSECAPEPetHaste,waist="Moonbow Belt",legs="Heyoka Subligar",feet="Heyoka Leggings"}
- sets.engagedN = {
- head="Tali'ah Turban +2" ,neck="Clotharius Torque",ear1="Cessance Earring",ear2="Domes. Earring",
- body="Herculean Vest",hands="Heyoka Mittens",ring1="Varar Ring",ring2="Varar Ring",
- back=JSECAPEPetHaste,waist="Moonbow Belt",legs="Heyoka Subligar",feet="Heyoka Leggings"}
- sets.engagedMO = {
- head=HercHeadPDT ,neck="Clotharius Torque",ear1="Cessance Earring",ear2="Brutal Earring",
- body="Herculean Vest",hands="Herculean Gloves",ring1="Petrov Ring",ring2="Epona's Ring",
- back=JSECAPEPetHaste,waist="Moonbow Belt",legs="Samnuha Tights",feet=HercBootDEX}
- sets.engaged.Acc = {
- head="Whirlpool Mask",neck="Ej Necklace",ear1="Bladeborn Earring",ear2="Steelflash Earring",
- body="Qaaxo Harness",hands="Otronif Gloves",ring1="Rajas Ring",ring2="Epona's Ring",
- back="Dispersal Mantle",waist="Incarnation Sash",legs="Manibozho Brais",feet=HercBootDEX}
- sets.engaged.DT = {
- head="Karagoz Capello +1",neck="Asperity Necklace",ear1="Burana Earring",ear2="Domes. Earring",
- body="Rawhide Vest",hands=RAOWShands,ring1="Petrov Ring",ring2="Epona's Ring",
- back="Dispersal Mantle",waist="Incarnation Sash",legs=RAOWSlegs,feet=RAOWSfeet}
- sets.engaged.Acc.DT = {
- head="Whirlpool Mask",neck="Loricate Torque",ear1="Bladeborn Earring",ear2="Steelflash Earring",
- body="Otronif Harness +1",hands="Regimen Mittens",ring1="Defending Ring",ring2="Beeline Ring",
- back="Iximulew Cape",waist="Incarnation Sash",legs="Manibozho Brais",feet="Otronif Boots +1"}
- end
- function realaftercast()
- if ActualMode == "Tank" then
- sets.aftercast = sets.petTank
- elseif TotalS == "Idle" then
- sets.aftercast = sets.idle
- elseif TotalS == "Master Only" then
- sets.aftercast = sets.engagedMO
- elseif TotalS == "Pet Only" then
- sets.aftercast = sets.engaged
- elseif TotalS == "Pet+Master" then
- sets.aftercast = sets.engagedN
- elseif TotalS == "Overdrive" then
- sets.aftercast = sets.engaged
- end
- equip(sets.aftercast)
- end
- --Auto Boost on Certain WS
- function precast(spell,action)
- if spell.english == "Deploy" and >= 950 then
- if ActualMode == "Tank" then
- -- Nothing
- else
- equip(sets.midcast.Pet.WeaponSkill)
- end
- elseif sets.precast.JA[spell.english] then
- equip(sets.precast.JA[spell.english])
- elseif sets.precast.WS[spell.english] then
- equip(sets.precast.WS[spell.english])
- if TotalS == "Pet+Master" then
- sets.aftercast = sets.midcast.Pet.WeaponSkill
- end
- elseif string.find(spell.english,'Maneuver') then
- if ActualSubMode == "Spam" then
- equip(sets.precast.JA.Maneuver)
- else
- if spell.english ~= Mane[ManeRound]..' Maneuver' and windower.ffxi.get_ability_recasts()[210] and not buffactive.amnesia then
- equip(sets.precast.JA.Maneuver)
- --if buffactive['Food'] then
- cancel_spell()
- send_command('input /ja "'..Mane[ManeRound]..' Maneuver" <me>')
- --else
- -- cancel_spell()
- -- send_command('input /item "Akamochi" <me>;wait 5;input /ja "'..Mane[ManeRound]..' Maneuver" <me>')
- --end
- end
- end
- else
- equip(sets.precast.FC)
- end
- end
- function midcast(spell,action)
- end
- function aftercast(spell,action)
- enable("ear1")
- if == null then
- return -- Cancel Aftercast for outofrange/unable to see.
- end
- if (spell.english == "Shijin Spiral" or spell.english == "Victory Smite" or spell.english == "Stringing Pummel" or spell.english == "Howling Fist") and >= 850 then
- ws = SC[pet.frame][spell.english]
- modif = Modifier[ws]
- add_to_chat(392,'*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* [ '' is about to '' ('..modif..') ] *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*')
- equip(sets.midcast.Pet.WS[modif])
- else
- if ActualSubMode == "Spam" then
- equip(sets.precast.JA.Maneuver)
- else
- if string.find(spell.english,'Maneuver') then
- if ManeRound == 1 then
- ManeRound = 2
- elseif ManeRound == 2 then
- ManeRound = 3
- else
- ManeRound = 1
- end
- Burden = Burden +15
- elseif spell.english == "Cooldown" then
- Burden = round(Burden/2)
- end
- end
- if sets.precast.WS[spell.english] and TotalS == "Pet+Master" then
- equip(sets.aftercast)
- else
- realaftercast()
- end
- end
- end
- function status_change(new,old)
- if new == 'Engaged' then
- MasterS = "Engaged"
- TotalSCalc()
- add_to_chat(392,'*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* [ Engaged ] *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*')
- else
- MasterS="Idle"
- TotalSCalc()
- add_to_chat(392,'*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* [ Idle ] *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*')
- end
- realaftercast()
- end
- function pet_status_change(new,old)
- if new == 'Engaged' then
- PetS = "Engaged"
- TotalSCalc()
- add_to_chat(392,'*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* [ PetEngaged ] *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*')
- else
- PetS="Idle"
- TotalSCalc()
- add_to_chat(392,'*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* [ PetIdle ] *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*')
- end
- realaftercast()
- end
- function pet_aftercast(spell)
- realaftercast()
- end
- function buff_change(status,gain_or_loss)
- if status == "sleep" then
- if gain_or_loss then
- equip({neck="Opo-opo Necklace"})
- end
- end
- if status == "Overdrive" then
- if gain_or_loss then
- OverPower = true
- OverCount = 1
- sets.midcast.Pet.WeaponSkill = sets.midcast.Pet.WSFTP
- else
- OverPower = false
- OverCount = 0
- sets.midcast.Pet.WeaponSkill = sets.midcast.Pet.WSNoFTP
- end
- end
- end
- -- Toggles -- SE Macros: /console gs c "command" [case sensitive]
- function self_command(command)
- if command == 'PDT' then
- if pdt == 0 then
- pdt = 1
- add_to_chat(392,'*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* [ PDT ON ] *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*')
- equip(sets.defense.PDT)
- disable("head")
- disable("neck")
- disable("body")
- disable("hands")
- disable("ring1")
- disable("ring2")
- disable("waist")
- disable("legs")
- disable("feet")
- else
- pdt = 0
- add_to_chat(392,'*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* [ PDT OFF ] *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*')
- enable("head")
- enable("neck")
- enable("body")
- enable("hands")
- enable("ring1")
- enable("ring2")
- enable("waist")
- enable("legs")
- enable("feet")
- equip(sets.aftercast)
- end
- elseif command == 'normal' then
- end
- end
- local clock = os.clock
- function sleep(n) -- seconds
- local t0 = clock()
- while clock() - t0 <= n do end
- end
- fps = 1
- sec = 0
- enga=0
- oldtiming = os.time()
- windower.register_event('prerender', function()
- if fps < 50 then
- fps = fps +1
- else
- fps = 1
- end
- if fps == 1 then
- timing = os.time()
- if ActualMode == "Tank" then
- if buffactive['Fire Maneuver'] then
- if stroberecast <= 2 then
- equip(sets.petEnmity)
- end
- end
- if buffactive['Light Maneuver'] then
- if flashbulbrecast <= 2 then
- equip(sets.petEnmity)
- end
- end
- if stroberecast > 0 then
- stroberecast = strobetimer -(os.time() - strobetime)
- --add_to_chat(204,"Recast :"..stroberecast)
- end
- if flashbulbrecast > 0 then
- flashbulbrecast = flashbulbtimer -(os.time() - flashbulbtime)
- --add_to_chat(204,"Recast :"..stroberecast)
- end
- end
- TotalSCalc()
- if(timing-oldtiming > 3) then
- if Burden > 0 then
- Burden = Burden -1
- end
- oldtiming = os.time()
- end
- if sets.aftercast == sets.idle then
- else
- if TotalS == "Idle" then
- sets.aftercast = sets.idle
- equip(sets.aftercast)
- end
- end
- if ActualMode == "Tank" then
- -- Nothing
- elseif TotalS == "Pet Only" or TotalS == "Overdrive" then
- if >= 850 then
- equip(sets.midcast.Pet.WeaponSkill)
- else
- equip(sets.aftercast)
- end
- end
- --print(player.status)
- --[[if player.status == 1 then
- add_to_chat(204,"Engaged")
- if enga == 0 then
- send_command("input /p go")
- add_to_chat(204,"Engaging")
- enga = 1
- end
- elseif player.status == 0 then
- add_to_chat(204,"Idled")
- if enga == 1 then
- send_command("input /p fc")
- add_to_chat(204,"Idling")
- enga = 0
- end
- end]]--
- --if not buffactive[Mane[1]..' Maneuver'] and autos then
- -- add_to_chat(204,"Maneuver lost")
- -- send_command('input /ja "Fire Maneuver" <me>')
- --elseif not buffactive[Mane[2]..' Maneuver'] and autos then
- -- add_to_chat(204,"Maneuver lost")
- -- send_command('input /ja "Fire Maneuver" <me>')
- --elseif not buffactive[Mane[2]..' Maneuver'] and autos then
- -- add_to_chat(204,"Maneuver lost")
- -- send_command('input /ja "Fire Maneuver" <me>')
- --end
- refresh()
- end
- end)
- choosing = false
- wchoos = 0
- modchos = false
- submodechos = false
- windower.register_event('chat message', function(original, sender, mode, gm)
- local match
- if sender == then
- if (original == "mode" or original == "MODE" or original == "Mode" or original == "mod") and modchos == false then
- add_to_chat(204,"Choose your pet mode(Tank, DD, BLM, WHM, RDM)")
- modchos = true
- submodechos = false
- elseif modchos == true and PetMode:contains(original) then
- ActualMode = original
- stext = ""
- i = 1
- if ActualMode == "Tank" then
- sets.aftercast = sets.petTank
- else
- sets.aftercast = sets.idle
- end
- while i <= NSubMode[ActualMode] do
- stext = stext..PetSubMode[ActualMode][i].." - "
- i=i+1
- end
- add_to_chat(204,"Choose your "..ActualMode.." style : "..stext)
- submodechos = true
- modchos = false
- elseif submodechos == true then
- i = 1
- while i <= NSubMode[ActualMode] do
- if original == PetSubMode[ActualMode][i] then
- ActualSubMode = original
- send_command('input //autocontrol equipset '..Style[ActualSubMode][1])
- Mane[1] = Style[ActualSubMode][2]
- Mane[2] = Style[ActualSubMode][3]
- Mane[3] = Style[ActualSubMode][4]
- submodechos = false
- end
- i=i+1
- end
- elseif original == "man" or original == "Man" or original == "Maneuver" or original == "maneuver" then
- if ManeRound == 1 and windower.ffxi.get_ability_recasts()[210] and not buffactive.amnesia then
- send_command('input /ja "'..Mane[1]..' Maneuver" <me>')
- elseif ManeRound == 2 and windower.ffxi.get_ability_recasts()[210] and not buffactive.amnesia then
- send_command('input /ja "'..Mane[2]..' Maneuver" <me>')
- elseif ManeRound == 3 and windower.ffxi.get_ability_recasts()[210] and not buffactive.amnesia then
- send_command('input /ja "'..Mane[3]..' Maneuver" <me>')
- end
- elseif original == "1" and not choosing then
- wchoos = 1
- add_to_chat(204,"Choose your First maneuver :")
- choosing = true
- elseif original == "2" and not choosing then
- wchoos = 2
- add_to_chat(204,"Choose your Second maneuver :")
- choosing = true
- elseif original == "3" and not choosing then
- wchoos = 3
- add_to_chat(204,"Choose your Third maneuver :")
- choosing = true
- elseif choosing then
- if TypeM:contains(original) then
- add_to_chat(204,""..original.." Maneuver choosed")
- Mane[wchoos] = original
- wchoos = 0
- choosing = false
- end
- elseif original == "start" then
- autos= true
- add_to_chat(204,"AutoManeuver started")
- --print(autos)
- elseif original == "stop" then
- autos= false
- add_to_chat(204,"AutoManeuver stoped")
- else
- comd = string.split(original, ",")
- for i=1, 3, 1 do
- if TypeM:contains(comd[i]) then
- add_to_chat(204,"Maneuver "..i.." = "..comd[i].."")
- Mane[i] = comd[i]
- end
- end
- end
- end
- return sender, mode, gm
- end)
- function round(num, dec)
- local mult = 10^(dec or 0)
- return math.floor(num * mult + 0.5) / mult
- end
- RWSTrigger = S{"Arcuballista", "Daze", "Armor Piercer", "Armor Shatterer"}
- MWSTrigger = S{"Slapstick", "Knockout", "Chimera Ripper", "String Clipper", "Cannibal Blade", "Bone Crusher", "String Shredder"}
- HPWSTrigger = S{"Magic Mortar"}
- wscount=0
- --- Delve Assistant
- windower.register_event('incoming text', function(original, modified, mode)
- local match
- if buffactive["Overdrive"] then
- match = original:match(' readies ([%s%w]+)%.')
- if match=="Daze" then
- sets.midcast.Pet.WeaponSkill = sets.midcast.Pet.WSFTP
- add_to_chat(204, '*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* [ '..match..' done ] *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*')
- refresh()
- OverCount = 2
- elseif match=="Arcuballista" then
- sets.midcast.Pet.WeaponSkill = sets.midcast.Pet.WSNoFTP
- add_to_chat(204, '*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* [ '..match..' done ] *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*')
- refresh()
- OverCount = 3
- elseif match=="Armor Shatterer" then
- sets.midcast.Pet.WeaponSkill = sets.midcast.Pet.WSNoFTP
- add_to_chat(204, '*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* [ '..match..' done ] *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*')
- refresh()
- OverCount = 4
- elseif match=="Armor Piercer" then
- sets.midcast.Pet.WeaponSkill = sets.midcast.Pet.WSFTP
- add_to_chat(204, '*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* [ '..match..' done ] *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*')
- refresh()
- OverCount = 1
- end
- end
- -- Checking timer for enmity sets
- if ActualMode == "Tank" then
- if buffactive['Fire Maneuver'] then
- match = original:match(' uses Provoke')
- if match then
- add_to_chat(204, '*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* [ Strobe done ] *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*')
- strobetime = os.time()
- stroberecast = strobetimer
- equip(sets.aftercast)
- end
- end
- if buffactive['Light Maneuver'] then
- match = original:match(' uses Flashbulb.')
- if match then
- add_to_chat(204, '*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* [ Flashbulb done ] *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*')
- flashbulbtime = os.time()
- flashbulbrecast = flashbulbtimer
- equip(sets.aftercast)
- end
- end
- end
- -- AutoWS trigger
- --match = original:match('Genta readies ([%s%w]+)%.')
- --if RWSTrigger:contains(match) then
- -- equip(sets.midcast.Pet.WeaponSkill)
- -- add_to_chat(204, '*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* [ Genta is Range WSing ] *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*')
- --elseif MWSTrigger:contains(match) then
- -- equip(sets.midcast.Pet.WeaponSkill)
- -- add_to_chat(204, '*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* [ Genta is Melee WSing ] *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*')
- --elseif HPWSTrigger:contains(match) then
- -- equip(sets.midcast.Pet.WeaponSkill)
- -- add_to_chat(204, '*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* [ Genta is Magic Mortaring ] *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*')
- --end
- --[[ match = original:match('Genta uses')
- if match then
- -- After Bone crusher
- equip(sets.engaged)
- end
- match = original:match('defeats the Apex Eft')
- if match then
- add_to_chat(204, '*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* [ dead ] *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*')
- send_command('wait 1; input /p fc')
- end
- if original then
- --if then
- match = original:match('Trueamerstwin uses Cross Reaper.')
- if match then
- wscount=wscount+1
- add_to_chat(204, '*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* [ Dark SC started, closing with LS -WS = '..wscount..' ] *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*')
- send_command('wait 3; input /ws "Stringing Pummel" <t>')
- end
- --end
- end]]--
- return modified, mode
- end)
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