
Bagan creation

Mar 19th, 2023
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  1. Meanwhile, Otonashi not-so-wisely attempted to confront the newcomers, even with her own team of EDF guards…though as it turned out, these "people” weren’t people at all…they were a new alien race that humans had never seen before…these were the Garoga. Firepower had no effect on them, as they had a strange control over the space around them. Even as the firefight ensued, the core group continued to chant and concoct the strange ritual to its climax. Another Garoga motioned to the mummified bodies of the Orochi monsters, and drew from them a pair of floating objects – still well preserved and (mostly) organic – and these balls of organic tissue began to orbit the floating head. Lastly, another Garoga stood up, and, from a container, produced several dozen Godzilla skin fragments! It tossed the fragments into the air, the lot of the G-Cells being caught in the swirling vortex emanating from the strange alien device. Suddenly, all of the elements began to compound upon one-another, forming a giant sphere of organic tissue. Miyuki could only stare at it in horror…it was the birth of something new, something terrifying…
  3. The Garoga are essentially on a holy crusade – they seek to cleanse the universe of all but the strongest of life forms, so that they may accelerate the inevitable end of everything : the final step in the evolutionary process. They had created King Ghidorah as their ultimate tool of evolution, made and pointed in a certain direction with one directive: kill the strongest life forms on every planet, and whatever survives, THAT will be the strongest…whatever develops with be that much closer to the final step.
  4. Now that their "perfect creation” was usurped by a lowly race on a backwater planet, they needed a new, MORE perfect kaiju to do their dirty work. When combining the DNA of four different monsters, they had created a chimera-like amalgamation that, while it may not have suited their long-term plans, it would suffice to wipe this little planet out of existence. The pulsing mass of organic tissue, colored as dried blood would appear, began to grow exponentially! It began to reach out and grab the Garoga, who willingly gave themselves to it. Only one escaped, which was easy as the mass turned its attention of the EDF soldiers! A handful escaped along with Miyuki, and when Ozaki and his reinforcements arrived, they were rescued just in time as the mountains around the tomb began to shatter and fall apart.
  6. Bagan Bio
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