Feb 11th, 2023
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  1. --Settings--
  2. local ESP = {
  3. Enabled = false,
  4. Boxes = true,
  5. BoxShift = CFrame.new(0,-1.5,0),
  6. BoxSize = Vector3.new(4,6,0),
  7. Color = Color3.fromRGB(255, 170, 0),
  8. FaceCamera = false,
  9. Names = true,
  10. TeamColor = true,
  11. Thickness = 2,
  12. AttachShift = 1,
  13. TeamMates = true,
  14. Players = true,
  16. Objects = setmetatable({}, {__mode="kv"}),
  17. Overrides = {}
  18. }
  20. --Declarations--
  21. local cam = workspace.CurrentCamera
  22. local plrs = game:GetService("Players")
  23. local plr = plrs.LocalPlayer
  24. local mouse = plr:GetMouse()
  26. local V3new = Vector3.new
  27. local WorldToViewportPoint = cam.WorldToViewportPoint
  29. --Functions--
  30. local function Draw(obj, props)
  31. local new = Drawing.new(obj)
  33. props = props or {}
  34. for i,v in pairs(props) do
  35. new[i] = v
  36. end
  37. return new
  38. end
  40. function ESP:GetTeam(p)
  41. local ov = self.Overrides.GetTeam
  42. if ov then
  43. return ov(p)
  44. end
  46. return p and p.Team
  47. end
  49. function ESP:IsTeamMate(p)
  50. local ov = self.Overrides.IsTeamMate
  51. if ov then
  52. return ov(p)
  53. end
  55. return self:GetTeam(p) == self:GetTeam(plr)
  56. end
  58. function ESP:GetColor(obj)
  59. local ov = self.Overrides.GetColor
  60. if ov then
  61. return ov(obj)
  62. end
  63. local p = self:GetPlrFromChar(obj)
  64. return p and self.TeamColor and p.Team and p.Team.TeamColor.Color or self.Color
  65. end
  67. function ESP:GetPlrFromChar(char)
  68. local ov = self.Overrides.GetPlrFromChar
  69. if ov then
  70. return ov(char)
  71. end
  73. return plrs:GetPlayerFromCharacter(char)
  74. end
  76. function ESP:Toggle(bool)
  77. self.Enabled = bool
  78. if not bool then
  79. for i,v in pairs(self.Objects) do
  80. if v.Type == "Box" then --fov circle etc
  81. if v.Temporary then
  82. v:Remove()
  83. else
  84. for i,v in pairs(v.Components) do
  85. v.Visible = false
  86. end
  87. end
  88. end
  89. end
  90. end
  91. end
  93. function ESP:GetBox(obj)
  94. return self.Objects[obj]
  95. end
  97. function ESP:AddObjectListener(parent, options)
  98. local function NewListener(c)
  99. if type(options.Type) == "string" and c:IsA(options.Type) or options.Type == nil then
  100. if type(options.Name) == "string" and c.Name == options.Name or options.Name == nil then
  101. if not options.Validator or options.Validator(c) then
  102. local box = ESP:Add(c, {
  103. PrimaryPart = type(options.PrimaryPart) == "string" and c:WaitForChild(options.PrimaryPart) or type(options.PrimaryPart) == "function" and options.PrimaryPart(c),
  104. Color = type(options.Color) == "function" and options.Color(c) or options.Color,
  105. ColorDynamic = options.ColorDynamic,
  106. Name = type(options.CustomName) == "function" and options.CustomName(c) or options.CustomName,
  107. IsEnabled = options.IsEnabled,
  108. RenderInNil = options.RenderInNil
  109. })
  110. --TODO: add a better way of passing options
  111. if options.OnAdded then
  112. coroutine.wrap(options.OnAdded)(box)
  113. end
  114. end
  115. end
  116. end
  117. end
  119. if options.Recursive then
  120. parent.DescendantAdded:Connect(NewListener)
  121. for i,v in pairs(parent:GetDescendants()) do
  122. coroutine.wrap(NewListener)(v)
  123. end
  124. else
  125. parent.ChildAdded:Connect(NewListener)
  126. for i,v in pairs(parent:GetChildren()) do
  127. coroutine.wrap(NewListener)(v)
  128. end
  129. end
  130. end
  132. local boxBase = {}
  133. boxBase.__index = boxBase
  135. function boxBase:Remove()
  136. ESP.Objects[self.Object] = nil
  137. for i,v in pairs(self.Components) do
  138. v.Visible = false
  139. v:Remove()
  140. self.Components[i] = nil
  141. end
  142. end
  144. function boxBase:Update()
  145. if not self.PrimaryPart then
  146. --warn("not supposed to print", self.Object)
  147. return self:Remove()
  148. end
  150. local color
  151. if ESP.Highlighted == self.Object then
  152. color = ESP.HighlightColor
  153. else
  154. color = self.Color or self.ColorDynamic and self:ColorDynamic() or ESP:GetColor(self.Object) or ESP.Color
  155. end
  157. local allow = true
  158. if ESP.Overrides.UpdateAllow and not ESP.Overrides.UpdateAllow(self) then
  159. allow = false
  160. end
  161. if self.Player and not ESP.TeamMates and ESP:IsTeamMate(self.Player) then
  162. allow = false
  163. end
  164. if self.Player and not ESP.Players then
  165. allow = false
  166. end
  167. if self.IsEnabled and (type(self.IsEnabled) == "string" and not ESP[self.IsEnabled] or type(self.IsEnabled) == "function" and not self:IsEnabled()) then
  168. allow = false
  169. end
  170. if not workspace:IsAncestorOf(self.PrimaryPart) and not self.RenderInNil then
  171. allow = false
  172. end
  174. if not allow then
  175. for i,v in pairs(self.Components) do
  176. v.Visible = false
  177. end
  178. return
  179. end
  181. if ESP.Highlighted == self.Object then
  182. color = ESP.HighlightColor
  183. end
  185. --calculations--
  186. local cf = self.PrimaryPart.CFrame
  187. if ESP.FaceCamera then
  188. cf = CFrame.new(cf.p, cam.CFrame.p)
  189. end
  190. local size = self.Size
  191. local locs = {
  192. TopLeft = cf * ESP.BoxShift * CFrame.new(size.X/2,size.Y/2,0),
  193. TopRight = cf * ESP.BoxShift * CFrame.new(-size.X/2,size.Y/2,0),
  194. BottomLeft = cf * ESP.BoxShift * CFrame.new(size.X/2,-size.Y/2,0),
  195. BottomRight = cf * ESP.BoxShift * CFrame.new(-size.X/2,-size.Y/2,0),
  196. TagPos = cf * ESP.BoxShift * CFrame.new(0,size.Y/2,0),
  197. Torso = cf * ESP.BoxShift
  198. }
  200. if ESP.Boxes then
  201. local TopLeft, Vis1 = WorldToViewportPoint(cam, locs.TopLeft.p)
  202. local TopRight, Vis2 = WorldToViewportPoint(cam, locs.TopRight.p)
  203. local BottomLeft, Vis3 = WorldToViewportPoint(cam, locs.BottomLeft.p)
  204. local BottomRight, Vis4 = WorldToViewportPoint(cam, locs.BottomRight.p)
  206. if self.Components.Quad then
  207. if Vis1 or Vis2 or Vis3 or Vis4 then
  208. self.Components.Quad.Visible = true
  209. self.Components.Quad.PointA = Vector2.new(TopRight.X, TopRight.Y)
  210. self.Components.Quad.PointB = Vector2.new(TopLeft.X, TopLeft.Y)
  211. self.Components.Quad.PointC = Vector2.new(BottomLeft.X, BottomLeft.Y)
  212. self.Components.Quad.PointD = Vector2.new(BottomRight.X, BottomRight.Y)
  213. self.Components.Quad.Color = color
  214. else
  215. self.Components.Quad.Visible = false
  216. end
  217. end
  218. else
  219. self.Components.Quad.Visible = false
  220. end
  222. if ESP.Names then
  223. local TagPos, Vis5 = WorldToViewportPoint(cam, locs.TagPos.p)
  225. if Vis5 then
  226. self.Components.Name.Visible = true
  227. self.Components.Name.Position = Vector2.new(TagPos.X, TagPos.Y)
  228. self.Components.Name.Text = self.Name
  229. self.Components.Name.Color = color
  231. self.Components.Distance.Visible = true
  232. self.Components.Distance.Position = Vector2.new(TagPos.X, TagPos.Y + 14)
  233. self.Components.Distance.Text = math.floor((cam.CFrame.p - cf.p).magnitude) .."m away"
  234. self.Components.Distance.Color = color
  235. else
  236. self.Components.Name.Visible = false
  237. self.Components.Distance.Visible = false
  238. end
  239. else
  240. self.Components.Name.Visible = false
  241. self.Components.Distance.Visible = false
  242. end
  244. if ESP.Tracers then
  245. local TorsoPos, Vis6 = WorldToViewportPoint(cam, locs.Torso.p)
  247. if Vis6 then
  248. self.Components.Tracer.Visible = true
  249. self.Components.Tracer.From = Vector2.new(TorsoPos.X, TorsoPos.Y)
  250. self.Components.Tracer.To = Vector2.new(cam.ViewportSize.X/2,cam.ViewportSize.Y/ESP.AttachShift)
  251. self.Components.Tracer.Color = color
  252. else
  253. self.Components.Tracer.Visible = false
  254. end
  255. else
  256. self.Components.Tracer.Visible = false
  257. end
  258. end
  260. function ESP:Add(obj, options)
  261. if not obj.Parent and not options.RenderInNil then
  262. return warn(obj, "has no parent")
  263. end
  265. local box = setmetatable({
  266. Name = options.Name or obj.Name,
  267. Type = "Box",
  268. Color = options.Color --[[or self:GetColor(obj)]],
  269. Size = options.Size or self.BoxSize,
  270. Object = obj,
  271. Player = options.Player or plrs:GetPlayerFromCharacter(obj),
  272. PrimaryPart = options.PrimaryPart or obj.ClassName == "Model" and (obj.PrimaryPart or obj:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") or obj:FindFirstChildWhichIsA("BasePart")) or obj:IsA("BasePart") and obj,
  273. Components = {},
  274. IsEnabled = options.IsEnabled,
  275. Temporary = options.Temporary,
  276. ColorDynamic = options.ColorDynamic,
  277. RenderInNil = options.RenderInNil
  278. }, boxBase)
  280. if self:GetBox(obj) then
  281. self:GetBox(obj):Remove()
  282. end
  284. box.Components["Quad"] = Draw("Quad", {
  285. Thickness = self.Thickness,
  286. Color = color,
  287. Transparency = 1,
  288. Filled = false,
  289. Visible = self.Enabled and self.Boxes
  290. })
  291. box.Components["Name"] = Draw("Text", {
  292. Text = box.Name,
  293. Color = box.Color,
  294. Center = true,
  295. Outline = true,
  296. Size = 19,
  297. Visible = self.Enabled and self.Names
  298. })
  299. box.Components["Distance"] = Draw("Text", {
  300. Color = box.Color,
  301. Center = true,
  302. Outline = true,
  303. Size = 19,
  304. Visible = self.Enabled and self.Names
  305. })
  307. box.Components["Tracer"] = Draw("Line", {
  308. Thickness = ESP.Thickness,
  309. Color = box.Color,
  310. Transparency = 1,
  311. Visible = self.Enabled and self.Tracers
  312. })
  313. self.Objects[obj] = box
  315. obj.AncestryChanged:Connect(function(_, parent)
  316. if parent == nil and ESP.AutoRemove ~= false then
  317. box:Remove()
  318. end
  319. end)
  320. obj:GetPropertyChangedSignal("Parent"):Connect(function()
  321. if obj.Parent == nil and ESP.AutoRemove ~= false then
  322. box:Remove()
  323. end
  324. end)
  326. local hum = obj:FindFirstChildOfClass("Humanoid")
  327. if hum then
  328. hum.Died:Connect(function()
  329. if ESP.AutoRemove ~= false then
  330. box:Remove()
  331. end
  332. end)
  333. end
  335. return box
  336. end
  338. local function CharAdded(char)
  339. local p = plrs:GetPlayerFromCharacter(char)
  340. if not char:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") then
  341. local ev
  342. ev = char.ChildAdded:Connect(function(c)
  343. if c.Name == "HumanoidRootPart" then
  344. ev:Disconnect()
  345. ESP:Add(char, {
  346. Name = p.Name,
  347. Player = p,
  348. PrimaryPart = c
  349. })
  350. end
  351. end)
  352. else
  353. ESP:Add(char, {
  354. Name = p.Name,
  355. Player = p,
  356. PrimaryPart = char.HumanoidRootPart
  357. })
  358. end
  359. end
  360. local function PlayerAdded(p)
  361. p.CharacterAdded:Connect(CharAdded)
  362. if p.Character then
  363. coroutine.wrap(CharAdded)(p.Character)
  364. end
  365. end
  366. plrs.PlayerAdded:Connect(PlayerAdded)
  367. for i,v in pairs(plrs:GetPlayers()) do
  368. if v ~= plr then
  369. PlayerAdded(v)
  370. end
  371. end
  373. game:GetService("RunService").RenderStepped:Connect(function()
  374. cam = workspace.CurrentCamera
  375. for i,v in (ESP.Enabled and pairs or ipairs)(ESP.Objects) do
  376. if v.Update then
  377. local s,e = pcall(v.Update, v)
  378. if not s then warn("[EU]", e, v.Object:GetFullName()) end
  379. end
  380. end
  381. end)
  383. return ESP
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