
Heal by prayer

Aug 25th, 2023 (edited)
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  1. Chapter 1:4 - Towards a New SuperScience - page 14
  3. And while it's true that many people believe in the power of prayer to
  4. cure disease, there's never been any verifiable evidence to support the
  5. practice. That's not to say it's not possible—it certainly is possible that
  6. prayer aids in healing—but it could very well be that these prayers are
  7. being applied in a nonoptimal fashion, thus explaining the lack of evidence for their effectiveness. The truth is we don't know because current scientific methods and religious sensitivities don't allow this type
  8. of study. What if those praying are simply praying to the wrong God, or
  9. offending Him somehow? What if, by the wearing of a simple eye patch
  10. or Pirate bandanna, those praying might have their prayers answered by
  11. the FSM?
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