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- @echo off & setlocal enableDelayedExpansion & mode 50,50
- if "%~1" neq "" goto :%~1
- call :macros
- call :cMouse
- %button% 20 33
- %button% 25 33
- %button% 30 33
- %button% 10 16
- %button% 10 19
- %button% 10 25
- %button% 10 28
- %button% 48 2
- set "money=500"
- set /a "i1=1", "i2=3", "i3=5"
- for %%a in ("" "" "" " 1. Master" " 2. Daring" " 3. Getting there!" " 4. Slug" " 5. Dead sloth" "") do echo=%%~a
- set /p "difficulty=Select difficulty: "
- if !difficulty! gtr 15 set "difficulty=15"
- if !difficulty! lss 1 set "difficulty=1"
- echo. & echo Current funds: %money%
- set /p "bet=How much do you want to bet?: "
- if !bet! gtr %money% set /a "bet=money"
- if !bet! lss 1 set "bet=1"
- set /a "speed=difficulty"
- set "b[6]=true"
- if exist getClickInfo.txt del /f /q getClickInfo.txt
- ( start /b cmd /c "%~nx0" Controller ) | "%~nx0" GAME_ENGINE
- goto :eof
- for /l %%# in () do (
- rem ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- rem scrolling number engine
- if "!stopScroll!" neq "true" (
- set /a "frame+=1", "sd=frame %% speed"
- if !sd! equ 0 (
- set /a "gframe+=1"
- if "!l1!" equ "" if "!b[6]!" neq "true" ( set /a "i1=(!random! %% 5 + 5)" ) else ( set /a "i1=((gframe + 1) + 1) %% 10" )
- if "!l2!" equ "" if "!b[6]!" neq "true" ( set /a "i2=(!random! %% 5 + 5)" ) else ( set /a "i2=((gframe + 3) + 1) %% 10" )
- if "!l3!" equ "" if "!b[6]!" neq "true" ( set /a "i3=(!random! %% 5 + 5)" ) else ( set /a "i3=((gframe + 5) + 1) %% 10" )
- )
- ( for %%p in (%button[8](c):c=16%) do %plot% %%~p )
- ) else (
- for %%r in (%button[1](c):c=16% %button[2](c):c=16% %button[3](c):c=16% ) do %plot% %%~r
- )
- rem ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- rem ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- rem capture clickable information
- if exist getClickInfo.txt ( < getClickInfo.txt ( set /p "mx=" & set /p "my=" ))
- rem Stop game
- if !my! geq 1 if !my! leq 3 if !mx! geq 47 if !mx! leq 50 ( ( for %%p in (%button[8](c):c=9%) do %plot% %%~p )
- if "!stopScroll!" neq "true" ( set "stopScroll=true" & set "l1=" & set "l2=" & set "l3=" ) else ( set "stopScroll=false")
- )
- rem Scrolling numbers buttons
- if !my! geq 30 if !my! leq 32 (
- if !mx! geq 18 if !mx! leq 21 ( ( for %%p in (%button[1](c):c=10%) do %plot% %%~p ) & set /a "l1=i1" )
- if !mx! geq 23 if !mx! leq 26 ( ( for %%p in (%button[2](c):c=10%) do %plot% %%~p ) & set /a "l2=i2" )
- if !mx! geq 28 if !mx! leq 31 ( ( for %%p in (%button[3](c):c=10%) do %plot% %%~p ) & set /a "l3=i3" )
- )
- rem Scrolling or Random Numbers buttons
- if !my! geq 23 if !my! leq 25 if !mx! geq 9 if !mx! leq 12 ( set "b[6]=true" & <nul set /p "=%esc%[2J")
- if !my! geq 26 if !my! leq 28 if !mx! geq 9 if !mx! leq 12 ( set "b[6]=false" & <nul set /p "=%esc%[2J")
- if "!b[6]!" equ "true" ( for %%r in (%button[6](c):c=11%) do ( %plot% %%~r ) ) else ( for %%r in (%button[7](c):c=11%) do ( %plot% %%~r ) )
- rem Toggle BET:MORE/LESS buttons
- if "!turnOffButton!" equ "" (
- if !my! geq 14 if !my! leq 16 if !mx! geq 9 if !mx! leq 12 ( set /a "turnOffButton=frame + 10" & set "b[4]=true" & if !bet! leq 10000 set /a "bet*=2" & <nul set /p "=%esc%[2J")
- if !my! geq 17 if !my! leq 19 if !mx! geq 9 if !mx! leq 12 ( set /a "turnOffButton=frame + 10" & set "b[5]=true" & if !bet! geq 5 set /a "bet/=2" & <nul set /p "=%esc%[2J")
- )
- if "!b[4]!" equ "true" if !frame! gtr !turnOffButton! ( ( for %%r in (%button[4](c):c=16%) do ( %plot% %%~r )) & set "b[4]=false" & set "turnOffButton=" ) else ( ( for %%p in (%button[4](c):c=9%) do %plot% %%~p ) )
- if "!b[5]!" equ "true" if !frame! gtr !turnOffButton! ( ( for %%r in (%button[5](c):c=16%) do ( %plot% %%~r )) & set "b[5]=false" & set "turnOffButton=" ) else ( ( for %%p in (%button[5](c):c=9%) do %plot% %%~p ) )
- ( set "mx=" & set "my=") & if exist getClickInfo.txt del /f /q getClickInfo.txt
- rem ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- rem This is what happens when all the buttons are clicked
- if "!l1!" equ "4" if "!l2!" equ "0" if "!l3!" equ "4" ( call :winningOdds )
- if defined l1 if defined l2 if defined l3 ( if "!l1!" equ "!l2!" ( if "!l2!" equ "!l3!" ( call :winningOdds ) else ( call :losingOdds ) ) else ( call :losingOdds ) )
- rem ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- rem ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- rem draw sevenSegmentDisplay
- call :sevenSegmentDisplay !i1! 43 20 20
- call :sevenSegmentDisplay !i2! 57 25 20
- call :sevenSegmentDisplay !i3! 90 30 20
- rem draw clickable buttons
- %plot% 1 16 10 "BET:More"
- %buttonDisplay% 9 15 7
- %plot% 1 19 10 "BET:Less"
- %buttonDisplay% 9 18 7
- %plot% 2 25 11 "Scroll"
- %buttonDisplay% 9 24 7
- %plot% 2 28 11 "Random"
- %buttonDisplay% 9 27 7
- %plot% 42 2 9 "STOP"
- %buttonDisplay% 47 1 7
- %buttonDisplay% 19 32 7
- %buttonDisplay% 24 32 7
- %buttonDisplay% 29 32 7
- rem ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- rem display the screen
- <nul set /p "=!screen! %esc%[6;5H Difficulty - !difficulty! Money: !money! Bet: !bet!" & set "screen="
- )
- :exit
- exit
- :Controller
- for %%a in (c x y) do set "%%a="
- for /f "tokens=1-3" %%W in ('"%temp%\Mouse.exe"') do set /a "mc=%%W,mx=%%X,my=%%Y"
- ( echo !mx!
- echo !my!
- )>getClickInfo.txt
- goto :controller
- :winningOdds
- %plot% 24 15 10 "WINNER"
- ( set /a "money+=(bet + (bet / difficulty) + 10)", "i1=1", "i2=3", "i3=5") & set "l1=" & set "l2=" & set "l3="
- for %%r in (%button[1](c):c=16% %button[2](c):c=16% %button[3](c):c=16% ) do %plot% %%~r
- call :particleAnimation
- goto :eof
- :losingOdds
- ( set /a "i1=1", "i2=3", "i3=5") & set "l1=" & set "l2=" & set "l3="
- for %%r in (%button[1](c):c=16% %button[2](c):c=16% %button[3](c):c=16% ) do %plot% %%~r
- goto :eof
- :particleAnimation
- for /l %%p in (0,1,50) do (
- set /a "tx[%%p]=%%p", "ty[%%p]=!random! %% 10 + 50", "alpha[%%p]=255", "lifeSpan[%%p]=!random! %% 10 + 15" & set "a[%%p]=true"
- )
- for /l %%# in (1,1,20) do (
- for /l %%p in (1,1,50) do (
- if "!a[%%p]!" equ "true" (
- set /a "ty[%%p]+=-1", "lifeSpan[%%p]-=1", "alpha[%%p]-=1"
- if !lifeSpan[%%p]! leq 0 ( set "a[%%p]=false" ) else ( %plot% !tx[%%p]! !ty[%%p]! !alpha[%%p]! Û )
- ) else (
- set /a "ty[%%p]=!random! %% 10 + 50", "alpha[%%p]=255", "lifeSpan[%%p]=!random! %% 10 + 15" & set "a[%%p]=true"
- )
- )
- for /l %%a in (1,15,1000000) do rem
- <nul set /p "=!screen!" & set "screen="
- )
- <nul set /p "=%esc%[2J"
- goto :eof
- :sevenSegmentDisplay
- if not defined n[9] (
- set /a "n[0]=0x7E", "n[1]=0x30", "n[2]=0x6D", "n[3]=0x79", "n[4]=0x33", "n[5]=0x5B", "n[6]=0x5F", "n[7]=0x70", "n[8]=0x7F", "n[9]=0x7B"
- )
- set /a "index=%~1", "posX_1=%~3", "posX_2=%~3 + 1", "posX_3=%~3 + 2", "posX_4=%~3 - 1", "posY_1=%~4", "posY_2=%~4 + 1", "posY_3=%~4 + 2", "posY_4=%~4 + 3", "posY_5=%~4 + 4", "posY_6=%~4 + 5", "posY_7=%~4 + 6"
- for %%i in (!index!) do (
- set /a "a=%~2 * ((n[%%i] >> 6) & 1)"
- %plot% !posX_1! !posY_1! !a! Û
- %plot% !posX_2! !posY_1! !a! Û
- set /a "a=%~2 * ((n[%%i] >> 5) & 1)"
- %plot% !posX_3! !posY_2! !a! Û
- %plot% !posX_3! !posY_3! !a! Û
- set /a "a=%~2 * ((n[%%i] >> 4) & 1)"
- %plot% !posX_3! !posY_5! !a! Û
- %plot% !posX_3! !posY_6! !a! Û
- set /a "a=%~2 * ((n[%%i] >> 3) & 1)"
- %plot% !posX_1! !posY_7! !a! Û
- %plot% !posX_2! !posY_7! !a! Û
- set /a "a=%~2 * ((n[%%i] >> 2) & 1)"
- %plot% !posX_4! !posY_5! !a! Û
- %plot% !posX_4! !posY_6! !a! Û
- set /a "a=%~2 * ((n[%%i] >> 1) & 1)"
- %plot% !posX_4! !posY_2! !a! Û
- %plot% !posX_4! !posY_3! !a! Û
- set /a "a=%~2 * ((n[%%i] >> 0) & 1)"
- %plot% !posX_1! !posY_4! !a! Û
- %plot% !posX_2! !posY_4! !a! Û
- )
- goto :eof
- :macros
- rem ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- set ^"LF=^
- ^" Above empty line is required - do not remove
- set ^"\n=^^^%LF%%LF%^%LF%%LF%^^"
- for /F %%a in ('echo prompt $E^| cmd') do set "ESC=%%a"
- <nul set /p "=!esc:c=10%
- REM echo %button[2](c):c=10%
- rem We do this because C is variable, and we want to be able to change colors on the fly.
- rem Here is example of how to display this button
- rem for %a in (%buttonDisplay[1](c):c=9%) do PLOT %~a
- rem Since the button data is an array of information we want to loop through it, and plot the data
- set "buttons="
- set button=for %%# in (1 2) do if %%#==2 ( for /f "tokens=1-3" %%1 in ("^!args^!") do (%\n%
- set /a "$bxp1=%%~1 + 1", "buttons+=1"%\n%
- for /f "tokens=1-2" %%b in ("^!$bxp1^! ^!buttons^!") do ( set "button[%%c]^(c^)="%%~1 %%~2 c Û" "%%~b %%~2 c Û"")%\n%
- )) else set args=
- rem %buttonDisplay% x y c - This macro is used to display a border around the buttons we created from BUTTON
- set buttonDisplay=for %%# in (1 2) do if %%#==2 ( for /f "tokens=1-3" %%1 in ("^!args^!") do (%\n%
- set /a "$bx1=%%~1", "$bx2=$bx1 + 1", "$bx3=$bx1 + 2", "$bx4=$bx1 + 3", "$by1=%%~2", "$by2=$by1 + 1", "$by3=$by1 + 2", "$bc=%%~3"%\n%
- for %%b in ("^!$bx1^! ^!$by1^! ^!$bc^! É" "^!$bx2^! ^!$by1^! ^!$bc^! Í" "^!$bx3^! ^!$by1^! ^!$bc^! Í" "^!$bx4^! ^!$by1^! ^!$bc^! »" "^!$bx4^! ^!$by2^! ^!$bc^! º" "^!$bx4^! ^!$by3^! ^!$bc^! ¼" "^!$bx3^! ^!$by3^! ^!$bc^! Í" "^!$bx2^! ^!$by3^! ^!$bc^! Í" "^!$bx1^! ^!$by3^! ^!$bc^! È" "^!$bx1^! ^!$by2^! ^!$bc^! º") do ( ^!plot^! %%~b )%\n%
- )) else set args=
- rem ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- goto :eof
- :cMouse
- if not exist "%temp%\mouse.exe" (
- "ZENvbnNvbGVJbnB1dEEAAAAA") do echo %%~a>>cMouse.txt
- certutil -decode cMouse.txt %temp%\mouse.exe >nul
- del /f /q cmouse.txt
- )
- goto :eof
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