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- data BTree a = Empty | Node Int (BTree a) a (BTree a) deriving Show
- -- Suponemos que lo hace de manera consciente.
- sizeBT :: BTree a -> Int
- sizeBT Empty = 0
- sizeBT (Node size _ _ _) = size
- nth :: BTree a -> Int -> a
- nth (Node size l d r) indice | indice < sizeL = nth l indice
- | indice == sizeL = d
- | otherwise = nth r (indice - sizeL - 1)
- where sizeL = sizeBT l
- cons :: a -> BTree a -> BTree a
- cons dato Empty = Node 1 Empty dato Empty
- cons dato (Node size l d r) = Node (size + 1) (cons dato l) d r
- tabulateAux :: (Int -> a) -> Int -> Int -> BTree a
- tabulateAux f 0 _ = Empty
- tabulateAux f numero offset | (mod numero 2) == 0 = let mitadI = div numero 2
- mitadD = (div numero 2) - 1
- tabI = tabulateAux f mitadI offset
- dato = f (mitadI + offset)
- tabD = tabulateAux f mitadD (offset + mitadI + 1)
- in (Node numero tabI dato tabD)
- | otherwise = let mitad = div numero 2
- tabI = tabulateAux f mitad offset
- dato = f (mitad + offset)
- tabD = tabulateAux f mitad (offset + mitad + 1)
- in (Node numero tabI dato tabD)
- tabulate :: (Int -> a) -> Int -> BTree a
- tabulate f numero = tabulateAux f numero 0
- mapBT :: (a -> b) -> BTree a -> BTree b
- mapBT f Empty = Empty
- mapBT f (Node size l d r) = Node size mapL (f d) mapR
- where mapL = mapBT f l
- mapR = mapBT f r
- takeBT :: Int -> BTree a -> BTree a
- takeBT n Empty = Empty
- takeBT 0 _ = Empty
- takeBT n (Node size l d r) | n <= sizeL = takeBT n l
- | n == (sizeL + 1) = Node n l d Empty
- | otherwise = Node (min size n) l d (takeBT (n - sizeL - 1) r)
- where sizeL = sizeBT l
- dropBT :: Int -> BTree a -> BTree a
- dropBT n Empty = Empty
- dropBT n (Node size l d r) | n <= sizeL = Node (size - n) (dropBT n l) d r
- | n == (sizeL + 1) = r
- | otherwise = dropBT (n - sizeL - 1) r
- where sizeL = sizeBT l
- data Tree a = E | Leaf a | Join (Tree a) (Tree a)
- mapreduce :: (a -> b) -> (b -> b -> b) -> b -> Tree a -> b
- mapreduce f g e = mr where mr E = e
- mr (Leaf x) = f x
- mr (Join l r) = g (mr l) (mr r)
- fMap :: Int -> (Int, Int, Int, Int)
- fMap x = (x, max x 0, max x 0, max x 0)
- fRed :: (Num a, Ord a) => (a, a, a, a) -> (a, a, a, a) -> (a, a, a, a)
- fRed (mSumL,mPrefL,mSufL,sumL) (mSumR,mPrefR,mSufR,sumR) = let mSumT = max (max mSumL mSumR) (mSufL + mPrefR)
- mPrefT = max mPrefL (sumL + mPrefR)
- mSufT = max mSufR (mSufL + sumR)
- sumT = sumL + sumR
- in (mSumT, mPrefT, mSufT, sumT)
- mcssAux :: Tree Int -> (Int,Int,Int,Int)
- mcssAux tree = mapreduce fMap fRed casoBase tree
- where casoBase = (minBound, 0, 0, 0)
- mcss :: Tree Int -> Int
- mcss t = let (a,b,c,d) = mcssAux t
- in a
- data Tree a = E | Leaf a | Join (Tree a) (Tree a) deriving Show
- reduceT :: (a -> a -> a) -> a -> Tree a -> a
- reduceT f e E = e
- reduceT f e (Leaf x) = x
- reduceT f e (Join l r) = f (reduceT f e l) (reduceT f e r)
- mapreduce :: (a -> b) -> (b -> b -> b) -> b -> Tree a -> b
- mapreduce f g e = mr where mr E = e
- mr (Leaf x) = f x
- mr (Join l r) = g (mr l) (mr r)
- smartJoin :: Tree Int -> Tree Int -> Tree Int
- smartJoin t1 E = t1
- smartJoin t1 t2 = Join t1 t2
- sufijosAux :: Tree Int -> Tree Int -> (Tree (Int, Tree Int), Tree Int)
- sufijosAux E tAcum = (Leaf (0, tAcum) , tAcum) -- Tipo correcto.
- sufijosAux (Leaf x) tAcum = (Leaf (x, tAcum), tRes) where tRes = (smartJoin (Leaf x) tAcum) -- Tipo correcto.
- sufijosAux (Join l r) tAcum = (Join hijoIzq hijoDer, acumIzq) --lI y lD deben ser Tree (Int, Tree Int)
- where (hijoDer, acumDer) = sufijosAux r tAcum
- (hijoIzq, acumIzq) = sufijosAux l acumDer
- conSufijos :: Tree Int -> Tree (Int, Tree Int)
- conSufijos tree = t1 where (t1, _) = sufijosAux tree E
- maxT :: Tree Int -> Int
- maxT tree = reduceT max 0 tree
- maxVenta :: (Int, Tree Int) -> Int
- maxVenta (compra, arbolVentas) = (maxT arbolVentas) - compra
- maxAll :: Tree (Int, Tree Int) -> Int
- maxAll tree = mapreduce maxVenta max 0 tree
- mejorGanancia :: Tree Int -> Int
- mejorGanancia tree = maxAll (conSufijos tree)
- ej = Join (Join (Leaf 10) (Leaf 150)) (Leaf 20) :: Tree Int
- ej2 = Join (Join (Join (Leaf 5) (Leaf 3) ) (Join (Leaf 4) (Leaf 1))) (Leaf 5) :: Tree Int
- data T a = E | N (T a) a (T a)
- altura :: T a -> Int
- altura E = 0
- altura (N l x r ) = 1 + max (altura l , altura r )
- seekAndDestroy :: T a -> (T a, a)
- seekAndDestroy (N E d E) = (E, d)
- seekAndDestroy (N E d r) = (r, d)
- seekAndDestroy (N l d r) = ((N arbolNuevo d r), raiz) where (arbolNuevo, raiz) = seekAndDestroy l
- combinar :: T a -> T a -> T a
- combinar t1 E = t1
- combinar E t2 = t2
- combinar (N l d E) t2 = N l d t2
- combinar (N E d r) t2 = N t2 d r
- combinar t1@(N l d r) t2 = N nuevot1 nuevaRaiz t2 where (nuevot1, nuevaRaiz) = seekAndDestroy t1
- combinarCeci :: T a -> T a -> T a
- combinarCeci E t = t
- combinarCeci (Node l d r) t = Node t d (combinar l r)
- filterT :: (a -> Bool) -> T a -> T a
- filterT pred E = E
- filterT pred (N l d r) = if (pred d) then N (filterT l) d (filterT r)
- else combinar (filterT l) (filterT r)
- -- Estoy convencido que se debe poder hacer más fácil, pero anda
- filterT2 :: (a -> Bool) -> T a -> (T a, T a)
- filterT2 pred E = (E, E)
- filterT2 pred (N l d r) = let (lMenores, lMayores) = filterT2 pred l
- (rMenores, rMayores) = filterT2 pred r
- in if (pred d) then (N lMenores d rMenores, combinar lMayores rMayores)
- else (combinar lMenores rMenores, N lMayores d rMayores)
- quickSortT :: T Int -> T Int
- quickSortT E = E
- quickSortT tree@(N l d r) = let (N ll d' rr, right) = filterT2 (\x -> x <= d) tree
- in N (quickSortT (combinar ll rr)) d (quickSortT right)
- {-
- Para agregar control de casos ilegales, agregar esto al principio de la guarda:
- | n < 0 = (E, raiz)
- | n >= size = (raiz, E)
- -}
- splitAtBT :: BTree a -> Int -> (BTree a, BTree a)
- splitAtBT Empty n = (Empty, Empty)
- splitAtBT raiz@(Node size l d r) n | n <= sizeL = let (mitadI, mitadD) = splitAtBT l n
- in (mitadI, Node (size - n) mitadD d r)
- | n == (sizeL + 1) = (Node n l d Empty, r)
- | otherwise = let (mitadI, mitadD) = splitAtBT r (n - sizeL - 1)
- in (Node n l d mitadI, mitadD)
- where sizeL = sizeBT l
- ej1 = Node 7 (Node 3 (Node 1 Empty 1 Empty) 2 (Node 1 Empty 3 Empty)) 4 (Node 3 (Node 1 Empty 5 Empty) 6 (Node 1 Empty 7 Empty)) :: BTree Int
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