

May 21st, 2021 (edited)
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  1. The Open Group Certified: TOGAF® 9 Certified
  2. Issued by The Open Group
  3. Badge earners are able, in addition to the knowledge and comprehension of TOGAF 9 Foundation, to analyze and apply this knowledge. This includes the terminology, structure, and concepts of the TOGAF 9 Standard. It includes understanding the core principles of Enterprise Architecture, the TOGAF ADM Phases, the TOGAF Content Metamodel, TOGAF ADM tools and techniques, as well as approaches for adapting the TOGAF ADM.
  5. Badge earners are able, in addition to the knowledge and comprehension of TOGAF 9 Foundation, to analyze and apply this knowledge. This includes the terminology, structure, and concepts of the TOGAF 9 Standard. It includes understanding the core principles of Enterprise Architecture, the TOGAF ADM Phases, the TOGAF Content Metamodel, TOGAF ADM tools and techniques, as well as approaches for adapting the TOGAF ADM.
  7. Skills:
  8. -Enterprise Architecture
  9. -TOGAF
  10. -TOGAF ADM
  11. Earning Criteria:
  12. Certification is open to all applicants – there is no requirement for any previous certification.
  13. To achieve certification to the TOGAF 9 Certified Body of Knowledge a Candidate must complete the 13 Level 1 Learning Units and the 27 Level 2 Learning Units defined in the Conformance Requirements Document and pass the TOGAF 9 Part 1 and the TOGAF 9 Part 2 examinations.
  14. Candidates are required to have passed both the TOGAF 9 Part 1 examination and the TOGAF 9 Part 2 examination. The examinations may be taken separately or together as a combined examination. The Part 1 examination consists of 40 questions in simple multiple choice format with a 55% pass mark. The Part 2 examination consists of 8 gradient scored complex scenario-based questions with a 60% pass mark.
  15. The duration of certification is indefinite – certification is to a given version of the Body of Knowledge and does not expire, so there are no re-certification or renewal requirements.
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