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- q: What is Node.js? Where can you use it?
- ans:
- - Node.js is an open-source, cross-platform JavaScript runtime environment and library.
- - It is used for creating server-side web applications.
- - Node.js can be used for developing real-time web applications, network applications, general-purpose applications, and distributed systems.
- q: Why use Node.js?
- ans:
- - Node.js is generally fast and rarely blocks.
- - It offers a unified programming language and data type, as everything is asynchronous.
- - It yields great concurrency, making it suitable for handling multiple requests simultaneously.
- q: How does Node.js work?
- ans:
- - Clients send requests to the web server.
- - Node.js retrieves incoming requests and adds them to the Event Queue.
- - The Event Loop processes simple requests and passes them to the corresponding clients.
- - Complex requests are assigned to a single thread from the Thread Pool.
- - Once the task is completed, the response is sent back to the client.
- q: Why is Node.js Single-threaded?
- ans:
- - Node.js is single-threaded for async processing, which improves performance and scalability under typical web loads.
- q: If Node.js is single-threaded, then how does it handle concurrency?
- ans:
- - Node.js follows the Single-Threaded Event Loop Model.
- - It manages concurrency through the event loop, which processes multiple client requests asynchronously.
- q: Explain callback in Node.js.
- ans:
- - A callback function is called after a given task, allowing other code to run in the meantime.
- - Node.js heavily relies on callbacks for asynchronous operations.
- q: What are the advantages of using promises instead of callbacks?
- ans:
- - Promises offer a more structured control flow for asynchronous logic.
- - They have low coupling, built-in error handling, and improved readability compared to callbacks.
- q: How would you define the term I/O?
- ans:
- - I/O refers to transferring data to or from a medium, such as physical devices, networks, or files within a system.
- q: How is Node.js most frequently used?
- ans:
- - Node.js is widely used for real-time chats, Internet of Things, single-page applications, streaming applications, real-time collaboration tools, and microservices architecture.
- q: What is NPM?
- ans:
- - NPM stands for Node Package Manager, responsible for managing packages and modules for Node.js.
- - It provides online repositories for Node.js packages/modules and a command-line utility for package management.
- q: What are the modules in Node.js?
- ans:
- - Core Modules like HTTP, util, fs, url, query string, stream, and zlib provide basic functionality for web applications.
- - Additional modules can be included using the require() function.
- q: What is the purpose of the module .Exports?
- ans:
- - .Exports is used to encapsulate code into a single unit that can be imported into another file using the require() function.
- q: Why is Node.js preferred over other backend technologies like Java and PHP?
- ans:
- - Node.js is preferred for its speed, extensive package ecosystem (NPM), suitability for real-time applications, synchronization of code between server and client, and ease of use for JavaScript developers.
- q: What is the difference between Angular and Node.js?
- ans:
- - Angular is a frontend development framework written in TypeScript for building single-page applications.
- - Node.js is a server-side environment written in C++ for building fast and scalable networking applications.
- q: Which database is more popularly used with Node.js?
- ans:
- - MongoDB is the most commonly used database with Node.js due to its NoSQL, document-oriented nature, high performance, availability, and scalability.
- q: What are some of the most commonly used libraries in Node.js?
- ans:
- - ExpressJS: A flexible web application framework.
- - Mongoose: A framework for connecting applications to databases.
- q: What are the pros and cons of Node.js?
- ans:
- Pros:
- - Fast processing and event-based model.
- - Extensive package ecosystem (NPM).
- - Suitable for streaming data and I/O intensive operations.
- Cons:
- - Not suitable for heavy computational tasks.
- - Complex callback handling.
- - Limited support for relational databases.
- q: What is the command used to import external libraries?
- ans:
- - The "require" command is used to import external libraries/modules in Node.js.
- q: What does event-driven programming mean?
- ans:
- - Event-driven programming uses events to trigger functions, allowing asynchronous execution of tasks based on user actions or system events.
- q: What is an Event Loop in Node.js?
- ans:
- - The Event Loop is a mechanism that handles asynchronous callbacks in Node.js, ensuring non-blocking I/O operations.
- q: Differentiate between process.nextTick() and setImmediate()?
- ans:
- - process.nextTick() postpones the execution of a callback until the next pass around the event loop or after the current execution.
- - setImmediate() executes a callback on the next cycle of the event loop, returning control to the event loop for I/O operations.
- q: What is an EventEmitter in Node.js?
- ans:
- - EventEmitter is a class that holds objects capable of emitting events.
- - When an event occurs, all attached functions are called synchronously.
- q: What are the two types of API functions in Node.js?
- ans:
- - Asynchronous, non-blocking functions.
- - Synchronous, blocking functions.
- q: What is the package.json file?
- ans:
- - The package.json file contains metadata for a Node.js project, including dependencies, scripts, and other project-specific information.
- q: How would you use a URL module in Node.js?
- ans:
- - The URL module provides utilities for URL resolution and parsing in Node.js, making web address manipulation easier.
- q: What is the Express.js package?
- ans:
- - Express.js is a flexible web application framework for Node.js, providing features to develop both web and mobile applications.
- q: How do you create a simple Express.js application?
- ans:
- - Create route handlers using request and response objects.
- - Set up routes using the Express Router.
- - Define middleware functions for various tasks.
- q: What are streams in Node.js?
- ans:
- - Streams are objects used for continuous reading or writing of data.
- - There are four types: Readable, Writable, Duplex, and Transform.
- q: What is piping in Node.js?
- ans:
- - Piping is a mechanism to connect the output of one stream to the input of another stream, facilitating data transfer between streams.
- q: What are some of the flags used in the read/write operations in files?
- ans:
- - Flags like 'r', 'w', 'a', 'r+', 'w+', 'a+', etc., are used in file read/write operations to specify the file's opening mode.
- q: How do you open a file in Node.js?
- ans:
- - Use the fs module's method to open a file in Node.js, specifying the file path and opening mode.
- q: What is callback hell?
- ans:
- - Callback hell, or the pyramid of doom, refers to intensively nested, unreadable, and unmanageable callbacks in asynchronous code, making it hard to read and debug.
- q: What is a reactor pattern in Node.js?
- ans:
- - The reactor pattern is a concept of non-blocking I/O operations, providing a handler for each I/O operation and utilizing a demultiplexer to manage I/O requests.
- q: Describe Node.js exit codes.
- ans:
- - Node.js exit codes indicate the termination status of a process, with 0 indicating success and non-zero values indicating errors or specific exit reasons.
- q: Explain the concept of
- middleware in Node.js.
- ans:
- - Middleware functions in Node.js receive the request and response objects, allowing code execution, request/response modification, and passing control to the next middleware in the stack.
- q: What are the different types of HTTP requests?
- ans:
- - HTTP requests include GET, POST, HEAD, and DELETE, each used for specific actions like retrieving data, making changes, or deleting resources.
- q: How would you connect a MongoDB database to Node.js?
- ans:
- - Use the MongoDB Node.js driver or an ODM like Mongoose to connect a Node.js application to a MongoDB database, specifying the connection URL and database name.
- 50. How would you connect a MongoDB database to Node.js?
- - Install the MongoDB Node.js driver using npm.
- - Use the MongoClient to connect to the MongoDB database.
- 51. What is the purpose of NODE_ENV?
- - NODE_ENV is an environment variable used to determine the current environment in which the Node.js application is running, such as development, staging, or production.
- 52. List the various Node.js timing features.
- - setTimeout
- - setInterval
- - setImmediate
- - process.nextTick
- 53. What is WASI, and why is it being introduced?
- - WASI (WebAssembly System Interface) is a modular system interface for WebAssembly, providing a portable way to run WebAssembly modules outside of the browser.
- - It is being introduced to provide a standardized interface for running WebAssembly code in different environments, such as server-side applications.
- 54. What is a first-class function in JavaScript?
- - In JavaScript, functions are treated as first-class citizens, meaning they can be assigned to variables, passed as arguments to other functions, and returned from functions.
- 55. How do you manage packages in your Node.js project?
- - Use npm (Node Package Manager) to install, uninstall, and manage dependencies in a Node.js project.
- - Define dependencies in the package.json file.
- 56. How is Node.js better than other frameworks?
- - Node.js is built on the V8 JavaScript engine, making it fast and efficient.
- - It uses non-blocking I/O operations, making it suitable for handling concurrent requests.
- - It allows for the use of JavaScript on both the client and server-side.
- 57. What is a fork in Node.js?
- - The fork method in Node.js creates a new child process that runs a separate Node.js instance, allowing for parallel execution of tasks.
- 58. List down the two arguments that async.queue takes as input.
- - A worker function
- - An optional concurrency limit
- 59. What is the purpose of module.exports?
- - module.exports is used to export functions, objects, or values from a module, allowing them to be accessed by other modules using the require() function.
- 60. What tools can be used to assure consistent code style?
- - ESLint
- - Prettier
- - Jest
- 61. What is the difference between JavaScript and Node.js?
- - JavaScript is a programming language that runs in web browsers and other environments, while Node.js is a runtime environment for executing JavaScript code outside of a web browser.
- 62. What is the difference between asynchronous and synchronous functions?
- - Synchronous functions block the execution of other code until they are complete, while asynchronous functions allow other code to continue executing while they are running.
- 63. What are the asynchronous tasks that should occur in an event loop?
- - I/O operations
- - Timers
- - Callback functions
- 64. What is the order of execution in control flow statements?
- - Control flow statements are executed in the order in which they are encountered in the code.
- 65. What are the input arguments for an asynchronous queue?
- - A worker function
- - An optional concurrency limit
- 66. Are there any disadvantages to using Node.js?
- - Not suitable for CPU-intensive tasks
- - Can consume a lot of memory for large numbers of connections
- 67. What is the primary reason for using the event-based model in Node.js?
- - Performance, as it allows for non-blocking I/O operations
- 68. What is the difference between Node.js and Ajax?
- - Ajax is a client-side technology used for asynchronous communication between the client and server, while Node.js is a server-side runtime environment.
- 69. What is the advantage of using Node.js?
- - Fast and scalable
- - Well-suited for real-time applications
- - Can handle a large number of connections
- 70. Does Node run on Windows?
- - Yes, Node.js runs on Windows.
- 71. Can you access DOM in Node?
- - No, Node.js does not have access to the Document Object Model (DOM) since it runs outside of a browser environment.
- 72. Why is Node.js quickly gaining attention from JAVA programmers?
- - Due to its speed, scalability, and efficiency compared to Java for server-side development.
- 73. What are the challenges with Node.js?
- - Single-threaded nature
- - Relatively new compared to other technologies
- - Memory consumption for large numbers of connections
- 74. What is "non-blocking" in Node.js?
- - Non-blocking refers to the ability of Node.js to handle multiple tasks simultaneously without waiting for the completion of one task before starting the next.
- 75. How does Node.js overcome the problem of blocking I/O operations?
- - By using an event-driven, non-blocking I/O model
- 76. How can we use async await in Node.js?
- - Use the async keyword to mark a function as asynchronous and the await keyword to wait for a promise to resolve.
- 77. Why should you separate the Express app and server?
- - Easier testing and scalability
- - Simplifies switching to a different server
- 78. Explain the concept of a stub in Node.js.
- - A stub is a simplified version of a function used in unit testing to replace a real function.
- 79. What is the framework that is used majorly in Node.js today?
- - Express
- 80. What are the security implementations present in Node.js?
- - Restricted code execution environment
- - TLS/SSL encryption
- 81. What is Libuv?
- - Libuv is a library used by Node.js for asynchronous I/O operations.
- 82. What are global objects in Node.js?
- - Objects available in all modules without requiring an explicit require statement
- 83. Why is assert used in Node.js?
- - For writing effective tests
- 84. Why is ExpressJS used?
- - For building web applications in Node.js due to its simplicity and flexibility
- 85. What is the use of the connect module in Node.js?
- - Handles middleware in web applications
- 86. What's the difference between 'front-end' and 'back-end' development?
- - Front-end focuses on the client side, while back-end focuses on the server side of applications.
- 87. What are LTS releases of Node.js?
- - Long-term support releases, recommended for production use
- 88. What do you understand about ESLint?
- - A tool used to analyze and flag errors in JavaScript code
- 89. Define the concept of the test pyramid.
- - Illustrates the distribution of different types of tests, with unit tests forming the base and end-to-end tests at the top.
- 90. How does Node.js handle child threads?
- - By creating separate instances of the Node.js runtime environment
- 91. What is an Event Emitter in Node.js?
- - A module that facilitates communication between objects in a Node.js application.
- 92. How to Enhance Node.js Performance through Clustering?
- - By utilizing multiple CPU cores with the cluster module
- 93. What is a thread pool, and which library handles it in Node.js?
- - A collection of threads for executing tasks in parallel, handled by the libuv library.
- 94. How are worker threads different from clusters?
- - Worker threads create multiple threads within a single process, while clusters create multiple instances of a Node.js process.
- 95. How to measure the duration of async operations?
- - Using console.time and console.timeEnd methods
- or method.
- 96. How to measure the performance of async operations?
- - Using built-in flags, tools like perf, or third-party libraries like benchmark.js.
- 97. What are the types of streams available in Node.js?
- - Readable, writable, duplex, and transform streams.
- 98. What is meant by tracing in Node.js?
- - Profiling the performance of an application by recording function calls and events.
- 99. Where is package.json used in Node.js?
- - In the root directory of a Node.js application, used by npm to manage dependencies.
- 100. What is the difference between readFile and createReadStream in Node.js?
- - readFile is better for small files, while createReadStream is better for large files.
- 101. What is the use of the crypto module in Node.js?
- - Provides cryptographic functionality such as generating secure random numbers and encryption.
- 102. What is a passport in Node.js?
- - Authentication middleware for Node.js.
- 103. How to get information about a file in Node.js?
- - Using fs.stat method.
- 104. How does the DNS lookup function work in Node.js?
- - Using the DNS module to perform DNS lookups.
- 105. What is the difference between setImmediate() and setTimeout()?
- - setImmediate() has a higher priority than setTimeout().
- 106. Explain the concept of Punycode in Node.js.
- - A character encoding scheme used to represent Unicode characters with ASCII characters in domain names.
- 107. Does Node.js provide any Debugger?
- - Yes, Node.js provides a built-in debugger.
- 108. Is cryptography supported in Node.js?
- - Yes, through the crypto module.
- 109. Why do you think you are the right fit for this Node.js role?
- - Experience building scalable server-side applications with Node.js.
- - Strong teamwork and communication skills.
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