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- #===============================================================================
- #
- # TSDA Advanced Message System
- # by thiago_d_d
- # Version 1.2.1
- # Mod by Roninator2
- # Any suggestions are apreciated, please make them here:
- #
- #===============================================================================
- # Changelog of this version:
- # - Fixed the bug with the y position of gold window.
- # - Added an italic tag.
- # - Added option to deactivate face window during game play. Now the face
- # window is activated by an switch, so if you don't want to use face outside
- # the window, deactivate that switch.
- #===============================================================================
- # Features
- # - Created name window to show a name of your choice, only if you want.
- # - The name window is customized, so you change color, etc.
- # - Added support to hex colors.
- # - Advanced letter by letter mode with advanced speed configuration.
- # - You can choose if the player can skip the letter by letter mode
- # - Added \Map tag, that shows the actual map name display
- # - Added support to changes to the font name, size, and bold flag.
- # - The face can be shown on a separate window.
- # - The face can be shown on the right when separate window.
- # - Message window position and size can now be customized.
- # - Message window opacity can be customized.
- # - Possibility to play an sound when letter by letter is on.
- # - Everything is customized, you can change everything with tags during the
- # text draw.
- #===============================================================================
- # Changing window size and position
- #===============================================================================
- # To change height, width, and x position -> go to TSDA module and configure
- # To change message window y position, execute a script, there are 4 options
- #
- # $game_message.real_position = desired_y
- # changes the position to the desired y position in the screen
- #
- # $game_message.real_position = "event_id"
- # changes the position based on the specified event coordinates, so the
- # window will not be above the event
- #
- # $game_message.real_position = "player"
- # changes the position based on the player coordinates, so the
- # window will not be above the player
- #
- # $game_message.real_position = nil
- # the message window position will be normal, like if there is not
- # this script
- #===============================================================================
- # Playing sound letter by letter
- #===============================================================================
- # Configure the switch that activates that mode on the TSDA module.
- # To determine the sound that will be player, execute the script:
- # $game_message.letter_sound = "Sound name"
- # Sound should be on the SE folder
- #===============================================================================
- # These tags already exists, only listing them to make things easy for you.
- #===============================================================================
- # \V[ID] - Shows the value of the variable with the specified ID.
- # \N[ID] - Shows the name of the hero with the specified ID.
- # \C[ID] - Changes the color to that color index of the windowskin.
- # \P[n] - Shows the name of the hero in the team that has the specified position
- # \$ - Shows gold window.
- # \I[index] - Show the icon with the specified index.
- # \G - Shows the gold name.
- # \{ - Increases font size.
- # \} - Decreases font size.
- # \. - waits for 0.25 seconds.
- # \| - waits for 1 second.
- # \\ - draws the \ character.
- # \< - Shows the next text imediately.
- # \> - Stops to show the text imediately
- # \! - Pauses the window, waiting for input.
- # \^ - Closes the window.
- #===============================================================================
- # You can still use old tags, they work normally.
- #===============================================================================
- # \c[#000000]
- # changes text color by the specified hex color.
- #---------------------------------------
- # \M
- # activates the letter by letter mode if it is activated, or deactivate is
- # if it is activated.
- #---------------------------------------
- # \Q[speed]
- # changes letter by letter by letter mode speed delay.
- #---------------------------------------
- # \W
- # activates the jump letter by letter function if it is deactivate, or
- # deactivates it if it is activated.
- #---------------------------------------
- # \Map
- # shows the actual map name.
- #---------------------------------------
- # \S[Text]
- # shows the name window above the message window, with the specified text.
- # You can use other tags inside the text
- #---------------------------------------
- # \R
- # closes the name window
- #---------------------------------------
- # \I[color]
- # changes the name window text color(supports hex)
- #---------------------------------------
- # \F[font name]
- # changes the message window font
- #---------------------------------------
- # \L
- # sets the font to bold, if it's not bold, or set it to normal,
- # if it is bold
- #---------------------------------------
- # \H[size]
- # sets the font size
- #---------------------------------------
- # \X
- # sets the font to italic if it's not italic, or set it to normal, if it
- # is italic
- #---------------------------------------
- #===============================================================================
- #===============================================================================
- # module TSDA
- #===============================================================================
- module TSDA
- #ID of the switch that activates letter by letter mode
- #ID of the switch that indicates if the player can jump letter by letter mode
- #ID of the variable that indicates letter by letter mode speed delay.
- #The font used in the name box
- # format:
- # ["name",size,bold]
- NAME_BOX_FONT = ["Trebuchet MS",Font.default_size,false]
- #Number of lines of the message window, determines the window height
- #Width of the window and the x pos of the window
- #Face window opacity
- #Use face window?
- # above switch must be on.
- #Face window opacity
- #id of the switch that determinates if the letter sound will be played
- end
- #===============================================================================
- # Game_Message
- #===============================================================================
- class Game_Message
- attr_accessor :real_position
- attr_accessor :letter_sound
- end
- #===============================================================================
- # Window_Message
- #===============================================================================
- class Window_Message
- include TSDA
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # initialize - overwritten method
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def initialize
- self.z = 200
- self.openness = 0
- create_all_windows
- create_back_bitmap
- create_back_sprite
- clear_instance_variables
- end
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # visible_line_number - overwritten method
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def visible_line_number
- end
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # new_line_x - aliased method
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- alias ams_new_line_x new_line_x
- def new_line_x
- $game_switches[USE_MESSAGE_FACE_WINDOW_SWITCH] ? 0 : ams_new_line_x
- end
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # obtain_escape_code - overwritten method
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def obtain_escape_code(text)
- text.slice!(/^[\$\.\|\^!><\{\}\\]|^[A-Z]{1}/i)
- end
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # new_page - overwritten method
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def new_page(text, pos)
- contents.clear
- @face_window.right_face(MESSAGE_WINDOW_XPOS + MESSAGE_WINDOW_WIDTH - 120)
- end
- @face_window.set_face(self,$game_message.face_name, $game_message.face_index)
- else
- @face_window.visible = false
- draw_face($game_message.face_name, $game_message.face_index, 0, 0)
- end
- reset_font_settings
- pos[:x] = new_line_x
- pos[:y] = 0
- pos[:new_x] = new_line_x
- pos[:height] = calc_line_height(text)
- clear_flags
- end
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # obtain_real_escape_param - new method
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def obtain_real_escape_param(text,hex=true)
- if hex
- text.slice!(/^\[[0123456789ABCDEF#]+\]/)[/[0123456789ABCDEF#]+/] rescue nil
- else
- text.slice!(/^\[[\w\s]+\]/)[/[\w\s]+/] rescue nil
- end
- end
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # convert_escape_characters - overwritten method
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def convert_escape_characters(text)
- result = text.to_s.clone
- result.gsub!(/\\/) { "\e" }
- result.gsub!(/\e\e/) { "\\" }
- result.gsub!(/\eV\[(\d+)\]/i) { $game_variables[$1.to_i] }
- result.gsub!(/\eN\[(\d+)\]/i) { actor_name($1.to_i) }
- result.gsub!(/\eP\[(\d+)\]/i) { party_member_name($1.to_i) }
- result.gsub!(/\eG/i) { Vocab::currency_unit }
- result.gsub!(/\eMap/i) { $game_map.display_name }
- result
- end
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # process_escape_character - aliased method
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- alias ams_process_escape_character process_escape_character
- def process_escape_character(code, text, pos)
- case code.upcase
- when 'C'
- param = obtain_real_escape_param(text)
- if param[0,1] == "#" and param.size == 7
- change_color(convert_to_hex(param[1,6]))
- else
- change_color(text_color(param.to_i))
- end
- when 'M'
- sw = $game_switches[AMS_LETTER_BY_LETTER_SWITCH]
- $game_switches[AMS_LETTER_BY_LETTER_SWITCH] = !sw
- @letter_by_letter_mode = $game_switches[AMS_LETTER_BY_LETTER_SWITCH]
- when 'Q'
- param = obtain_escape_param(text)
- $game_variables[AMS_SPEED_DELAY_LBL_VARIABLE] = param
- @lbl_max = $game_variables[AMS_SPEED_DELAY_LBL_VARIABLE]
- when 'W'
- sw = $game_switches[AMS_JUMP_LBL_SWITCH]
- $game_switches[AMS_JUMP_LBL_SWITCH] = !sw
- @can_jump = $game_switches[AMS_JUMP_LBL_SWITCH]
- when 'S'
- param = obtain_real_escape_param(text,false)
- @message_name_window.set_text(param,self)
- when 'R'
- @message_name_window.finish
- when 'I'
- param = obtain_real_escape_param(text)
- if param[0,1] == "#" and param.size == 7
- color = convert_to_hex(param[1,6])
- else
- color = text_color(param.to_i)
- end
- @message_name_window.font_color = color
- @message_name_window.refresh
- when 'F'
- param = obtain_real_escape_param(text,false)
- = param
- when 'L'
- self.contents.font.bold = !self.contents.font.bold
- when 'H'
- param = obtain_real_escape_param(text).to_i
- self.contents.font.size = param
- when 'X'
- self.contents.font.italic = !self.contents.font.italic
- else
- ams_process_escape_character(code, text, pos)
- end
- end
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # convert_to_hex - new method
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def convert_to_hex(text)
- return nil if text.size != 6
- rgb = [0,0,0]
- for index in 0...6
- letter = text.slice!(/./m)
- hex = hex_value(letter)
- if index % 2 == 0
- rgb[index / 2] += hex * 16
- else
- rgb[index / 2] += hex
- end
- end
- return[0],rgb[1],rgb[2])
- end
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # hex_value - new method
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def hex_value(text)
- case text
- when "0"
- return 0
- when "1"
- return 1
- when "2"
- return 2
- when "3"
- return 3
- when "4"
- return 4
- when "5"
- return 5
- when "6"
- return 6
- when "7"
- return 7
- when "8"
- return 8
- when "9"
- return 9
- when "A"
- return 10
- when "B"
- return 11
- when "C"
- return 12
- when "D"
- return 13
- when "E"
- return 14
- when "F"
- return 15
- end
- end
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # process_all_text - aliased method
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- alias ams_process_all_text process_all_text
- def process_all_text
- @letter_by_letter_mode = $game_switches[AMS_LETTER_BY_LETTER_SWITCH]
- @lbl_max = $game_variables[AMS_SPEED_DELAY_LBL_VARIABLE]
- @can_jump = $game_switches[AMS_JUMP_LBL_SWITCH]
- ams_process_all_text
- end
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # wait_for_one_character - overwritten method
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def wait_for_one_character
- return if @show_fast
- if @letter_by_letter_mode
- if @can_jump
- @show_fast = true if
- if
- if $game_variables[AMS_SPEED_DELAY_LBL_VARIABLE] > 1
- @lbl_max = 1
- else
- @lbl_max = 0
- end
- else
- @lbl_max = $game_variables[AMS_SPEED_DELAY_LBL_VARIABLE]
- end
- end
- if @lbl_max > 0
- play_sound = $game_switches[LETTER_SOUND_SWITCH]
- Audio.se_play("Audio/SE/" + $game_message.letter_sound) if play_sound
- for time in 0...@lbl_max
- Fiber.yield
- end
- end
- end
- end
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # update_placement - aliased method
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- alias ams_update_placement update_placement
- def update_placement
- @real_position = $game_message.real_position
- @position = $game_message.position
- if @real_position.nil?
- self.y = @position * (Graphics.height - height) / 2
- elsif @real_position.is_a?(Integer)
- self.y = @real_position
- elsif @real_position == "player"
- y = $game_player.screen_y - 48
- hei = calculate_total_component_height + 48
- if y >= hei
- self.y = $game_player.screen_y - height - 48
- else
- self.y = $game_player.screen_y
- end
- else
- param = @real_position.to_i
- event = $[param]
- y = event.screen_y - 48
- hei = calculate_total_component_height + 48
- if y >= hei
- self.y = event.screen_y - height - 48
- else
- self.y = event.screen_y
- end
- end
- @gold_window.y = ((self.y > @gold_window.height) ?
- 0 : Graphics.height - @gold_window.height)
- end
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # calculate_total_component_height - new method
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def calculate_total_component_height
- h = height + calculate_extra_component_height
- h
- end
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # calculate_extra_component_height - new method
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def calculate_extra_component_height
- h = 0
- if $game_switches[USE_MESSAGE_FACE_WINDOW_SWITCH] and !$game_message.face_name.empty?
- h = 120
- elsif @message_name_window.visible
- h = @message_name_window.height
- end
- h
- end
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # settings_changed? - aliased method
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- alias ams_settings_changed? settings_changed?
- def settings_changed?
- return ams_settings_changed? ||
- @real_position != $game_message.real_position
- end
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # create_all_windows - aliased method
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- alias ams_create_all_windows create_all_windows
- def create_all_windows
- ams_create_all_windows
- @message_name_window =
- @face_window =
- end
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # dispose_all_windows - aliased method
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- alias ams_dispose_all_windows dispose_all_windows
- def dispose_all_windows
- ams_dispose_all_windows
- @message_name_window.dispose
- @face_window.dispose
- end
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # update_all_windows - aliased method
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- alias ams_update_all_windows update_all_windows
- def update_all_windows
- ams_update_all_windows
- @message_name_window.update
- @face_window.update
- end
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # close_and_wait - aliased method
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- alias ams_close_and_wait close_and_wait
- def close_and_wait
- @message_name_window.finish
- @face_window.finish
- ams_close_and_wait
- end
- end
- #===============================================================================
- # Window_MessageName - new class
- #===============================================================================
- class Window_MessageName < Window_Base
- include TSDA
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- attr_accessor :font_color
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # initialize - new method
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def initialize
- super(0,0,10,10)
- self.visible = false
- self.openness = 0
- self.back_opacity = NAME_WINDOW_BACK_OPACITY
- self.opacity = NAME_WINDOW_OPACITY
- @font_color = text_color(0)
- end
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # set_text - new method
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def set_text(text,window)
- @text = text
- bitmap =,10)
- bitmap.font.size = NAME_BOX_FONT[1]
- bitmap.font.bold = NAME_BOX_FONT[2]
- size = bitmap.text_size(text)
- self.width = size.width + 24
- self.height = size.height + 24
- self.contents =,size.height)
- contents.font.size = NAME_BOX_FONT[1]
- contents.font.bold = NAME_BOX_FONT[2]
- h = window.calculate_extra_component_height
- self.y = window.y > h ? window.y - height : window.y + window.height
- self.x = ($game_message.face_name.empty? or !$game_switches[USE_MESSAGE_FACE_WINDOW_SWITCH]) ?
- window.x : window.x + 120
- self.visible = true
- refresh
- open
- Fiber.yield until open?
- end
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # refresh - new method
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def refresh
- contents.clear
- contents.font.color = @font_color
- contents.draw_text(0,0,width - 24,height - 24,@text)
- end
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # finish - new method
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def finish
- close
- until close?
- update
- Fiber.yield
- end
- self.openness = 0
- self.visible = false
- end
- end
- #===============================================================================
- # Window_MessageFace - new class
- #===============================================================================
- class Window_MessageFace < Window_Base
- include TSDA
- #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # initialize - new method
- #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def initialize
- super(0,0,120,120)
- self.visible = false
- self.openness = 0
- self.back_opacity = FACE_WINDOW_BACK_OPACITY
- self.opacity = FACE_WINDOW_OPACITY
- @adjust = 0
- end
- #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # set_face - new method
- #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def set_face(window,face_name,face_index)
- self.y = window.y > 120 ? window.y - height : window.y + window.height
- self.x = @adjust
- else
- self.x = window.x
- end
- self.visible = true
- refresh
- open
- Fiber.yield until open?
- end
- def right_face(pos=0)
- @adjust = pos
- end
- #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # refresh - new method
- #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def refresh
- contents.clear
- draw_face($game_message.face_name, $game_message.face_index, 0, 0)
- end
- #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # finish - new method
- #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def finish
- close
- until close?
- update
- Fiber.yield
- end
- self.openness = 0
- self.visible = false
- end
- end
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