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it unlocks many cool features!
- /* NOTE: In order for this to work, follow these steps:
- 1. Set camera sensitivity to 0.1
- 2. Move flat against the wall you want to clip through.
- 3. Go into first person and move your so that it is facing opposite the wall.
- 4. Press the key you set to activate the macro (this is Insert by default).
- */
- ; Sets CoordMode for mouse and colour checking to absolute (entire screen).
- CoordMode "Pixel", "Screen"
- CoordMode "Mouse", "Screen"
- ; NOTE: In order to change which key activates the macro, change "Insert" to the key you want the macro to be bound to.
- Insert::{
- ; Tab into Roblox window if not already.
- if !WinActive("ahk_exe RobloxPlayerBeta.exe")
- WinActivate "ahk_exe RobloxPlayerBeta.exe"
- ; Set to windowed mode if not already.
- if (PixelGetColor(15, 15) != 0xDFE0E1)
- SendInput "{f11}"
- /* The auto camera movement is unreliable at best, if you want to try it, delete this line and the line with /* below.
- ; Move camera to correct position for clip.
- SendMode "Event"
- Send "{WheelDown 4}"
- Sleep 25
- SendEvent "{Click 960 540 Right Down}{Click 1066 505 Right Up}"
- Sleep 25
- SendMode "Input"
- SendInput "{s down}"
- Sleep 100
- SendInput "{s up}"
- */
- ; Clear chat and send/enter "/e laugh".
- SendInput "/"
- Sleep 25
- SendInput "^a{Backspace}"
- Sleep 25
- SendInput "/e laugh"
- Sleep 25
- SendInput "{Enter}"
- Sleep 200
- ; Perform clip and go back to fullscreen (freeze game, unfreeze while pressing shift, s and space).
- MouseMove 1900, 10, 1
- Click "D"
- Sleep 100
- SendMode "Event"
- SendInput "{s down}{LShift}{Space down}"
- Sleep 500
- MouseMove 960, 540, 1
- Sleep 100
- Click "U"
- Sleep 250
- SendInput "{s up}{Space up}"
- SendMode "Input"
- }
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