
BWR - Changelog 23/11/24

Nov 23rd, 2024 (edited)
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  1. Soda Popper
  2. + Restored +25% faster reload time
  3. While most were content with the design of the HYPE system, there was a shared sentiment that it left the Scout at a greater disadvantage with how the weapon's sustain was also nerfed. We are giving the Scout back his offensive potency to help offset his more costly ability to defend himself, which should also make building HYPE a bit easier.
  5. Airblast
  6. + Increased vertical force to self by +25%
  7. - Reduced horizontal force to self by -20%
  8. The ability to close gaps against enemies was nerfed slightly as it was made a bit to potent when combined with other movement abilities the pyro gained. In exchange it was given a slight vertical boost to help in reaching higher spaces for flanking or ambushing, and when angled correctly can still allow you to cover similar distances as previous, just with more airtime for enemies to react.
  10. The Detonator
  11. - Added +20% damage to self
  12. The weapon was a bit too stacked with upsides and not enough penalty for picking it. Adding back some additional cost for blast jumping should help to rein it in, without being too costly to justify.
  14. Thermal Thruster
  15. + Increased Mini-Boost horizontal force by +30%
  16. - Reduced Mini-Boost vertical force by -65%
  17. With the increased airtime, the Mini-Boost's ability to activated passively without much telegraphing and distance it could cover did a lot to make Pyro too difficult to peg down, especially when combined with other movement sources. This rework of it's thrust will make it instead a shorter boost that covers ground horizontally faster and cross certain gaps, however not as much as a stock airblast, and without very much vertical thrust to throw enemy aim off.
  19. Iron Bomber
  20. + Removed damage scaling over time
  21. - Added 20% slower firing speed
  22. The damage scaling over time had a polarizing effect on how much damage you were capable of dealing and didn't seem to fit for several respondents. Instead of this downside, it was given a slower firing speed so that damage fall-off over time compared to stock, as well as make spamming rollers take longer.
  24. Scotsman's Skullcutter
  25. + Shield recharge bonus is now passive (was only active)
  26. The upside was initially meant to be passive, so this should make it more consistently beneficial for both hybrid and full demoknights.
  28. Buffalo Steak Sandvich
  29. + Fixed charging from packs due to max health changes being decreased
  30. Fixed an inconsistency when using items that altered your max HP, such as the GRU and Dalokohs.
  32. Vita-Saw
  33. - Increased cost for a guaranteed critical hit to 4 organs
  34. The weapons appeared to stack too many upsides, and despite the organ cost the ability to defend one-self was seen as too high for the weapon. The price was increased to your max organ count to truly make it a last-resort that costed all your resources.
  36. Bazaar Bargain
  37. + Fixed charge damage ignoring certain damage resistances (Brass Beast, Vaccinator)
  38. The Razorback
  39. + Fixed critical damage modifications (Shield charges, Vita-Saw crit)
  40. Hopefully making the damage calculations more consistent, however a more complete test of damage modifications related to these items is still required.
  42. Tribalman's Shiv
  43. - Added 25% slower firing speed
  44. The ability to continuously proc speed off this weapon in fights was a bit too high for some. The slower swing speed here make the user more considerate in how they use their speed, and make stacking up hits less of an effective option.
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