
BWR - Changelog 20/01/24

Jan 20th, 2024 (edited)
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  1. Detonator
  2. + Removed self-damage penalty
  3. + Removed afterburn penalty on splash
  4. Scorch Shot
  5. + Removed afterburn penalty on splash
  6. Afterburn against groups really wasn't as problematic as previously thought given the timing needed on the Detonator and the delay of the Scorch Shot. The Detonator especially was falling behind in movement potential with the airblast jumps Pyro has, so the self-damage nerf was removed to make the greater jumps this weapon has more desireable.
  8. Iron Bomber
  9. + Reverted push force to grenade jumping
  10. + Removed damage penalty from rollers
  11. - Added: -10% damage penalty
  12. - Reverted self damage from grenades
  13. The weapon didn't have serious enough downsides to it. The best that could be figured for a weapon that emphaizes greater roller strength was to give it a direct damage penalty instead. This way the launcher has a more defined niche in being worse against single healthier targets while better against groups crowded groups.
  15. Chargin' Targe
  16. + Added -33% reduction in push force taken from damage
  17. This shield felt a little left behind, being only really useful in tanking a lot of damage. This change should help the demoman close the gap when engaging in melee and charging in.
  19. Scotsman's Skullcutter
  20. + Charging is unaffected by speed penalty
  21. A fix to the weapon's speed erroneously impacting how far your charges went.
  23. Syringe Gun
  24. ~ Below applies to all unlocks
  25. + Crit heal recovery increased to -5 seconds on hit (was -3s)
  26. Feedback on syringes showed they could use some speeding up, so it was buffed to make the process smoother, especially when healing a larger group.
  28. Amputator
  29. + Recreated on-hit effect to prevent it cancelling other healing beams
  30. Fixing a strange behavior with the on-hit effect cancelling other healing sources once it was over, including Quick-Fix's Megaheal and the weapon's own Medicating Melody taunt. This version shouldn't override any extra healing but will be canceled by the healing taunt.
  32. Bazaar Bargain
  33. + Removed damage penalty
  34. + Removed base charge rate penalty
  35. - Added -50% charge damage penalty
  36. The nerfing of this weapon made it seem exceptionally less useful even when the snowball was built up for the lowered pick potential without charging. This version gives it a flip to that, making it less useful against healthier targets but being easier to build up the snowball.
  38. The Machina
  39. + Buildings should be affected by charge damage buff
  40. - Added 25% slower charging speed
  41. The increased charge damage appeared to need a proper counterbalance due to how quickly one could take out higher health targets, so slowing it's charge speed felt appropriate.
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