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- #include <iostream>
- #include <cstring>
- using namespace std;
- int main()
- {
- char input[100], kopi[100], kopi2[100];
- int kounter; int vokal=0; int konsonan=0;int besar=0;int kecil=0;int gang=0, offset, gantine;
- cout<<"Input User = ";
- cin.getline(input, 100);
- kopi==strcpy(kopi, input);
- cout<<"Original = "<<input<<endl;
- cout<<"Reserved = "<<strrev(kopi)<<endl;
- kopi==strcpy(kopi, input);
- cout<<endl;
- cout<<"Uppercase = "<<strupr(kopi)<<endl;
- cout<<"Lowercase = "<<strlwr(kopi)<<endl;
- for(kounter=0; kounter<strlen(input); kounter++){
- if(input[kounter]>='A' && input[kounter]<='Z'){
- besar++;
- }
- else if(input[kounter]==' '){
- gang=0;
- }
- else{
- kecil++;
- }
- }
- cout<<endl;
- cout<<"Ucase total = "<<besar<<endl;
- cout<<"Lcase total = "<<kecil<<endl;
- kopi==strcpy(kopi, input);
- kopi2==strcpy(kopi2, input);
- for(kounter=0; kounter<strlen(input); kounter++){
- if(input[kounter]=='a' || input[kounter]=='i' || input[kounter]=='u' ||
- input[kounter]=='e' || input[kounter]=='o' || input[kounter]=='A' ||
- input[kounter]=='I' || input[kounter]=='U' || input[kounter]=='E' || input[kounter]=='O'){
- vokal++;
- kopi[kounter]=' ';//Menghilang Huruf Vokal;
- }
- else if(input[kounter]==' '){
- gang++;
- }
- else{
- konsonan++;
- kopi2[kounter]=' ';//Menghilangkan Huruf Bukan Vokal
- }
- }
- cout<<endl;
- cout<<"Vocals = "<<vokal<<endl;
- cout<<"!Vocals = "<<konsonan<<endl;
- cout<<"Spaces = "<<gang<<endl;
- cout<<endl;
- cout<<"Hide Vocals = "<<kopi<<endl;
- cout<<"Hide !Vocals = "<<kopi2<<endl<<endl;
- cout<<"Input Offset = ";
- cin>>offset;
- kopi==strcpy(kopi, input);
- for(kounter=0; kounter<strlen(input); kounter++){
- if(kopi[kounter]==' '){
- kopi[kounter]=' ';
- }
- else{
- gantine=int(kopi[kounter])+offset;//Merubah ke kode ASCII
- kopi[kounter]=char (gantine);//Merubah ASCII ke Karakter
- }
- }
- cout<<"Offset Text = "<<kopi;
- cout<<endl;
- }
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