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- /********* **********
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- - Project: "Task Manager"
- - Source Code NOT compiled for: Arduino Uno
- - Source Code created on: 2024-12-15 05:12:54
- ********* **********/
- /****** SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS *****/
- /****** SYSTEM REQUIREMENT 1 *****/
- /* task_manager = Taskmanager("1") print("Hello! */
- /* Welcome to our Task Management.") option= ”null” */
- /* while option == null: print(“\n1. Add Task”) */
- /* print(“2. Complete Task”) print(“3. Show */
- /* Tasks”) print(“4. End the Program”) */
- /* START CODE */
- #include <Taskmanager.h> // Include the Taskmanager library
- /****** FUNCTION PROTOTYPES *****/
- void setup(void);
- void loop(void);
- // Instantiate the Taskmanager object
- arduino::task::Manager task_manager;
- void setup(void)
- {
- // Initialize the serial communication
- Serial.begin(9600);
- // Print welcome message
- Serial.println("Hello! Welcome to our Task Management.");
- String option = "null"; // Initialize option variable
- // Main loop for task management options
- while (option == "null") {
- Serial.println("\n1. Add Task");
- Serial.println("2. Complete Task");
- Serial.println("3. Show Tasks");
- Serial.println("4. End the Program");
- // Wait for user input
- while (Serial.available() == 0) {} // Wait for input
- option = Serial.readStringUntil('\n'); // Read input until newline
- // Handle user options
- if (option == "1") {
- // Code to add a task
- Serial.println("Task added.");
- } else if (option == "2") {
- // Code to complete a task
- Serial.println("Task completed.");
- } else if (option == "3") {
- // Code to show tasks
- Serial.println("Showing tasks.");
- } else if (option == "4") {
- Serial.println("Ending the program.");
- option = "exit"; // Change option to exit the loop
- } else {
- Serial.println("Invalid option, please try again.");
- option = "null"; // Reset option to null for retry
- }
- }
- }
- void loop(void)
- {
- // Update the task manager
- task_manager.update();
- }
- /* END CODE */
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