
oot room draw configs

Jul 1st, 2021
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  1. 0 bdan Inside Jabu-Jabu's Belly
  2. 0 bdan_boss Barinade's Lair
  3. 0 besitu Ganondorf Test Room
  4. 0 Bmori1 Forest Temple
  5. 0 bowling Bombchu Bowling Alley
  6. 0 daiyousei_izumi Great Fairy's Fountain (Upgrades)
  7. 0 FIRE_bs Volvagia's Lair
  8. 0 ganon Ganon's Tower
  9. 0 ganon_boss Ganondorf's Lair
  10. 0 ganon_demo Ganon's Tower Collapse & Battle Arena
  11. 0 ganon_final Tower Collapse Exterior
  12. 0 ganon_sonogo Ganon's Tower (Collapsing)
  13. 0 ganon_tou Ganon's Castle Exterior
  14. 0 ganontikasonogo Inside Ganon's Castle (Collapsing)
  15. 0 hairal_niwa2 Castle Hedge Maze (Early)
  16. 0 hairal_niwa_n Castle Hedge Maze (Night)
  17. 0 hakaana Grave (Redead)
  18. 0 hakaana2 Grave (Fairy's Fountain)
  19. 0 hakaana_ouke Royal Family's Tomb
  20. 0 HAKAdan_bs Bongo Bongo's Lair
  21. 0 hakasitarelay Dampé's Grave & Windmill
  22. 0 hiral_demo Cutscene Map
  23. 0 ice_doukutu Ice Cavern
  24. 0 jyasinboss Twinrova's Lair & Nabooru's Mini-Boss Room
  25. 0 kenjyanoma Chamber of the Sages
  26. 0 mahouya Granny's Potion Shop
  27. 0 market_day Market (Child - Day)
  28. 0 market_night Market (Child - Night)
  29. 0 market_ruins Market (Ruins)
  30. 0 MIZUsin_bs Morpha's Lair
  31. 0 moribossroom Phantom Ganon's Lair
  32. 0 nakaniwa Castle Courtyard
  33. 0 sasatest Sasa Test
  34. 0 spot10 Spot 10 - Lost Woods
  35. 0 spot13 Spot 13 - Haunted Wasteland
  36. 0 sutaru Sutaru
  37. 0 syatekijyou Shooting Gallery
  38. 0 syotes2 Stalfos Boss Room
  39. 0 takaraya Treasure Box Shop
  40. 0 test01 Jungle Gym
  41. 0 testroom Treasure Chest Room
  42. 0 tokinoma Temple of Time
  43. 0 turibori Fishing Pond
  44. 0 ydan_boss Gohma's Lair
  45. 0 yousei_izumi_yoko Great Fairy's Fountain (Spells)
  46. 1 alley_shop Market Potion Shop
  47. 1 depth_test Depth Test
  48. 1 drag Kakariko Potion Shop
  49. 1 enrui Market Entrance (Ruins)
  50. 1 entra Market Entrance (Child - Day)
  51. 1 entra_n Market Entrance (Child - Night)
  52. 1 face_shop Happy Mask Shop
  53. 1 golon Goron Shop
  54. 1 hut Gravekeeper's Hut
  55. 1 impa Back Alley House (Dog Lady)
  56. 1 kakariko Carpenter Boss's House
  57. 1 kakariko3 Back Alley House (Man in Green)
  58. 1 kokiri_home Know-It-All Brothers' House
  59. 1 kokiri_home3 House of Twins
  60. 1 kokiri_home4 Mido's House
  61. 1 kokiri_home5 Saria's House
  62. 1 kokiri_shop Kokiri Shop
  63. 1 labo Impa's House
  64. 1 link_home Link's House
  65. 1 malon_stable Stable
  66. 1 market_alley Back Alley (Child - Day)
  67. 1 market_alley_n Back Alley (Child - Night)
  68. 1 night_shop Bombchu Shop
  69. 1 shop1 Bazaar
  70. 1 shrine Temple of Time Exterior (Child - Day)
  71. 1 shrine_n Temple of Time Exterior (Child - Night)
  72. 1 shrine_r Temple of Time Exterior (Ruins)
  73. 1 tent Carpenters' Tent
  74. 1 zoora Zora Shop
  75. 2 ddan Dodongo's Cavern
  76. 2 ddan_boss King Dodongo's Lair
  77. 2 ganontika Inside Ganon's Castle
  78. 2 gerudoway Thieves' Hideout
  79. 2 hairal_niwa Castle Hedge Maze (Day)
  80. 2 HAKAdan Shadow Temple
  81. 2 HAKAdanCH Bottom of the Well
  82. 2 HIDAN Fire Temple
  83. 2 hylia_labo Lakeside Laboratory
  84. 2 jyasinzou Spirit Temple
  85. 2 kakusiana Grottos
  86. 2 kinsuta House of Skulltula
  87. 2 men Gerudo Training Ground
  88. 2 miharigoya Guard House
  89. 2 MIZUsin Water Temple
  90. 2 souko Ranch House & Silo
  91. 2 spot00 Spot 00 - Hyrule Field
  92. 2 spot01 Spot 01 - Kakariko Village
  93. 2 spot02 Spot 02 - Graveyard
  94. 2 spot03 Spot 03 - Zora's River
  95. 2 spot04 Spot 04 - Kokiri Forest
  96. 2 spot05 Spot 05 - Sacred Forest Meadow
  97. 2 spot06 Spot 06 - Lake Hylia
  98. 2 spot07 Spot 07 - Zora's Domain
  99. 2 spot08 Spot 08 - Zora's Fountain
  100. 2 spot09 Spot 09 - Gerudo Valley
  101. 2 spot11 Spot 11 - Desert Colossus
  102. 2 spot12 Spot 12 - Gerudo's Fortress
  103. 2 spot15 Spot 15 - Hyrule Castle
  104. 2 spot16 Spot 16 - Death Mountain Trail
  105. 2 spot17 Spot 17 - Death Mountain Crater
  106. 2 spot18 Spot 18 - Goron City
  107. 2 spot20 Spot 20 - Lon Lon Ranch
  108. 2 ydan Inside the Deku Tree
  109. 2 yousei_izumi_tate Fairy's Fountain
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