
I love my little sister.

Oct 7th, 2014
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  1. - I love my little sister.
  2. "I love my little sister, Hiyo."
  3. "She has long black hair, and brown eyes, her body is very petite, and the way she calls my name always makes my heart skip a beat."
  4. "I love my little sister, Hiyo."
  5. "Hiyo sleeps next to me pretty much all the time, she's very scared, and our parents usually aren't home that much, so I make sure to be a good big brother, and I hug her until she's fallen asleep."
  6. "I love my little sister, Hiyo."
  7. "Hiyo has been bedridden since she was little because of her bad health, she can still walk around in the house, but she can't leave the house, which means that she can't go to school. So I make sure to tell her how my day was, and make sure to act as a stand-in teacher in a way. She loves hearing about school, especially about my classmates, she thinks they all sound very interesting and funny."
  8. "I love my little sister, Hiyo."
  9. "Hiyo and I are actually twins, but she's still my little sister, seeing as I was the one born first, but Hiyo doesn't mind that, in fact, she's told me that she wouldn't want it any other way. Hiyo really is cute."
  10. "I love my little sister, Hiyo."
  11. "Today was a sad day, I make sure to always tell Hiyo about my day, so I can't skip anything, and today I had to tell her about something she really doesn't like hearing. I visited Hiyo's grave today, it's been 2 years since she got ran over by a car when she sneaked outside the house."
  12. "I love my little sister, Hiyo."
  13. "It's my fault Hiyo died, I shouldn't have told her so much about the outside world, she got curious because of me, and because of me, she got ran over by a car. I'm a really bad big brother."
  14. "I love my little sister, Hiyo."
  15. "I love my little sister, Hiyo. Most of her hair is gone by this point, but I still love her. Her skin has almost fallen off completely, but I still love her."
  16. "I love my little sister, Hiyo."
  17. "Hiyo is mine, and she will always be mine, even in death, because.."
  18. "I love my little sister, Hiyo."
  21. [22:48:00] Ernestas (ernisas76): You are really sick and twisted
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