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- Players = game:service'Players'
- Debris = game:service'Debris'
- CF =
- CFa = CFrame.Angles
- CFA = function(x,y,z) return CFa(MR(x),MR(y),MR(z)) end
- V3 =
- MR = math.rad
- MD = math.deg
- MRND = math.random
- CFN=CF(0,0,0)
- V3N=V3(0,0,0)
- V3M=V3(1/0,1/0,1/0)
- newI = function(tab)
- local p =[1],tab[2])
- for i,v in pairs(tab) do
- if i=="Debris" then
- Debris:AddItem(p,v)
- elseif (i~=1 and i~=2) then
- p[i] = v
- end
- end
- return p
- end
- ------------Assets
- assets = {}
- --Meshes
- assets.Ring = "3270017"
- assets.Bullet1 = "10207677"
- assets.MuzzleFlash = "25212400"
- --MeshTexture
- --Decals
- --Gui Decals
- --Sounds
- assets.Minigun1 = "2766581"
- assets.Fire1 = "2760979"
- --
- assetprefix = ""
- for i,v in pairs(assets) do
- if v:sub(1,3)~="htt" and v:sub(1,3)~="rbx" then
- assets[i]=assetprefix..v
- end
- end
- ----------------------------
- PlaySound=function(soundId,Parent,Pit,Vol)
- local v=newI{"Sound",Parent,SoundId=soundId,Volume=Vol,Pitch=Pit,Looped=false,Debris=5}
- v:Play()
- end
- newPart = function(sizea,sizeb,sizec,parent,cframe,aa,bb,cc,dd,ee,ff)
- local Materials = {}
- for i,v in pairs{
- "Plastic","SmoothPlastic","Wood", "WoodPlanks",
- "Marble", "Slate","Concrete", "Granite",
- "Brick","Pebble", "Cobblestone","CorrodedMetal",
- "DiamondPlate", "Foil", "Metal","Grass",
- "Sand","Fabric","Ice","Neon"} do
- Materials[v]=v
- end
- local mat,col
- local part ="Part",parent or Model)
- for i,v in pairs{aa,bb,cc,dd,ee,ff} do
- if Materials[v] then mat=v end
- if then col=v end
- if v=="CylinderMesh" or v=="BlockMesh" then local m =,part) m.Name="Mesh" end
- if v=="Torso" then newI{"SpecialMesh",part,MeshType="Torso"} end
- if v=="Sphere" then newI{"SpecialMesh",part,MeshType="Sphere"} end
- if v=="Wedge" then part:Destroy()"WedgePart",parent or Model) end
- if v=="Corner" then part:Destroy()"CornerWedgePart",parent or Model) end
- if v=="Ring" then newI{"SpecialMesh",part,MeshType="FileMesh",MeshId=assets.Ring} end
- if v=="nonCollide" then part.CanCollide=false end
- if v=="Transparent" then part.Transparency=1 end
- if v=="Anchored" then part.Anchored=true end
- if v=="S0.5" then sizea=sizea/2 sizeb=sizeb/2 sizec=sizec/2 part.Mesh.Scale=part.Mesh.Scale*2 end
- end
- if part.className~="CornerWedgePart" then part.formFactor="Custom" end
- for i,v in pairs{"Top","Bottom","Left","Right","Front","Back"} do
- part[v.."Surface"]="SmoothNoOutlines"
- end
- part.Size=V3(sizea,sizeb,sizec) or V3(1,1,1)
- part.CFrame=cframe or CF(0,-50,0)
- or 'Deep orange')
- part.Material = mat or 'DiamondPlate'
- part:BreakJoints()
- part.Elasticity = 0
- part.Name="z"
- part.CustomPhysicalProperties =,2,0,2,0)
- return part,cframe
- end
- newMesh=function(parent,dtype,sx,sy,sz)
- local filemesh
- local mesh
- if dtype=="Block" or dtype=="Cylinder" then
- mesh=INEW(types.."Mesh",parent)
- elseif dtype:sub(1,4)=="http" or dtype:sub(1,3)=="rbx" then
- mesh=INEW("SpecialMesh",parent)
- mesh.MeshType="FileMesh"
- mesh.MeshId=dtype
- filemesh=true
- else
- mesh=INEW("SpecialMesh",parent)
- mesh.MeshType=dtype
- end
- if parent.Size.x<=0.2 then parent.CanCollide=false end
- local yes=parent.Size.x<0.2001 and 5 or 1
- if filemesh then yes=1 end
- mesh.Scale=V3(sx or 1,sy or 1,sz or 1)*yes
- return mesh
- end
- newWeld = function(parent,P0,P1,C0,C1)
- local"Weld",parent or P0)
- weld.Part0=P0
- weld.Part1=P1
- weld.C0=C0 or weld.C0
- weld.C1=C1 or weld.C1
- return weld
- end
- newWeld6D = function(parent,P0,P1,C0,C1)
- local"Motor6D",parent or P0)
- weld.Part0=P0
- weld.Part1=P1
- weld.C0=C0 or weld.C0
- weld.C1=C1 or weld.C1
- return weld
- end
- ray = function(Origin,Direction,tab,length) -- ray cast
- return workspace:FindPartOnRay(,Direction.unit *(length or 999)),tab)
- end
- addProjectile = function(Origin,Destination,Speed,onHit,extra,noHit)
- local current = CF(Origin,Destination.p)
- local co = 0
- doIn(4,function(i,wkey,step)
- co=co+1
- if co%2==0 then
- local Speed2 = Speed*step
- local Hit,Pos = ray(current.p,Destination.p-Origin,mech,Speed2)
- if Hit then
- current=current*CF(0,0,-(current.p-Pos).magnitude)
- doInT[wkey] = nil
- onHit(Hit)
- else
- current=current*CF(0,0,-Speed2)
- end
- extra(current,i*4)
- end
- end,function()
- if noHit and noHit~=0 then
- noHit()
- end
- end)
- end
- checkCF = function(weld)
- local x,y,z = weld.C0:toEulerAnglesXYZ()
- print(weld.Name ..".C0 ",weld.C0.x,weld.C0.y,weld.C0.z," ",MD(x),MD(y),MD(z))
- local x,y,z = weld.C1:toEulerAnglesXYZ()
- print(weld.Name ..".C1 ",weld.C1.x,weld.C1.y,weld.C1.z," ",MD(x),MD(y),MD(z))
- end
- GetX = function(Part,Point)
- local x,y,z=Part.CFrame:toObjectSpace(,Point)):toEulerAnglesXYZ()
- return math.deg(x)
- end
- GetY = function(Part,Point)
- local x,y,z=Part.CFrame:toObjectSpace(,Point)):toEulerAnglesXYZ()
- return math.deg(y)
- end
- getTriangleValues = function(Points)
- local G, V = 0
- for S = 1, 3 do
- local L = (Points[1+(S+1)%3]-Points[1+S%3]).magnitude
- G, V = L > G and L or G, L > G and {Points[1+(S-1)%3], Points[1+(S)%3], Points[1+(S+1)%3]} or V
- end
- local D = V[2]+(V[3]-V[2]).unit*((V[3]-V[2]).unit:Dot(V[1]-V[2]))
- local C, B = (D-V[1]).unit, (V[2]-V[3]).unit
- local A = B:Cross(C)
- S1 = V3(0.2, (V[2]-D).magnitude, (V[1]-D).magnitude)/1 --0.2
- S2 = V3(0.2, (V[3]-D).magnitude, (V[1]-D).magnitude)/1 --0.2
- C1 = CF(0,0,0,A.X,B.X,C.X,A.Y,B.Y,C.Y,A.Z,B.Z,C.Z)+(V[1]+V[2])/2
- C2 = CF(0,0,0,-A.X,-B.X,C.X,-A.Y,-B.Y,C.Y,-A.Z,-B.Z,C.Z)+(V[1]+V[3])/2
- return C1, C2, S1, S2
- end
- fillTriangle = function(...)
- local C1,C2,S1,S2 = getTriangleValues(...)
- local tri1 = newPart(S1.x,S1.y,S1.z,mech,C1,"Wedge")
- local tri2 = newPart(S2.x,S2.y,S2.z,mech,C2,"Wedge")
- --for i=1,3 do
- --newPart(0.4,0.4,0.4,mech,CF((...)[i]),"nonCollide","Crimson","Anchored")
- --end
- return tri1,tri2
- end
- n = ""
- ThighAngle = -40
- LegAngle = 135
- FootAngle = -40
- ToeAngle = -LegAngle-ThighAngle-FootAngle
- ThighAngle = -25
- LegAngle = 75
- FootAngle = 10
- ToeAngle = -LegAngle-ThighAngle-FootAngle
- pcall(function() workspace["RM Mech 2"]:Remove() end)
- mech = newI{"Model",workspace,Name="RM Mech 2"}
- Base = newPart(10,10,8,mech,CF(0,50,0),"nonCollide")
- Base.Transparency=1
- Torso = newPart(4,4,4,mech,Base.CFrame,"nonCollide","Transparent")
- BaseW = newWeld6D(Base,Base,Torso,CF(0,0,0)*CFA(0,0,0))
- Torso1 = newPart(4,4,4,mech,Base.CFrame,"nonCollide","Transparent") --for X Turn
- Torso1W = newWeld6D(Torso,Torso,Torso1,CF(0,0,0)*CFA(0,0,0))
- Torso2 = newPart(4,4,4,mech,Base.CFrame,"nonCollide","Transparent") --for Y Turning Torso
- Torso2W = newWeld6D(Torso1,Torso1,Torso2,CF(0,0,0)*CFA(0,0,0))
- --[[
- Stand = newPart(2,2,2,mech,Base.CFrame,"Transparent") --Stand (motor6d never used)
- Stand.Name = "Left Leg"
- StandW = newWeld6D(Base,Base,Stand,CF(-4.5,-7-0.172-6,0))
- Stand = newPart(2,2,2,mech,Base.CFrame,"Transparent")
- Stand.Name = "Right Leg"
- StandW = newWeld6D(Base,Base,Stand,CF( 4.5,-7-0.172-6,0)) --]]
- ------------------
- fillTriangle1Mech = function(...)
- local t1,t2 = fillTriangle(...)
- newWeld(Torso,Torso2,t1,Torso2.CFrame:toObjectSpace(t1.CFrame))
- newWeld(Torso,Torso2,t2,Torso2.CFrame:toObjectSpace(t2.CFrame))
- return t1,t2
- end
- ------------------
- LThigh = newPart(3,3,3,mech,Torso.CFrame,"nonCollide","Transparent")
- LThighW = newWeld6D(Torso,Torso,LThigh,CF(-4.5+1.5,0,0),CF( 1.5,0.5,0)*CFA(ThighAngle,0,0))
- RThigh = newPart(3,3,3,mech,Torso.CFrame,"nonCollide","Transparent")
- RThighW = newWeld6D(Torso,Torso,RThigh,CF( 4.5-1.5,0,0),CF(-1.5,0.5,0)*CFA(ThighAngle,0,0))
- for i,v in pairs{[-1]=LThigh,[1]=RThigh} do
- newWeld(Torso,v,newPart(2.2,0.4,2.2,mech,nil,"CylinderMesh","nonCollide","Crimson"),CF(1.41*i,0.5,0)*CFA(0,0,90))
- newWeld(Torso,v,newPart(1.8,0.41,1.8,mech,nil,"CylinderMesh","nonCollide","Black"),CF(1.41*i,0.5,0)*CFA(0,0,90))
- newWeld(Torso,v,newPart(1.75,0.2,1.75,mech,nil,"CylinderMesh","nonCollide","Crimson"),CF(1.41*-i,0.5,0)*CFA(0,0,90))
- newWeld(Torso,v,newPart(1.4,3.2,1.4,mech,nil,"CylinderMesh","nonCollide","Crimson"),CF(0,-5,0)*CFA(0,0,90))
- newWeld(Torso,v,newPart(1.1,3.3,1.1,mech,nil,"CylinderMesh","nonCollide","Black"),CF(0,-5,0)*CFA(0,0,90))
- newWeld(Torso,v,newPart(1.6,0.2,1.2,mech,nil),CF(0,-3.9,-0.1))
- local newp = newPart(1.6,math.sqrt(1+5.5*5.5)+0.05,0.2,mech,nil)
- local newpw = newWeld(Torso,v,newp,CF(0,-1.25,1.4-0.52)*CFA(math.deg(math.tan(1/5.5)),0,0))
- if i==-1 then
- LThighPad = newp
- LThighPadW = newpw
- else
- RThighPad = newp
- RThighPadW = newpw
- end
- local newp = newPart(1.6,math.sqrt(0.2^2+5.5^2)+0.05,0.2,mech,nil)
- local newpw = newWeld(Torso,v,newp,CF(0,-1.25,-1.4+0.3)*CFA(-math.deg(math.tan(0.6/5.5)),0,0)*CF(0,2.7725,0),CF(0,2.7725,0)*CFA(0,0,0))
- if i==-1 then
- LThighPad2 = newp
- LThighPad2W = newpw
- else
- RThighPad2 = newp
- RThighPad2W = newpw
- end
- newWeld(Torso,v,newPart(3,1.2,0.8,mech,nil,"Wedge"),CF(0,2.1,-1.5+0.4)*CFA(0,0,0))
- newWeld(Torso,v,newPart(3,1.2,0.6,mech,nil),CF(0,2.1,-1.5+1.1))
- newWeld(Torso,v,newPart(3,1.2,1.6,mech,nil,"Wedge"),CF(0,2.1, 1.5-0.8)*CFA(0,180,0))
- for i=-1,1,2 do
- newWeld(Torso,v,newPart(0.7,7.5,1.6,mech,nil),CF(-1.15*i,-2.25,0))
- newWeld(Torso,v,newPart(0.7,0.8,0.5,mech,nil,"Wedge"),CF(1.15*i,-6.25,-0.4)*CFA(-90,0,0))
- newWeld(Torso,v,newPart(0.7,0.8,0.5,mech,nil,"Wedge"),CF(1.15*i,-6.25, 0.4)*CFA(-90,0,180))
- newWeld(Torso,v,newPart(0.7,0.7,7.5,mech,nil,"Wedge"),CF(1.15*i,-2.25,-0.8-0.35)*CFA(-90,0,0))
- newWeld(Torso,v,newPart(0.7,0.7,7.5,mech,nil,"Wedge"),CF(1.15*i,-2.25, 0.8+0.35)*CFA(-90,0,180))
- end
- end
- LLeg = newPart(2,2,2,mech,Torso.CFrame,"Transparent","nonCollide")
- LLegW = newWeld6D(LThigh,LThigh,LLeg,CF(0,-5,0),CF(0,0,0)*CFA(LegAngle,0,0))
- RLeg = newPart(2,2,2,mech,Torso.CFrame,"Transparent","nonCollide")
- RLegW = newWeld6D(RThigh,RThigh,RLeg,CF(0,-5,0),CF(0,0,0)*CFA(LegAngle,0,0))
- for i,v in pairs{LLeg,RLeg} do
- newWeld(Torso,v,newPart(2,1.6,2,mech,nil,"CylinderMesh"),CF(0,0,0)*CFA(0,0,90))
- newWeld(Torso,v,newPart(1,1,1,mech,nil,"CylinderMesh"),CF(0,-6,0)*CFA(0,0,90))
- newWeld(Torso,v,newPart(1.599,2,1,mech,nil),CFA(4,0,0)*CF(0,-1,-0.49))
- newWeld(Torso,v,newPart(1.599,2,1,mech,nil,"Wedge"),CFA(4,0,0)*CF(0,-1,0.5)*CFA(180,0,0))
- newWeld(Torso,v,newPart(1.6,3.2,1,mech,nil,"Torso"),CFA(4,0,0)*CF(0,-2-0.8,-0.355)*CFA(165+5,0,0)*CF(0,0.7,0))
- newWeld(Torso,v,newPart(1,1.15,1,mech,nil),CF(0,-6,0)*CFA(-17,0,0)*CF(0,0.575,0))
- for i=-1,1,2 do
- local baa = newPart(0.5,0.4,0.5,mech,nil,"CylinderMesh","Crimson")
- newWeld(Torso,v,baa,CF(-0.25*i,-5.5,0.5)*CFA(-5,0,2.2*i))
- newWeld(Torso,baa,newPart(0.4,5,0.4,mech,nil,"CylinderMesh","Black"),CF(0,2.5,0))
- newWeld(Torso,baa,newPart(0.5,0.5,0.5,mech,nil,"Sphere","Crimson"),CF(0,-0.15,0))
- newWeld(Torso,baa,newPart(0.7,1.8,0.7,mech,nil,"CylinderMesh","Crimson"),CF(0,4.1-0.4,0))
- end
- end
- LFoot = newPart(2,2,2,mech,nil,"Transparent","nonCollide")
- LFootW = newWeld6D(LLeg,LLeg,LFoot,CF(0,-6,0),CF(0,0,0)*CFA(FootAngle,0,0))
- RFoot = newPart(2,2,2,mech,nil,"Transparent","nonCollide")
- RFootW = newWeld6D(RLeg,RLeg,RFoot,CF(0,-6,0),CF(0,0,0)*CFA(FootAngle,0,0))
- for i,v in pairs{LFoot,RFoot} do
- newWeld(Torso,v,newPart(0.8,2.8,0.8,mech,nil,"CylinderMesh","nonCollide","S0.5","Crimson"),CF(0,-1,-5)*CFA(0,0,90))
- newWeld(Torso,v,newPart(0.6,2.81,0.6,mech,nil,"CylinderMesh","nonCollide","S0.5","Black"),CF(0,-1,-5)*CFA(0,0,90))
- newWeld(Torso,v,newPart(1,0.5,1,mech,nil,"CylinderMesh","nonCollide","S0.5"),CF(0,-1,-5)*CFA(0,-1,90))
- newWeld(Torso,v,newPart(1,0.25,1,mech,nil,"CylinderMesh","nonCollide","S0.5"),CF(-0.125-0.65-0.4,-1,-5)*CFA(0,0,90))
- newWeld(Torso,v,newPart(1,0.25,1,mech,nil,"CylinderMesh","nonCollide","S0.5"),CF(0.125+0.65+0.4,-1,-5)*CFA(0,0,90))
- newWeld(Torso,v,newPart(0.501,1,1,mech,nil,"nonCollide"),CF(0,-1,-4.5))
- newWeld(Torso,v,newPart(0.251,1,1,mech,nil,"nonCollide"),CF(-0.125-0.65-0.4,-1,-4.5))
- newWeld(Torso,v,newPart(0.251,1,1,mech,nil,"nonCollide"),CF( 0.125+0.65+0.4,-1,-4.5))
- newWeld(Torso,v,newPart(1,0.5,5.5,mech,nil,"Wedge"),CF(-0.9-0.15,-1,-1.25)*CFA(0,180,-90))
- newWeld(Torso,v,newPart(1,0.5,5.5,mech,nil,"Wedge"),CF( 0.9+0.15,-1,-1.25)*CFA(0,180, 90))
- newWeld(Torso,v,newPart(1.6,1,5.5,mech,nil),CF(0,-1,-1.25)) --asd
- newWeld(Torso,v,newPart(0.8,1.7,0.8,mech,nil,"CylinderMesh","nonCollide","Crimson"),CF(0,0,0)*CFA(0,0,90))
- newWeld(Torso,v,newPart(0.6,1.71,0.6,mech,nil,"CylinderMesh","nonCollide","Black"),CF(0,0,0)*CFA(0,0,90))
- for i=-1,1,2 do
- newWeld(Torso,v,newPart(0.6,1,1,mech,nil,"Wedge"),CF(0.5*i,-1,2)*CFA(0,180,180)) --heel
- newWeld(Torso,v,newPart(0.3,0.5,0.8,mech,nil),CF(0.65*i, 0.25,0)*CFA(0,0,0))
- newWeld(Torso,v,newPart(0.3,0.5,1.6,mech,nil),CF(0.65*i,-0.25,0)*CFA(0,0,0))
- newWeld(Torso,v,newPart(0.3,0.5,0.4,mech,nil,"Wedge"),CF(0.65*i,0.25,-0.6)*CFA(0, 0,0))
- newWeld(Torso,v,newPart(0.3,0.5,0.4,mech,nil,"Wedge"),CF(0.65*i,0.25, 0.6)*CFA(0,180,0))
- newWeld(Torso,v,newPart(0.3,0.5,0.2,mech,nil,"Wedge"),CF(0.65*i,-0.25,-0.9)*CFA(0, 0,0))
- newWeld(Torso,v,newPart(0.3,0.5,0.2,mech,nil,"Wedge"),CF(0.65*i,-0.25, 0.9)*CFA(0,180,0))
- end
- end
- LToe = newPart(3,1,1,mech,nil,"Crimson","Transparent")
- LToeW = newWeld6D(LFoot,LFoot,LToe,CF(0,-1,-5),CF(0,0,0)*CFA(ToeAngle,0,0))
- RToe = newPart(3,1,1,mech,nil,"Crimson","Transparent")
- RToeW = newWeld6D(RFoot,RFoot,RToe,CF(0,-1,-5),CF(0,0,0)*CFA(ToeAngle,0,0))
- for i,v in pairs{LToe,RToe} do
- local part = newPart(0.8,1,3,mech,nil,"Wedge","Crimson")
- newWeld(Torso,v,part,CF(-0.65,0,-1.75))
- local part = newPart(0.8,1,3,mech,nil,"Wedge","Crimson")
- newWeld(Torso,v,part,CF(0.65,0,-1.75))
- local part = newPart(0.8,1,1,mech,nil,"Wedge","Crimson")
- newWeld(Torso,v,part,CF(-0.65,0,0.25)*CFA(180,0,0))
- local part = newPart(0.8,1,1,mech,nil,"Wedge","Crimson")
- newWeld(Torso,v,part,CF( 0.65,0,0.25)*CFA(180,0,0))
- newWeld(Torso,v,newPart(4,3,5,mech,nil,"Transparent"),CF(0,1,-1.5))
- end
- ---------------TORSO1 LOWER (NOT Y TURN)
- newWeld(Torso,Torso1,newPart(5,3,3,mech,nil,"Torso"),CF(0,-0.5,0)*CFA(180,90,0)) --lowest torso
- newWeld(Torso,Torso1,newPart(1.6,3.4,1.6,mech,nil,"CylinderMesh","nonCollide","Crimson"),CF(0,-0.8,-0.55)*CFA(0,0,90))
- for i=-1,1,2 do
- newWeld(Torso,Torso1,newPart(1.5,1.5,1.5,mech,nil,"Sphere","nonCollide"),CF(3*i,0,0))
- newWeld(Torso,Torso1,newPart(1.2,2.4,1.2,mech,nil,"CylinderMesh","nonCollide"),CF(3*i,0,0)*CFA(-55,55*i,0)*CF(0,0,-1.2)*CFA(90,0,0))
- end
- --Tail
- newWeld(Torso,Torso1,newPart(2.5,1.5,2.5,mech,nil,"CylinderMesh"),CF(0,-0.5,2)*CFA(90,0,0)*CF(0,0.5-0.25,0))
- newWeld(Torso,Torso1,newPart(2.3,0.2,2.3,mech,nil,"CylinderMesh","Crimson"),CF(0,-0.5,2)*CFA(90,0,0)*CF(0,1-0.09,0))
- newWeld(Torso,Torso1,newPart(2,0.5,0.2,mech,nil,"Black"),CF(0,-0.5,2+1-0.08)*CFA(0,0,0))
- CockpitGlass = {}
- ---------------------TORSO2 UPPER
- newWeld(Torso,Torso2,newPart(2.9,0.2,2.9,mech,nil,"CylinderMesh","nonCollide","Crimson"),CF(0,1-0.09,0))
- newWeld(Torso,Torso2,newPart(2.9,0.2,2.9,mech,nil,"CylinderMesh","nonCollide","Crimson"),CF(0,1+2+0.09,0))
- newWeld(Torso,Torso2,newPart(2.6,2,2.6,mech,nil,"CylinderMesh","Crimson"),CF(0,1+1,0))
- for i=0.2,1.8,0.4 do
- newWeld(Torso,Torso2,newPart(3.1+i/3,0.2,3.1+i/3,mech,nil,"CylinderMesh","nonCollide"),CF(0,1+i,0))
- end
- newWeld(Torso,Torso2,newPart(8,5,4,mech,nil,"Torso"),CF(0,1+2+2.5,0)*CFA(180,90,0)) -- upper
- Ceiling = newPart(4,0.2,6,mech,nil)
- newWeld(Torso,Torso2,Ceiling,CF(0,16.9,0))
- newWeld(Torso,Torso2,newPart(4,1,1,mech,nil),CF(0,8-0.5,-4.5)) --floor front
- --front glass part
- newWeld(Torso,Torso2,newPart(4.4,1,0.2,mech,nil),CF(0,8,-4.9)*CFA(-30,0,0)*CF(0,0.5,0))
- newWeld(Torso,Torso2,newPart(0.25,4.4,0.25,mech,nil,"CylinderMesh"),CF(0,8,-4.9)*CFA(-30,0,0)*CF(0,1,0)*CFA(0,0,90)) --glass metal
- CockpitGlass[#CockpitGlass+1] = newWeld(Torso,Torso2,newPart(4.4,2+0.1,0.2,mech,nil),CF(0,8,-4.9)*CFA(-30,0,0)*CF(0,1+1,0)).Part1
- newWeld(Torso,Torso2,newPart(0.25,4.4,0.25,mech,nil,"CylinderMesh"),CF(0,8,-4.9)*CFA(-30,0,0)*CF(0,1+2,0)*CFA(0,0,90)) --glass metal
- CockpitGlass[#CockpitGlass+1] = newWeld(Torso,Torso2,newPart(4.4,1+3.35,0.2,mech,nil),CF(0,8,-4.9)*CFA(-30,0,0)*CF(0,1+2,0)*CFA(30+19.8,0,0)*CF(0,0.5+1.675,0)).Part1
- newWeld(Torso,Torso2,newPart(4.4,3,0.2,mech,nil),CF(0,17,-3)*CFA(-135-5,0,0)*CF(0,1.5,0)) --upper ceiling
- newWeld(Torso,Torso2,newPart(0.25,4.4,0.25,mech,nil,"CylinderMesh"),CF(0,8,-4.9)*CFA(-30,0,0)*CF(0,1+2,0)*CFA(30+19.8,0,0)*CF(0,1+3.35,0)*CFA(0,0,90)) --glass metal
- for i=-1,1,2 do
- newWeld(Torso,Torso2,newPart(6.2,3,2,mech,nil,"Torso"),CF(3*i,1+2+3.5,0)*CFA(180,90,0)) --side torsos
- newWeld(Torso,Torso2,newPart(3,1,3,mech,nil,"CylinderMesh"),CF(2.5*i,5,0)*CFA(0,0,90)) -- hipgun
- newWeld(Torso,Torso2,newPart(1,2,2,mech,nil,"Wedge"),CF(3*i,8-0.5,-4)*CFA(0,-90*i,90*i)) --floorwedge
- newWeld(Torso,Torso2,newPart(1,1,2,mech,nil,"Wedge"),CF(3*i,8-0.5, 3.5)*CFA(0,-90*i,90*-i))
- newWeld(Torso,Torso2,newPart(0.2, 6,6.2,mech,nil),CF(4*i,8,-0.1)*CFA(0,0,-10*i)*CF(-0.1*i,3,0)) --sidewalls
- newWeld(Torso,Torso2,newPart(0.2,4.3,6.2,mech,nil),CF(4*i,8,-0.1)*CFA(0,0,-10*i)*CF(0,6,0)*CFA(0,0,55*i)*CF(0,2.15,0)) --sidewall upper
- newWeld(Torso,Torso2,newPart(0.2,1,math.sqrt(2*2+2*2)+0.1,mech,nil),CF(-2.9*i,8,-4)*CFA(0,-45*i,25*i)*CF(0,0.5,0.05)) --side front
- --metal glasses
- newWeld(Torso,Torso2,newPart(0.25,4,0.25,mech,nil,"CylinderMesh"),CF(2.2*i,8,-4.9)*CFA(-30,0,0)*CF(0,1+1-1,0))
- newWeld(Torso,Torso2,newPart(0.25,4.4,0.25,mech,nil,"CylinderMesh"),CF(2.2*i,8,-4.9)*CFA(-30,0,0)*CF(0,1+2,0)*CFA(30+19.8,0,0)*CF(0,0.5+1.675,0))
- newWeld(Torso,Torso2,newPart(0.25,0.25,0.25,mech,nil,"Sphere"),CF(2.2*i,8,-4.9)*CFA(-30,0,0)*CF(0,1+2,0))
- newWeld(Torso,Torso2,newPart(0.25,0.25,0.25,mech,nil,"Sphere"),CF(2.2*i,8,-4.9)*CFA(-30,0,0)*CF(0,1+2,0)*CFA(30+19.8,0,0)*CF(0,1+3.35,0))
- local p1 = (Torso2.CFrame*CF(2.2*i,17,-3)*CFA(-135-5,0,0)*CF(0,3,0)).p
- local p2 = (Torso2.CFrame*CF(4*i,8,-3.2)*CFA(0,0,-10*i)*CF(0,6,0)).p
- local len = (p1-p2).magnitude
- local cf = CF(p1,p2)*CF(0,0,-len/2)*CFA(-90,0,0)
- newWeld(Torso,Torso2,newPart(0.25,len,0.25,mech,nil,"CylinderMesh"),Torso2.CFrame:toObjectSpace(cf))
- newWeld(Torso,Torso2,newPart(0.25,0.25,0.25,mech,nil,"Sphere"),Torso2.CFrame:toObjectSpace(cf*CF(0,len/2,0)))
- p1 = (Torso2.CFrame*CF(2.2*i,8,-4.9)*CFA(-30,0,0)*CF(0,1+2,0)).p
- len = (p1-p2).magnitude
- cf = CF(p1,p2)*CF(0,0,-len/2)*CFA(-90,0,0)
- newWeld(Torso,Torso2,newPart(0.25,len,0.25,mech,nil,"CylinderMesh"),Torso2.CFrame:toObjectSpace(cf))
- p1 = (Torso2.CFrame*CF(4*i,8,-3.2)*CFA(0,0,-10*i)*CF(-0.1*i,2,0)).p
- len = (p1-p2).magnitude
- cf = CF(p1,p2)*CF(0,0,-len/2)*CFA(-90,0,0)
- newWeld(Torso,Torso2,newPart(0.25,len,0.25,mech,nil,"CylinderMesh"),Torso2.CFrame:toObjectSpace(cf))
- newWeld(Torso,Torso2,newPart(0.25,0.25,0.25,mech,nil,"Sphere"),Torso2.CFrame:toObjectSpace(cf*CF(0,-len/2,0)))
- p2 = (Torso2.CFrame*CF(2.2*i,8,-4.9)*CFA(-30,0,0)*CF(0,1,0)).p
- len = (p1-p2).magnitude
- cf = CF(p1,p2)*CF(0,0,-len/2)*CFA(-90,0,0)
- newWeld(Torso,Torso2,newPart(0.25,len,0.25,mech,nil,"CylinderMesh"),Torso2.CFrame:toObjectSpace(cf))
- local t1,t2 = fillTriangle1Mech{ --upper glass
- (Torso2.CFrame*CF(2.2*i,8,-4.9)*CFA(-30,0,0)*CF(0,1+2,0)).p;
- (Torso2.CFrame*CF(2.2*i,17,-3)*CFA(-135-5,0,0)*CF(0,3,0)).p;
- (Torso2.CFrame*CF(4*i,8,-3.2)*CFA(0,0,-10*i)*CF(0,6,0)).p;}
- CockpitGlass[#CockpitGlass+1] = t1 newI{"SpecialMesh",t1,MeshType="Wedge",Scale=V3(0,1,1)}
- CockpitGlass[#CockpitGlass+1] = t2 newI{"SpecialMesh",t2,MeshType="Wedge",Scale=V3(0,1,1)}
- local t1,t2 = fillTriangle1Mech{ --mid glass
- (Torso2.CFrame*CF(2.2*i,8,-4.9)*CFA(-30,0,0)*CF(0,1+2,0)).p;
- (Torso2.CFrame*CF(2.2*i,8,-4.9)*CFA(-30,0,0)*CF(0,1,0)).p;
- (Torso2.CFrame*CF(4*i,8,-3.2)*CFA(0,0,-10*i)*CF(-0.1*i,2,0)).p;}
- CockpitGlass[#CockpitGlass+1] = t1 newI{"SpecialMesh",t1,MeshType="Wedge",Scale=V3(0,1,1)}
- CockpitGlass[#CockpitGlass+1] = t2 newI{"SpecialMesh",t2,MeshType="Wedge",Scale=V3(0,1,1)}
- local t1,t2 = fillTriangle1Mech{ --lower glass
- (Torso2.CFrame*CF(2.2*i,8,-4.9)*CFA(-30,0,0)*CF(0,1+2,0)).p;
- (Torso2.CFrame*CF(4*i,8,-3.2)*CFA(0,0,-10*i)*CF(0,6,0)).p;
- (Torso2.CFrame*CF(4*i,8,-3.2)*CFA(0,0,-10*i)*CF(-0.1*i,2,0)).p;}
- CockpitGlass[#CockpitGlass+1] = t1 newI{"SpecialMesh",t1,MeshType="Wedge",Scale=V3(0,1,1)}
- CockpitGlass[#CockpitGlass+1] = t2 newI{"SpecialMesh",t2,MeshType="Wedge",Scale=V3(0,1,1)}
- fillTriangle1Mech{ --sidewall upper front
- (Torso2.CFrame*CF(2.2*i,17,-3)).p;
- (Torso2.CFrame*CF(2.2*i,17,-3)*CFA(-135-5,0,0)*CF(0,3,0)).p;
- (Torso2.CFrame*CF(4*i,8,-3.2)*CFA(0,0,-10*i)*CF(0,6,0)).p;}
- fillTriangle1Mech{ --sidewall lower front
- (Torso2.CFrame*CF(2.2*i,8,-4.9)*CFA(-30,0,0)*CF(0,1,0)).p;
- (Torso2.CFrame*CF(2.9*i,8,-4)*CFA(0,45*i,-25*i)*CF(0,1,math.sqrt(2*2+2*2)/2+0.1)).p;
- (Torso2.CFrame*CF(4*i,8,-3.2)*CFA(0,0,-10*i)*CF(-0.1*i,2,0)).p;}
- fillTriangle1Mech{ --sides and back ceiling
- (Torso2.CFrame*CF(2*i,8,4)).p;
- (Torso2.CFrame*CF(2*i,8,4)*CFA(20,0,0)*CF(0,6,0)).p;
- (Torso2.CFrame*CF(4*i,8,3)).p;}
- fillTriangle1Mech{
- (Torso2.CFrame*CF(4*i,8,3)*CFA(0,0,-10*i)*CF(0,6,0)).p;
- (Torso2.CFrame*CF(2*i,8,4)*CFA(20,0,0)*CF(0,6,0)).p;
- (Torso2.CFrame*CF(4*i,8,3)).p;}
- fillTriangle1Mech{
- (Torso2.CFrame*CF(4*i,8,3)*CFA(0,0,-10*i)*CF(0,6,0)).p;
- (Torso2.CFrame*CF(2*i,8,4)*CFA(20,0,0)*CF(0,6,0)).p;
- (Torso2.CFrame*CF(2*i,16.5+0.5,3)).p;}
- end
- --roof designs
- newWeld(Torso,Torso2,newPart(9,1,1,mech,nil,"Wedge"),CF(0,17.5,-1.5))
- newWeld(Torso,Torso2,newPart(4.4,1,2,mech,nil,"Wedge"),CF(0,17.5,-2))
- newWeld(Torso,Torso2,newPart(4.4,1,4,mech,nil,"Wedge"),CF(0,18.5, 1))
- newWeld(Torso,Torso2,newPart(4.4,2,3,mech,nil,"Wedge"),CF(0,18, 4.5)*CFA(0,180,0))
- newWeld(Torso,Torso2,newPart(9,1,4,mech,nil),CF(0,17.5, 1))
- newWeld(Torso,Torso2,newPart(4.4,3,3.3,mech,nil,"Wedge"),CF(0,17-1.65, 4.5)*CFA(-90,0,0))
- LShoulder = newPart(2.6,2.6,2.6,mech,nil,"Crimson","Sphere")
- LShoulderW = newWeld6D(Torso2,Torso2,LShoulder,CF(-8,16,0),CF(0,0,0)*CFA(30,0,8))
- RShoulder = newPart(2.6,2.6,2.6,mech,nil,"Crimson","Sphere")
- RShoulderW = newWeld6D(Torso2,Torso2,RShoulder,CF( 8,16,0),CF(0,0,0)*CFA(30,0,-8))
- BackBooster = {}
- for i=-1,1,2 do --back torso design
- local v = newPart(4,4,4,mech,nil,"CylinderMesh")
- newWeld(Torso,Torso2,v,CF(4.5*i,15.5,3.75)*CFA(-15,0,5*i))
- newWeld(Torso,v,newPart(3.65,2,3.65,mech,nil,"CylinderMesh"),CF(0,-2,0)*CFA(2,0,0)*CF(0,0,0))
- newWeld(Torso,v,newPart(3.2,3,3.2,mech,nil,"CylinderMesh"),CF(0,-2,0)*CFA(4,0,0)*CF(0,-1.5,0.1))
- local backboost = newPart(2.4,0.2,2.4,mech,nil,"CylinderMesh","Crimson","Neon")
- newWeld(Torso,v,backboost,CF(0,-2,0)*CFA(4,0,0)*CF(0,-2.91,0.1))
- BackBooster[i] = newI{"ParticleEmitter",backboost
- ,Lifetime =,1)
- ,LightEmission=1
- ,Color =,0/255,0/255),,0/255,0/255))
- ,Texture = assetprefix.."346519018"
- ,LockedToPart=true
- ,EmissionDirection="Bottom"
- ,Rate=600
- ,Speed =,6)
- ,Rotation =,-180)
- ,RotSpeed =,-90)
- ,VelocitySpread=0
- ,Acceleration=V3(0,-15,0)
- ,Enabled=false
- }
- for y=1,6 do
- newWeld(Torso,v,newPart(1,1,0.4,mech,nil,"Wedge"),CF(0,-2,0)*CFA(4,0,0)*CF(0,-3-0.5,0.1)*CFA(0,y*60,0)*CF(0,0,1.5-0.2)*CFA(180,0,0))
- end
- end
- for i,v in pairs{[-1]=LShoulder,[1]=RShoulder} do
- newWeld(Torso,v,newPart(3,0.75,3,mech,nil,"CylinderMesh"),CFA(0,0, 50)) --x
- newWeld(Torso,v,newPart(3,0.75,3,mech,nil,"CylinderMesh"),CFA(0,0,-50)) --x
- newWeld(Torso,Torso2,newPart(6,2.5,2,mech,nil,"Torso"),CF(-5.5*i,17-0.25,0)*CFA(0,90,0)) --shoulder
- newWeld(Torso,Torso2,newPart(4.5,2.5,3,mech,nil,"Torso"),CF(-8*i,17+0.5,0)*CFA(0,90,0))
- newWeld(Torso,Torso2,newPart(1.6,2,2,mech,nil,"Wedge"),CF(-5.5*i,14.5, 1.5)*CFA(180,90*i,0))
- newWeld(Torso,Torso2,newPart(1.6,2,2,mech,nil,"Wedge"),CF(-5.5*i,14.5,-1.5)*CFA(180,90*i,0))
- newWeld(Torso,Torso2,newPart(5,3,2.5,mech,nil,"Wedge"),CF(-3.5*i,15.5,0.5)*CFA(180,-90*i,0))
- newWeld(Torso,Torso2,newPart(4.3,2.5,3,mech,nil,"Wedge"),CF(-4.35*i,16.75,3.5)*CFA(180,0,0))
- newWeld(Torso,v,newPart(3,1,3,mech,nil,"Wedge"),CF(0,-11.5, 1)*CFA(180,0, 0))
- newWeld(Torso,v,newPart(3,2,1,mech,nil,"Wedge"),CF(0,-11 , -1)*CFA( 0,0,180))
- newWeld(Torso,v,newPart(3,1,3,mech,nil,"Wedge"),CF(0,-10.5, 1)*CFA( 0,180,0))
- newWeld(Torso,v,newPart(2.8,1,2.2,mech,nil,"Wedge"),CF(0,-2.5,0.6)*CFA(180,0, 0))
- newWeld(Torso,v,newPart(2.8,2,1,mech,nil,"Wedge"),CF(0,-2 , -1)*CFA( 180,180,180))
- newWeld(Torso,v,newPart(2.8,1,2.2,mech,nil,"Wedge"),CF(0,-1.5,0.6)*CFA( 0,180,0))
- newWeld(Torso,v,newPart(0.8,1.7,0.8,mech,nil,"CylinderMesh","Crimson"),CF(-0.6,-1.3,0.9)*CFA(-15,0,-7))
- newWeld(Torso,v,newPart(0.8,1.7,0.8,mech,nil,"CylinderMesh","Crimson"),CF( 0.6,-1.3,0.9)*CFA(-15,0,7))
- newWeld(Torso,v,newPart(4,1.42,4,mech,nil,"CylinderMesh","Crimson"),CF(-0.7*i,-4,2)*CFA(0,0,90))--cylinder upper shoulder
- newWeld(Torso,v,newPart(3,0.2,3,mech,nil,"CylinderMesh"),CF(-1.5*i,-4,2)*CFA(0,0,90))
- newWeld(Torso,v,newPart(4,1.41,4,mech,nil,"CylinderMesh"),CF(-0.7*i,-4-0.25,1.5-0.5)*CFA(0,0,90))
- newWeld(Torso,v,newPart(2.05,3.19,2.05,mech,nil,"CylinderMesh","Crimson"),CF(-0.1*i,-4,2)*CFA(0,0,90))
- newWeld(Torso,v,newPart(1.5,1.6,1.5,mech,nil,"CylinderMesh","Black"),CF(0.7*i,-4,2)*CFA(0,0,90))
- newWeld(Torso,v,newPart(1.4,5,2,mech,nil,"Crimson"),CF(0.69*i,-4,2)*CFA(12.5,0,0)*CF(0,-2.5,0))
- newWeld(Torso,v,newPart(1.4,2.8,2,mech,nil,"Crimson"),CF(0.69*i,-4,2)*CFA(129,0,0)*CF(0,-1.4,0))
- for x=50,110,30 do
- newWeld(Torso,v,newPart(1.3,1.6,1.3,mech,nil,"CylinderMesh","Crimson"),CF(-0.7*i,-4-0.25,1.5-0.5)*CFA(x,0,0)*CF(0,2+0.8,0))
- newWeld(Torso,v,newPart(1,0.2,1,mech,nil,"CylinderMesh"),CF(-0.7*i,-4-0.25,1.5-0.5)*CFA(x,0,0)*CF(0,2+1.6-0.09,0))
- end
- newWeld(Torso,v,newPart(1.4,6.6,1.4,mech,nil,"CylinderMesh"),CF(-0.7*i,-4-0.25,1+2)*CFA( 5,0,0)*CF(0,-3.3,-0.7))
- newWeld(Torso,v,newPart(1.4,6,1.4,mech,nil,"CylinderMesh"),CF(-0.7*i,-4-0.25,1-2)*CFA(-2,0,0)*CF(0,-3, 0.7))
- newWeld(Torso,v,newPart(1.4,6,2.3,mech,nil),CF(-0.7*i,-7,0.8))
- newWeld(Torso,v,newPart(4.2,2,3,mech,nil,"Torso"),CF(0,-9.55,0.75)*CFA(14,90,0))
- end
- LElbow = newPart(1,1,1,mech,nil)
- LElbowW = newWeld6D(LShoulder,LShoulder,LElbow,CF(0,-12,0),CF(0,0,0)*CFA(-90,0,0))
- RElbow = newPart(1,1,1,mech,nil)
- RElbowW = newWeld6D(RShoulder,RShoulder,RElbow,CF(0,-12,0),CF(0,0,0)*CFA(-90-10,0,0))
- for i,v in pairs{[-1]=LElbow,[1]=RElbow} do
- newWeld(Torso,v,newPart(2.4,3.5,2.4,mech,nil,"CylinderMesh","Crimson"),CF(0,0,0)*CFA(0,0,90))
- newWeld(Torso,v,newPart(1.7,3.8,1.7,mech,nil,"CylinderMesh","Black"),CF(0,0,0)*CFA(0,0,90))
- newWeld(Torso,v,newPart(3,0.6,3,mech,nil,"CylinderMesh","Crimson"),CF(0,0,0)*CFA(0,0,90))
- if i == -1 then
- newWeld(Torso,v,newPart(2.2,2,2.5,mech,nil,"Torso"),CF(0,-0.5,1.3)*CFA(90,90,0)) --z y x --y z x
- newWeld(Torso,v,newPart(1.4,2,1,mech,nil,"Crimson"),CF(0,-1,0))
- newWeld(Torso,v,newPart(0.75,2.4,0.75,mech,nil,"CylinderMesh","Crimson"),CF(-0.6,-1.6,1.3)*CFA(30,0,0))
- newWeld(Torso,v,newPart(0.75,2.4,0.75,mech,nil,"CylinderMesh","Crimson"),CF( 0.6,-1.6,1.3)*CFA(30,0,0))
- newWeld(Torso,v,newPart(2,2.2,2,mech,nil,"Wedge"),CF(0,-1.9,-1.5))
- newWeld(Torso,v,newPart(3,1,2,mech,nil),CF(0,-2.5,0))
- end
- end
- --Left Arm
- newWeld(Torso,LElbow,newPart(3,3.5,4,mech,nil,"Wedge"),CF(0,-3-2,-0.75)*CFA(-90,0,0))
- newWeld(Torso,LElbow,newPart(5,4,5,mech,nil,"CylinderMesh","Crimson"),CF(0,-3-2.5,0)*CFA(0,0,90))
- newWeld(Torso,LElbow,newPart(2.4,5,2.4,mech,nil,"CylinderMesh","Crimson"),CF(0,-3-2.5,0)*CFA(0,0,90))
- newWeld(Torso,LElbow,newPart(4,1.2,4,mech,nil,"CylinderMesh","Black"),CF(0,-3-2.5+1,-1)*CFA(0,0,90))
- --newWeld(Torso,LElbow,newPart(4.99,2.3,1.1,mech,nil,"Crimson"),CF(0,-3-2.5-0.5,0))
- for i=-1,1,2 do
- newWeld(Torso,LElbow,newPart(1,4,4,mech,nil,"Sphere"),CF(2*i,-3-2.5,0)*CFA(0,0,0))
- newWeld(Torso,LElbow,newPart(0.7,5,0.7,mech,nil,"CylinderMesh","Crimson"),CF(0.6*i,-3-5+1+1.2+0.5,1.3+1.8-0.45)*CFA(-10,0,0)*CF(0,2.5,0))
- end
- newWeld(Torso,LElbow,newPart(2.6,6,2.6,mech,nil),CF(0,-3-5-1,0)) --
- newWeld(Torso,LElbow,newPart(3.5,6,1.1,mech,nil,"Crimson"),CF(0,-3-5-1,0))
- newWeld(Torso,LElbow,newPart(2.6,3,1.8,mech,nil,"Wedge"),CF(0,-3-5+1,1.3+0.9)*CFA(180,0,0))
- newWeld(Torso,LElbow,newPart(1,2.6,1,mech,nil,"CylinderMesh"),CF(0,-3-5+1+1.2+0.5,1.3+1.8-0.45)*CFA(0,0,90))
- newWeld(Torso,LElbow,newPart(1,1.4,1,mech,nil,"CylinderMesh","Crimson"),CF(0,-3-5-3.5,1.3)*CFA(0,0,90))
- newWeld(Torso,LElbow,newPart(1.4,4,1,mech,nil,"Crimson"),CF(0,-3-5-3.5+2,1.3))
- newWeld(Torso,LElbow,newPart(1.5,6,1.5,mech,nil,"Crimson","CylinderMesh"),CF(0,-3-5-3.5+2.5,-2.2+1))
- newWeld(Torso,LElbow,newPart(2,3,2,mech,nil,"Crimson","CylinderMesh"),CF(0,-3-5,-2.2+1))
- newWeld(Torso,LElbow,newPart(2.5,3,2.5,mech,nil,"Crimson","CylinderMesh"),CF(0,-3-3.5,-2.2+1))
- newWeld(Torso,LElbow,newPart(2.6,1,1,mech,nil,"Wedge"),CF(0,-3-2.5+1,-2.5-0.5+0.2)*CFA(0,180,0))
- newWeld(Torso,LElbow,newPart(2.6,1,1,mech,nil),CF(0,-3-2.5,-2.5-0.5+0.2))
- newWeld(Torso,LElbow,newPart(2.6,2,2,mech,nil,"Wedge"),CF(0,-3-2.5-1-0.5,-2.5+0.2)*CFA(0,0,180))
- LeftGunUse = false
- LeftGun = newPart(4,1,4,mech,nil,"CylinderMesh","Crimson")
- LeftGunW = newWeld(Torso,LElbow,LeftGun,CF(0,-3-5-4.5,0)*CFA(0,0,0))
- newWeld(Torso,LeftGun,newPart(1.6,1,1.6,mech,nil,"Crimson"),CF(0,-1,0))
- LeftGunSmoke = newI{"Smoke",LeftGun,,20/255,20/255),Opacity=0.5,Enabled=false,RiseVelocity=-10,Size=2}
- for i=120,360,120 do
- newWeld(Torso,LeftGun,newPart(1.6,1,1.6,mech,nil,"Crimson"),CF(0,-1,0)*CFA(0,i,0)*CF(0,0,-2+0.8))
- newWeld(Torso,LeftGun,newPart(1,1,1,mech,nil,"Ring","Crimson"),CF(0,-1.5-2,0)*CFA(0,i,0)*CF(0,0,-2+0.85)*CFA(90,0,0)).Part1.Mesh.Scale=V3(1.6,1.6,25)
- newWeld(Torso,LeftGun,newPart(2.66,1,1,mech,nil,"Crimson"),CF(0,-1,0)*CFA(0,i+60,0)*CF(0,0,-2+0.81))
- local ghole = newPart(1.75,0.5,1.75,mech,nil,"Crimson","Sphere","Neon")
- newWeld(Torso,LeftGun,ghole,CF(0,-1.5-2-0.5,0)*CFA(0,i,0)*CF(0,0,-2+0.85)) -- gun hole
- end
- --Right Arm
- local of1 = 2
- local of2 = -5.2
- newWeld(Torso,RElbow,newPart(3.5,3,2.4,mech,nil,"Crimson"),CFA(-55,0,0)*CF( 0,-1.5,0))
- newWeld(Torso,RElbow,newPart(3,4,3,mech,nil,"CylinderMesh","Crimson"),CF( 0,of2+3.5,of1)*CFA(0,0,90))
- newWeld(Torso,RElbow,newPart(7,1,2,mech,nil,"Torso"),CF( 0,of2-1,of1-1.5-1.5)*CFA(-90,90,0))
- newWeld(Torso,RElbow,newPart(5,0.5,1,mech,nil,"Torso"),CF( 0,of2-5,of1-1.5-1.25)*CFA(-90,90,0))
- newWeld(Torso,RElbow,newPart(6,0.8,1.4,mech,nil,"Torso"),CF( 0,of2-1,of1+1.5+1.4)*CFA( 90,90,0))
- newWeld(Torso,RElbow,newPart(2,18,1,mech,nil),CF(0,of2-3-3,of1-1.5-0.5)) --upper long
- newWeld(Torso,RElbow,newPart(2,18,1,mech,nil),CF(-0.535,of2-3-3,of1-1.5-0.825)*CFA(0, 70,0)*CF(-1,0,0))
- newWeld(Torso,RElbow,newPart(2,18,1,mech,nil),CF( 0.535,of2-3-3,of1-1.5-0.825)*CFA(0,-70,0)*CF( 1,0,0))
- newWeld(Torso,RElbow,newPart(2,18,1,mech,nil),CF(0,of2-3-3,of1+1.5+0.5)) --lower long
- newWeld(Torso,RElbow,newPart(2,18,1,mech,nil),CF(-0.535,of2-3-3,of1+1.5+0.825)*CFA(0,-70,0)*CF(-1,0,0))
- newWeld(Torso,RElbow,newPart(2,18,1,mech,nil),CF( 0.535,of2-3-3,of1+1.5+0.825)*CFA(0, 70,0)*CF( 1,0,0))
- newWeld(Torso,RElbow,newPart(3.4,2,4,mech,nil,"Wedge"),CF( 0,of2+1,of1-1.5)*CFA(-90,0,180))
- newWeld(Torso,RElbow,newPart(3.4,4,2,mech,nil,"Wedge"),CF( 0,of2+1,of1+1.5)*CFA( 0,0,180))
- newWeld(Torso,RElbow,newPart(1.7,2,1.7,mech,nil,"CylinderMesh","Crimson"),CF( 0,of2+2,of1)*CFA( 0,0,180))
- newWeld(Torso,RElbow,newPart(1.3,2.01,1.3,mech,nil,"CylinderMesh","Crimson"),CF( 0,of2+2,of1)*CFA( 0,0,180))
- newWeld(Torso,RElbow,newPart(3.4,1,5,mech,nil),CF( 0,of2+3.5,of1)*CFA( 0,0,180))
- newWeld(Torso,RElbow,newPart(3.4,1,5,mech,nil,"Wedge"),CF( 0,of2+1.5,of1+3)*CFA(-90,0,180))
- newWeld(Torso,RElbow,newPart(3.4,2,2,mech,nil,"Wedge"),CF( 0,of2+5,of1-1.5)*CFA(0,0,0))
- newWeld(Torso,RElbow,newPart(3.4,2,4,mech,nil,"Wedge"),CF( 0,of2+5,of1+1.5)*CFA(0,180,0))
- newWeld(Torso,RElbow,newPart(2.6,1,3,mech,nil,"Crimson"),CF( 0,of2+5.25,of1+1.5+0.5)*CFA(27,0,0))
- for x=60,360,60 do
- newWeld(Torso,RElbow,newPart(5,1,3.45,mech,nil),CF( 0,of2+4.5,of1+1.5+0.25)*CFA(27,0,0)*CF(0,1+3,0)*CFA(x,0,0)*CF(0,2.5,0))
- end
- newWeld(Torso,RElbow,newPart(5.5,4,5.5,mech,nil,"Crimson","CylinderMesh"),CF( 0,of2+4.5,of1+1.5+0.25)*CFA(27,0,0)*CF(0,1+3,0)*CFA(0,0,90))
- for i=-1,1,2 do
- newWeld(Torso,RElbow,newPart(0.6,0.25,1.6,mech,nil,"Black"),CF(1.2*i,of2-14,of1))
- for ii=1,10 do
- newWeld(Torso,RElbow,newPart(0.6,0.25,2,mech,nil,"Black"),CF(1.2*i,of2-14.75+ii*1.7,of1)*CFA(ii%2==0 and 56 or -56,0,0))
- end
- end
- Hatch = newPart(4,6,0.2,mech,nil)
- HatchW = newWeld6D(Torso2,Torso2,Hatch,CF(0,11-3,4),CF(0,-3,-0.1)*CFA(-20,0,0)) -- x is -20
- newWeld(Torso,Torso2,newPart(4,4.5,0.2,mech,nil),CF(0,8,4)*CFA(20,0,0)*CF(0,6,0)*CFA(-20-42,0,0)*CF(0,2.25,0))
- Seat = newI{"Seat",mech,Name="Seat",formFactor="Symmetric",Size=V3(2,1,2),TopSurface="SmoothNoOutlines"}
- SeatW = newWeld6D(Torso2,Torso2,Seat,CF(0,8.5,0))
- newWeld(Torso,Seat,newPart(2,1,1,mech,nil,"Wedge"),CF(0,0,-1.5))
- newWeld(Torso,Seat,newPart(2,2.6,0.8,mech,nil),CF(0,0.5+1.15,0.8)*CFA(10,0,0))
- newWeld(Torso,Seat,newPart(2,1.2,0.8,mech,nil),CF(0,0.5+2.9,1)*CFA(0,0,0))
- Head = newPart(1,1,1,mech,nil,"nonCollide","Transparent")
- Head.Name="Head"
- HeadW = newWeld(Torso,Torso,Head,CF(0,2,0))
- for i,v in pairs(CockpitGlass) do
- v.Transparency = 0.6
- end
- CockpitGlassD = false
- for i,v in pairs(mech:children()) do
- if v:IsA'BasePart' and v.Material==Enum.Material.DiamondPlate and v.Transparency==0 then
- v.Material="DiamondPlate"
- end
- end
- Base.Name="HumanoidRootPart" BaseW.Name = "Root Hip"
- Torso.Name="Torso"
- Torso1.Name = "LowerTorso" Torso1W.Name = "Lower Hip"
- Torso2.Name = "UpperTorso" Torso2W.Name = "Upper Hip"
- LThigh.Name = "LeftThigh" LThighW.Name = "LThigh"
- RThigh.Name = "RightThigh" RThighW.Name = "RThigh"
- LLeg.Name = "LeftLeg" LLegW.Name = "LLeg"
- RLeg.Name = "RightLeg" RLegW.Name = "RLeg"
- LFoot.Name = "LeftFoot" LFootW.Name = "LFoot"
- RFoot.Name = "RightFoot" RFootW.Name = "RFoot"
- LToe.Name = "LeftToe" LToeW.Name = "LToe"
- RToe.Name = "RightToe" RToeW.Name = "RToe"
- LShoulder.Name = "LeftShoulder" LShoulderW.Name = "LShoulder"
- RShoulder.Name = "RightShoulder" RShoulderW.Name = "RShoulder"
- LElbow.Name = "LeftElbow" LElbowW.Name = "LElbow"
- RElbow.Name = "RightElbow" RElbowW.Name = "RElbow"
- Hatch.Name = "Hatch" HatchW.Name = "Hatch"
- SeatW.Name="Seat"
- ----
- checkGroundTouch = function()
- local Hit1,Pos1 = ray(LToe.Position,LToe.CFrame*CF(0,-1,0).p-LToe.Position,mech,3)
- local Hit2,Pos2 = ray(RToe.Position,RToe.CFrame*CF(0,-1,0).p-RToe.Position,mech,3)
- if Hit1 or Hit2 then return 1 end
- return 0
- end
- ----
- doAfterT = {}
- doAfter = function(t,f)
- local key = (MRND(-100,100)*MRND(-100,100)).."a"..MRND(-999999,999999)
- doAfterT[key] = {Time=t,Func=f,Current=0}
- return key
- end
- doInT = {}
- doIn = function(t,f,f2)
- local key = (MRND(-100,100)*MRND(-100,100)).."a"..MRND(-999999,999999)
- doInT[key] = {Time=t,Func=f,FuncEnd=f2,Current=0}
- return key
- end
- Motors = {["BaseW"]=BaseW,["Torso1W"]=Torso1W,["Torso2W"]=Torso2W,["LThighW"]=LThighW,["RThighW"]=RThighW,["LLegW"]=LLegW,["RLegW"]=RLegW,["LFootW"]=LFootW,["RFootW"]=RFootW,["LToeW"]=LToeW,["RToeW"]=RToeW,
- ["LShoulderW"]=LShoulderW,["RShoulderW"]=RShoulderW,["LElbowW"]=LElbowW,["RElbowW"]=RElbowW,["HatchW"]=HatchW,["SeatW"]=SeatW}
- print(#mech:getChildren().." Parts")
- _G.mech = mech
- _G.RMM2 = getfenv()
- _G.m = _G.RMM2
- gw = function()
- print(" ")
- for i,weldn in pairs{"LThighW","LLegW","LFootW","LToeW","RThighW","RLegW","RFootW","RToeW","LShoulderW","LElbowW","RShoulderW","RElbowW","BaseW","Torso1W","Torso2W","HatchW","SeatW"} do
- weld = getfenv()[weldn]
- local a,b,c = weld.C0:toEulerAnglesXYZ()
- local d,e,f = weld.C1:toEulerAnglesXYZ()
- inde = function(n)
- n = math.floor(n*1000+0.5)/1000
- return string.rep(" ",5-#(""..n))..n
- end
- --print(weldn..".C0 = CF("..inde(weld.C0.x)..","..inde(weld.C0.y)..","..inde(weld.C0.z)..")*CFA("..inde(MD(a))..","..inde(MD(b))..","..inde(MD(c))..")")
- print(" addAnim("..weldn..string.rep(" ",10-#weldn)..",1,t,nil,{"..inde(weld.C1.x)..","..inde(weld.C1.y)..","..inde(weld.C1.z)..","..inde(MD(d))..","..inde(MD(e))..","..inde(MD(f)).."})")
- end
- print(" ")
- end
- gwBool = newI{"BoolValue",mech,Name="GetWelds"}
- gwBool.Changed:connect(function()
- if not gwBool.Value then return end
- gwBool.Value=false
- gw()
- end)
- gw2 = function()
- print(" ")
- for i,weldn in pairs{"LS","RS","LH","RH"} do
- weld = getfenv()[weldn]
- local a,b,c = weld.C0:toEulerAnglesXYZ()
- local d,e,f = weld.C1:toEulerAnglesXYZ()
- inde = function(n)
- n = math.floor(n*1000+0.5)/1000
- return string.rep(" ",5-#(""..n))..n
- end
- print(" addAnim("..weldn..string.rep(" ",10-#weldn)..",0,t,nil,{"..inde(weld.C0.x)..","..inde(weld.C0.y)..","..inde(weld.C0.z)..","..inde(MD(a))..","..inde(MD(b))..","..inde(MD(c)).."})")
- print(" addAnim("..weldn..string.rep(" ",10-#weldn)..",1,t,nil,{"..inde(weld.C1.x)..","..inde(weld.C1.y)..","..inde(weld.C1.z)..","..inde(MD(d))..","..inde(MD(e))..","..inde(MD(f)).."})")
- end
- print(" ")
- end
- ------
- Anims = {} -- {WELD,C0or1,Time,CFStart,CFEnd,Current}
- addAnim = function(weld,C0or1,Time,CFStart,CFEnd)
- if not weld then return end
- local CC = "C"..C0or1
- if not CFStart then
- local a,b,c = weld[CC]:toEulerAnglesXYZ()
- CFStart = {weld[CC].x,weld[CC].y,weld[CC].z,MD(a),MD(b),MD(c)}
- end
- if not CFEnd[1] and not CFEnd[2] and not CFEnd[3] then
- CFEnd[1] = weld[CC].x
- CFEnd[2] = weld[CC].y
- CFEnd[3] = weld[CC].z
- end
- Anims[weld.Name..CC] = {weld=weld,CC="C"..C0or1,CFStart=CFStart,CFEnd=CFEnd,Time=Time,Current=0}
- end
- --
- WalkKey = {}
- loadAnim = {} = loadAnim
- --
- ClearWalk = function()
- for i,v in pairs(WalkKey) do
- doAfterT[i] = nil
- WalkKey[i] = nil
- end
- end
- --
- loadAnim.Open = function(a,t)
- t = t or 1.5
- addAnim(LThighW ,1,t,nil,{nil,nil,nil, -75, 0, 0})
- addAnim(LLegW ,1,t,nil,{nil,nil,nil, 155, 0, 0})
- addAnim(LFootW ,1,t,nil,{nil,nil,nil, -80, 0, 0})
- addAnim(LToeW ,1,t,nil,{nil,nil,nil, 0, 0, 0})
- addAnim(RThighW ,1,t,nil,{nil,nil,nil, -75, 0, 0})
- addAnim(RLegW ,1,t,nil,{nil,nil,nil, 155, 0, 0})
- addAnim(RFootW ,1,t,nil,{nil,nil,nil, -80, 0, 0})
- addAnim(RToeW ,1,t,nil,{nil,nil,nil, 0, 0, 0})
- addAnim(LShoulderW,1,t,nil,{nil,nil,nil, 20, 0, 8})
- addAnim(LElbowW ,1,t,nil,{nil,nil,nil, -90, 0, 0})
- addAnim(RShoulderW,1,t,nil,{nil,nil,nil, -20, 0, -8})
- addAnim(RElbowW ,1,t,nil,{nil,nil,nil, -60, 0, 0})
- addAnim(BaseW ,1,t,nil,{ 0,10.2-10.2, 0, 0, 0, 0})
- addAnim(Torso1W ,1,t,nil,{nil,nil,nil, 0, 0, 0})
- addAnim(Torso2W ,1,t,nil,{nil,nil,nil, 0, 0, 0})
- addAnim(HatchW ,1,t,nil,{nil,nil,nil,-180, 0, 0})
- addAnim(SeatW ,0,t,nil,{-0.6,8.5, 5, 0, 180, 0})
- doAfter(t,function() addAnim(SeatW ,0,t*0.5,nil,{ 0, -1, 5.3, 0, 180, 0}) end)
- end
- loadAnim.Close = function(a,t)
- addAnim(SeatW ,0,t*0.5,nil,{ -0.6, 8.5, 5, 0, 180, 0})
- doAfter(t*0.5,function() loadAnim:Standing(1) end)
- end
- loadAnim.Standing = function(a,t)
- t = t or 1
- addAnim(LThighW ,1,t,nil,{ 1.5, 0.5, 0, -25, 0, 0})
- addAnim(LLegW ,1,t,nil,{ 0, 0, 0, 75, 0, 0})
- addAnim(LFootW ,1,t,nil,{ 0, 0, 0, 10, 0, 0})
- addAnim(LToeW ,1,t,nil,{ 0, 0, 0, -60, 0, 0})
- addAnim(RThighW ,1,t,nil,{ -1.5, 0.5, 0, -25, 0, 0})
- addAnim(RLegW ,1,t,nil,{ 0, 0, 0, 75, 0, 0})
- addAnim(RFootW ,1,t,nil,{ 0, 0, 0, 10, 0, 0})
- addAnim(RToeW ,1,t,nil,{ 0, 0, 0, -60, 0, 0})
- addAnim(LShoulderW,1,t,nil,{ 0, 0, 0, 30, 0, 8})
- addAnim(LElbowW ,1,t,nil,{ 0, 0, 0, -90, 0, 0})
- addAnim(RShoulderW,1,t,nil,{ 0, 0, 0, 30, 0, -8})
- addAnim(RElbowW ,1,t,nil,{ 0, 0, 0, -100, 0, 0})
- addAnim(BaseW ,1,t,nil,{ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0})
- addAnim(Torso1W ,1,t,nil,{ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0})
- addAnim(Torso2W ,1,t,nil,{ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0})
- addAnim(HatchW ,1,t,nil,{ 0, -3, -0.1, -20, 0, 0})
- addAnim(SeatW ,0,t,nil,{ 0, 8.5, 0, 0, 0, 0})
- end
- loadAnim.ReturnLeg = function(a,t)
- t = t or 0.5
- addAnim(LThighW ,1,t,nil,{ 1.5, 0.5, 0, -25, 0, 0})
- addAnim(LLegW ,1,t,nil,{ 0, 0, 0, 75, 0, 0})
- addAnim(LFootW ,1,t,nil,{ 0, 0, 0, 10, 0, 0})
- addAnim(LToeW ,1,t,nil,{ 0, 0, 0, -60, 0, 0})
- addAnim(RThighW ,1,t,nil,{ -1.5, 0.5, 0, -25, 0, 0})
- addAnim(RLegW ,1,t,nil,{ 0, 0, 0, 75, 0, 0})
- addAnim(RFootW ,1,t,nil,{ 0, 0, 0, 10, 0, 0})
- addAnim(RToeW ,1,t,nil,{ 0, 0, 0, -60, 0, 0})
- end
- loadAnim.ReturnArm = function(a,t)
- t = t or 0.5
- addAnim(LShoulderW,1,t,nil,{ 0, 0, 0, 30, 0, 8})
- addAnim(LElbowW ,1,t,nil,{ 0, 0, 0, -90, 0, 0})
- addAnim(RShoulderW,1,t,nil,{ 0, 0, 0, 30, 0, -8})
- addAnim(RElbowW ,1,t,nil,{ 0, 0, 0, -100, 0, 0})
- end
- loadAnim.WalkL = function(a,t)
- local WalkSpeed = 0.3
- local tu = Turn==0 and 0 or (Turn<0 and 45 or -45)
- addAnim(LThighW ,1,WalkSpeed ,nil,{ nil, nil, nil, -65, tu, 0})
- addAnim(LLegW ,1,WalkSpeed ,nil,{ 0, 0, 0, 115, 0, 0})
- addAnim(LFootW ,1,WalkSpeed ,nil,{ 0, 0, 0, -20, 0, 0})
- addAnim(LToeW ,1,WalkSpeed ,nil,{ 0, 0, 0, -30, 0, 0})
- addAnim(RThighW ,1,WalkSpeed*2,nil,{ nil, nil, nil, 15, tu, 0})
- addAnim(RLegW ,1,WalkSpeed*2,nil,{ 0, 0, 0, 35, 0, 0})
- addAnim(RFootW ,1,WalkSpeed*2,nil,{ 0, 0, 0, 30, 0, 0})
- addAnim(RToeW ,1,WalkSpeed*2,nil,{ 0, 0, 0, -80, 0, 0})
- wkey = doAfter(WalkSpeed,function()
- addAnim(LThighW ,1,WalkSpeed,nil,{ nil, nil, nil, -45, tu, 0})
- addAnim(LLegW ,1,WalkSpeed,nil,{ 0, 0, 0, 35, 0, 0})
- addAnim(LFootW ,1,WalkSpeed,nil,{ 0, 0, 0, 60, 0, 0})
- addAnim(LToeW ,1,WalkSpeed,nil,{ 0, 0, 0, -50, 0, 0})
- end)
- WalkKey[wkey] = true
- wkey = doAfter(WalkSpeed*2,function()
- addAnim(LThighW ,1,WalkSpeed,nil,{ nil, nil, nil, -20, tu, 0})
- addAnim(LLegW ,1,WalkSpeed,nil,{ 0, 0, 0, 65, 0, 0})
- addAnim(LFootW ,1,WalkSpeed,nil,{ 0, 0, 0, 10, 0, 0})
- addAnim(LToeW ,1,WalkSpeed,nil,{ 0, 0, 0, -50, 0, 0})
- addAnim(RThighW ,1,WalkSpeed,nil,{ nil, nil, nil, -35, tu, 0})
- addAnim(RLegW ,1,WalkSpeed,nil,{ 0, 0, 0, 105, 0, 0})
- addAnim(RFootW ,1,WalkSpeed,nil,{ 0, 0, 0, 40, 0, 0})
- addAnim(RToeW ,1,WalkSpeed,nil,{ 0, 0, 0, -40, 0, 0})
- end)
- WalkKey[wkey] = true
- end
- loadAnim.WalkR = function(a,t)
- local WalkSpeed = 0.3
- local tu = Turn==0 and 0 or (Turn<0 and 45 or -45)
- addAnim(LThighW ,1,WalkSpeed*2,nil,{ nil, nil, nil, 15, tu, 0})
- addAnim(LLegW ,1,WalkSpeed*2,nil,{ 0, 0, 0, 35, 0, 0})
- addAnim(LFootW ,1,WalkSpeed*2,nil,{ 0, 0, 0, 30, 0, 0})
- addAnim(LToeW ,1,WalkSpeed*2,nil,{ 0, 0, 0, -80, 0, 0})
- addAnim(RThighW ,1,WalkSpeed ,nil,{ nil, nil, nil, -65, tu, 0})
- addAnim(RLegW ,1,WalkSpeed ,nil,{ 0, 0, 0, 115, 0, 0})
- addAnim(RFootW ,1,WalkSpeed ,nil,{ 0, 0, 0, -20, 0, 0})
- addAnim(RToeW ,1,WalkSpeed ,nil,{ 0, 0, 0, -30, 0, 0})
- wkey = doAfter(WalkSpeed,function()
- addAnim(RThighW ,1,WalkSpeed,nil,{ nil, nil, nil, -45, tu, 0})
- addAnim(RLegW ,1,WalkSpeed,nil,{ 0, 0, 0, 35, 0, 0})
- addAnim(RFootW ,1,WalkSpeed,nil,{ 0, 0, 0, 60, 0, 0})
- addAnim(RToeW ,1,WalkSpeed,nil,{ 0, 0, 0, -50, 0, 0})
- end)
- WalkKey[wkey] = true
- wkey = doAfter(WalkSpeed*2,function()
- addAnim(LThighW ,1,WalkSpeed,nil,{ nil, nil, nil, -35, tu, 0})
- addAnim(LLegW ,1,WalkSpeed,nil,{ 0, 0, 0, 105, 0, 0})
- addAnim(LFootW ,1,WalkSpeed,nil,{ 0, 0, 0, 40, 0, 0})
- addAnim(LToeW ,1,WalkSpeed,nil,{ 0, 0, 0, -40, 0, 0})
- addAnim(RThighW ,1,WalkSpeed,nil,{ nil, nil, nil, -20, tu, 0})
- addAnim(RLegW ,1,WalkSpeed,nil,{ 0, 0, 0, 65, 0, 0})
- addAnim(RFootW ,1,WalkSpeed,nil,{ 0, 0, 0, 10, 0, 0})
- addAnim(RToeW ,1,WalkSpeed,nil,{ 0, 0, 0, -50, 0, 0})
- end)
- WalkKey[wkey] = true
- end
- loadAnim.Walk2L = function(a,t)
- local WalkSpeed = 0.4
- local tu = Turn==0 and 0 or (Turn<0 and 45 or -45)
- addAnim(LThighW ,1,WalkSpeed ,nil,{ nil, nil, nil, -15, tu, 0})
- addAnim(LLegW ,1,WalkSpeed ,nil,{ 0, 0, 0, 105, 0, 0})
- addAnim(LFootW ,1,WalkSpeed ,nil,{ 0, 0, 0,24.286, 0, 0})
- addAnim(LToeW ,1,WalkSpeed ,nil,{ 0, 0, 0,-74.286, 0, 0})
- addAnim(RThighW ,1,WalkSpeed*2,nil,{ nil, nil, nil, -45, tu, 0})
- addAnim(RLegW ,1,WalkSpeed*2,nil,{ 0, 0, 0, 45, 0, 0})
- addAnim(RFootW ,1,WalkSpeed*2,nil,{ 0, 0, 0, 50, 0, 0})
- addAnim(RToeW ,1,WalkSpeed*2,nil,{ 0, 0, 0, -50, 0, 0})
- wkey = doAfter(WalkSpeed,function()
- addAnim(LThighW ,1,WalkSpeed,nil,{ nil, nil, nil, 15, tu, 0})
- addAnim(LLegW ,1,WalkSpeed,nil,{ 0, 0, 0, 35, 0, 0})
- addAnim(LFootW ,1,WalkSpeed,nil,{ 0, 0, 0, 30, 0, 0})
- addAnim(LToeW ,1,WalkSpeed,nil,{ 0, 0, 0, -80, 0, 0})
- end)
- WalkKey[wkey] = true
- end
- loadAnim.Walk2R = function(a,t)
- local WalkSpeed = 0.4
- local tu = Turn==0 and 0 or (Turn<0 and 45 or -45)
- addAnim(LThighW ,1,WalkSpeed*2,nil,{ nil, nil, nil, -45, tu, 0})
- addAnim(LLegW ,1,WalkSpeed*2,nil,{ 0, 0, 0, 45, 0, 0})
- addAnim(LFootW ,1,WalkSpeed*2,nil,{ 0, 0, 0, 50, 0, 0})
- addAnim(LToeW ,1,WalkSpeed*2,nil,{ 0, 0, 0, -50, 0, 0})
- addAnim(RThighW ,1,WalkSpeed ,nil,{ nil, nil, nil, -15, tu, 0})
- addAnim(RLegW ,1,WalkSpeed ,nil,{ 0, 0, 0, 105, 0, 0})
- addAnim(RFootW ,1,WalkSpeed ,nil,{ 0, 0, 0,24.286, 0, 0})
- addAnim(RToeW ,1,WalkSpeed ,nil,{ 0, 0, 0,-74.286, 0, 0})
- wkey = doAfter(WalkSpeed,function()
- addAnim(RThighW ,1,WalkSpeed,nil,{ nil, nil, nil, 15, tu, 0})
- addAnim(RLegW ,1,WalkSpeed,nil,{ 0, 0, 0, 35, 0, 0})
- addAnim(RFootW ,1,WalkSpeed,nil,{ 0, 0, 0, 30, 0, 0})
- addAnim(RToeW ,1,WalkSpeed,nil,{ 0, 0, 0, -80, 0, 0})
- end)
- WalkKey[wkey] = true
- end
- loadAnim.RunL = function(a,t)
- local WalkSpeed = 0.24
- addAnim(LThighW ,1,WalkSpeed ,nil,{ nil, nil, nil, -105, 0, 0})
- addAnim(LLegW ,1,WalkSpeed ,nil,{ 0, 0, 0, 115, 0, 0})
- addAnim(LFootW ,1,WalkSpeed ,nil,{ 0, 0, 0, 10, 0, 0})
- addAnim(LToeW ,1,WalkSpeed ,nil,{ 0, 0, 0, -40, 0, 0})
- addAnim(RThighW ,1,WalkSpeed*1.5,nil,{ nil, nil, nil, 50, 0, 0})
- addAnim(RLegW ,1,WalkSpeed*1.5,nil,{ 0, 0, 0, 5, 0, 0})
- addAnim(RFootW ,1,WalkSpeed*1.5,nil,{ 0, 0, 0, 10, 0, 0})
- addAnim(RToeW ,1,WalkSpeed*1.5,nil,{ 0, 0, 0, -65, 0, 0})
- wkey = doAfter(WalkSpeed,function()
- WalkSpeed = 0.12
- addAnim(LThighW ,1,WalkSpeed,nil,{ nil, nil, nil, -75, 0, 0})
- addAnim(LLegW ,1,WalkSpeed,nil,{ 0, 0, 0, 75, 0, 0})
- addAnim(LFootW ,1,WalkSpeed,nil,{ 0, 0, 0, 40, 0, 0})
- addAnim(LToeW ,1,WalkSpeed,nil,{ 0, 0, 0, -40, 0, 0})
- end)
- WalkKey[wkey] = true
- end
- loadAnim.RunR = function(a,t)
- local WalkSpeed = 0.24
- addAnim(LThighW ,1,WalkSpeed*1.5,nil,{ nil, nil, nil, 50, 0, 0})
- addAnim(LLegW ,1,WalkSpeed*1.5,nil,{ 0, 0, 0, 5, 0, 0})
- addAnim(LFootW ,1,WalkSpeed*1.5,nil,{ 0, 0, 0, 10, 0, 0})
- addAnim(LToeW ,1,WalkSpeed*1.5,nil,{ 0, 0, 0, -65, 0, 0})
- addAnim(RThighW ,1,WalkSpeed ,nil,{ nil, nil, nil, -105, 0, 0})
- addAnim(RLegW ,1,WalkSpeed ,nil,{ 0, 0, 0, 115, 0, 0})
- addAnim(RFootW ,1,WalkSpeed ,nil,{ 0, 0, 0, 10, 0, 0})
- addAnim(RToeW ,1,WalkSpeed ,nil,{ 0, 0, 0, -30, 0, 0})
- wkey = doAfter(WalkSpeed,function()
- WalkSpeed = 0.12
- addAnim(RThighW ,1,WalkSpeed,nil,{ nil, nil, nil, -75, 0, 0})
- addAnim(RLegW ,1,WalkSpeed,nil,{ 0, 0, 0, 75, 0, 0})
- addAnim(RFootW ,1,WalkSpeed,nil,{ 0, 0, 0, 40, 0, 0})
- addAnim(RToeW ,1,WalkSpeed,nil,{ 0, 0, 0, -30, 0, 0})
- end)
- WalkKey[wkey] = true
- end
- loadAnim.Jump = function(a,t)
- local t = 0.4
- addAnim(LThighW ,1,t,nil,{ 1.5, 0.5, 0,-74.779,-9.656,2.613})
- addAnim(LLegW ,1,t,nil,{ 0, 0, 0, 155, 0, 0})
- addAnim(LFootW ,1,t,nil,{ 0, 0, 0, -80, 0, 0})
- addAnim(LToeW ,1,t,nil,{ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0})
- addAnim(RThighW ,1,t,nil,{ -1.5, 0.5, 0,-84.923,9.962,-0.88})
- addAnim(RLegW ,1,t,nil,{ 0, 0, 0, 155, 0, 0})
- addAnim(RFootW ,1,t,nil,{ 0, 0, 0, -70, 0, 0})
- addAnim(RToeW ,1,t,nil,{ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0})
- addAnim(LShoulderW,1,t,nil,{ 0, 0, 0, 10, 0, 8})
- addAnim(LElbowW ,1,t,nil,{ 0, 0, 0, -110, 0, 0})
- addAnim(RShoulderW,1,t,nil,{ 0, 0, 0, 30, 0, -8})
- addAnim(RElbowW ,1,t,nil,{ 0, 0, 0, -130, 0, 0})
- addAnim(Torso1W ,1,t,nil,{ 0, 0, 0, 20, 0, 0})
- doAfter(t,function()
- local t = 0.2
- addAnim(LThighW ,1,t,nil,{ 1.5, 0.5, 0,-15.455,-19.312,-0.077})
- addAnim(LLegW ,1,t,nil,{ 0, 0, 0, 85, 0, 0})
- addAnim(LFootW ,1,t,nil,{ 0, 0, 0, -10, 0, 0})
- addAnim(LToeW ,1,t,nil,{ 0, 0, 0, -30, 0, 0})
- addAnim(RThighW ,1,t,nil,{ -1.5, 0.5, 0,-14.923,9.962,-0.88})
- addAnim(RLegW ,1,t,nil,{ 0, 0, 0, 85, 0, 0})
- addAnim(RFootW ,1,t,nil,{ 0, 0, 0, -10, 0, 0})
- addAnim(RToeW ,1,t,nil,{ 0, 0, 0, -30, 0, 0})
- addAnim(Torso1W ,1,t,nil,{ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0})
- end)
- end
- Base.CanCollide=false
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Player = Players.LocalPlayer
- if not Player then print'not found' mech:MoveTo(V3(0,0,0)) return end
- Hum = newI{"Humanoid",mech} Hum.PlatformStand=true
- Char = Player.Character
- CTorso = Char.Torso
- CHRP = Char.HumanoidRootPart
- LS = CTorso:findFirstChild'Left Shoulder'
- RS = CTorso:findFirstChild'Right Shoulder'
- LH = CTorso:findFirstChild'Left Hip'
- RH = CTorso:findFirstChild'Right Hip'
- if Char:findFirstChild(mech.Name) then Char[mech.Name]:Destroy() end
- mech.Parent = Char
- Base.Name="HRP"
- ------
- Pilot = nil
- Anim = "Opening"
- AnimLegs = true --use leg pose
- AnimArms = true --use arm pose
- AnimTorso = true --use torso pose
- WalkDir = 0
- ------
- SeatWeld = nil
- Seat.ChildAdded:connect(function(weld)
- SeatWeld = weld
- Pilot = weld.Part1==CHRP and CHRP or nil
- pcall(function()
- weld.C1 = CF(0,-1.5,0.25)*CFA(-95,0,0)
- LS2 = weld.Part1.Parent.Torso:findFirstChild'Left Shoulder' LS2.Parent = nil
- RS2 = weld.Part1.Parent.Torso:findFirstChild'Right Shoulder' RS2.Parent = nil
- LH2 = weld.Part1.Parent.Torso:findFirstChild'Left Hip' LH2.Parent = nil
- RH2 = weld.Part1.Parent.Torso:findFirstChild'Right Hip' RH2.Parent = nil
- LS1 = newI{"Weld",weld.Part1.Parent.Torso,Part0=weld.Part1.Parent.Torso,Part1=weld.Part1.Parent:findFirstChild'Left Arm' ,Name="RM1"}
- RS1 = newI{"Weld",weld.Part1.Parent.Torso,Part0=weld.Part1.Parent.Torso,Part1=weld.Part1.Parent:findFirstChild'Right Arm',Name="RM2"}
- LH1 = newI{"Weld",weld.Part1.Parent.Torso,Part0=weld.Part1.Parent.Torso,Part1=weld.Part1.Parent:findFirstChild'Left Leg' ,Name="RM3"}
- RH1 = newI{"Weld",weld.Part1.Parent.Torso,Part0=weld.Part1.Parent.Torso,Part1=weld.Part1.Parent:findFirstChild'Right Leg',Name="RM4"}
- LS1.C0 = CF(-1.2,0.5,-0.5)*CFA(0,0,0)
- LS1.C1 = CF( 0,0.5,0)*CFA(-80,-10,10)
- RS1.C0 = CF( 1.2,0.5,-0.5)*CFA(0,0,0)
- RS1.C1 = CF( 0,0.5,0)*CFA(-80, 10,-10)
- LH1.C0 = CF(-0.5, -1,-0.3)*CFA(0,0,0)
- LH1.C1 = CF( 0, 1,0)*CFA(-45,0, 5)
- RH1.C0 = CF( 0.5, -1,-0.3)*CFA(0,0,0)
- RH1.C1 = CF( 0, 1,0)*CFA(-45,0,-5)
- end)
- end)
- Seat.ChildRemoved:connect(function(weld)
- pcall(function()
- local mm = weld.Part1.Parent
- for i=1,4 do
- mm.Torso["RM"..i]:Destroy()
- end
- LS2.Parent = mm.Torso
- LS2.Part0 = mm.Torso
- LS2.Part1 = mm["Left Arm"]
- RS2.Parent = mm.Torso
- RS2.Part0 = mm.Torso
- RS2.Part1 = mm["Right Arm"]
- LH2.Parent = mm.Torso
- LH2.Part0 = mm.Torso
- LH2.Part1 = mm["Left Leg"]
- RH2.Parent = mm.Torso
- RH2.Part0 = mm.Torso
- RH2.Part1 = mm["Right Leg"]
- end)
- Pilot = nil
- end)
- ------
- Gyro = newI{"BodyGyro",Base,cframe=Base.CFrame,maxTorque=V3(5000000,5000000,5000000),P=15000}
- WeightForce = newI{"BodyForce",Base,Force=V3(0,-1000000,0)}
- Turn = 0
- Velo = newI{"BodyVelocity",Base,maxForce=V3N}
- veloym = 0
- veloy = 0
- ------
- Mouse = Player:GetMouse()
- Key = {}
- --[[
- X Open/Close
- C Jump
- WASD Movement
- P Cockpit glass
- --]]
- WalkingSpeed = 16
- onKeyDown = function(k)
- if k=="a" then
- Turn = 10
- elseif k=="d" then
- Turn = -10
- end
- --
- if k=="x" and Anim=="Opened" then
- Anim="Closing"
- AnimLegs,AnimArms,AnimTorso,Movement=false,false,false,false
- loadAnim:Close(2)
- wait(2)
- Anim="None"
- AnimLegs,AnimArms,AnimTorso,Movement=true,true,true,true
- elseif k=="x" and Anim=="None" then
- Anim="Opening"
- ClearWalk()
- AnimLegs,AnimArms,AnimTorso,Movement=false,false,false,false
- loadAnim:Open(2)
- wait(3)
- Anim="Opened"
- elseif (k=="w" or k=="a" or k=="d") and not Key.s and Movement and Pilot and WalkDir~=1 and AnimLegs then
- WalkDir=1
- ClearWalk()
- local whichLeg = -1
- while (Key.w or Key.a or Key.d) and not Key.s and Movement and Pilot do
- loadAnim[(Key["0"] and "Run" or "Walk")..(whichLeg==-1 and "L" or "R")]()
- WalkingSpeed = Key["0"] and 18*4.5 or 18
- whichLeg = whichLeg*-1
- if not AnimLegs then repeat wait() until AnimLegs end
- local duration = (Key["0"] and 0.36 or 0.9)
- for i=duration/8,duration,duration/8 do wait(duration/8) if (Key.w or Key.a or Key.d) and not Key.s and Movement and Pilot then else break end end
- if not AnimLegs then repeat wait() until AnimLegs end
- end
- WalkDir=0
- ClearWalk()
- if Movement and Anim=="None" then
- loadAnim:Standing(0.5)
- end
- elseif k=="s" and not Key.w and Movement and Pilot and AnimLegs then
- WalkDir=-1
- ClearWalk()
- local whichLeg = -1
- while Key.s and not Key.w and Movement and Pilot do
- loadAnim["Walk2"..(whichLeg==-1 and "L" or "R")]()
- whichLeg = whichLeg*-1
- if not AnimLegs then repeat wait() until AnimLegs end
- for i=0.1,0.8,0.1 do wait(0.1) if Key.s and not Key.w and Movement and Pilot then else break end end
- if not AnimLegs then repeat wait() until AnimLegs end
- end
- WalkDir=0
- ClearWalk()
- if Movement and Anim=="None" then
- loadAnim:Standing(0.5)
- end
- elseif k=="c" and Movement and Pilot and AnimLegs and AnimTorso and checkGroundTouch()>0 then
- AnimLegs,AnimArms,AnimTorso=false,false,false
- ClearWalk()
- loadAnim:Jump()
- wait(0.5)
- AnimTorso=true
- AnimArms=true
- veloym = 10000000
- loadAnim:ReturnArm(0.3)
- if Key.c then BackBooster[-1].Enabled = true BackBooster[1].Enabled = true veloy = 100 wait(1) else veloy = 75 wait(0.5) end
- BackBooster[-1].Enabled = false BackBooster[1].Enabled = false
- veloym = 0
- veloy = 0
- AnimLegs=true
- if WalkDir==0 then loadAnim:ReturnLeg() end
- elseif k=="p" and not CockpitGlassD and Pilot then
- CockpitGlassD = true
- if CockpitGlass[1].Transparency==0 then
- doIn(0.7,function(i)
- for x,v in pairs(CockpitGlass) do
- v.Transparency = 0.6*i
- end
- end)
- else
- doIn(0.7,function(i)
- for x,v in pairs(CockpitGlass) do
- v.Transparency = 0.6-0.6*i
- end
- end)
- end
- wait(0.8)
- CockpitGlassD = false
- elseif k =="q" and not LeftGunUse then
- LeftGunUse=true
- if not spinSpeed then spinSpeed=0 end
- for i=1,50 do
- if spinSpeed>40 then spinSpeed=40 end
- LeftGunW.C1=LeftGunW.C1*CFA(0,spinSpeed,0)
- spinSpeed=spinSpeed+0.7
- if i%2==0 then PlaySound(assets.Minigun1,LeftGun,0.4+0.8*spinSpeed/40,1) end
- wait()
- end
- local co=0
- LeftGunSmoke.Enabled=true
- local muzzleFlash = newPart(1,1,1,mech,nil,"Transparent","Deep orange")
- newI{"SpecialMesh",muzzleFlash,MeshType="FileMesh",MeshId=assets.MuzzleFlash,Scale=V3(0.8,3,0.8)}
- local muzzleW = newWeld(LeftGun,LeftGun,muzzleFlash,CF(0,0,0))
- repeat
- co=co+1
- LeftGunW.C1=LeftGunW.C1*CFA(0,spinSpeed,0)
- if co%2==0 then PlaySound(assets.Minigun1,LeftGun,1.2,1) end
- if co%2==0 then
- muzzleFlash.Transparency = 0.5
- PlaySound(assets.Fire1,LeftGun,MRND(600,950)/1000,0.4)
- local bullet = newI{"Part",mech,Name="Bullet",Anchored=true,CanCollide=false,formFactor="Custom",Size=V3(0.5,2,0.5),Debris=10,TopSurface='Smooth',BottomSurface='Smooth'}
- newI{"CylinderMesh",bullet}
- local rotRand = MRND(1,3)*120
- bullet.CFrame=LeftGun.CFrame*CF(0,-6+2,0)*CFA(0,rotRand,0)*CF(0,0,-2+0.85)
- addProjectile(bullet.Position,bullet.CFrame*CF(0,-1,0),800,function() end,function(cf) bullet.CFrame=cf*CF(0,0,1)*CFA(90,0,0) end,function() bullet:Destroy() end)
- muzzleW.C0 = CF(0,-6-2,0)*CFA(0,rotRand,0)*CF(0,0,-2+0.85)*CFA(180,0,0)
- else
- muzzleFlash.Transparency=1
- end
- wait()
- until not Key.q
- muzzleFlash:Destroy()
- LeftGunSmoke.Enabled=false
- LeftGunUse=false
- for i=50,1,-0.5 do
- if LeftGunUse then break end
- if spinSpeed<0 then spinSpeed=0 end
- LeftGunW.C1=LeftGunW.C1*CFA(0,spinSpeed,0)
- spinSpeed=spinSpeed-0.35
- if i%2==0 then PlaySound(assets.Minigun1,LeftGun,0.4+0.8*spinSpeed/40,1) end
- wait()
- end
- elseif k=="]" then
- Pilot = Char.Torso
- Char.Humanoid.Sit = true
- elseif k=="0" then
- end
- end
- ------
- onKeyUp = function(k)
- if k=="a" and not Key.d then
- Turn = 0
- elseif k=="d" and not Key.a then
- Turn = 0
- end
- end
- ------
- onButton1Down = function(k)
- end
- ------
- onButton1Up = function(k)
- end
- ------
- Mouse.KeyDown:connect(function(k)
- Key[k]=true
- onKeyDown(k)
- end)
- -------------------------
- Mouse.KeyUp:connect(function(k)
- Key[k]=false
- onKeyUp(k)
- end)
- Mouse.Button1Down:connect(function()
- Button1=true
- onButton1Down()
- end)
- Mouse.Button1Up:connect(function()
- Button1=false
- onButton1Up()
- end)
- doAfter(1,function() Base.CanCollide=false end)
- runcount = 0
- game:getService'RunService'.Stepped:connect(function(aa,step)
- runcount = runcount+1
- --
- if runcount%10==0 and AnimTorso and Movement and Pilot then
- local y=GetY(Base,Mouse.Hit.p)
- addAnim(Torso2W ,1,1,nil,{ 0, 0, 0, 0, -y, 0})
- end
- --
- if AnimArms and Movement and Pilot then
- local x=GetX(Torso2,Mouse.Hit.p)
- if x>40 then x = 40 end
- if x<-120 then x = -120 end
- addAnim(LElbowW ,1,0.5,nil,{ nil, 0, nil, -120-x, 0, 0})
- if x<-60 then x = -60 end
- addAnim(RElbowW ,1,0.5,nil,{ nil, 0, nil, -120-x, 0, 0})
- end
- --
- if runcount%5==0 and Turn~=0 and Movement and Pilot then
- local turntarg = Base.CFrame*CFA(0,Turn,0)*CF(0,0,-1)
- Gyro.cframe = CF(V3(Base.Position.x,0,Base.Position.z),V3(turntarg.x,0,turntarg.z))
- end
- --
- if Key.w and not Key.s and Movement and Pilot and WalkDir==1 then
- Velo.maxForce = V3(10000000,veloym,10000000)
- local velo = Base.CFrame.lookVector*WalkingSpeed
- Velo.Velocity = V3(velo.x,veloy,velo.z)
- elseif Key.s and not Key.w and Movement and Pilot and WalkDir==-1 then
- Velo.maxForce = V3(10000000,veloym,10000000)
- local velo = Base.CFrame.lookVector*-12
- Velo.Velocity = V3(velo.x,veloy,velo.z)
- else
- Velo.maxForce = V3(10000000,veloym,10000000)
- Velo.Velocity = V3(0,veloy,0)
- end
- --
- for i,anim in pairs(Anims) do
- anim.Current = anim.Current + step
- local CFStart = CF(anim.CFStart[1],anim.CFStart[2],anim.CFStart[3])*CFA(anim.CFStart[4],anim.CFStart[5],anim.CFStart[6])
- local CFEnd = CF( anim.CFEnd[1], anim.CFEnd[2], anim.CFEnd[3])*CFA( anim.CFEnd[4], anim.CFEnd[5], anim.CFEnd[6])
- anim.weld[anim.CC] = CFStart:lerp(CFEnd,anim.Current/anim.Time)
- --print(anim.Current)
- if anim.Current>=anim.Time then
- anim.weld[anim.CC] = CFEnd -- 100%
- Anims[i]=nil
- end
- end
- --
- for i,v in pairs(doAfterT) do
- v.Current = v.Current + step
- if v.Current>=v.Time then
- v.Func()
- doAfterT[i] = nil
- end
- end
- --
- for i,v in pairs(doInT) do
- v.Current = v.Current + step
- if v.Current>v.Time then v.Current = v.Time end -- sometimes exceeds
- v.Func(v.Current/v.Time,i,step)
- if doInT[i] and v.Current>=v.Time then
- if v.FuncEnd then v.FuncEnd() end
- doInT[i] = nil
- end
- end
- --
- end)
- loadAnim:Open(0.2)
- Anim = "Opened"
- mech:MoveTo((CTorso.CFrame*CF(0,0,-30)).p)
- --(CTorso.CFrame*CF(0,0,-16)).p)
- -- hl/
- -- l/_G.m.addAnim(_G.m.BaseW ,1,1,nil,{ 0, 0, 0, 90, 0, 0})
- -- l/_G.m.addAnim(_G.m.LThighW,1,1,nil,{1.5,0.5,0,-25,0,45})
- -- l/ l/
- -- c/for i,v in pairs(workspace.notrmdx["RM Mech 2"]:children()) do if v:IsA'BasePart' then v:SetNetworkOwner(game.Players.notrmdx) end end -- jew
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