

Jul 29th, 2017
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  1. os.loadAPI("button")
  2. local mainMonitor = "top"
  3. GamePanel = peripheral.wrap(mainMonitor)
  4. GamePanel.clear()
  5. ControlPanel = peripheral.wrap("right")
  7. function writeMessage(message, monitor)
  8.     local xc, yc = ControlPanel.getSize()
  9.     ControlPanel.clear()
  10.     ControlPanel.setCursorPos(math.floor((xc - string.len(message))/2+1),yc/2 + 1)
  11.     ControlPanel.write(message)
  12. end
  14. local xo, yo = GamePanel.getSize()
  15. print("Width: "..xo)
  16. print("Height: "..yo)
  17. local width = math.floor((xo-2)/3)
  18. local height = math.floor((yo-2)/3)
  19. print("Box width: "..width)
  20. print("Box height: "..height)
  22. function getEnemy(pPlayer)
  23.     if pPlayer == "x" then
  24.         return "o"
  25.     elseif pPlayer == "o" then
  26.         return "x"
  27.     else
  28.         print("Player \""..pPlayer.."\" has no opponent! (returning nil)")
  29.         return nil
  30.     end
  31. end
  33. activePlayer = "x"
  34. nextGameActivePlayer = getEnemy(activePlayer)
  35. winner = "empty"
  37. function newGame()
  38.     winner = "empty"
  39.     clearAll()
  40.     fillTable()
  41.     activePlayer = nextGameActivePlayer
  42.     nextGameActivePlayer = getEnemy(nextGameActivePlayer)
  43. end
  45. function getPlayerTable()
  46.     local tbl = {}
  47.     for x = 0,2 do
  48.         tbl[x] = {}
  49.         for y = 0,2 do
  50.             tbl[x][y] = button.getPlayer(x..y)
  51.         end
  52.     end
  53.     return tbl
  54. end
  56. function checkGameOver()
  57.     local p1 = "x"
  58.     local p2 = "o"
  59.     local p3 = "empty"
  61.     --Get player information
  62.     local tbl = getPlayerTable()
  64.     --Check draw
  65.     local countNotEmpty = 0
  66.     for x = 0,2 do
  67.         for y = 0,2 do
  68.             if tbl[x][y] ~= p3 then
  69.                 countNotEmpty = countNotEmpty + 1
  70.             end
  71.         end
  72.     end
  73.     if countNotEmpty == 9 then
  74.         return true, p3, {}
  75.     end
  77.     -- Check win
  78.     local countColumns = {[p1] = 0, [p2] = 0}
  79.     local countRows = {[p1] = 0, [p2] = 0}
  80.     local countDiagonal1 = {[p1] = 0, [p2] = 0}
  81.     local countDiagonal2 = {[p1] = 0, [p2] = 0}
  83.     for a = 0,2 do
  84.         countColumns = {[p1] = 0, [p2] = 0}
  85.         countRows = {[p1] = 0, [p2] = 0}
  86.         for b = 0,2 do
  87.             if tbl[a][b] ~= p3 then
  88.                 countColumns[tbl[a][b]] = countColumns[tbl[a][b]] + 1
  89.             end
  90.             if tbl[b][a] ~= p3 then
  91.                 countRows[tbl[b][a]] = countRows[tbl[b][a]] + 1
  92.             end
  93.         end
  95.         if tbl[a][a] ~= p3 then
  96.             countDiagonal1[tbl[a][a]] = countDiagonal1[tbl[a][a]] + 1
  97.         end
  98.         if tbl[a][2 - a] ~= p3 then
  99.             countDiagonal2[tbl[a][2 - a]] = countDiagonal2[tbl[a][2 - a]] + 1
  100.         end
  102.         if countColumns[p1] == 3 then
  103.             return true, p1, {{["x"] = a, ["y"] = 0},{["x"] = a, ["y"] = 1},{["x"] = a, ["y"] = 2}}
  104.         elseif  countColumns[p2] == 3 then
  105.             return true, p2, {{["x"] = a, ["y"] = 0},{["x"] = a, ["y"] = 1},{["x"] = a, ["y"] = 2}}
  106.         end
  107.         if countRows[p1] == 3 then
  108.             return true, p1, {{["x"] = 0, ["y"] = a},{["x"] = 1, ["y"] = a},{["x"] = 2, ["y"] = a}}
  109.         elseif  countRows[p2] == 3 then
  110.             return true, p2, {{["x"] = 0, ["y"] = a},{["x"] = 1, ["y"] = a},{["x"] = 2, ["y"] = a}}
  111.         end
  112.     end
  114.     if countDiagonal1[p1] == 3 then
  115.         return true, p1, {{["x"] = 0, ["y"] = 0},{["x"] = 1, ["y"] = 1},{["x"] = 2, ["y"] = 2}}
  116.     elseif  countDiagonal1[p2] == 3 then
  117.         return true, p2, {{["x"] = 0, ["y"] = 0},{["x"] = 1, ["y"] = 1},{["x"] = 2, ["y"] = 2}}
  118.     end
  119.     if countDiagonal2[p1] == 3 then
  120.         return true, p1, {{["x"] = 0, ["y"] = 2},{["x"] = 1, ["y"] = 1},{["x"] = 2, ["y"] = 0}}
  121.     elseif  countDiagonal2[p2] == 3 then
  122.         return true, p2, {{["x"] = 0, ["y"] = 2},{["x"] = 1, ["y"] = 1},{["x"] = 2, ["y"] = 0}}
  123.     end
  125.     return false, p3, {}
  126. end
  128. function getPlayerName(pPlayer)
  129.     if pPlayer == "x" then
  130.         return "Cross"
  131.     elseif pPlayer == "o" then
  132.         return "Circle"
  133.     elseif pPlayer == "empty" then
  134.         print("Player \"empty\" has no name! (returning \"empty\")")
  135.         return "empty"
  136.     else
  137.         print("Player \""..pPlayer.."\" has is invalid! (returning nil)")
  138.         return nil
  139.     end
  140. end
  142. function fx(params)
  143.     local x = params["x"]
  144.     local y = params["y"]
  145.     print("Field at "..x..","..y.." was clicked")
  146.     if button.getPlayer(x..y) == "empty" then
  147.         print(getPlayerName(activePlayer).." occupied the field at "..x..","..y..".")
  148.         button.setPlayer(x..y, activePlayer)
  149.         activePlayer = getEnemy(activePlayer)
  150.         local gameOver, winner, wInformation = checkGameOver()
  151.         if gameOver then
  152.             print("Game over: "..getPlayerName(winner).." has won.")
  153.             for a,b in pairs(wInformation) do
  154.                 button.setState(b["x"]..b["y"], true)
  155.             end
  156.             if winner == "empty" then
  157.                 writeMessage("Draw! Try again...")
  158.             else
  159.                 writeMessage(getPlayerName(winner).." has won!", ControlPanel)
  160.             end
  161.         else
  162.             writeMessage(getPlayerName(activePlayer).."\'s turn!", ControlPanel)
  163.         end
  164.     else
  165.         print(getPlayerName(activePlayer).." cannot occupy the field at "..x..","..y..". It is already occupied by "..getPlayerName(button.getPlayer(x..y))..".")
  166.     end
  167. end
  169. function fillTable()
  170.     for x = 0,2 do
  171.         for y = 0,2 do
  172.          -- local pos = fieldIndex * FieldWidth + borderIndex * borderWidth(=1) + monitorIndex (0,1,2,3 -> 1,2,3,4)
  173.             local xPos = x * width + x + 1
  174.             local yPos = y * height + y + 1
  175.             print("Drawing button "..x..","..y.." at "..xPos..","..yPos.." to the monitor on the top...")
  176.             button.setTable(x..y, fx, {["x"] = x, ["y"] = y}, xPos, xPos + width - 1, yPos, yPos + height - 1, "top")
  177.         end
  178.     end
  179.     button.screen()
  180. end
  182. function getClick()
  183.     event,side,x,y = os.pullEvent("monitor_touch")
  184.     button.checkxy(x, y, side)
  185. end
  187. fillTable()
  189. while true do
  190.     getClick()
  191. end
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