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- os.loadAPI("button")
- local mainMonitor = "top"
- GamePanel = peripheral.wrap(mainMonitor)
- GamePanel.clear()
- ControlPanel = peripheral.wrap("right")
- function writeMessage(message, monitor)
- local xc, yc = ControlPanel.getSize()
- ControlPanel.clear()
- ControlPanel.setCursorPos(math.floor((xc - string.len(message))/2+1),yc/2 + 1)
- ControlPanel.write(message)
- end
- local xo, yo = GamePanel.getSize()
- print("Width: "..xo)
- print("Height: "..yo)
- local width = math.floor((xo-2)/3)
- local height = math.floor((yo-2)/3)
- print("Box width: "..width)
- print("Box height: "..height)
- function getEnemy(pPlayer)
- if pPlayer == "x" then
- return "o"
- elseif pPlayer == "o" then
- return "x"
- else
- print("Player \""..pPlayer.."\" has no opponent! (returning nil)")
- return nil
- end
- end
- activePlayer = "x"
- nextGameActivePlayer = getEnemy(activePlayer)
- winner = "empty"
- function newGame()
- winner = "empty"
- clearAll()
- fillTable()
- activePlayer = nextGameActivePlayer
- nextGameActivePlayer = getEnemy(nextGameActivePlayer)
- end
- function getPlayerTable()
- local tbl = {}
- for x = 0,2 do
- tbl[x] = {}
- for y = 0,2 do
- tbl[x][y] = button.getPlayer(x..y)
- end
- end
- return tbl
- end
- function checkGameOver()
- local p1 = "x"
- local p2 = "o"
- local p3 = "empty"
- --Get player information
- local tbl = getPlayerTable()
- --Check draw
- local countNotEmpty = 0
- for x = 0,2 do
- for y = 0,2 do
- if tbl[x][y] ~= p3 then
- countNotEmpty = countNotEmpty + 1
- end
- end
- end
- if countNotEmpty == 9 then
- return true, p3, {}
- end
- -- Check win
- local countColumns = {[p1] = 0, [p2] = 0}
- local countRows = {[p1] = 0, [p2] = 0}
- local countDiagonal1 = {[p1] = 0, [p2] = 0}
- local countDiagonal2 = {[p1] = 0, [p2] = 0}
- for a = 0,2 do
- countColumns = {[p1] = 0, [p2] = 0}
- countRows = {[p1] = 0, [p2] = 0}
- for b = 0,2 do
- if tbl[a][b] ~= p3 then
- countColumns[tbl[a][b]] = countColumns[tbl[a][b]] + 1
- end
- if tbl[b][a] ~= p3 then
- countRows[tbl[b][a]] = countRows[tbl[b][a]] + 1
- end
- end
- if tbl[a][a] ~= p3 then
- countDiagonal1[tbl[a][a]] = countDiagonal1[tbl[a][a]] + 1
- end
- if tbl[a][2 - a] ~= p3 then
- countDiagonal2[tbl[a][2 - a]] = countDiagonal2[tbl[a][2 - a]] + 1
- end
- if countColumns[p1] == 3 then
- return true, p1, {{["x"] = a, ["y"] = 0},{["x"] = a, ["y"] = 1},{["x"] = a, ["y"] = 2}}
- elseif countColumns[p2] == 3 then
- return true, p2, {{["x"] = a, ["y"] = 0},{["x"] = a, ["y"] = 1},{["x"] = a, ["y"] = 2}}
- end
- if countRows[p1] == 3 then
- return true, p1, {{["x"] = 0, ["y"] = a},{["x"] = 1, ["y"] = a},{["x"] = 2, ["y"] = a}}
- elseif countRows[p2] == 3 then
- return true, p2, {{["x"] = 0, ["y"] = a},{["x"] = 1, ["y"] = a},{["x"] = 2, ["y"] = a}}
- end
- end
- if countDiagonal1[p1] == 3 then
- return true, p1, {{["x"] = 0, ["y"] = 0},{["x"] = 1, ["y"] = 1},{["x"] = 2, ["y"] = 2}}
- elseif countDiagonal1[p2] == 3 then
- return true, p2, {{["x"] = 0, ["y"] = 0},{["x"] = 1, ["y"] = 1},{["x"] = 2, ["y"] = 2}}
- end
- if countDiagonal2[p1] == 3 then
- return true, p1, {{["x"] = 0, ["y"] = 2},{["x"] = 1, ["y"] = 1},{["x"] = 2, ["y"] = 0}}
- elseif countDiagonal2[p2] == 3 then
- return true, p2, {{["x"] = 0, ["y"] = 2},{["x"] = 1, ["y"] = 1},{["x"] = 2, ["y"] = 0}}
- end
- return false, p3, {}
- end
- function getPlayerName(pPlayer)
- if pPlayer == "x" then
- return "Cross"
- elseif pPlayer == "o" then
- return "Circle"
- elseif pPlayer == "empty" then
- print("Player \"empty\" has no name! (returning \"empty\")")
- return "empty"
- else
- print("Player \""..pPlayer.."\" has is invalid! (returning nil)")
- return nil
- end
- end
- function fx(params)
- local x = params["x"]
- local y = params["y"]
- print("Field at "..x..","..y.." was clicked")
- if button.getPlayer(x..y) == "empty" then
- print(getPlayerName(activePlayer).." occupied the field at "..x..","..y..".")
- button.setPlayer(x..y, activePlayer)
- activePlayer = getEnemy(activePlayer)
- local gameOver, winner, wInformation = checkGameOver()
- if gameOver then
- print("Game over: "..getPlayerName(winner).." has won.")
- for a,b in pairs(wInformation) do
- button.setState(b["x"]..b["y"], true)
- end
- if winner == "empty" then
- writeMessage("Draw! Try again...")
- else
- writeMessage(getPlayerName(winner).." has won!", ControlPanel)
- end
- else
- writeMessage(getPlayerName(activePlayer).."\'s turn!", ControlPanel)
- end
- else
- print(getPlayerName(activePlayer).." cannot occupy the field at "..x..","..y..". It is already occupied by "..getPlayerName(button.getPlayer(x..y))..".")
- end
- end
- function fillTable()
- for x = 0,2 do
- for y = 0,2 do
- -- local pos = fieldIndex * FieldWidth + borderIndex * borderWidth(=1) + monitorIndex (0,1,2,3 -> 1,2,3,4)
- local xPos = x * width + x + 1
- local yPos = y * height + y + 1
- print("Drawing button "..x..","..y.." at "..xPos..","..yPos.." to the monitor on the top...")
- button.setTable(x..y, fx, {["x"] = x, ["y"] = y}, xPos, xPos + width - 1, yPos, yPos + height - 1, "top")
- end
- end
- button.screen()
- end
- function getClick()
- event,side,x,y = os.pullEvent("monitor_touch")
- button.checkxy(x, y, side)
- end
- fillTable()
- while true do
- getClick()
- end
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