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- -- OpenPeripheral terminal glasses demo
- -- by derekseitz
- local p = peripheral.wrap("top")
- if p == nil then
- print("Peripheral not found")
- return
- end
- p.clear()
- -- helper function and constants
- function pack(...)
- return {...}
- end
- FORMAT_CHAR = "\194\167"
- -- NOTE
- -- this program works with multiple users (i.e. multiple players attached to same terminal) so it may be more complicated then single user variant
- -- if it's not needed, programs may as well operate only on global surface
- local players = {}
- local attachedCount = 0
- local capturedCount = 0
- -- initialize global display surface
- local labelPlayers = p.addText(-1, 0, "Player count: 0/0");
- labelPlayers.setScreenAnchor("right", "top") -- screen origin (0,0) for this object will be in top right corner
- labelPlayers.setObjectAnchor("right", "bottom") -- "center" of object will be on bottom right corner
- labelPlayers.setRotation(-90) -- object will be rotated by 90 degrees counter-clockwise around object anchor (bottom right corner)
- local function initializePlayer(name, uuid)
- local playerData = { name = name, uuid = uuid}
- -- now we can use private surface, visible only to owner player
- playerData.surface = p.getSurfaceByUUID(playerData.uuid)
- labelPlayer = playerData.surface.addText(0, 0, "Hello " ..
- labelPlayer.setAlignment("middle","top") -- identical as 'labelPlayer.setScreenAnchor("middle","top") labelPlayer.setObjectAnchor("middle","top")'
- -- Minecraft color codes are interpreted ( - but since Lua does not support Unicode, you need to use "\194\167" instead of "\x00A7"
- playerData.labelWaiting = playerData.surface.addText(0, 0, FORMAT_BOLD .. "CAPTURE MODE: OFF", 0xFF0000)
- playerData.labelWaiting.setAlignment("right", "bottom")
- -- add to global list
- -- general hint: it's always safer to use UUID instead of names!
- players[playerData.uuid] = playerData
- end
- local function changeCounter(deltaAttached, deltaCaptured)
- attachedCount = attachedCount + deltaAttached
- capturedCount = capturedCount + deltaCaptured
- labelPlayers.setText("Player count: " .. attachedCount .. "/" .. capturedCount)
- end
- -- initialize already attached players
- for _, user in pairs(p.getUsers()) do
- initializePlayer(, user.uuid)
- changeCounter(1, 0)
- end
- local timerCallbacks = {}
- p.sync() -- this operation is needed to make changes visible to player
- -- classic event loop
- while true do
- evt = pack(os.pullEvent())
- -- full list of glasses events:
- print(evt[1])
- -- easy break condition - it's just ComputerCraft event
- if evt[1] == "key" then
- break -- exit loop
- -- player started wearing glasses
- elseif evt[1] == "glasses_attach" then
- local name = evt[3]
- local uuid = evt[4]
- initializePlayer(name, uuid)
- changeCounter(1, 0)
- -- player logged out or took off glasses
- elseif evt[1] == "glasses_detach" then
- -- components on private surface are automatically cleared when player removes glasses
- local playerUuid = evt[4]
- players[playerUuid] = nil
- changeCounter(-1,0)
- -- player used wireless keyboard - computer will now start getting keyboard and mouse events
- elseif evt[1] == "glasses_capture" then
- changeCounter(0, 1)
- local playerUuid = evt[4]
- local playerData = players[playerUuid]
- if playerData then
- local surface = playerData.surface
- playerData.labelWaiting.setText(FORMAT_BOLD .. "CAPTURE MODE: ON")
- playerData.labelWaiting.setColor(0x00FF00)
- -- middle boxes - will be used as bottons and to present click position
- local function createBox(color)
- local box = surface.addBox(0,0, 25, 25, color)
- box.setScreenAnchor("middle","middle")
- box.setUserdata(color) -- userdata is variable that can be used to store anything (no type or content restrictions, except for functions). It's also not synchronized to clients
- return box
- end
- createBox(0xFF0000).setObjectAnchor("left", "top")
- createBox(0x00FF00).setObjectAnchor("right", "top")
- createBox(0x0000FF).setObjectAnchor("right", "bottom")
- createBox(0xFFFFFF).setObjectAnchor("left", "bottom")
- -- horizontal progress bar
- surface.addBox(0,20, 100, 5, 0x000000).setAlignment("middle","top")
- -- vertical progress bar
- surface.addBox(0,0, 5, 100, 0x000000).setAlignment("right","middle")
- playerData.horizontalMarker = surface.addBox(0, 20, 5, 5, 0xFFFFFF)
- playerData.horizontalMarker.setAlignment("middle","top")
- playerData.verticalMarker = surface.addBox(0, 0, 5, 5, 0xFFFFFF)
- playerData.verticalMarker.setAlignment("right","middle")
- -- pseudo-console stuff
- playerData.textInput = surface.addText(0,0,">", 0x00FF00)
- playerData.textInput.setScreenAnchor("left", "middle")
- playerData.textInput.setObjectAnchor("left", "bottom")
- playerData.textOutput = surface.addText(0,0,"", 0x0000FF)
- playerData.textOutput.setScreenAnchor("left", "middle")
- playerData.textOutput.setObjectAnchor("left", "top")
- playerData.textOutput.setVisible(false)
- -- mouse button indicator
- surface.addBox(10, 10, 19, 9, 0xAAAAAA).setObjectAnchor("middle","top") -- button indicator background
- playerData.mouseButtons = {}
- local function createMouseButton(deltaX)
- local button = surface.addBox(10 + deltaX, 12, 5, 5, 0xFF0000)
- button.setZ(5) -- move it over box (default Z == 0)
- button.setVisible(false)
- button.setObjectAnchor("middle","top")
- return button
- end
- -- mouse and keyboard codes are same as LWJGL, see
- playerData.mouseButtons[0] = createMouseButton(-5) -- left button
- playerData.mouseButtons[1] = createMouseButton(5) -- right button
- playerData.mouseButtons[2] = createMouseButton(0) -- middle button
- end
- -- player exited from keyboard GUI
- elseif evt[1] == "glasses_release" then
- changeCounter(0, -1)
- local playerUuid = evt[4]
- local playerData = players[playerUuid]
- if playerData then
- -- recreate display to initial state
- playerData.surface.clear()
- initializePlayer(, playerData.uuid)
- end
- -- player pressed mouse button anywhere in GUI
- elseif evt[1] == "glasses_mouse_down" then
- local playerUuid = evt[4]
- local playerData = players[playerUuid]
- if playerData then
- local buttonId = evt[5]
- -- changing visibility is faster than recreating and removing element every time
- local button = playerData.mouseButtons[buttonId]
- if button then
- button.setVisible(true)
- end
- end
- -- player released mouse button anywhere in GUI
- elseif evt[1] == "glasses_mouse_up" then
- local playerUuid = evt[4]
- local playerData = players[playerUuid]
- local buttonId = evt[5]
- if playerData then
- button = playerData.mouseButtons[buttonId]
- if button then
- button.setVisible(false)
- end
- end
- -- player clicked on component (if you got this event, then you won't get glasses_mouse_down. Same for glasses_component_mouse_up and glasses_mouse_up)
- elseif evt[1] == "glasses_component_mouse_down" then
- local isPrivate = evt[6]
- if isPrivate then
- local playerUuid = evt[4]
- local playerData = players[playerUuid]
- if playerData then
- local objectId = evt[5]
- local component = playerData.surface.getObjectById(objectId)
- local userdata = component.getUserdata()
- if userdata then -- only rectangles in middle have that value filled
- -- capture control is special object used to control few properties of keyboard GUI
- local capture = p.getCaptureControl(playerUuid)
- capture.setBackground(userdata)
- playerData.horizontalMarker.setColor(userdata)
- playerData.verticalMarker.setColor(userdata)
- end
- -- click position is given in pixels from top left component corner
- local clickX = evt[7]
- local clickY = evt[8]
- -- -0.5, since anchor is in middle of screen
- playerData.horizontalMarker.setX((clickX / 25.0 - 0.5) * 100)
- playerData.verticalMarker.setY((clickY / 25.0 - 0.5) * 100)
- end
- end
- elseif evt[1] == "glasses_key_down" then
- local playerUuid = evt[4]
- local playerData = players[playerUuid]
- if playerData then
- local code = evt[5] -- control code, see for keymap
- local char = evt[6] -- may be 0 for some control characters
- local input = playerData.textInput
- local contents = input.getText()
- if code == 14 then -- backspace
- if contents:len() > 1 then
- input.setText(contents:sub(0, -2))
- end
- elseif code == 28 then -- enter
- input.setText(">")
- local function setOutput(text, color)
- playerData.textOutput.setText(text)
- playerData.textOutput.setColor(color)
- playerData.textOutput.setVisible(true)
- local timerId = os.startTimer(1)
- timerCallbacks[timerId] = function ()
- playerData.textOutput.setVisible(false)
- end
- end
- -- alternative to writing tons of ifs. Normally would be initialized once before main loop, but this is demo/semi-tutorial
- local commands = {}
- function commands.hello(playerData)
- setOutput("Hi!", 0xFFFF00)
- end
- function commands.exit(playerData)
- -- manually exit keyboard GUI. Player can do it itself by using escape button (same as normal Minecraft GUIs)
- p.getCaptureControl(playerData.uuid).stopCapturing()
- end
- -- sorry, couldn't resist
- local function createColorCommand(color)
- return function(playerData)
- playerData.textInput.setColor(color)
- setOutput("OK", color)
- end
- end
- = createColorCommand(0xFF0000)
- = createColorCommand(0x00FF00)
- = createColorCommand(0x0000FF)
- command = contents:sub(2, -1)
- commandSub = commands[command] -- skip console prompt
- if commandSub then
- commandSub(playerData)
- else
- setOutput("invalid command: " .. command, 0xFF0000)
- end
- elseif string.byte(char) >= 0x20 then -- skip unprintable control chars
- input.setText(contents .. char)
- end
- end
- elseif evt[1] == "timer" then
- local timerId = evt[2]
- callback = timerCallbacks[timerId]
- if callback then callback() end
- timerCallbacks[timerId] = nil
- end
- -- sync() shouldn't be called often
- -- if called without changes, nothing will happen
- -- this method is synchronized - i.e. it can be executed only once per game tick (1/20 s). Other instructions don't have that limit
- p.sync()
- end
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